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Created January 16, 2013 02:09
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# I removed the big tag up top for now. Feel free to add it if you like
# Also removed the '#!/bin/python' bit as this script will never be run
# The namedtuple will be used for handling locations
from collections import namedtuple
# I moved the grid to a separate file because it cluttered up this one.
# Might as well keep the ugly contained, ya know?
from grid import grid
# This essentially creates a non-mutable class.
# You can create locations using the normal instantiation notation:
# a_location = Location(4, 2)
# some_location = Location(x=10, y=23)
# another_location = Location(y=23, x=10)
# Rather than passing an 'x' and 'y' argument to each method and worrying
# about their order, let's just abstract the concept into a location object
# and just pass that! Notice how much nicer the API is for each of the
# methods in the 'Board' class.
Location = namedtuple('Location', ['x', 'y'])
# This is essentially an enum. We use destructuring (tuple unpacking)
# to assign the numbers 0 through 3 to the given names. The only reason
# we do this is to increase readability. I'd rather see INACCESSABLE
# than a simple zero int.
# This is currently only used in one case where a method is called to
# determine if a door is accessable and the given destination is not
# a door. I'd rather be notified if that method is being called when
# it shouldn't than simply being given a False result. Sometimes, breaking
# is a better behavior than tenacity, particularly when building up the
# program
class NotCorrectTileError(Exception):
"""Used to indicate that a tile is not the type of tile expected"""
# I renamed this to 'Board' from 'GameBoard' because I felt that the
# previous name didn't add anything by prepending 'Game' to the name.
class Board(object):
# Docstrings are good. Use them so that you understand what things
# are supposed to do. Don't spend time on implementation details,
# just talk about the general idea of the method or class.
"""The board on which the Sleuth game is played
The Board is a singleton with only class methods and attributes. This
class is used in making determiniations and no method will mutate any
given argument or state of the Board.
# This 'private' dict will translate the grid numbers to the
# enums created above.
_tile_type = {0: INACCESSABLE,
# Much cleaner than having the actual large grid here!
_grid = grid
# Since this is a singleton, we'll cache the only instance here.
# More on this shortly (__new__)
_board_instance = None
# The __new__ method is used when creating a class. This is a class
# method rather than an instance method. As such, we use 'cls' (by
# convention) rather than 'self'. You'll be seeing this a lot in the
# other methods in this class. Instead of an instance being passed
# (no instance exists at this point!), the actual 'Board' class is
# passed (this is true in all class methods). We first check to see
# if an instance of the Board exists at Board._board_instance and
# if there is not, we create one and assign it to that class variable.
# Once we're sure that an instance does exist (whether we created one
# or if one already existed), we return that instance.
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
if not cls._board_instance:
# Python 2 syntax for 'super' sucks. That's life.
cls._board_instance = super(Board, cls).__new__(
cls, *args, **kwargs)
return cls._board_instance
# Only the __new__ method is implicitly a class method, all others
# must be declared as such. We do so using this decorator.
# This decorator is the same as using: classmethod(board_width)
# A class method belongs to the class, and when called (even from
# an instance, the class of that instance ('Board' in this case) is
# passed instead of the usual instance. For that reason, it is convention
# to use 'cls' as the first parameter instead of 'self'.
# Another decorator! This time, we're asking the method to behave as
# if it were an attribute (member variable) of the class:
# Board.board_width rather than Board.board_width()
# This is a stylistic choice, and I do so because there are no args
# to be passed and so it seems a good candidate to become a
# virtual attribute.
def board_width(cls):
"""Width of the game board in tiles"""
return len(cls._grid[0])
# Same thing as above, but this time for height.
def board_height(cls):
"""Height of the game board in tiles"""
return len(cls._grid)
# Isn't that function signature nicer than "tile_at(cls, x, y)"?
# This is just part of why the Location namedtuple is a good idea.
def tile_at(cls, location):
"""Determine the type of tile at a given location on the board."""
# I could have used the following:
# return cls._tile_type[cls._grid[location.y][location.x]]
# but that's long, complicated, and hard to understand quickly.
# Essentially we're performing the following atomic actions:
# row = cls._grid[location.y]
# cell = row[location.x]
# tile = cls._tile_type[cell]
# return tile
# I like to break this down somewhat for the sake of readability,
# even if it makes it slightly less terse. Readability is king!
# Readability is also improved due to the Location namedtuple.
# Instead of dealing with indexing a tuple, we have an object
# with attributes (Namedtuples can be indexed too!).
tile = cls._grid[location.y][location.x]
return cls._tile_type[tile]
# You already had something like this in your 'move' method, but
# remember how readability is king? I like to have actions like this
# be named so that when used in the context of some other more complex
# method, it's immediately obvious what's going on rather than having
# to parse the code. Names are good and support readability!
def is_accessable(cls, location):
"""Determines if a tile is an accessable tile"""
return cls.tile_at(location) is not INACCESSABLE
# Again, this was in the 'move' method, but it was factored into
# its own method to name the action and improve readability.
def in_board(cls, location):
"""Determines if a location is inside of the board dimensions"""
# I find the following more readable than breaking it into
# two conditions like this:
# 0 <= location.x and location.x < cls.board_width
# They're the same, but I find it to be cleaner syntax. Up to you.
return (0 <= location.x < cls.board_width and
0 <= location.y < cls.board_height)
# This was the more complex part of the 'move' method, and it was not
# immediately apparent what was going on in the code. After spending a
# few seconds reading the method, you can understand, but why not name
# the action and make it more easily understandable?
def door_accessable(cls, location, door_location):
"""Determine if a door is accessable from given location
If a door is of the North/South variety, it is accessable only from
the tile above or below it. If the given door location is East/West,
it is accessable only from the tile to the left or to the right.
Raises a NotCorrectTileError if the given door location is not a door.
tile_type = cls.tile_at(door_location)
if not cls.is_door(door_location):
raise NotCorrectTileError("Given tile ({}, {}) not a door".format(
door_location.x, door_location.y))
if tile_type is DOOR_NS:
# Given my earlier comments about naming actions, one might
# be tempted to make a method: Board.same_row and
# Board.same_column, but I feel that this is a simple and
# obvious enough action to leave unnamed. There's a line to be
# drawn between readability and overly verbose and it's up to
# you to define it.
return (location.x == door_location.x and
location.y == door_location.y + 1 or
location.y == door_location.y - 1)
elif tile_type is DOOR_EW:
return (location.y == door_location.y and
location.x == door_location.x + 1 or
location.x == door_location.x - 1)
return False
# This is an example of some code that I feel is obvious enough to
# not need a name, but it is used in two places in various methods,
# so let's pull it into a method so that we don't need to repeat
# ourselves. This is known as the DRY principle (Don't Repeat Yourself).
# When we repeat ourselves, we have to be concerned with changing code
# in multiple locations, which can lead to bugs if we modify one bit
# and not the other. Beware of cutting and pasting code, or repeating code
def is_door(cls, location):
"""Determine if a given location is a door"""
return cls.tile_at(location) in (DOOR_EW, DOOR_NS)
# This was your 'move' method. Since 'move' is a verb, you might expect
# such a method to mutate one of the arguments, or some state. Since
# this does not, nor does it do any actual moving, I feel that this
# (or some similar phrase) is a better name. This was a fairly
# difficult method to parse before. Check the difference between the
# readability of the 'move' method before the refactoring and now.
# Notice how the named actions that have been refactored into methods
# help a reader to immediately understand what the code is trying to do?
def available_destinations(cls, roll, start_location, exclude):
"""Determine the places to which a player may move
Given a Location from which to start and a roll representing the
times a player may traverse tiles, determines the legal destinations
and returns them in a set recursively.
Locations in the exclude set will be excluded from the legal
if roll == 0:
# We use set methods union and update later, which expect sets
# and this was a list. Make sure to read the docs and/or test
# your ideas in an interpreter to make sure that you're using
# methods the right way. Understanding methods is important in
# a non-explicitly typed language like Python. Instead of a
# compiler or IDE warning, you'll just get an TypeError. Try
# it in your interpreter.
return {start_location}
legal_moves = set()
for location in cls.adjacent_locations(start_location):
if not cls.in_board(location) and not cls.is_accessable(location):
if (cls.is_door(location) and
not cls.door_accessable(start_location, location)):
# I broke these steps down to reduce apparent complexity to
# a reader. I could have chained the methods together and all,
# but it would have been slightly more difficult to read, and
# an extra line is a small price to pay for readability!
destinations = cls.available_destinations(
roll - 1, location, exclude.union({start_location}))
# Notice the use of 'union' above and set method 'update' below?
# The two methods do similar tasks (join sets, essentially), but
# 'union' produces a new set object while 'update' mutates the
# set instance that calls it. It's important to read the docs
# and understand the methods and what they do.
# Also, you tried to concatenate a set with a list in your method,
# which won't work. I chose to use the set.union method instead
# of mutating the set object else each recursion would be working
# off of the same set object, which we don't necessarily want.
# Or maybe we do, that one you'll have to let me know about.
# Your scoping of legal_moves (or whatever it was called before)
# was such that it was contained in the for-loop which would cause
# the method to return before iterating through each of the possible
# adjacent locations.
return legal_moves
def adjacent_locations(cls, location):
"""Returns a list of locations adjacent to a given location
Adjacency is defined as those locations above, below, to the left,
or to the right of a given location
# We have a Location namedtuple, so we'll be sure to use it.
# Try not to deal in raw data like an 'x' and 'y' int or even a
# tuple if you don't have to. Names are good and I'd rather ask
# for an attribute than index a tuple:
# location_namedtuple.x vs location_tuple[0]
# It may be a good choice to name the arguments, up to you.
# ie. Location(x=location.x - 1, y=location.y)
return [Location(location.x - 1, location.y),
Location(location.x + 1, location.y),
Location(location.x, location.y - 1),
Location(location.x, location.y + 1)]
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