July 20, 2017 10:28
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Test #1
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<?php | |
/* | |
Author: Zhen Huang | |
URL: | |
This place is much cleaner. Put your theme specific codes here, | |
anything else you may want to use plugins to keep things tidy. | |
*/ | |
/* | |
1. lib/clean.php | |
- head cleanup | |
- post and images related cleaning | |
*/ | |
require_once('lib/clean.php'); // do all the cleaning and enqueue here | |
/* | |
2. lib/enqueue-style.php | |
- enqueue Foundation and Reverie CSS | |
*/ | |
require_once('lib/enqueue-style.php'); | |
/* | |
3. lib/foundation.php | |
- add pagination | |
*/ | |
require_once('lib/foundation.php'); // load Foundation specific functions like top-bar | |
/* | |
4. lib/nav.php | |
- custom walker for top-bar and related | |
*/ | |
require_once('lib/nav.php'); // filter default wordpress menu classes and clean wp_nav_menu markup | |
/* | |
5. lib/presstrends.php | |
- add PressTrends, tracks how many people are using Reverie | |
*/ | |
require_once('lib/presstrends.php'); // load PressTrends to track the usage of Reverie across the web, comment this line if you don't want to be tracked | |
require_once('lib/options.php'); // load PressTrends to track the usage of Reverie across the web, comment this line if you don't want to be tracked | |
/********************** | |
Add theme supports | |
**********************/ | |
if( ! function_exists( 'reverie_theme_support' ) ) { | |
function reverie_theme_support() { | |
// Add language supports. | |
load_theme_textdomain('reverie', get_template_directory() . '/lang'); | |
// Add post thumbnail supports. | |
add_theme_support('post-thumbnails'); | |
//set_post_thumbnail_size(373, 239, true); | |
add_image_size('fd-lrg', 1024, 99999); | |
add_image_size('fd-med', 768, 99999); | |
add_image_size('fd-sm', 373, 239); | |
// rss thingy | |
add_theme_support('automatic-feed-links'); | |
// Add post formats support. | |
add_theme_support('post-formats', array('aside', 'gallery', 'link', 'image', 'quote', 'status', 'video', 'audio', 'chat')); | |
// Add menu support. | |
add_theme_support('menus'); | |
register_nav_menus(array( | |
'primary' => __('Primary Navigation', 'reverie'), | |
'additional' => __('Additional Navigation', 'reverie'), | |
'utility' => __('Utility Navigation', 'reverie') | |
)); | |
// Add custom background support | |
add_theme_support( 'custom-background', | |
array( | |
'default-image' => '', // background image default | |
'default-color' => '', // background color default (dont add the #) | |
'wp-head-callback' => '_custom_background_cb', | |
'admin-head-callback' => '', | |
'admin-preview-callback' => '' | |
) | |
); | |
} | |
} | |
add_action('after_setup_theme', 'reverie_theme_support'); /* end Reverie theme support */ | |
// create widget areas: sidebar, footer | |
$sidebars = array('Sidebar'); | |
foreach ($sidebars as $sidebar) { | |
register_sidebar(array('name'=> $sidebar, | |
'id' => 'Sidebar', | |
'before_widget' => '<article id="%1$s" class="panel widget %2$s">', | |
'after_widget' => '</article>', | |
'before_title' => '<h4>', | |
'after_title' => '</h4>' | |
)); | |
} | |
$sidebars = array('Footer 1'); | |
foreach ($sidebars as $sidebar) { | |
register_sidebar(array('name'=> $sidebar, | |
'id' => 'footer_1', | |
'before_widget' => '<article id="%1$s" class="widget %2$s">', | |
'after_widget' => '</article>', | |
'before_title' => '<h5>', | |
'after_title' => '</h5>' | |
)); | |
} | |
$sidebars = array('Footer 2'); | |
foreach ($sidebars as $sidebar) { | |
register_sidebar(array('name'=> $sidebar, | |
'id' => 'footer_2', | |
'before_widget' => '<article id="%1$s" class="widget %2$s">', | |
'after_widget' => '</article>', | |
'before_title' => '<h5>', | |
'after_title' => '</h5>' | |
)); | |
} | |
$sidebars = array('Footer 3'); | |
foreach ($sidebars as $sidebar) { | |
register_sidebar(array('name'=> $sidebar, | |
'id' => 'footer_3', | |
'before_widget' => '<article id="%1$s" class="widget %2$s">', | |
'after_widget' => '</article>', | |
'before_title' => '<h5>', | |
'after_title' => '</h5>' | |
)); | |
} | |
// return entry meta information for posts, used by multiple loops, you can override this function by defining them first in your child theme's functions.php file | |
if ( ! function_exists( 'reverie_entry_meta' ) ) { | |
function reverie_entry_meta() { | |
echo '<span class="byline author">'. __('Written by', 'reverie') .' <a href="'. get_author_posts_url(get_the_author_meta('ID')) .'" rel="author" class="fn">'. get_the_author() .', </a></span>'; | |
echo '<time class="updated" datetime="'. get_the_time('c') .'" pubdate>'. get_the_time('F jS, Y') .'</time>'; | |
} | |
}; | |
// Register Custom Post Type | |
function whatson() { | |
$labels = array( | |
'name' => _x( 'Activities', 'Post Type General Name', 'text_domain' ), | |
'singular_name' => _x( 'Activity', 'Post Type Singular Name', 'text_domain' ), | |
'menu_name' => __( 'Activity', 'text_domain' ), | |
'name_admin_bar' => __( 'Activity', 'text_domain' ), | |
'archives' => __( 'Activity Archives', 'text_domain' ), | |
'parent_item_colon' => __( 'Parent Activity:', 'text_domain' ), | |
'all_items' => __( 'All Activities', 'text_domain' ), | |
'add_new_item' => __( 'Add New Activity', 'text_domain' ), | |
'add_new' => __( 'Add New', 'text_domain' ), | |
'new_item' => __( 'New Activity', 'text_domain' ), | |
'edit_item' => __( 'Edit Activity', 'text_domain' ), | |
'update_item' => __( 'Update Activity', 'text_domain' ), | |
'view_item' => __( 'View Activity', 'text_domain' ), | |
'search_items' => __( 'Search Activity', 'text_domain' ), | |
'not_found' => __( 'Not found', 'text_domain' ), | |
'not_found_in_trash' => __( 'Not found in Trash', 'text_domain' ), | |
'featured_image' => __( 'Featured Image', 'text_domain' ), | |
'set_featured_image' => __( 'Set featured image', 'text_domain' ), | |
'remove_featured_image' => __( 'Remove featured image', 'text_domain' ), | |
'use_featured_image' => __( 'Use as featured image', 'text_domain' ), | |
'insert_into_item' => __( 'Insert into Activity', 'text_domain' ), | |
'uploaded_to_this_item' => __( 'Uploaded to this Activity', 'text_domain' ), | |
'items_list' => __( 'Activities list', 'text_domain' ), | |
'items_list_navigation' => __( 'Activitie list navigation', 'text_domain' ), | |
'filter_items_list' => __( 'Filter Activities list', 'text_domain' ), | |
); | |
$args = array( | |
'label' => __( 'Activity', 'text_domain' ), | |
'description' => __( 'Latest Activity Post Type', 'text_domain' ), | |
'labels' => $labels, | |
'supports' => array( 'title', 'editor', 'thumbnail', ), | |
//'taxonomies' => array( 'category', 'post_tag' ), | |
'hierarchical' => false, | |
'public' => true, | |
'show_ui' => true, | |
'show_in_menu' => true, | |
'menu_position' => 5, | |
'show_in_admin_bar' => true, | |
'show_in_nav_menus' => true, | |
'can_export' => true, | |
'has_archive' => true, | |
'exclude_from_search' => false, | |
'publicly_queryable' => true, | |
'capability_type' => 'page', | |
); | |
register_post_type( 'whatson', $args ); | |
} | |
add_action( 'init', 'whatson', 0 ); | |
// Register Custom Post Type | |
function custom_article() { | |
$labels = array( | |
'name' => _x( 'Articles', 'Post Type General Name', 'text_domain' ), | |
'singular_name' => _x( 'Article', 'Post Type Singular Name', 'text_domain' ), | |
'menu_name' => __( 'Article', 'text_domain' ), | |
'name_admin_bar' => __( 'Article', 'text_domain' ), | |
'archives' => __( 'Article Archives', 'text_domain' ), | |
'parent_item_colon' => __( 'Parent Article:', 'text_domain' ), | |
'all_items' => __( 'All Articles', 'text_domain' ), | |
'add_new_item' => __( 'Add New Article', 'text_domain' ), | |
'add_new' => __( 'Add New', 'text_domain' ), | |
'new_item' => __( 'New Article', 'text_domain' ), | |
'edit_item' => __( 'Edit Article', 'text_domain' ), | |
'update_item' => __( 'Update Article', 'text_domain' ), | |
'view_item' => __( 'View Article', 'text_domain' ), | |
'search_items' => __( 'Search Article', 'text_domain' ), | |
'not_found' => __( 'Not found', 'text_domain' ), | |
'not_found_in_trash' => __( 'Not found in Trash', 'text_domain' ), | |
'featured_image' => __( 'Featured Image', 'text_domain' ), | |
'set_featured_image' => __( 'Set featured image', 'text_domain' ), | |
'remove_featured_image' => __( 'Remove featured image', 'text_domain' ), | |
'use_featured_image' => __( 'Use as featured image', 'text_domain' ), | |
'insert_into_item' => __( 'Insert into Article', 'text_domain' ), | |
'uploaded_to_this_item' => __( 'Uploaded to this Article', 'text_domain' ), | |
'items_list' => __( 'Articles list', 'text_domain' ), | |
'items_list_navigation' => __( 'Articles list navigation', 'text_domain' ), | |
'filter_items_list' => __( 'Filter Articles list', 'text_domain' ), | |
); | |
$args = array( | |
'label' => __( 'Article', 'text_domain' ), | |
'description' => __( 'Article Post', 'text_domain' ), | |
'labels' => $labels, | |
'supports' => array( 'title', 'editor', 'thumbnail', ), | |
'taxonomies' => array( 'category', 'post_tag' ), | |
'hierarchical' => false, | |
'public' => true, | |
'show_ui' => true, | |
'show_in_menu' => true, | |
'menu_position' => 5, | |
'show_in_admin_bar' => true, | |
'show_in_nav_menus' => true, | |
'can_export' => true, | |
'has_archive' => true, | |
'exclude_from_search' => false, | |
'publicly_queryable' => true, | |
'capability_type' => 'page', | |
); | |
register_post_type( 'article', $args ); | |
} | |
add_action( 'init', 'custom_article', 0 ); | |
function patient() { | |
$labels = array( | |
'name' => _x( 'Patients', 'Post Type General Name', 'text_domain' ), | |
'singular_name' => _x( 'Patient', 'Post Type Singular Name', 'text_domain' ), | |
'menu_name' => __( 'Patient', 'text_domain' ), | |
'name_admin_bar' => __( 'Patient', 'text_domain' ), | |
'archives' => __( 'Patient Archives', 'text_domain' ), | |
'parent_item_colon' => __( 'Parent Patient:', 'text_domain' ), | |
'all_items' => __( 'All Patients', 'text_domain' ), | |
'add_new_item' => __( 'Add New Patient', 'text_domain' ), | |
'add_new' => __( 'Add New', 'text_domain' ), | |
'new_item' => __( 'New Patient', 'text_domain' ), | |
'edit_item' => __( 'Edit Patient', 'text_domain' ), | |
'update_item' => __( 'Update Patient', 'text_domain' ), | |
'view_item' => __( 'View Patient', 'text_domain' ), | |
'search_items' => __( 'Search Patient', 'text_domain' ), | |
'not_found' => __( 'Not found', 'text_domain' ), | |
'not_found_in_trash' => __( 'Not found in Trash', 'text_domain' ), | |
'featured_image' => __( 'Featured Image', 'text_domain' ), | |
'set_featured_image' => __( 'Set featured image', 'text_domain' ), | |
'remove_featured_image' => __( 'Remove featured image', 'text_domain' ), | |
'use_featured_image' => __( 'Use as featured image', 'text_domain' ), | |
'insert_into_item' => __( 'Insert into Patient', 'text_domain' ), | |
'uploaded_to_this_item' => __( 'Uploaded to this Patient', 'text_domain' ), | |
'items_list' => __( 'Patients list', 'text_domain' ), | |
'items_list_navigation' => __( 'Activitie list navigation', 'text_domain' ), | |
'filter_items_list' => __( 'Filter Patients list', 'text_domain' ), | |
); | |
$args = array( | |
'label' => __( 'Patient', 'text_domain' ), | |
'description' => __( 'Latest Patient', 'text_domain' ), | |
'labels' => $labels, | |
'supports' => array( 'title', 'editor', 'thumbnail', ), | |
//'taxonomies' => array( 'category', 'post_tag' ), | |
'hierarchical' => false, | |
'public' => true, | |
'show_ui' => true, | |
'show_in_menu' => true, | |
'menu_position' => 5, | |
'show_in_admin_bar' => true, | |
'show_in_nav_menus' => false, | |
'can_export' => true, | |
'has_archive' => true, | |
'exclude_from_search' => true, | |
'publicly_queryable' => true, | |
'capability_type' => 'page', | |
); | |
register_post_type( 'patient', $args ); | |
} | |
add_action( 'init', 'patient', 0 ); | |
// Set a "PATIENT" custom post type not show up on the website | |
function patient_redirect() { | |
global $wp_query; | |
// redirect from 'slideshow' CPT to home page | |
if ( is_archive('patient') || is_singular('patient') ) : | |
$url = get_bloginfo('url'); | |
wp_redirect( esc_url_raw( $url ), 301 ); | |
exit(); | |
endif; | |
} | |
add_action ( 'template_redirect', 'patient_redirect', 1); | |
function the_excerpts($new_length = 55, $new_more = '...') { | |
add_filter('excerpt_length', function () use ($new_length) { | |
return $new_length; | |
}, 999); | |
add_filter('excerpt_more', function () use ($new_more) { | |
return $new_more; | |
}); | |
$output = get_the_excerpt(); | |
$output = apply_filters('wptexturize', $output); | |
$output = apply_filters('convert_chars', $output); | |
$output = '<p>' . $output . '</p>'; | |
echo $output; | |
} | |
?> |
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