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Last active December 18, 2024 05:21
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Detrend xarray DataArrays using polyfit
import xarray as xr
def detrend_dim(da, dim, deg=1):
# detrend along a single dimension
p = da.polyfit(dim=dim, deg=deg)
fit = xr.polyval(dim, p.polyfit_coefficients)
return da - fit
def detrend(da, dims, deg=1):
# detrend along multiple dimensions
# only valid for linear detrending (deg=1)
da_detrended = da
for dim in dims:
da_detrended = detrend_dim(da_detrended, dim, deg=deg)
return da_detrended
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Hey! This was a useful snippet of code for easy detrending, but I just wanted to say that it doesn't work as it is — when you pass 'dim' to xarray.polyval, it only reads a string, but it needs a coordinate type. I made it work by changing line 6 to:

fit = xr.polyval(da[dim], p.polyfit_coefficients)

Thanks for sharing!

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I would like to know how to adjust the polynomial to remove the non-linear trend using xarray... Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm new to python


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Hi, how to apply this function to xarray dataset?

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