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Created September 24, 2021 20:48
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PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX oboe-core: <>
PREFIX oboe-standard: <>
PREFIX oboe-temporal: <>
PREFIX oboe-characteristics: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX skos: <>
?idVariableSynthesis a :Variable .
?idVariableSynthesis :ofVariable ?variable .
?idVariableSynthesis :hasCategory ?category .
?variable :hasAnaeeVariableName ?anaeeVariableName .
?idVariableSynthesis :hasLocalVariableName ?localVariableName .
?idVariableSynthesis :hasUnit ?unit .
?unit :hasAnaeeUnitName ?anaeeUnitName .
?category :hasCategoryName ?categoryName .
?idVariableSynthesis :hasSite ?site .
?site :hasLocalSiteName ?localSiteName .
?site :hasAnaeeSiteName ?anaeeSiteName .
?site :hasSiteType ?ecoType .
?site :hasSiteTypeName ?ecoTypeName .
?site :hasNetwork ?network .
?network :hasNetworkName ?networkName .
?idVariableSynthesis :hasNbData ?nbData .
?idVariableSynthesis :hasYear ?year .
?idVariableSynthesis :hasISName ?ISName .
?idVariableSynthesis :hasGraphClassName ?graphClassName .
SELECT ?network
(COUNT(*) as ?nbData)
# hint:Query hint:analytic "true" .
# hint:Query hint:optimizer "Runtime" .
# hint:Query hint:constructDistinctSPO "true" .
# hint:Query hint:normalizeFilterExpressions "true" .
# hint:Query hint:maxParallel 5 .
# hint:Query hint:pipelinedHashJoin "true" .
?obs_var_1 a oboe-core:Observation ;
oboe-core:ofEntity ?anyVariable ;
oboe-core:hasMeasurement ?measu_2 ;
:hasVariableContext ?obs_variable_4 ;
oboe-core:hasContext ?obs_timeInstant_50 ;
oboe-core:hasContext ?obs_site_60 .
?measu_2 a oboe-core:Measurement ;
oboe-core:usesStandard ?unit .
OPTIONAL { ?unit rdfs:label ?_anaeeUnitName .
FILTER (lang(?_anaeeUnitName) = "en") } .
BIND ( IF (BOUND (?_anaeeUnitName), ?_anaeeUnitName, "NULL_UNIT_LABEL"@en ) AS ?anaeeUnitName) .
?obs_variable_4 a oboe-core:Observation ;
oboe-core:ofEntity :Variable ;
oboe-core:hasMeasurement ?measu_5 ;
oboe-core:hasMeasurement ?measu_6 ;
oboe-core:hasContext ?obs_categ_7 ;
:informationSystemName ?ISName ;
:graphClassName ?graphClassName .
?obs_categ_7 a oboe-core:Observation ;
oboe-core:ofEntity :VariableCategory ;
oboe-core:hasMeasurement ?measu_8 .
?measu_8 a oboe-core:Measurement ;
oboe-core:usesStandard :Anaee-franceVariableCategoryNamingStandard ;
oboe-core:hasValue ?category .
OPTIONAL { ?category rdfs:label ?_categoryName .
FILTER (lang(?_categoryName ) = "en") } .
BIND ( IF (BOUND (?_categoryName), ?_categoryName , "NULL_CATEGORY_LABEL_NAME"@en ) AS ?categoryName ) .
?measu_5 a oboe-core:Measurement ;
oboe-core:usesStandard :Text ;
oboe-core:hasValue ?localVariableName .
?measu_6 a oboe-core:Measurement ;
oboe-core:usesStandard :Anaee-franceVariableNamingStandard ;
oboe-core:hasValue ?variable .
OPTIONAL { ?variable rdfs:label ?_anaeeVariableName .
FILTER (lang(?_anaeeVariableName ) = "en") } .
BIND ( IF (BOUND (?_anaeeVariableName), ?_anaeeVariableName, "NULL_anaeeVariableName"@en ) AS ?anaeeVariableName ) .
?obs_timeInstant_50 a oboe-core:Observation ;
oboe-core:ofEntity oboe-temporal:TimeInstant ;
oboe-core:hasMeasurement ?measu_51 .
?measu_51 a oboe-core:Measurement ;
oboe-core:ofCharacteristic :Date ;
oboe-core:usesStandard :DateTime ;
oboe-core:hasValue ?date .
?obs_site_60 a oboe-core:Observation ;
oboe-core:ofEntity :ExperimentalSite ;
oboe-core:hasMeasurement ?measu_61 , ?measu_62 ;
oboe-core:hasContext ?obs_expNetwork_63 ;
oboe-core:hasContext ?obs_ecoType_65 .
?measu_61 a oboe-core:Measurement ;
oboe-core:ofCharacteristic oboe-characteristics:Name ;
oboe-core:usesStandard :Text ;
oboe-core:hasValue ?localSiteName .
?measu_62 a oboe-core:Measurement ;
oboe-core:ofCharacteristic oboe-characteristics:Name ;
oboe-core:usesStandard :Anaee-franceExperimentalSiteNamingStandard ;
oboe-core:hasValue ?site .
OPTIONAL { ?site rdfs:label ?_anaeeSiteName .
FILTER (lang( ?_anaeeSiteName ) = "en") } .
BIND ( IF (BOUND (?_anaeeSiteName), ?_anaeeSiteName, "NULL_anaeeSiteName"@en ) AS ?anaeeSiteName) .
?obs_expNetwork_63 a oboe-core:Observation ;
oboe-core:ofEntity :ExperimentalNetwork ;
oboe-core:hasMeasurement ?measu_64 .
?measu_64 a oboe-core:Measurement ;
oboe-core:ofCharacteristic oboe-characteristics:Name ;
oboe-core:usesStandard :Anaee-franceExperimentalNetworkNamingStandard ;
oboe-core:hasValue ?network .
OPTIONAL { ?network rdfs:label ?_networkName .
FILTER (lang(?_networkName ) = "en") } .
BIND ( IF (BOUND (?_networkName), ?_networkName, "NULL_LABEL_INFRA"@en ) AS ?networkName ) .
?obs_ecoType_65 a oboe-core:Observation ;
oboe-core:ofEntity :EcosystemType ;
oboe-core:hasMeasurement ?measu_66 .
?measu_66 a oboe-core:Measurement ;
oboe-core:usesStandard <> ;
oboe-core:hasValue ?ecoType .
?ecoType skos:prefLabel ?_ecoTypeName .
FILTER (lang(?_ecoTypeName ) = "en" )
} .
BIND ( IF (BOUND (?_ecoTypeName), ?_ecoTypeName, "NULL_LABEL_ECOTYPE"@en) AS ?ecoTypeName ) .
# FILTER ( NOT EXISTS { ?obs_ecoType_65 oboe-core:ofEntity :ExperimentalNetwork }) .
BIND(YEAR(?date) AS ?year) .
BIND (URI( REPLACE ( CONCAT ("http://anaee-fr#foret/" ,
?anaeeSiteName , "_" ,
?categoryName , "_" ,
?anaeeVariableName , "_" ,
str(?year) ) ,
" ", "_") ) AS ?idVariableSynthesis ) .
GROUP BY ?network ?networkName ?idVariableSynthesis ?site ?anaeeSiteName
?localSiteName ?ecoType ?ecoTypeName ?category
?categoryName ?variable ?anaeeVariableName ?ISName ?graphClassName
?localVariableName ?unit ?anaeeUnitName ?year
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