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Created June 17, 2022 15:38
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package UselessJava.Day11;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Day11 {
final private String root = "/Users/avi/code/personalStuff/src/UselessJava/Day11/wordLists/";
public String madLibs(String s, int num) throws IOException {
String[] words = s.split("[ \\t\\n]+");
String res = "";
for(int i = 0; i < Math.max(num, 1); i++) {
for(String word : words) {
use the respective "syntax" to specify a word type.
<noun> or <n> is a random noun.
<adverb> or <adv> is a random adverb.
<pnoun> or <pn> is a random plural noun.
If you are every confused, just look at the regexes - they're the key. :D
Try: madLibs("I want to <v> a <n> really badly, but Mom won't let me because it is \"too <adj>.\"", 10)
word = word.replaceAll("(<noun>|<n>)", getRandomLine(root + "nounList.txt"));
word = word.replaceAll("(<adverb>|<adv>)", getRandomLine(root + "adverbList.txt"));
word = word.replaceAll("(<adjective>|<adj>)", getRandomLine(root + "adjectiveList.txt"));
word = word.replaceAll("(<plural noun>|<pnoun>|<pn>)", pluralizeNoun(getRandomLine(root + "nounList.txt")));
word = word.replaceAll("(<singular verb>|<sverb>|<sv>)",singularVerb(getRandomLine(root + "verbList.txt")));
word = word.replaceAll("(<plural verb>|<pverb>|<pv>|<verb>|<v>)", (getRandomLine(root + "verbList.txt")));
word = word.replaceAll("(<present verb>|<psv>)", presentTense(getRandomLine(root + "verbList.txt")));
word = word.replaceAll("(<past tense verb>|<ptv>)", pastTense(getRandomLine(root + "verbList.txt")));
//newline option :D
word = word.replaceAll("(<newline>|<nl>|\\\\n)", "\n");
res += word + " ";
res += "\n";
return res;
public String madLibs(String s) throws IOException {
//to specify multiple madLib instances in one line, write your string with a tab and a positive integer in square brackets.
//example: I want to <v> a <n> really badly, but Mom won't let me because it is "too <adj>." [10]
//more formatting options :D
String s = string.replaceAll("(<tab>|<t>|\\\\t)", "\t");
if(s.matches("(.+\\t+\\[\\d+])")) {
String[] strings = s.split("\\t");
String numString = strings[1].substring(1, strings[1].length() - 1);
int num = Integer.parseInt(numString);
return madLibs(strings[0], num);
return madLibs(s, 1);
private String getRandomLine(String path){
List<String> lines;
lines = Files.readAllLines(Paths.get(path));
catch(IOException e) {
return "[ERROR]";
return lines.get((int)(Math.random() * lines.size()));
private String pluralizeNoun(String noun){
//return the plural of the noun
if(noun.equals("goose")) return "geese";
if(noun.endsWith("ey")) return noun + "s";
if(noun.endsWith("y")) return noun.substring(0, noun.length() - 1) + "ies";
if(noun.endsWith("s")) return noun + "es";
return noun + "s";
private String pastTense(String verb) {
//return the past tense of the verb
if(verb.equals("did") || verb.equals("was") || verb.equals("let")){
return verb;
if(verb.equals("bring")) return "brought";
if(verb.endsWith("buy")) return "bought";
if(verb.endsWith("ing")) return verb.substring(0, verb.length() - 3) + "ought";
return verb.substring(0, verb.length() - 3) + "old";
if(verb.endsWith("ed")) return verb;
if(verb.equals("be")) return "was";
if(verb.equals("have")) return "had";
if(verb.equals("do")) return "did";
if(verb.equals("can")) return "could";
if(verb.endsWith("e")) return verb + "d";
return verb + "ed";
private String presentTense(String verb) {
//return the present tense of the verb
if(verb.endsWith("ed")) return verb.substring(0, verb.length() - 2) + "ing";
if(verb.equals("be")) return "is";
if(verb.equals("have")) return "has";
if(verb.equals("do")) return "does";
if(verb.endsWith("e")) return verb.substring(0, verb.length() - 1)+ "ing";
return verb + "ing";
private String singularVerb(String verb) {
if(verb.endsWith("sh")) return verb + "es";
if(verb.endsWith("ch")) return verb + "es";
if(verb.equals("be")) return "are";
return verb + "s";
class Main{
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
Day11 d = new Day11();
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
while (true){
System.out.println("Enter a string bud. Do it. You won't.");
String s = sc.nextLine();
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