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Created March 14, 2017 18:26
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Rumbda basics (tl;dr)
const exec = require('child_process').exec;
exports.handler = function(event, context, callback) {
const child = exec('./ruby_wrapper ' + "'" + JSON.stringify(event) + "'", (error, stdout, stderr) => {
callback(null, JSON.parse(stdout));
child.stdout.on('data', console.log);
child.stderr.on('data', console.error);
# Example usage:
# require 'httparty'
# response = HTTParty.get('')
# puts "Access environment variables via ENV: #{ENV['AWS_REGION']}"
# eg. access the `event` that triggered the Lambda execution —
# puts "Access the event via JSON.parse(ARGV.first): #{JSON.parse(ARGV.first)}"
require 'json'
print JSON.generate({"hello"=>"world"})
set -e
# Figure out where this script is located.
SELFDIR="`dirname \"$0\"`"
SELFDIR="`cd \"$SELFDIR\" && pwd`"
# Tell Bundler where the Gemfile and gems are.
export BUNDLE_GEMFILE="$SELFDIR/vendor/Gemfile"
# Run the actual app using the bundled Ruby interpreter, with Bundler activated.
exec "$SELFDIR/ruby/bin/ruby" -rbundler/setup "$SELFDIR/source/main.rb" "$@"
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