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Created June 7, 2017 09:57
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Bash script to download all HD videos + PDF slides for WWDC 2017
#Setup the environnement
mkdir wwdc2017
cd wwdc2017
mkdir tmp_download
cd tmp_download
#Extract IDs
echo "Downloading the index"
wget -q -O index.html
# find parts of the document where data-released=true, all the way to the first H4 header where title of that talk is
# then find lines containing "videos/play/wwdc2017", then remove all chars except session number, then clean duplicated lines
cat index.html | sed -n '/data-released=\"true\"/,/\<h4/p' | grep videos/play/wwdc2017 | sed -e 's/.*wwdc2017\///' -e 's/\/\"\>//' | sed '$!N; /^\(.*\)\n\1$/!P; D' > ../downloadData
rm index.html
#Iterate through the talk IDs
while read -r line
#Download the page with the real download URL and the talk name
wget -q "$line/" -O webpage
#We grab the title of the page then clean it up
talkName=$(cat webpage | grep "<title" | sed -e "s/.*\<title\>//" -e "s/ \- WWDC 2017.*//")
#We grep "_hd_" which bring up the download URL, then some cleanup
#If we were to want SD video, all we would have to do is replace _hd_ by _sd_
dlURL=$(cat webpage | grep _hd_ | sed -e "s/.*href\=//" -e "s/\>.*//" -e "s/\"//g")
pdfURL=$(cat webpage | grep .pdf | grep devstreaming | sed -e "s/.*href\=//" -e "s/\>.*//" -e "s/\"//g" -e "s/ .*$//g")
rm webpage
#Is there a video URL?
if [ -z "$dlURL" ]; then
echo "Video $line ($talkName)"
echo " url: $dlURL"
#Great, we download the file
wget -c "$dlURL" -O "../$line - $talkName.mp4"
#Is there a PDF URL?
if [ -z "$pdfURL" ]; then
echo "PDF $line ($talkName)"
echo " url: $pdfURL"
#Great, we download the file
wget -c "$pdfURL" -O "../$line - $talkName.pdf"
done < "../downloadData"
cd ..
rm -rf tmp_download
rm downloadData
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How many GB are all videos?

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jamyc commented Jun 12, 2017

@ulidev ±150GB

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