Note: This works all except for the shell script part. Need to figure that out. You can do it interactively just not from the command prompt.
- Install Git
- Install Git Bash via Git Tortoise install
- Added HOME=/c/Users/$USERNAME to C:\Program Files\Git\etc\profile
- See
- Download rsync.exe from use 7-zip to decompress
- See
- Put rsync.exe into C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin
- Open Git Bash and create a key file using ssh-keygen
- Create a shell script that copies the files
- Example
eval $(ssh-agent -s)
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
rsync -avz Pictures/ root@targetmachine:/data/pictures/
- Run the shell script from the command line
- "c:\Program Files\git\bin\sh.exe" -c "sh"
I started reading here for my quest of having rsync working on Git Bash; but it seemed complicated, so I went elsewhere.
I ended up downloading cwRsync client, unzipping, putting the bin folder in Windows system-wide variables, and voilà !