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Created May 3, 2011 19:51
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Definite Clause Grammars with core.logic (aka Logos) in Clojure
(ns dcg
(:refer-clojure :exclude [reify == inc])
(:use (clojure.core.logic minikanren prelude)))
(declare sentence noun-phrase verb-phrase det noun verb)
(defn sentence [s1 s3]
(exist [s2]
(noun-phrase s1 s2)
(verb-phrase s2 s3)))
(defn noun-phrase [s1 s3]
(exist [s2]
(det s1 s2)
(noun s2 s3)))
(defn verb-phrase [s1 s3]
(exist [s2]
(verb s1 s2)
(noun-phrase s2 s3)))
(defne det [s1 s2]
([['the . ?x] ?x])
([['a . ?x] ?x]))
(defne noun [s1 s2]
([['cat . ?x] ?x])
([['bat . ?x] ?x]))
(defne verb [s1 s2]
([['eats . ?x] ?x]))
(run* [q] (sentence q ()))
((the cat eats the cat)
(the cat eats the bat)
(the cat eats a cat)
(the cat eats a bat)
(the bat eats the cat)
(the bat eats the bat)
(the bat eats a cat)
(the bat eats a bat)
(a cat eats the cat)
(a bat eats the cat)
(a cat eats the bat)
(a cat eats a cat)
(a bat eats the bat)
(a cat eats a bat)
(a bat eats a cat)
(a bat eats a bat))
(run* [q] (sentence '(the cat eats a bat) ()))
(run* [q] (sentence '(the cat a bat eats) ()))
(declare sentance pronoun verb-phrase verb)
(defn sentence [s1 s3]
(exist [s2]
(pronoun :subject s1 s2)
(verb-phrase s2 s3)))
(defn verb-phrase [s1 s3]
(exist [s2]
(verb s1 s2)
(pronoun :object s2 s3)))
(defne pronoun [case s1 s2]
([:subject ['he . ?x] ?x])
([:subject ['she . ?x] ?x])
([:object ['him . ?x] ?x])
([:object ['her . ?x] ?x]))
(defne verb [s1 s2]
([['likes . ?x] ?x]))
(run* [q] (sentence q []))
((he likes him) (he likes her) (she likes him) (she likes her))
(run* [q] (sentence '(she likes him) ()))
(run* [q] (sentence '(her likes he) ()))
(declare make-sen make-np make-vp make-d make-n make-v
sentence noun-phrase verb-phrase det noun verb)
(defn make-sen [np vp]
(list 'S np vp))
(defn make-np [d n]
(list 'NP d n))
(defn make-vp [v np]
(list 'VP v np))
(defn make-d [d]
(list 'D d))
(defn make-n [n]
(list 'N n))
(defn make-v [v]
(list 'V v))
(defn sentence [s s1 s3]
(exist [np vp s2]
(noun-phrase np s1 s2)
(verb-phrase vp s2 s3)
(== s (make-sen np vp))))
(defn noun-phrase [np s1 s3]
(exist [d n s2]
(det d s1 s2)
(noun n s2 s3)
(== np (make-np d n))))
(defn verb-phrase [vp s1 s3]
(exist [v np s2]
(verb v s1 s2)
(noun-phrase np s2 s3)
(== vp (make-vp v np))))
(defne det [d s1 s2]
([_ ['the . ?x] ?x] (== d (make-d 'the)))
([_ ['a . ?x] ?x] (== d (make-d 'a))))
(defne noun [n s1 s2]
([_ ['bat . ?x] ?x] (== n (make-n 'bat)))
([_ ['cat . ?x] ?x] (== n (make-n 'cat))))
(defne verb [v s1 s2]
([_ ['eats . ?x] ?x] (== v (make-v 'eats))))
(run* [parse-tree] (sentence parse-tree '(the bat eats a cat) ()))
((S (NP (D the)
(N bat))
(VP (V eats)
(NP (D a)
(N cat)))))
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