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Created February 25, 2020 09:58
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A more powerful version of the tail recursion decorator with branching support
from functools import wraps
from collections import deque
Implements tail recursion decorator to overcome Python's recursive limit.
This is similar to my previous, simpler one:
The difference of this version is that it now adds support for stacking up
lots of recursive calls and then firing a recursion that will execute them
in the right order.
It can be useful for tree-traversal or divide-and-conquer algorithms where
you may need to branch out to different recursion paths, while keeping the
context from previous calls. The old solution works for simple single-loop
recursion like fibonacci, but it destroys information about call hierarchy.
def my_method(arg1, arg2):
# ... some logic
# adds method to call_stack:, [arg1, arg2]) # this will run first, [arg1, arg2]) # this will run later
# ...
Recursive.stop() # execute all chained methods
class Recursion(Exception):
def __init__(self, *args):
self.args = args
class CallStack():
def __init__(self):
self.start = None
self.execution_queue = deque()
self.call_stack = deque()
def set_start(self, function):
self.start = function
def is_empty(self):
return len(self.execution_queue) == 0 \
and len(self.call_stack) == 0
def add(self, function, args):
if self.start is None:
self.start = function
self.call_stack.appendleft((function, [*args]))
def run(self, cls):
function, args = self.execution_queue.popleft()
if function.__name__ == self.start.__name__:
return self.start(cls, *args)
return function(*args)
_stack = CallStack()
class Recursive():
def method(function):
def __wrapper__(self, *args):
_stack.add(_stack.start, [*args, 0])
while not _stack.is_empty():
except Recursion as r:
return __wrapper__
def call(function, *args):
_stack.add(function, *args)
def stop():
raise Recursion()
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In the future, I may redesign it to place the global _stack variable inside the class instead.
I'd like to do it without changing the decorator interface, and maybe automatically fire the stop() call after a function ends.

For now, it's serving me well and I hope it can be useful to someone else.

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