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Last active July 17, 2018 16:39
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Web-Combiner: Assets Combiner


A CSS, JS, and Handlebars combiner, compressor, and server

The idea

A middleware that knows how to combine, compress and serve CSS and JS files.

When the route is triggered, Web Combiner grab one of the params css and js to create the final result with those files if them exists, otherwise it throws an Error with status 404.

Cache Strategy

We create files on the application cache storage by using a base64 based on the files required and params like this example

# cache pattern

# CSS request with a specify version

# Generated Hash/File

# JavaScript request (simple)

# Generated Hash/File

# File system
├── /app
├── /public
│   └── /assets
└── /[cache]
    ├── Z2xvYmFscy9pbmRleC5qcyx2ZW5kb3IvanF...
    └── v8
        └── bW9kdWxlL2ZpbGUuY3NzLGZvbnRzL2N...

How to use

The Load Path

const combiner = require('web-combiner');

const assets = {
  cache: false,
  errorHandler: null,
  uglifyJsModule: null,
  cssPatch: './public/assets/stylesheets',
  jsPatch: './public/assets/javascripts',

  • cache : String | false The directory for cache storage (must be writeable). Pass false to cache in the memory (not recommended). If you want to disable cache for specific response, see LINK.

  • uglifyJsModule : Object Customize UglifyJS (>= 3) module. If not specified, it will be require('uglify-js').

  • errorHandler : Function(errorInfo, callback) Function to handle compiling and minifying errors. You can determine what to respond for specific kind of error. See LINK.

  • cssPatch : String | RegExp | false The logical path where your CSS files are located.

  • jsPatch : String | RegExp | false The logical path where your CSS files are located.

Serving Assets Over HTTP

const express = require('express');
const combiner = require('web-combiner');
const config = require('../config/combiner/assets.json');

const app = express();

// Destination where the cached assets will be generated

Loading assets:

# Usage 


The url support the follow parameters:

Param Value Example Description
v string v=10 Returns a specific version from cache
css string css=path/file.css,fonts/custom.css Returns css files combined by using file paths
js string js=path/main.js,vendor/plugin.min.js Returns javascript files combined by using file paths
minify boolean minify=false Enable/Disable the minification of the assets (Default=true)
disableOptimizations boolean disableOptimizations=false Enable/Disable small optimization for the assets by using uglify.js, cssnano, and few others. (Default=true)
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