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Last active March 3, 2019 21:21
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Factory Girl helper to work with Hanami Framework
# 1. Add 'factory_girl' in Gemfile as a dependency. But here, be careful. Factory Girl adds Active Support
# as its dependency, so it is up to you add it in :development and :test group or add it for all envs.
# For more details, read the comment from @cllns below.
# 2. Save this file in '/spec';
# 3. Load this file in 'spec_helper.rb' as the last require in the file, using:
# require_relative './factory_girl_helper'
# 4. You need to change the way Factory Girl build your objects.
# For this, you need to use #initialize_with Factory Girl method in all factories, like this:
# FactoryGirl.define do
# factory :user do
# name "Mandela"
# age 60
# initialize_with { new(attributes) }
# end
# end
# 5. Read all comments below.
# This loads all factory girl files
# Assuming all of them are in 'spec/factories/'
Dir[Hanami.root.join('spec/factories/*.rb')].each { |f| require f }
# If you are not using Minitest, you need to replace these 3 lines for others relative to the library you are using
# Take a look at this link to know what you should put here:
class Minitest::Spec
include FactoryGirl::Syntax::Methods
# Override Factory girl creation, in order to work with Repositories
# This assumes all entity has an 'EntityRepository' class
FactoryGirl.define do
to_create do |instance|
# This works with Hanami > 0.9
# If you are using an older version, just remove #new method in line below
repository = Object.const_get("#{instance.class}Repository").new
# Overrides builtin Create strategy
# This is responsible to return the persisted instance to :after_create callback
# and returns the persisted entity when using :create method
module FactoryGirl
module Strategy
class Create
attr_reader :evaluation
def association(runner)
def result(evaluation)
@evaluation = evaluation
persisted = evaluation.create(instance)
evaluation.notify(:after_build, instance)
evaluation.notify(:before_create, instance)
evaluation.notify(:after_create, persisted)
def instance
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cllns commented Nov 26, 2016

Might want to add a note about adding factory_girl to the developer's Gemfile :)

I also think it's worth noting that factory_girl adds activesupport as a transitive dependency. All sorts of methods get added via ActiveSupport's monkey patching. If you specify the group in the Gemfile, it'll only be for development and test groups, but that's even more dangerous, since those methods will not be defined in production (This has bitten me before :) )

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Hey @cllns, thank you for the comment!

Yes, I haven't noticed that AS is a depedency of Factory Girl. I'll include a note about that in this gist.

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would you mind making a snippet out of this for
or mind me putting it on there?

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