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INFO global: Vagrant version: 1.8.5 | |
INFO global: Ruby version: 2.2.4 | |
INFO global: RubyGems version: | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_LESS_TERMCAP_se="\e[0m" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV__system_version="libc-2.23" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_rvm_only_path_flag="" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_EXECUTABLE="/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/bin/vagrant" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_PERL5LIB="/home/manzo/perl5/lib/perl5" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_rvm_alias_expanded="" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_TERMINATOR_UUID="urn:uuid:22c53b34-a901-45da-9049-d7a1da45c443" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_LESS_TERMCAP_me="\e[0m" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_rvm_bin_flag="" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_rvm_use_flag="" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_rvm_path="/home/manzo/.rvm" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_rvm_script_name="" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_SESSION_MANAGER="local/WALL-A:@/tmp/.ICE-unix/739,unix/WALL-A:/tmp/.ICE-unix/739" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_PATH="/home/manzo/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.3/bin:/home/manzo/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.3@global/bin:/home/manzo/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.2.3/bin:/home/manzo/perl5/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/opt/cuda/bin:/usr/lib/jvm/default/bin:/usr/bin/site_perl:/usr/bin/vendor_perl:/usr/bin/core_perl:/home/manzo/.rvm/bin:/home/manzo/.rvm/bin" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_rvm_version="1.27.0 (master)" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_rvm_ruby_mode="" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH="/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME="qgnomeplatform" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_rvm_gemstone_url="" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_rvm_ruby_bits="" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_rvm_wrapper_name="" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_LANG="en_GB.utf8" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID="this-is-deprecated" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_USER="manzo" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_PAGER="less" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_HOOK_DIR="/home/manzo/.virtualenvs" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_rvm_gemstone_package_file="" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_GIO_LAUNCHED_DESKTOP_FILE="/usr/share/applications/terminator.desktop" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_XDG_SEAT="seat0" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_WINDOWID="29360132" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_LC_PAPER="pt_BR.utf8" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_SSH_AUTH_SOCK="/run/user/1000/keyring/ssh" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_SHELL="/usr/bin/zsh" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_rvm_sdk="" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_LC_TIME="pt_BR.utf8" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_LESS_TERMCAP_md="\e[01;31m" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_LESS_TERMCAP_so="\e[01;44;33m" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT="/home/manzo/perl5" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_rvm_nightly_flag="" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_rvm_proxy="" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_LS_COLORS="rs=0:di=01;34:ln=01;36:mh=00:pi=40;33:so=01;35:do=01;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01:or=40;31;01:mi=00:su=37;41:sg=30;43:ca=30;41:tw=30;42:ow=34;42:st=37;44:ex=01;32:*.tar=01;31:*.tgz=01;31:*.arc=01;31:*.arj=01;31:*.taz=01;31:*.lha=01;31:*.lz4=01;31:*.lzh=01;31:*.lzma=01;31:*.tlz=01;31:*.txz=01;31:*.tzo=01;31:*.t7z=01;31:*.zip=01;31:*.z=01;31:*.Z=01;31:*.dz=01;31:*.gz=01;31:*.lrz=01;31:*.lz=01;31:*.lzo=01;31:*.xz=01;31:*.bz2=01;31:*.bz=01;31:*.tbz=01;31:*.tbz2=01;31:*.tz=01;31:*.deb=01;31:*.rpm=01;31:*.jar=01;31:*.war=01;31:*.ear=01;31:*.sar=01;31:*.rar=01;31:*.alz=01;31:*.ace=01;31:*.zoo=01;31:*.cpio=01;31:*.7z=01;31:*.rz=01;31:*.cab=01;31:*.jpg=01;35:*.jpeg=01;35:*.gif=01;35:*.bmp=01;35:*.pbm=01;35:*.pgm=01;35:*.ppm=01;35:*.tga=01;35:*.xbm=01;35:*.xpm=01;35:*.tif=01;35:*.tiff=01;35:*.png=01;35:*.svg=01;35:*.svgz=01;35:*.mng=01;35:*.pcx=01;35:*.mov=01;35:*.mpg=01;35:*.mpeg=01;35:*.m2v=01;35:*.mkv=01;35:*.webm=01;35:*.ogm=01;35:*.mp4=01;35:*.m4v=01;35:*.mp4v=01;35:*.vob=01;35:*.qt=01;35:*.nuv=01;35:*.wmv=01;35:*.asf=01;35:*.rm=01;35:*.rmvb=01;35:*.flc=01;35:*.avi=01;35:*.fli=01;35:*.flv=01;35:*.gl=01;35:*.dl=01;35:*.xcf=01;35:*.xwd=01;35:*.yuv=01;35:*.cgm=01;35:*.emf=01;35:*.ogv=01;35:*.ogx=01;35:*.aac=00;36:*.au=00;36:*.flac=00;36:*.m4a=00;36:*.mid=00;36:*.midi=00;36:*.mka=00;36:*.mp3=00;36:*.mpc=00;36:*.ogg=00;36:*.ra=00;36:*.wav=00;36:*.oga=00;36:*.opus=00;36:*.spx=00;36:*.xspf=00;36:" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_GEM_PATH="/home/manzo/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.3:/home/manzo/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.3@global" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_rvm_niceness="" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_rvm_ruby_file="" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_LC_NUMERIC="pt_BR.utf8" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_MAIL="/var/spool/mail/manzo" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV__system_type="Linux" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_MY_RUBY_HOME="/home/manzo/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.2.3" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_rvm_ruby_make="" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_WORKON_HOME="/home/manzo/.virtualenvs" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_GEM_HOME="/home/manzo/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.3" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_IRBRC="/home/manzo/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.2.3/.irbrc" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_HOME="/home/manzo" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_GDM_LANG="en_GB.utf8" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_rvm_bin_path="/home/manzo/.rvm/bin" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_LOGNAME="manzo" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV__system_arch="x86_64" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_rvm_silent_flag="" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_OLDPWD="/home/manzo" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_TERM="xterm" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_RUBY_VERSION="ruby-2.2.3" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_rvm_hook="" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV__="/usr/bin/vagrant" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS="unix:path=/run/user/1000/bus" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_PERL_MM_OPT="INSTALL_BASE=/home/manzo/perl5" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_rvm_prefix="/home/manzo" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_rvm_ruby_make_install="" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_INSTALLER_EMBEDDED_DIR="/opt/vagrant/embedded" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_XDG_RUNTIME_DIR="/run/user/1000" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_LESS_TERMCAP_ue="\e[0m" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_PERL_MB_OPT="--install_base \"/home/manzo/perl5\"" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_PWD="/home/manzo/workspace/pcsetup" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_XAUTHORITY="/run/user/1000/gdm/Xauthority" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV__system_name="Arch" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_rvm_docs_type="" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_rvm_quiet_flag="" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_LESS_TERMCAP_mb="\e[01;31m" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_LESS_TERMCAP_us="\e[01;32m" | |
INFO global: VAGRANT_LOG="debug" | |
INFO global: Plugins: | |
INFO global: - bundler = 1.12.5 | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/pushes/ftp/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: ftp | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/pushes/atlas/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: atlas | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/pushes/heroku/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: heroku | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/pushes/noop/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: noop | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/pushes/local-exec/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: local-exec | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/providers/virtualbox/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: VirtualBox provider | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/providers/hyperv/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Hyper-V provider | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/providers/docker/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: docker-provider | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/commands/snapshot/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: snapshot command | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/commands/ssh/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: ssh command | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/commands/push/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: push command | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/commands/global-status/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: global-status command | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/commands/package/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: package command | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/commands/status/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: status command | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/commands/init/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: init command | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/commands/up/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: up command | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/commands/suspend/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: suspend command | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/commands/halt/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: halt command | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/commands/version/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: version command | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/commands/provider/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: provider command | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/commands/port/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: port command | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/commands/cap/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: cap command | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/commands/reload/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: reload command | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/commands/resume/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: resume command | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/commands/help/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: help command | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/commands/login/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: vagrant-login | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/commands/list-commands/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: list-commands command | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/commands/destroy/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: destroy command | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/commands/plugin/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: plugin command | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/commands/powershell/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: powershell command | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/commands/rdp/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: rdp command | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/commands/provision/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: provision command | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/commands/ssh_config/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: ssh-config command | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/commands/box/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: box command | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/kernel_v2/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: kernel | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/hosts/linux/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Linux host | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/hosts/suse/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: SUSE host | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/hosts/arch/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Arch host | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/hosts/freebsd/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: FreeBSD host | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/hosts/redhat/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Red Hat Enterprise Linux host | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/hosts/darwin/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Mac OS X host | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/hosts/windows/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Windows host | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/hosts/gentoo/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Gentoo host | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/hosts/null/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: null host | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/hosts/bsd/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: BSD host | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/hosts/slackware/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Slackware host | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/provisioners/shell/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: shell | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/provisioners/puppet/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: puppet | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/provisioners/salt/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: salt | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/provisioners/cfengine/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: CFEngine Provisioner | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/provisioners/ansible/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: ansible | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/provisioners/chef/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: chef | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/provisioners/docker/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: docker | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/provisioners/file/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: file | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/communicators/ssh/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: ssh communicator | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/communicators/winrm/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: winrm communicator | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/amazon/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Amazon Linux guest | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/linux/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Linux guest. | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/netbsd/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: NetBSD guest | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/funtoo/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Funtoo guest | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/suse/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: SUSE guest | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/omnios/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: OmniOS guest. | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/solaris/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Solaris guest. | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/tinycore/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: TinyCore Linux guest. | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/arch/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Arch guest | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/freebsd/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: FreeBSD guest | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/redhat/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Red Hat Enterprise Linux guest | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/smartos/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: SmartOS guest. | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/coreos/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: CoreOS guest | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/darwin/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Darwin guest | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/windows/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Windows guest. | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/pld/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: PLD Linux guest | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/openbsd/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: OpenBSD guest | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/gentoo/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Gentoo guest | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/ubuntu/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Ubuntu guest | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/debian/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Debian guest | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/solaris11/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Solaris 11 guest. | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/trisquel/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Trisquel guest | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/fedora/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Fedora guest | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/nixos/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: NixOS guest | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/esxi/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: ESXi guest. | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/bsd/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: BSD-based guest | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/photon/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: VMware Photon guest | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/mint/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Mint guest | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/atomic/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Atomic Host guest | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/slackware/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Slackware guest | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/synced_folders/smb/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: SMB synced folders | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/synced_folders/nfs/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: NFS synced folders | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/synced_folders/rsync/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: RSync synced folders | |
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/kernel_v1/plugin.rb | |
INFO manager: Registered plugin: kernel | |
INFO global: Loading plugins! | |
INFO vagrant: `vagrant` invoked: ["up", "--debug"] | |
DEBUG vagrant: Creating Vagrant environment | |
INFO environment: Environment initialized (#<Vagrant::Environment:0x00000001b8d2c8>) | |
INFO environment: - cwd: /home/manzo/workspace/pcsetup | |
INFO environment: Home path: /home/manzo/.vagrant.d | |
INFO environment: Local data path: /home/manzo/workspace/pcsetup/.vagrant | |
DEBUG environment: Creating: /home/manzo/workspace/pcsetup/.vagrant | |
INFO environment: Running hook: environment_plugins_loaded | |
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence... | |
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined. | |
INFO runner: Running action: environment_plugins_loaded #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x00000000eec140> | |
INFO environment: Running hook: environment_load | |
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence... | |
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined. | |
INFO runner: Running action: environment_load #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x00000001b13950> | |
INFO cli: CLI: [] "up" [] | |
DEBUG cli: Invoking command class: VagrantPlugins::CommandUp::Command [] | |
DEBUG command: 'Up' each target VM... | |
INFO loader: Set :root = ["#<Pathname:/home/manzo/workspace/pcsetup/Vagrantfile>"] | |
DEBUG loader: Populating proc cache for #<Pathname:/home/manzo/workspace/pcsetup/Vagrantfile> | |
DEBUG loader: Load procs for pathname: /home/manzo/workspace/pcsetup/Vagrantfile | |
INFO loader: Loading configuration in order: [:home, :root] | |
DEBUG loader: Loading from: root (evaluating) | |
DEBUG loader: Configuration loaded successfully, finalizing and returning | |
DEBUG push: finalizing | |
DEBUG command: Getting target VMs for command. Arguments: | |
DEBUG command: -- names: ["default"] | |
DEBUG command: -- options: nil | |
DEBUG command: Finding machine that match name: default | |
INFO loader: Set "15055360_machine_default" = [] | |
INFO loader: Loading configuration in order: [:home, :root, "15055360_machine_default"] | |
DEBUG loader: Loading from: root (cache) | |
DEBUG loader: Configuration loaded successfully, finalizing and returning | |
DEBUG push: finalizing | |
INFO base: VBoxManage path: VBoxManage | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "--version"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: 5.1.0_OSEr108711 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
DEBUG meta: Finding driver for VirtualBox version: 5.1.0 | |
INFO meta: Using VirtualBox driver: VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Driver::Version_5_1 | |
INFO base: VBoxManage path: VBoxManage | |
INFO environment: Getting machine: default (virtualbox) | |
INFO environment: Uncached load of machine. | |
INFO base: VBoxManage path: VBoxManage | |
DEBUG meta: Finding driver for VirtualBox version: 5.1.0 | |
INFO meta: Using VirtualBox driver: VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Driver::Version_5_1 | |
INFO base: VBoxManage path: VBoxManage | |
INFO loader: Set "15055360_machine_default" = [] | |
INFO loader: Loading configuration in order: [:home, :root, "15055360_machine_default"] | |
DEBUG loader: Loading from: root (cache) | |
DEBUG loader: Configuration loaded successfully, finalizing and returning | |
DEBUG push: finalizing | |
INFO box_collection: Box found: bugyt/archlinux (virtualbox) | |
INFO environment: Running hook: authenticate_box_url | |
INFO host: Autodetecting host type for [#<Vagrant::Environment: /home/manzo/workspace/pcsetup>] | |
DEBUG host: Trying: suse | |
DEBUG host: Trying: arch | |
INFO host: Detected: arch! | |
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence... | |
INFO runner: 2 hooks defined. | |
INFO runner: Running action: authenticate_box_url #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x00000001a1a120> | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::LoginCommand::AddAuthentication:0x00000001bb9b98> | |
DEBUG client: No authentication token in environment or /home/manzo/.vagrant.d/data/vagrant_login_token | |
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::LoginCommand::AddAuthentication:0x00000001bb9b98> | |
INFO loader: Set :"13836380_bugyt/archlinux_virtualbox" = ["#<Pathname:/home/manzo/.vagrant.d/boxes/bugyt-VAGRANTSLASH-archlinux/1.0.1/virtualbox/Vagrantfile>"] | |
DEBUG loader: Populating proc cache for #<Pathname:/home/manzo/.vagrant.d/boxes/bugyt-VAGRANTSLASH-archlinux/1.0.1/virtualbox/Vagrantfile> | |
DEBUG loader: Load procs for pathname: /home/manzo/.vagrant.d/boxes/bugyt-VAGRANTSLASH-archlinux/1.0.1/virtualbox/Vagrantfile | |
INFO loader: Loading configuration in order: [:"13836380_bugyt/archlinux_virtualbox", :home, :root, "15055360_machine_default"] | |
DEBUG loader: Loading from: 13836380_bugyt/archlinux_virtualbox (evaluating) | |
DEBUG loader: Upgrading config from version 1 to 2 | |
DEBUG loader: Upgrading config to version 2 | |
DEBUG loader: Upgraded to version 2 with 0 warnings and 0 errors | |
DEBUG loader: Loading from: root (cache) | |
DEBUG loader: Configuration loaded successfully, finalizing and returning | |
DEBUG push: finalizing | |
INFO machine: Initializing machine: default | |
INFO machine: - Provider: VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Provider | |
INFO machine: - Box: #<Vagrant::Box:0x00000001a12948> | |
INFO machine: - Data dir: /home/manzo/workspace/pcsetup/.vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox | |
DEBUG virtualbox: Instantiating the driver for machine ID: nil | |
INFO base: VBoxManage path: VBoxManage | |
DEBUG meta: Finding driver for VirtualBox version: 5.1.0 | |
INFO meta: Using VirtualBox driver: VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Driver::Version_5_1 | |
INFO base: VBoxManage path: VBoxManage | |
INFO machine: New machine ID: nil | |
DEBUG virtualbox: Instantiating the driver for machine ID: nil | |
INFO base: VBoxManage path: VBoxManage | |
DEBUG meta: Finding driver for VirtualBox version: 5.1.0 | |
INFO meta: Using VirtualBox driver: VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Driver::Version_5_1 | |
INFO base: VBoxManage path: VBoxManage | |
INFO interface: Machine: metadata ["provider", :virtualbox, {:target=>:default}] | |
INFO command: With machine: default (#<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Provider:0x00000002d65798 @logger=#<Log4r::Logger:0x00000002d65748 @fullname="vagrant::provider::virtualbox", @outputters=[], @additive=true, @name="virtualbox", @path="vagrant::provider", @parent=#<Log4r::Logger:0x00000001c2aa50 @fullname="vagrant", @outputters=[#<Log4r::StderrOutputter:0x00000001c54eb8 @mon_owner=nil, @mon_count=0, @mon_mutex=#<Mutex:0x00000001c54e40>, @name="stderr", @level=0, @formatter=#<Log4r::DefaultFormatter:0x00000001c5ead0 @depth=7>, @out=#<IO:<STDERR>>>], @additive=true, @name="vagrant", @path="", @parent=#<Log4r::RootLogger:0x00000001c2a938 @level=0, @outputters=[]>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @machine=#<Vagrant::Machine: default (VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Provider)>, @driver=#<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Driver::Meta:0x000000028ad8e0 @logger=#<Log4r::Logger:0x00000003017c20 @fullname="vagrant::provider::virtualbox::meta", @outputters=[], @additive=true, @name="meta", @path="vagrant::provider::virtualbox", @parent=#<Log4r::Logger:0x00000002d65748 @fullname="vagrant::provider::virtualbox", @outputters=[], @additive=true, @name="virtualbox", @path="vagrant::provider", @parent=#<Log4r::Logger:0x00000001c2aa50 @fullname="vagrant", @outputters=[#<Log4r::StderrOutputter:0x00000001c54eb8 @mon_owner=nil, @mon_count=0, @mon_mutex=#<Mutex:0x00000001c54e40>, @name="stderr", @level=0, @formatter=#<Log4r::DefaultFormatter:0x00000001c5ead0 @depth=7>, @out=#<IO:<STDERR>>>], @additive=true, @name="vagrant", @path="", @parent=#<Log4r::RootLogger:0x00000001c2a938 @level=0, @outputters=[]>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @interrupted=false, @vboxmanage_path="VBoxManage", @uuid=nil, @driver=#<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Driver::Version_5_1:0x0000000304aad0 @logger=#<Log4r::Logger:0x0000000307dc00 @fullname="vagrant::provider::virtualbox_5_1", @outputters=[], @additive=true, @name="virtualbox_5_1", @path="vagrant::provider", @parent=#<Log4r::Logger:0x00000001c2aa50 @fullname="vagrant", @outputters=[#<Log4r::StderrOutputter:0x00000001c54eb8 @mon_owner=nil, @mon_count=0, @mon_mutex=#<Mutex:0x00000001c54e40>, @name="stderr", @level=0, @formatter=#<Log4r::DefaultFormatter:0x00000001c5ead0 @depth=7>, @out=#<IO:<STDERR>>>], @additive=true, @name="vagrant", @path="", @parent=#<Log4r::RootLogger:0x00000001c2a938 @level=0, @outputters=[]>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @interrupted=false, @vboxmanage_path="VBoxManage", @uuid=nil>, @version="5.1.0">, @cap_logger=#<Log4r::Logger:0x00000002e60c10 @fullname="vagrant::capability_host::vagrantplugins::providervirtualbox::provider", @outputters=[], @additive=true, @name="provider", @path="vagrant::capability_host::vagrantplugins::providervirtualbox", @parent=#<Log4r::Logger:0x00000001c2aa50 @fullname="vagrant", @outputters=[#<Log4r::StderrOutputter:0x00000001c54eb8 @mon_owner=nil, @mon_count=0, @mon_mutex=#<Mutex:0x00000001c54e40>, @name="stderr", @level=0, @formatter=#<Log4r::DefaultFormatter:0x00000001c5ead0 @depth=7>, @out=#<IO:<STDERR>>>], @additive=true, @name="vagrant", @path="", @parent=#<Log4r::RootLogger:0x00000001c2a938 @level=0, @outputters=[]>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @cap_host_chain=[[:virtualbox, #<#<Class:0x00000002e61020>:0x00000002e94100>]], @cap_args=[#<Vagrant::Machine: default (VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Provider)>], @cap_caps={:virtualbox=>#<Vagrant::Registry:0x00000002e60ee0 @items={:forwarded_ports=>#<Proc:0x00000001a93de0@/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/providers/virtualbox/plugin.rb:27>, :nic_mac_addresses=>#<Proc:0x00000001a93d40@/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/providers/virtualbox/plugin.rb:32>, :public_address=>#<Proc:0x00000001a93d18@/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/providers/virtualbox/plugin.rb:37>, :snapshot_list=>#<Proc:0x00000001a93cf0@/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/providers/virtualbox/plugin.rb:42>}, @results_cache={}>, :hyperv=>#<Vagrant::Registry:0x00000002e60e40 @items={:public_address=>#<Proc:0x00000001a67da8@/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/providers/hyperv/plugin.rb:25>, :snapshot_list=>#<Proc:0x00000001a67d30@/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/providers/hyperv/plugin.rb:30>}, @results_cache={}>, :docker=>#<Vagrant::Registry:0x00000002e60da0 @items={:public_address=>#<Proc:0x00000001a85b28@/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/providers/docker/plugin.rb:60>, :proxy_machine=>#<Proc:0x00000001a85a38@/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/providers/docker/plugin.rb:65>}, @results_cache={}>}>) | |
INFO loader: Set "15055360_machine_default" = [] | |
INFO loader: Loading configuration in order: [:home, :root, "15055360_machine_default"] | |
ERROR loader: Unknown config sources: [:"13836380_bugyt/archlinux_virtualbox"] | |
DEBUG loader: Loading from: root (cache) | |
DEBUG loader: Configuration loaded successfully, finalizing and returning | |
DEBUG push: finalizing | |
DEBUG host: Searching for cap: provider_install_virtualbox | |
DEBUG host: Checking in: arch | |
DEBUG host: Checking in: linux | |
DEBUG command: Getting target VMs for command. Arguments: | |
DEBUG command: -- names: ["default"] | |
DEBUG command: -- options: {:provider=>nil} | |
DEBUG command: Finding machine that match name: default | |
INFO loader: Set "15055360_machine_default" = [] | |
INFO loader: Loading configuration in order: [:home, :root, "15055360_machine_default"] | |
ERROR loader: Unknown config sources: [:"13836380_bugyt/archlinux_virtualbox"] | |
DEBUG loader: Loading from: root (cache) | |
DEBUG loader: Configuration loaded successfully, finalizing and returning | |
DEBUG push: finalizing | |
INFO base: VBoxManage path: VBoxManage | |
DEBUG meta: Finding driver for VirtualBox version: 5.1.0 | |
INFO meta: Using VirtualBox driver: VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Driver::Version_5_1 | |
INFO base: VBoxManage path: VBoxManage | |
INFO environment: Getting machine: default (virtualbox) | |
INFO environment: Returning cached machine: default (virtualbox) | |
INFO command: With machine: default (#<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Provider:0x00000002d65798 @logger=#<Log4r::Logger:0x00000002d65748 @fullname="vagrant::provider::virtualbox", @outputters=[], @additive=true, @name="virtualbox", @path="vagrant::provider", @parent=#<Log4r::Logger:0x00000001c2aa50 @fullname="vagrant", @outputters=[#<Log4r::StderrOutputter:0x00000001c54eb8 @mon_owner=nil, @mon_count=0, @mon_mutex=#<Mutex:0x00000001c54e40>, @name="stderr", @level=0, @formatter=#<Log4r::DefaultFormatter:0x00000001c5ead0 @depth=7>, @out=#<IO:<STDERR>>>], @additive=true, @name="vagrant", @path="", @parent=#<Log4r::RootLogger:0x00000001c2a938 @level=0, @outputters=[]>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @machine=#<Vagrant::Machine: default (VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Provider)>, @driver=#<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Driver::Meta:0x000000028ad8e0 @logger=#<Log4r::Logger:0x00000003017c20 @fullname="vagrant::provider::virtualbox::meta", @outputters=[], @additive=true, @name="meta", @path="vagrant::provider::virtualbox", @parent=#<Log4r::Logger:0x00000002d65748 @fullname="vagrant::provider::virtualbox", @outputters=[], @additive=true, @name="virtualbox", @path="vagrant::provider", @parent=#<Log4r::Logger:0x00000001c2aa50 @fullname="vagrant", @outputters=[#<Log4r::StderrOutputter:0x00000001c54eb8 @mon_owner=nil, @mon_count=0, @mon_mutex=#<Mutex:0x00000001c54e40>, @name="stderr", @level=0, @formatter=#<Log4r::DefaultFormatter:0x00000001c5ead0 @depth=7>, @out=#<IO:<STDERR>>>], @additive=true, @name="vagrant", @path="", @parent=#<Log4r::RootLogger:0x00000001c2a938 @level=0, @outputters=[]>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @interrupted=false, @vboxmanage_path="VBoxManage", @uuid=nil, @driver=#<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Driver::Version_5_1:0x0000000304aad0 @logger=#<Log4r::Logger:0x0000000307dc00 @fullname="vagrant::provider::virtualbox_5_1", @outputters=[], @additive=true, @name="virtualbox_5_1", @path="vagrant::provider", @parent=#<Log4r::Logger:0x00000001c2aa50 @fullname="vagrant", @outputters=[#<Log4r::StderrOutputter:0x00000001c54eb8 @mon_owner=nil, @mon_count=0, @mon_mutex=#<Mutex:0x00000001c54e40>, @name="stderr", @level=0, @formatter=#<Log4r::DefaultFormatter:0x00000001c5ead0 @depth=7>, @out=#<IO:<STDERR>>>], @additive=true, @name="vagrant", @path="", @parent=#<Log4r::RootLogger:0x00000001c2a938 @level=0, @outputters=[]>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @interrupted=false, @vboxmanage_path="VBoxManage", @uuid=nil>, @version="5.1.0">, @cap_logger=#<Log4r::Logger:0x00000002e60c10 @fullname="vagrant::capability_host::vagrantplugins::providervirtualbox::provider", @outputters=[], @additive=true, @name="provider", @path="vagrant::capability_host::vagrantplugins::providervirtualbox", @parent=#<Log4r::Logger:0x00000001c2aa50 @fullname="vagrant", @outputters=[#<Log4r::StderrOutputter:0x00000001c54eb8 @mon_owner=nil, @mon_count=0, @mon_mutex=#<Mutex:0x00000001c54e40>, @name="stderr", @level=0, @formatter=#<Log4r::DefaultFormatter:0x00000001c5ead0 @depth=7>, @out=#<IO:<STDERR>>>], @additive=true, @name="vagrant", @path="", @parent=#<Log4r::RootLogger:0x00000001c2a938 @level=0, @outputters=[]>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @cap_host_chain=[[:virtualbox, #<#<Class:0x00000002e61020>:0x00000002e94100>]], @cap_args=[#<Vagrant::Machine: default (VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Provider)>], @cap_caps={:virtualbox=>#<Vagrant::Registry:0x00000002e60ee0 @items={:forwarded_ports=>#<Proc:0x00000001a93de0@/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/providers/virtualbox/plugin.rb:27>, :nic_mac_addresses=>#<Proc:0x00000001a93d40@/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/providers/virtualbox/plugin.rb:32>, :public_address=>#<Proc:0x00000001a93d18@/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/providers/virtualbox/plugin.rb:37>, :snapshot_list=>#<Proc:0x00000001a93cf0@/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/providers/virtualbox/plugin.rb:42>}, @results_cache={}>, :hyperv=>#<Vagrant::Registry:0x00000002e60e40 @items={:public_address=>#<Proc:0x00000001a67da8@/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/providers/hyperv/plugin.rb:25>, :snapshot_list=>#<Proc:0x00000001a67d30@/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/providers/hyperv/plugin.rb:30>}, @results_cache={}>, :docker=>#<Vagrant::Registry:0x00000002e60da0 @items={:public_address=>#<Proc:0x00000001a85b28@/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/providers/docker/plugin.rb:60>, :proxy_machine=>#<Proc:0x00000001a85a38@/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/providers/docker/plugin.rb:65>}, @results_cache={}>}>) | |
INFO interface: info: Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox' provider... | |
Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox' provider... | |
INFO batch_action: Enabling parallelization by default. | |
INFO batch_action: Disabling parallelization because provider doesn't support it: virtualbox | |
INFO batch_action: Batch action will parallelize: false | |
INFO batch_action: Starting action: #<Vagrant::Machine:0x00000002cf70e0> up {:destroy_on_error=>true, :install_provider=>true, :parallel=>true, :provision_ignore_sentinel=>false, :provision_types=>nil} | |
INFO machine: Calling action: up on provider VirtualBox (new VM) | |
DEBUG environment: Attempting to acquire process-lock: machine-action-d308d54148f0194213d0efdb0d00499c | |
DEBUG environment: Attempting to acquire process-lock: dotlock | |
INFO environment: Acquired process lock: dotlock | |
INFO environment: Released process lock: dotlock | |
INFO environment: Acquired process lock: machine-action-d308d54148f0194213d0efdb0d00499c | |
INFO interface: Machine: action ["up", "start", {:target=>:default}] | |
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence... | |
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined. | |
INFO runner: Running action: machine_action_up #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x0000000256bf10> | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::CheckVirtualbox:0x007f763807bc90> | |
INFO base: VBoxManage path: VBoxManage | |
DEBUG meta: Finding driver for VirtualBox version: 5.1.0 | |
INFO meta: Using VirtualBox driver: VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Driver::Version_5_1 | |
INFO base: VBoxManage path: VBoxManage | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "list", "hostonlyifs"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: Name: vboxnet0 | |
GUID: 786f6276-656e-4074-8000-0a0027000000 | |
DHCP: Disabled | |
IPAddress: | |
NetworkMask: | |
IPV6Address: | |
IPV6NetworkMaskPrefixLength: 0 | |
HardwareAddress: 0a:00:27:00:00:00 | |
MediumType: Ethernet | |
Status: Down | |
VBoxNetworkName: HostInterfaceNetworking-vboxnet0 | |
Name: vboxnet1 | |
GUID: 786f6276-656e-4174-8000-0a0027000001 | |
DHCP: Disabled | |
IPAddress: | |
NetworkMask: | |
IPV6Address: fe80:0000:0000:0000:0800:27ff:fe00:0001 | |
IPV6NetworkMaskPrefixLength: 64 | |
HardwareAddress: 0a:00:27:00:00:01 | |
MediumType: Ethernet | |
Status: Up | |
VBoxNetworkName: HostInterfaceNetworking-vboxnet1 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::Call:0x007f763807bc68> | |
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence... | |
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined. | |
INFO runner: Running action: machine_action_up #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x007f7638263fa8> | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::Created:0x007f76382617f8> | |
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::Created:0x007f76382617f8> | |
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence... | |
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined. | |
INFO runner: Running action: machine_action_up #<Vagrant::Action::Warden:0x007f76382abda8> | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Proc:0x007f763831e7b8@/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:94 (lambda)> | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::HandleBox:0x007f76382abd30> | |
INFO handle_box: Machine already has box. HandleBox will not run. | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Proc:0x007f76382ddc18@/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:94 (lambda)> | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x007f763807bc18> | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::Call:0x007f763807bbf0> | |
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence... | |
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined. | |
INFO runner: Running action: machine_action_up #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x007f7638386bd8> | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::Created:0x007f7638384428> | |
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::Created:0x007f7638384428> | |
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence... | |
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined. | |
INFO runner: Running action: machine_action_up #<Vagrant::Action::Warden:0x007f76383fa128> | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Proc:0x00000001a9ac30@/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:94 (lambda)> | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::CheckAccessible:0x007f76383fa0b0> | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::Customize:0x007f76383fa088> | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::PrepareClone:0x007f76383fa060> | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::PrepareCloneSnapshot:0x007f763842cbc8> | |
INFO prepare_clone: no clone master, not preparing clone snapshot | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::Import:0x00000001ab76c8> | |
INFO interface: info: Importing base box 'bugyt/archlinux'... | |
INFO interface: info: ==> default: Importing base box 'bugyt/archlinux'... | |
==> default: Importing base box 'bugyt/archlinux'... | |
DEBUG virtualbox_5_1: Doing dry-run import to determine parallel-safe name... | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "import", "-n", "/home/manzo/.vagrant.d/boxes/bugyt-VAGRANTSLASH-archlinux/1.0.1/virtualbox/box.ovf"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stderr: 0%... | |
DEBUG subprocess: stderr: 10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%... | |
DEBUG subprocess: stderr: 100% | |
DEBUG subprocess: stderr: Interpreting /home/manzo/.vagrant.d/boxes/bugyt-VAGRANTSLASH-archlinux/1.0.1/virtualbox/box.ovf... | |
DEBUG subprocess: stderr: OK. | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: Disks: | |
vmdisk2 21474836480 -1 box-disk1.vmdk -1 -1 | |
Virtual system 0: | |
0: Suggested OS type: "ArchLinux_64" | |
(change with "--vsys 0 --ostype <type>"; use "list ostypes" to list all possible values) | |
1: Suggested VM name "archlinux" | |
(change with "--vsys 0 --vmname <name>") | |
2: Number of CPUs: 1 | |
(change with "--vsys 0 --cpus <n>") | |
3: Guest memory: 512 MB | |
(change with "--vsys 0 --memory <MB>") | |
4: USB controller | |
(disable with "--vsys 0 --unit 4 --ignore") | |
5: Network adapter: orig NAT, config 3, extra slot=0;type=NAT | |
6: CD-ROM | |
(disable with "--vsys 0 --unit 6 --ignore") | |
7: IDE controller, type PIIX4 | |
(disable with "--vsys 0 --unit 7 --ignore") | |
8: IDE controller, type PIIX4 | |
(disable with "--vsys 0 --unit 8 --ignore") | |
9: SATA controller, type AHCI | |
(disable with "--vsys 0 --unit 9 --ignore") | |
10: Hard disk image: source image=box-disk1.vmdk, target path=/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/archlinux/box-disk1.vmdk, controller=9;channel=0 | |
(change target path with "--vsys 0 --unit 10 --disk path"; | |
disable with "--vsys 0 --unit 10 --ignore") | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 31999 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
DEBUG virtualbox_5_1: -- Parallel safe name: archlinux_1469020277049_72328 | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "import", "/home/manzo/.vagrant.d/boxes/bugyt-VAGRANTSLASH-archlinux/1.0.1/virtualbox/box.ovf", "--vsys", "0", "--vmname", "archlinux_1469020277049_72328", "--vsys", "0", "--unit", "10", "--disk", "/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/archlinux_1469020277049_72328/box-disk1.vmdk"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stderr: 0%... | |
DEBUG subprocess: stderr: 10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%... | |
DEBUG subprocess: stderr: 100% | |
DEBUG subprocess: stderr: Interpreting /home/manzo/.vagrant.d/boxes/bugyt-VAGRANTSLASH-archlinux/1.0.1/virtualbox/box.ovf... | |
DEBUG subprocess: stderr: OK. | |
DEBUG subprocess: stderr: 0%... | |
DEBUG subprocess: stderr: 10%... | |
INFO interface: info: | |
[K | |
[K INFO interface: info: Progress: 10% | |
Progress: 10%DEBUG subprocess: stderr: 20%... | |
INFO interface: info: | |
[K | |
[K INFO interface: info: Progress: 20% | |
Progress: 20%DEBUG subprocess: stderr: 30%... | |
INFO interface: info: | |
[K | |
[K INFO interface: info: Progress: 30% | |
Progress: 30%DEBUG subprocess: stderr: 40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%... | |
INFO interface: info: | |
[K | |
[K INFO interface: info: Progress: 90% | |
Progress: 90%DEBUG subprocess: stderr: 100% | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: Disks: | |
vmdisk2 21474836480 -1 box-disk1.vmdk -1 -1 | |
Virtual system 0: | |
0: Suggested OS type: "ArchLinux_64" | |
(change with "--vsys 0 --ostype <type>"; use "list ostypes" to list all possible values) | |
1: VM name specified with --vmname: "archlinux_1469020277049_72328" | |
2: Number of CPUs: 1 | |
(change with "--vsys 0 --cpus <n>") | |
3: Guest memory: 512 MB | |
(change with "--vsys 0 --memory <MB>") | |
4: USB controller | |
(disable with "--vsys 0 --unit 4 --ignore") | |
5: Network adapter: orig NAT, config 3, extra slot=0;type=NAT | |
6: CD-ROM | |
(disable with "--vsys 0 --unit 6 --ignore") | |
7: IDE controller, type PIIX4 | |
(disable with "--vsys 0 --unit 7 --ignore") | |
8: IDE controller, type PIIX4 | |
(disable with "--vsys 0 --unit 8 --ignore") | |
9: SATA controller, type AHCI | |
(disable with "--vsys 0 --unit 9 --ignore") | |
10: Hard disk image: source image=box-disk1.vmdk, target path=/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/archlinux_1469020277049_72328/box-disk1.vmdk, controller=9;channel=0 | |
Successfully imported the appliance. | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 31991 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "list", "vms"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: "softwarepublico_database_1456505966787_65920" {3e21834f-48ed-4222-8cc2-b4955d0ebf88} | |
"softwarepublico_integration_1456506009224_23993" {60c68dfe-3675-439f-841e-dd4d98540de4} | |
"softwarepublico_email_1456506048103_9858" {fab08bbd-3c0b-41bd-bce2-0573fdf50f64} | |
"softwarepublico_social_1456506091881_59331" {9337bd07-c551-4589-96e1-4d51f9e9a297} | |
"softwarepublico_mezuro_1456506137401_91522" {2801f27b-c449-4b68-b2d2-6fbebf944ec8} | |
"softwarepublico_reverseproxy_1456506178827_69479" {29de45d0-a174-43e4-bd5e-39686fe27304} | |
"archlinux_1469020277049_72328" {6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938} | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO machine: New machine ID: "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
DEBUG virtualbox: Instantiating the driver for machine ID: "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
INFO base: VBoxManage path: VBoxManage | |
DEBUG meta: Finding driver for VirtualBox version: 5.1.0 | |
INFO meta: Using VirtualBox driver: VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Driver::Version_5_1 | |
INFO base: VBoxManage path: VBoxManage | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: Name: archlinux_1469020277049_72328 | |
Groups: / | |
Guest OS: Arch Linux (64-bit) | |
UUID: 6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938 | |
Config file: /home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/archlinux_1469020277049_72328/archlinux_1469020277049_72328.vbox | |
Snapshot folder: /home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/archlinux_1469020277049_72328/Snapshots | |
Log folder: /home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/archlinux_1469020277049_72328/Logs | |
Hardware UUID: 6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938 | |
Memory size: 512MB | |
Page Fusion: off | |
VRAM size: 12MB | |
CPU exec cap: 100% | |
HPET: off | |
Chipset: piix3 | |
Firmware: BIOS | |
Number of CPUs: 1 | |
PAE: off | |
Long Mode: on | |
Triple Fault Reset: off | |
APIC: on | |
X2APIC: off | |
CPUID Portability Level: 0 | |
CPUID overrides: None | |
Boot menu mode: message and menu | |
Boot Device (1): DVD | |
Boot Device (2): HardDisk | |
Boot Device (3): Not Assigned | |
Boot Device (4): Not Assigned | |
ACPI: on | |
IOAPIC: on | |
BIOS APIC mode: APIC | |
Time offset: 0ms | |
RTC: UTC | |
Hardw. virt.ext: on | |
Nested Paging: on | |
Large Pages: on | |
VT-x VPID: on | |
VT-x unr. exec.: on | |
Paravirt. Provider: Default | |
Effective Paravirt. Provider: KVM | |
State: powered off (since 2016-01-28T15:26:12.000000000) | |
Monitor count: 1 | |
3D Acceleration: off | |
2D Video Acceleration: off | |
Teleporter Enabled: off | |
Teleporter Port: 0 | |
Teleporter Address: | |
Teleporter Password: | |
Tracing Enabled: off | |
Allow Tracing to Access VM: off | |
Tracing Configuration: | |
Autostart Enabled: off | |
Autostart Delay: 0 | |
Default Frontend: | |
Storage Controller Name (0): IDE | |
Storage Controller Type (0): PIIX4 | |
Storage Controller Instance Number (0): 0 | |
Storage Controller Max Port Count (0): 2 | |
Storage Controller Port Count (0): 2 | |
Storage Controller Bootable (0): on | |
Storage Controller Name (1): SATA | |
Storage Controller Type (1): IntelAhci | |
Storage Controller Instance Number (1): 0 | |
Storage Controller Max Port Count (1): 30 | |
Storage Controller Port Count (1): 1 | |
Storage Controller Bootable (1): on | |
IDE (1, 0): Empty | |
SATA (0, 0): /home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/archlinux_1469020277049_72328/box-disk1.vmdk (UUID: 0875090e-e9fd-472e-9669-bcfe93ca008b) | |
NIC 1: MAC: 08002771F5A4, Attachment: NAT, Cable connected: on, Trace: off (file: none), Type: 82540EM, Reported speed: 0 Mbps, Boot priority: 0, Promisc Policy: deny, Bandwidth group: none | |
NIC 1 Settings: MTU: 0, Socket (send: 64, receive: 64), TCP Window (send:64, receive: 64) | |
NIC 2: disabled | |
NIC 3: disabled | |
NIC 4: disabled | |
NIC 5: disabled | |
NIC 6: disabled | |
NIC 7: disabled | |
NIC 8: disabled | |
Pointing Device: PS/2 Mouse | |
Keyboard Device: PS/2 Keyboard | |
UART 1: disabled | |
UART 2: disabled | |
UART 3: disabled | |
UART 4: disabled | |
LPT 1: disabled | |
LPT 2: disabled | |
Audio: disabled | |
Clipboard Mode: Bidirectional | |
Drag and drop Mode: Bidirectional | |
VRDE: disabled | |
USB: enabled | |
EHCI: disabled | |
XHCI: disabled | |
USB Device Filters: | |
<none> | |
Bandwidth groups: <none> | |
Shared folders: <none> | |
Video capturing: not active | |
Capture screens: 0 | |
Capture file: /home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/archlinux_1469020277049_72328/archlinux_1469020277049_72328.webm | |
Capture dimensions: 1024x768 | |
Capture rate: 512 kbps | |
Capture FPS: 25 | |
Guest: | |
Configured memory balloon size: 0 MB | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO interface: info: | |
[K | |
[K INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::DiscardState:0x00000001ab7628> | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--machinereadable"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="archlinux_1469020277049_72328" | |
groups="/" | |
ostype="Arch Linux (64-bit)" | |
UUID="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
CfgFile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/archlinux_1469020277049_72328/archlinux_1469020277049_72328.vbox" | |
SnapFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/archlinux_1469020277049_72328/Snapshots" | |
LogFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/archlinux_1469020277049_72328/Logs" | |
hardwareuuid="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
memory=512 | |
pagefusion="off" | |
vram=12 | |
cpuexecutioncap=100 | |
hpet="off" | |
chipset="piix3" | |
firmware="BIOS" | |
cpus=1 | |
pae="off" | |
longmode="on" | |
triplefaultreset="off" | |
apic="on" | |
x2apic="off" | |
cpuid-portability-level=0 | |
bootmenu="messageandmenu" | |
boot1="dvd" | |
boot2="disk" | |
boot3="none" | |
boot4="none" | |
acpi="on" | |
ioapic="on" | |
biosapic="apic" | |
biossystemtimeoffset=0 | |
rtcuseutc="on" | |
hwvirtex="on" | |
nestedpaging="on" | |
largepages="on" | |
vtxvpid="on" | |
vtxux="on" | |
paravirtprovider="default" | |
effparavirtprovider="kvm" | |
VMState="poweroff" | |
VMStateChangeTime="2016-01-28T15:26:12.000000000" | |
monitorcount=1 | |
accelerate3d="off" | |
accelerate2dvideo="off" | |
teleporterenabled="off" | |
teleporterport=0 | |
teleporteraddress="" | |
teleporterpassword="" | |
tracing-enabled="off" | |
tracing-allow-vm-access="off" | |
tracing-config="" | |
autostart-enabled="off" | |
autostart-delay=0 | |
defaultfrontend="" | |
storagecontrollername0="IDE" | |
storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4" | |
storagecontrollerinstance0="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerbootable0="on" | |
storagecontrollername1="SATA" | |
storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci" | |
storagecontrollerinstance1="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30" | |
storagecontrollerportcount1="1" | |
storagecontrollerbootable1="on" | |
"IDE-0-0"="none" | |
"IDE-0-1"="none" | |
"IDE-1-0"="emptydrive" | |
"IDE-IsEjected"="off" | |
"IDE-1-1"="none" | |
"SATA-0-0"="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/archlinux_1469020277049_72328/box-disk1.vmdk" | |
"SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="0875090e-e9fd-472e-9669-bcfe93ca008b" | |
natnet1="nat" | |
macaddress1="08002771F5A4" | |
cableconnected1="on" | |
nic1="nat" | |
nictype1="82540EM" | |
nicspeed1="0" | |
mtu="0" | |
sockSnd="64" | |
sockRcv="64" | |
tcpWndSnd="64" | |
tcpWndRcv="64" | |
nic2="none" | |
nic3="none" | |
nic4="none" | |
nic5="none" | |
nic6="none" | |
nic7="none" | |
nic8="none" | |
hidpointing="ps2mouse" | |
hidkeyboard="ps2kbd" | |
uart1="off" | |
uart2="off" | |
uart3="off" | |
uart4="off" | |
lpt1="off" | |
lpt2="off" | |
audio="none" | |
clipboard="bidirectional" | |
draganddrop="bidirectional" | |
vrde="off" | |
usb="on" | |
ehci="off" | |
xhci="off" | |
vcpenabled="off" | |
vcpscreens=0 | |
vcpfile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/archlinux_1469020277049_72328/archlinux_1469020277049_72328.webm" | |
vcpwidth=1024 | |
vcpheight=768 | |
vcprate=512 | |
vcpfps=25 | |
GuestMemoryBalloon=0 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::MatchMACAddress:0x00000001ab75d8> | |
INFO interface: info: Matching MAC address for NAT networking... | |
INFO interface: info: ==> default: Matching MAC address for NAT networking... | |
==> default: Matching MAC address for NAT networking... | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "modifyvm", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--macaddress1", "0800277E372A"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Proc:0x00000001ab7470@/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:94 (lambda)> | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::CheckVirtualbox:0x007f763807bba0> | |
INFO base: VBoxManage path: VBoxManage | |
DEBUG meta: Finding driver for VirtualBox version: 5.1.0 | |
INFO meta: Using VirtualBox driver: VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Driver::Version_5_1 | |
INFO base: VBoxManage path: VBoxManage | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "list", "hostonlyifs"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: Name: vboxnet0 | |
GUID: 786f6276-656e-4074-8000-0a0027000000 | |
DHCP: Disabled | |
IPAddress: | |
NetworkMask: | |
IPV6Address: | |
IPV6NetworkMaskPrefixLength: 0 | |
HardwareAddress: 0a:00:27:00:00:00 | |
MediumType: Ethernet | |
Status: Down | |
VBoxNetworkName: HostInterfaceNetworking-vboxnet0 | |
Name: vboxnet1 | |
GUID: 786f6276-656e-4174-8000-0a0027000001 | |
DHCP: Disabled | |
IPAddress: | |
NetworkMask: | |
IPV6Address: fe80:0000:0000:0000:0800:27ff:fe00:0001 | |
IPV6NetworkMaskPrefixLength: 64 | |
HardwareAddress: 0a:00:27:00:00:01 | |
MediumType: Ethernet | |
Status: Up | |
VBoxNetworkName: HostInterfaceNetworking-vboxnet1 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x007f763807bb78> | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::BoxCheckOutdated:0x007f763807bb50> | |
INFO interface: output: Checking if box 'bugyt/archlinux' is up to date... | |
INFO interface: output: ==> default: Checking if box 'bugyt/archlinux' is up to date... | |
==> default: Checking if box 'bugyt/archlinux' is up to date... | |
INFO downloader: Downloader starting download: | |
INFO downloader: -- Source: | |
INFO downloader: -- Destination: /tmp/vagrant-load-metadata20160720-22480-rzqzqw | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/opt/vagrant/embedded/bin/curl", "-q", "--fail", "--location", "--max-redirs", "10", "--user-agent", "Vagrant/1.8.5 (+; ruby2.2.4)", "-H", "Accept: application/json", "--output", "/tmp/vagrant-load-metadata20160720-22480-rzqzqw", ""] | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stderr: % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current | |
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed | |
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 | |
DEBUG subprocess: stderr: | |
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 | |
DEBUG subprocess: stderr: | |
100 115 100 115 0 0 169 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 185 | |
DEBUG subprocess: stderr: | |
100 8176 100 8176 0 0 8883 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 8883 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 31999 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::Call:0x0000000251d360> | |
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence... | |
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined. | |
INFO runner: Running action: machine_action_up #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x007f76380d3828> | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::IsRunning:0x007f76380d0f38> | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--machinereadable"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="archlinux_1469020277049_72328" | |
groups="/" | |
ostype="Arch Linux (64-bit)" | |
UUID="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
CfgFile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/archlinux_1469020277049_72328/archlinux_1469020277049_72328.vbox" | |
SnapFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/archlinux_1469020277049_72328/Snapshots" | |
LogFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/archlinux_1469020277049_72328/Logs" | |
hardwareuuid="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
memory=512 | |
pagefusion="off" | |
vram=12 | |
cpuexecutioncap=100 | |
hpet="off" | |
chipset="piix3" | |
firmware="BIOS" | |
cpus=1 | |
pae="off" | |
longmode="on" | |
triplefaultreset="off" | |
apic="on" | |
x2apic="off" | |
cpuid-portability-level=0 | |
bootmenu="messageandmenu" | |
boot1="dvd" | |
boot2="disk" | |
boot3="none" | |
boot4="none" | |
acpi="on" | |
ioapic="on" | |
biosapic="apic" | |
biossystemtimeoffset=0 | |
rtcuseutc="on" | |
hwvirtex="on" | |
nestedpaging="on" | |
largepages="on" | |
vtxvpid="on" | |
vtxux="on" | |
paravirtprovider="default" | |
effparavirtprovider="kvm" | |
VMState="poweroff" | |
VMStateChangeTime="2016-01-28T15:26:12.000000000" | |
monitorcount=1 | |
accelerate3d="off" | |
accelerate2dvideo="off" | |
teleporterenabled="off" | |
teleporterport=0 | |
teleporteraddress="" | |
teleporterpassword="" | |
tracing-enabled="off" | |
tracing-allow-vm-access="off" | |
tracing-config="" | |
autostart-enabled="off" | |
autostart-delay=0 | |
defaultfrontend="" | |
storagecontrollername0="IDE" | |
storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4" | |
storagecontrollerinstance0="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerbootable0="on" | |
storagecontrollername1="SATA" | |
storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci" | |
storagecontrollerinstance1="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30" | |
storagecontrollerportcount1="1" | |
storagecontrollerbootable1="on" | |
"IDE-0-0"="none" | |
"IDE-0-1"="none" | |
"IDE-1-0"="emptydrive" | |
"IDE-IsEjected"="off" | |
"IDE-1-1"="none" | |
"SATA-0-0"="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/archlinux_1469020277049_72328/box-disk1.vmdk" | |
"SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="0875090e-e9fd-472e-9669-bcfe93ca008b" | |
natnet1="nat" | |
macaddress1="0800277E372A" | |
cableconnected1="on" | |
nic1="nat" | |
nictype1="82540EM" | |
nicspeed1="0" | |
mtu="0" | |
sockSnd="64" | |
sockRcv="64" | |
tcpWndSnd="64" | |
tcpWndRcv="64" | |
nic2="none" | |
nic3="none" | |
nic4="none" | |
nic5="none" | |
nic6="none" | |
nic7="none" | |
nic8="none" | |
hidpointing="ps2mouse" | |
hidkeyboard="ps2kbd" | |
uart1="off" | |
uart2="off" | |
uart3="off" | |
uart4="off" | |
lpt1="off" | |
lpt2="off" | |
audio="none" | |
clipboard="bidirectional" | |
draganddrop="bidirectional" | |
vrde="off" | |
usb="on" | |
ehci="off" | |
xhci="off" | |
vcpenabled="off" | |
vcpscreens=0 | |
vcpfile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/archlinux_1469020277049_72328/archlinux_1469020277049_72328.webm" | |
vcpwidth=1024 | |
vcpheight=768 | |
vcprate=512 | |
vcpfps=25 | |
GuestMemoryBalloon=0 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::IsRunning:0x007f76380d0f38> | |
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence... | |
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined. | |
INFO runner: Running action: machine_action_up #<Vagrant::Action::Warden:0x000000032cf530> | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Proc:0x00000003222bc8@/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:94 (lambda)> | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::Call:0x000000032cf490> | |
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence... | |
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined. | |
INFO runner: Running action: machine_action_up #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x000000030ba420> | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::IsSaved:0x000000030afc28> | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--machinereadable"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="archlinux_1469020277049_72328" | |
groups="/" | |
ostype="Arch Linux (64-bit)" | |
UUID="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
CfgFile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/archlinux_1469020277049_72328/archlinux_1469020277049_72328.vbox" | |
SnapFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/archlinux_1469020277049_72328/Snapshots" | |
LogFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/archlinux_1469020277049_72328/Logs" | |
hardwareuuid="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
memory=512 | |
pagefusion="off" | |
vram=12 | |
cpuexecutioncap=100 | |
hpet="off" | |
chipset="piix3" | |
firmware="BIOS" | |
cpus=1 | |
pae="off" | |
longmode="on" | |
triplefaultreset="off" | |
apic="on" | |
x2apic="off" | |
cpuid-portability-level=0 | |
bootmenu="messageandmenu" | |
boot1="dvd" | |
boot2="disk" | |
boot3="none" | |
boot4="none" | |
acpi="on" | |
ioapic="on" | |
biosapic="apic" | |
biossystemtimeoffset=0 | |
rtcuseutc="on" | |
hwvirtex="on" | |
nestedpaging="on" | |
largepages="on" | |
vtxvpid="on" | |
vtxux="on" | |
paravirtprovider="default" | |
effparavirtprovider="kvm" | |
VMState="poweroff" | |
VMStateChangeTime="2016-01-28T15:26:12.000000000" | |
monitorcount=1 | |
accelerate3d="off" | |
accelerate2dvideo="off" | |
teleporterenabled="off" | |
teleporterport=0 | |
teleporteraddress="" | |
teleporterpassword="" | |
tracing-enabled="off" | |
tracing-allow-vm-access="off" | |
tracing-config="" | |
autostart-enabled="off" | |
autostart-delay=0 | |
defaultfrontend="" | |
storagecontrollername0="IDE" | |
storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4" | |
storagecontrollerinstance0="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerbootable0="on" | |
storagecontrollername1="SATA" | |
storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci" | |
storagecontrollerinstance1="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30" | |
storagecontrollerportcount1="1" | |
storagecontrollerbootable1="on" | |
"IDE-0-0"="none" | |
"IDE-0-1"="none" | |
"IDE-1-0"="emptydrive" | |
"IDE-IsEjected"="off" | |
"IDE-1-1"="none" | |
"SATA-0-0"="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/archlinux_1469020277049_72328/box-disk1.vmdk" | |
"SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="0875090e-e9fd-472e-9669-bcfe93ca008b" | |
natnet1="nat" | |
macaddress1="0800277E372A" | |
cableconnected1="on" | |
nic1="nat" | |
nictype1="82540EM" | |
nicspeed1="0" | |
mtu="0" | |
sockSnd="64" | |
sockRcv="64" | |
tcpWndSnd="64" | |
tcpWndRcv="64" | |
nic2="none" | |
nic3="none" | |
nic4="none" | |
nic5="none" | |
nic6="none" | |
nic7="none" | |
nic8="none" | |
hidpointing="ps2mouse" | |
hidkeyboard="ps2kbd" | |
uart1="off" | |
uart2="off" | |
uart3="off" | |
uart4="off" | |
lpt1="off" | |
lpt2="off" | |
audio="none" | |
clipboard="bidirectional" | |
draganddrop="bidirectional" | |
vrde="off" | |
usb="on" | |
ehci="off" | |
xhci="off" | |
vcpenabled="off" | |
vcpscreens=0 | |
vcpfile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/archlinux_1469020277049_72328/archlinux_1469020277049_72328.webm" | |
vcpwidth=1024 | |
vcpheight=768 | |
vcprate=512 | |
vcpfps=25 | |
GuestMemoryBalloon=0 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::IsSaved:0x000000030afc28> | |
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence... | |
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined. | |
INFO runner: Running action: machine_action_up #<Vagrant::Action::Warden:0x00000002e02f20> | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Proc:0x00000002d2d488@/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:94 (lambda)> | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::Call:0x00000002e02ea8> | |
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence... | |
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined. | |
INFO runner: Running action: machine_action_up #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x00000002c77de0> | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::IsPaused:0x00000002c75630> | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--machinereadable"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="archlinux_1469020277049_72328" | |
groups="/" | |
ostype="Arch Linux (64-bit)" | |
UUID="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
CfgFile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/archlinux_1469020277049_72328/archlinux_1469020277049_72328.vbox" | |
SnapFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/archlinux_1469020277049_72328/Snapshots" | |
LogFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/archlinux_1469020277049_72328/Logs" | |
hardwareuuid="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
memory=512 | |
pagefusion="off" | |
vram=12 | |
cpuexecutioncap=100 | |
hpet="off" | |
chipset="piix3" | |
firmware="BIOS" | |
cpus=1 | |
pae="off" | |
longmode="on" | |
triplefaultreset="off" | |
apic="on" | |
x2apic="off" | |
cpuid-portability-level=0 | |
bootmenu="messageandmenu" | |
boot1="dvd" | |
boot2="disk" | |
boot3="none" | |
boot4="none" | |
acpi="on" | |
ioapic="on" | |
biosapic="apic" | |
biossystemtimeoffset=0 | |
rtcuseutc="on" | |
hwvirtex="on" | |
nestedpaging="on" | |
largepages="on" | |
vtxvpid="on" | |
vtxux="on" | |
paravirtprovider="default" | |
effparavirtprovider="kvm" | |
VMState="poweroff" | |
VMStateChangeTime="2016-01-28T15:26:12.000000000" | |
monitorcount=1 | |
accelerate3d="off" | |
accelerate2dvideo="off" | |
teleporterenabled="off" | |
teleporterport=0 | |
teleporteraddress="" | |
teleporterpassword="" | |
tracing-enabled="off" | |
tracing-allow-vm-access="off" | |
tracing-config="" | |
autostart-enabled="off" | |
autostart-delay=0 | |
defaultfrontend="" | |
storagecontrollername0="IDE" | |
storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4" | |
storagecontrollerinstance0="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerbootable0="on" | |
storagecontrollername1="SATA" | |
storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci" | |
storagecontrollerinstance1="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30" | |
storagecontrollerportcount1="1" | |
storagecontrollerbootable1="on" | |
"IDE-0-0"="none" | |
"IDE-0-1"="none" | |
"IDE-1-0"="emptydrive" | |
"IDE-IsEjected"="off" | |
"IDE-1-1"="none" | |
"SATA-0-0"="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/archlinux_1469020277049_72328/box-disk1.vmdk" | |
"SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="0875090e-e9fd-472e-9669-bcfe93ca008b" | |
natnet1="nat" | |
macaddress1="0800277E372A" | |
cableconnected1="on" | |
nic1="nat" | |
nictype1="82540EM" | |
nicspeed1="0" | |
mtu="0" | |
sockSnd="64" | |
sockRcv="64" | |
tcpWndSnd="64" | |
tcpWndRcv="64" | |
nic2="none" | |
nic3="none" | |
nic4="none" | |
nic5="none" | |
nic6="none" | |
nic7="none" | |
nic8="none" | |
hidpointing="ps2mouse" | |
hidkeyboard="ps2kbd" | |
uart1="off" | |
uart2="off" | |
uart3="off" | |
uart4="off" | |
lpt1="off" | |
lpt2="off" | |
audio="none" | |
clipboard="bidirectional" | |
draganddrop="bidirectional" | |
vrde="off" | |
usb="on" | |
ehci="off" | |
xhci="off" | |
vcpenabled="off" | |
vcpscreens=0 | |
vcpfile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/archlinux_1469020277049_72328/archlinux_1469020277049_72328.webm" | |
vcpwidth=1024 | |
vcpheight=768 | |
vcprate=512 | |
vcpfps=25 | |
GuestMemoryBalloon=0 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::IsPaused:0x00000002c75630> | |
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence... | |
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined. | |
INFO runner: Running action: machine_action_up #<Vagrant::Action::Warden:0x00000002889d78> | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Proc:0x00000002b78b38@/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:94 (lambda)> | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::CheckAccessible:0x00000002889c10> | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--machinereadable"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="archlinux_1469020277049_72328" | |
groups="/" | |
ostype="Arch Linux (64-bit)" | |
UUID="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
CfgFile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/archlinux_1469020277049_72328/archlinux_1469020277049_72328.vbox" | |
SnapFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/archlinux_1469020277049_72328/Snapshots" | |
LogFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/archlinux_1469020277049_72328/Logs" | |
hardwareuuid="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
memory=512 | |
pagefusion="off" | |
vram=12 | |
cpuexecutioncap=100 | |
hpet="off" | |
chipset="piix3" | |
firmware="BIOS" | |
cpus=1 | |
pae="off" | |
longmode="on" | |
triplefaultreset="off" | |
apic="on" | |
x2apic="off" | |
cpuid-portability-level=0 | |
bootmenu="messageandmenu" | |
boot1="dvd" | |
boot2="disk" | |
boot3="none" | |
boot4="none" | |
acpi="on" | |
ioapic="on" | |
biosapic="apic" | |
biossystemtimeoffset=0 | |
rtcuseutc="on" | |
hwvirtex="on" | |
nestedpaging="on" | |
largepages="on" | |
vtxvpid="on" | |
vtxux="on" | |
paravirtprovider="default" | |
effparavirtprovider="kvm" | |
VMState="poweroff" | |
VMStateChangeTime="2016-01-28T15:26:12.000000000" | |
monitorcount=1 | |
accelerate3d="off" | |
accelerate2dvideo="off" | |
teleporterenabled="off" | |
teleporterport=0 | |
teleporteraddress="" | |
teleporterpassword="" | |
tracing-enabled="off" | |
tracing-allow-vm-access="off" | |
tracing-config="" | |
autostart-enabled="off" | |
autostart-delay=0 | |
defaultfrontend="" | |
storagecontrollername0="IDE" | |
storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4" | |
storagecontrollerinstance0="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerbootable0="on" | |
storagecontrollername1="SATA" | |
storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci" | |
storagecontrollerinstance1="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30" | |
storagecontrollerportcount1="1" | |
storagecontrollerbootable1="on" | |
"IDE-0-0"="none" | |
"IDE-0-1"="none" | |
"IDE-1-0"="emptydrive" | |
"IDE-IsEjected"="off" | |
"IDE-1-1"="none" | |
"SATA-0-0"="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/archlinux_1469020277049_72328/box-disk1.vmdk" | |
"SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="0875090e-e9fd-472e-9669-bcfe93ca008b" | |
natnet1="nat" | |
macaddress1="0800277E372A" | |
cableconnected1="on" | |
nic1="nat" | |
nictype1="82540EM" | |
nicspeed1="0" | |
mtu="0" | |
sockSnd="64" | |
sockRcv="64" | |
tcpWndSnd="64" | |
tcpWndRcv="64" | |
nic2="none" | |
nic3="none" | |
nic4="none" | |
nic5="none" | |
nic6="none" | |
nic7="none" | |
nic8="none" | |
hidpointing="ps2mouse" | |
hidkeyboard="ps2kbd" | |
uart1="off" | |
uart2="off" | |
uart3="off" | |
uart4="off" | |
lpt1="off" | |
lpt2="off" | |
audio="none" | |
clipboard="bidirectional" | |
draganddrop="bidirectional" | |
vrde="off" | |
usb="on" | |
ehci="off" | |
xhci="off" | |
vcpenabled="off" | |
vcpscreens=0 | |
vcpfile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/archlinux_1469020277049_72328/archlinux_1469020277049_72328.webm" | |
vcpwidth=1024 | |
vcpheight=768 | |
vcprate=512 | |
vcpfps=25 | |
GuestMemoryBalloon=0 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::CleanMachineFolder:0x00000002889b20> | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "list", "systemproperties"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: API version: 5_1 | |
Minimum guest RAM size: 4 Megabytes | |
Maximum guest RAM size: 2097152 Megabytes | |
Minimum video RAM size: 0 Megabytes | |
Maximum video RAM size: 256 Megabytes | |
Maximum guest monitor count: 64 | |
Minimum guest CPU count: 1 | |
Maximum guest CPU count: 32 | |
Virtual disk limit (info): 2199022206976 Bytes | |
Maximum Serial Port count: 4 | |
Maximum Parallel Port count: 2 | |
Maximum Boot Position: 4 | |
Maximum PIIX3 Network Adapter count: 8 | |
Maximum ICH9 Network Adapter count: 36 | |
Maximum PIIX3 IDE Controllers: 1 | |
Maximum ICH9 IDE Controllers: 1 | |
Maximum IDE Port count: 2 | |
Maximum Devices per IDE Port: 2 | |
Maximum PIIX3 SATA Controllers: 1 | |
Maximum ICH9 SATA Controllers: 8 | |
Maximum SATA Port count: 30 | |
Maximum Devices per SATA Port: 1 | |
Maximum PIIX3 SCSI Controllers: 1 | |
Maximum ICH9 SCSI Controllers: 8 | |
Maximum SCSI Port count: 16 | |
Maximum Devices per SCSI Port: 1 | |
Maximum SAS PIIX3 Controllers: 1 | |
Maximum SAS ICH9 Controllers: 8 | |
Maximum SAS Port count: 255 | |
Maximum Devices per SAS Port: 1 | |
Maximum PIIX3 Floppy Controllers:1 | |
Maximum ICH9 Floppy Controllers: 1 | |
Maximum Floppy Port count: 1 | |
Maximum Devices per Floppy Port: 2 | |
Default machine folder: /home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs | |
Raw-mode Supported: yes | |
Exclusive HW virtualization use: on | |
Default hard disk format: VDI | |
VRDE auth library: VBoxAuth | |
Webservice auth. library: VBoxAuth | |
Remote desktop ExtPack: | |
Log history count: 3 | |
Default frontend: | |
Default audio driver: Pulse | |
Autostart database path: | |
Default Guest Additions ISO: /usr/lib/virtualbox/additions/VBoxGuestAdditions.iso | |
Logging Level: all | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::SetName:0x00000002889ad0> | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "list", "vms"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: "softwarepublico_database_1456505966787_65920" {3e21834f-48ed-4222-8cc2-b4955d0ebf88} | |
"softwarepublico_integration_1456506009224_23993" {60c68dfe-3675-439f-841e-dd4d98540de4} | |
"softwarepublico_email_1456506048103_9858" {fab08bbd-3c0b-41bd-bce2-0573fdf50f64} | |
"softwarepublico_social_1456506091881_59331" {9337bd07-c551-4589-96e1-4d51f9e9a297} | |
"softwarepublico_mezuro_1456506137401_91522" {2801f27b-c449-4b68-b2d2-6fbebf944ec8} | |
"softwarepublico_reverseproxy_1456506178827_69479" {29de45d0-a174-43e4-bd5e-39686fe27304} | |
"archlinux_1469020277049_72328" {6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938} | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO interface: info: Setting the name of the VM: pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325 | |
INFO interface: info: ==> default: Setting the name of the VM: pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325 | |
==> default: Setting the name of the VM: pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325 | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "modifyvm", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--name", "pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::ClearForwardedPorts:0x000000027d1f20> | |
DEBUG virtualbox_5_1: read_forward_ports: uuid=6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938 active_only=false | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--machinereadable"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325" | |
groups="/" | |
ostype="Arch Linux (64-bit)" | |
UUID="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
CfgFile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.vbox" | |
SnapFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Snapshots" | |
LogFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Logs" | |
hardwareuuid="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
memory=512 | |
pagefusion="off" | |
vram=12 | |
cpuexecutioncap=100 | |
hpet="off" | |
chipset="piix3" | |
firmware="BIOS" | |
cpus=1 | |
pae="off" | |
longmode="on" | |
triplefaultreset="off" | |
apic="on" | |
x2apic="off" | |
cpuid-portability-level=0 | |
bootmenu="messageandmenu" | |
boot1="dvd" | |
boot2="disk" | |
boot3="none" | |
boot4="none" | |
acpi="on" | |
ioapic="on" | |
biosapic="apic" | |
biossystemtimeoffset=0 | |
rtcuseutc="on" | |
hwvirtex="on" | |
nestedpaging="on" | |
largepages="on" | |
vtxvpid="on" | |
vtxux="on" | |
paravirtprovider="default" | |
effparavirtprovider="kvm" | |
VMState="poweroff" | |
VMStateChangeTime="2016-01-28T15:26:12.000000000" | |
monitorcount=1 | |
accelerate3d="off" | |
accelerate2dvideo="off" | |
teleporterenabled="off" | |
teleporterport=0 | |
teleporteraddress="" | |
teleporterpassword="" | |
tracing-enabled="off" | |
tracing-allow-vm-access="off" | |
tracing-config="" | |
autostart-enabled="off" | |
autostart-delay=0 | |
defaultfrontend="" | |
storagecontrollername0="IDE" | |
storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4" | |
storagecontrollerinstance0="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerbootable0="on" | |
storagecontrollername1="SATA" | |
storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci" | |
storagecontrollerinstance1="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30" | |
storagecontrollerportcount1="1" | |
storagecontrollerbootable1="on" | |
"IDE-0-0"="none" | |
"IDE-0-1"="none" | |
"IDE-1-0"="emptydrive" | |
"IDE-IsEjected"="off" | |
"IDE-1-1"="none" | |
"SATA-0-0"="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/box-disk1.vmdk" | |
"SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="0875090e-e9fd-472e-9669-bcfe93ca008b" | |
natnet1="nat" | |
macaddress1="0800277E372A" | |
cableconnected1="on" | |
nic1="nat" | |
nictype1="82540EM" | |
nicspeed1="0" | |
mtu="0" | |
sockSnd="64" | |
sockRcv="64" | |
tcpWndSnd="64" | |
tcpWndRcv="64" | |
nic2="none" | |
nic3="none" | |
nic4="none" | |
nic5="none" | |
nic6="none" | |
nic7="none" | |
nic8="none" | |
hidpointing="ps2mouse" | |
hidkeyboard="ps2kbd" | |
uart1="off" | |
uart2="off" | |
uart3="off" | |
uart4="off" | |
lpt1="off" | |
lpt2="off" | |
audio="none" | |
clipboard="bidirectional" | |
draganddrop="bidirectional" | |
vrde="off" | |
usb="on" | |
ehci="off" | |
xhci="off" | |
vcpenabled="off" | |
vcpscreens=0 | |
vcpfile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.webm" | |
vcpwidth=1024 | |
vcpheight=768 | |
vcprate=512 | |
vcpfps=25 | |
GuestMemoryBalloon=0 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 31999 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::Provision:0x000000027d1ea8> | |
INFO provision: Checking provisioner sentinel file... | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::EnvSet:0x00000002718b38> | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::PrepareForwardedPortCollisionParams:0x00000002718b10> | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "list", "vms"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: "softwarepublico_database_1456505966787_65920" {3e21834f-48ed-4222-8cc2-b4955d0ebf88} | |
"softwarepublico_integration_1456506009224_23993" {60c68dfe-3675-439f-841e-dd4d98540de4} | |
"softwarepublico_email_1456506048103_9858" {fab08bbd-3c0b-41bd-bce2-0573fdf50f64} | |
"softwarepublico_social_1456506091881_59331" {9337bd07-c551-4589-96e1-4d51f9e9a297} | |
"softwarepublico_mezuro_1456506137401_91522" {2801f27b-c449-4b68-b2d2-6fbebf944ec8} | |
"softwarepublico_reverseproxy_1456506178827_69479" {29de45d0-a174-43e4-bd5e-39686fe27304} | |
"pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325" {6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938} | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
DEBUG virtualbox_5_1: read_forward_ports: uuid=3e21834f-48ed-4222-8cc2-b4955d0ebf88 active_only=true | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "3e21834f-48ed-4222-8cc2-b4955d0ebf88", "--machinereadable"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="softwarepublico_database_1456505966787_65920" | |
groups="/" | |
ostype="Red Hat (64-bit)" | |
UUID="3e21834f-48ed-4222-8cc2-b4955d0ebf88" | |
CfgFile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/softwarepublico_database_1456505966787_65920/softwarepublico_database_1456505966787_65920.vbox" | |
SnapFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/softwarepublico_database_1456505966787_65920/Snapshots" | |
LogFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/softwarepublico_database_1456505966787_65920/Logs" | |
hardwareuuid="3e21834f-48ed-4222-8cc2-b4955d0ebf88" | |
memory=480 | |
pagefusion="off" | |
vram=8 | |
cpuexecutioncap=100 | |
hpet="off" | |
chipset="piix3" | |
firmware="BIOS" | |
cpus=1 | |
pae="on" | |
longmode="on" | |
triplefaultreset="off" | |
apic="on" | |
x2apic="off" | |
cpuid-portability-level=0 | |
bootmenu="messageandmenu" | |
boot1="disk" | |
boot2="dvd" | |
boot3="none" | |
boot4="none" | |
acpi="on" | |
ioapic="on" | |
biosapic="apic" | |
biossystemtimeoffset=0 | |
rtcuseutc="on" | |
hwvirtex="on" | |
nestedpaging="on" | |
largepages="on" | |
vtxvpid="on" | |
vtxux="on" | |
paravirtprovider="legacy" | |
effparavirtprovider="none" | |
VMState="poweroff" | |
VMStateChangeTime="2016-02-27T13:53:22.000000000" | |
monitorcount=1 | |
accelerate3d="off" | |
accelerate2dvideo="off" | |
teleporterenabled="off" | |
teleporterport=0 | |
teleporteraddress="" | |
teleporterpassword="" | |
tracing-enabled="off" | |
tracing-allow-vm-access="off" | |
tracing-config="" | |
autostart-enabled="off" | |
autostart-delay=0 | |
defaultfrontend="" | |
storagecontrollername0="IDE Controller" | |
storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4" | |
storagecontrollerinstance0="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerbootable0="on" | |
"IDE Controller-0-0"="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/softwarepublico_database_1456505966787_65920/packer-centos-7.0-x86_64-disk1.vmdk" | |
"IDE Controller-ImageUUID-0-0"="c3177bb9-7a65-4a16-b9d4-1a7623e0d6ea" | |
"IDE Controller-0-1"="none" | |
"IDE Controller-1-0"="none" | |
"IDE Controller-1-1"="none" | |
natnet1="nat" | |
macaddress1="080027205D4B" | |
cableconnected1="on" | |
nic1="nat" | |
nictype1="82540EM" | |
nicspeed1="0" | |
mtu="0" | |
sockSnd="64" | |
sockRcv="64" | |
tcpWndSnd="64" | |
tcpWndRcv="64" | |
Forwarding(0)="ssh,tcp,,2222,,22" | |
hostonlyadapter2="vboxnet0" | |
macaddress2="080027B3C534" | |
cableconnected2="on" | |
nic2="hostonly" | |
nictype2="82540EM" | |
nicspeed2="0" | |
nic3="none" | |
nic4="none" | |
nic5="none" | |
nic6="none" | |
nic7="none" | |
nic8="none" | |
hidpointing="ps2mouse" | |
hidkeyboard="ps2kbd" | |
uart1="off" | |
uart2="off" | |
uart3="off" | |
uart4="off" | |
lpt1="off" | |
lpt2="off" | |
audio="none" | |
clipboard="disabled" | |
draganddrop="disabled" | |
vrde="off" | |
usb="off" | |
ehci="off" | |
xhci="off" | |
SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant" | |
SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/manzo/workspace/mezuro/spb/softwarepublico" | |
vcpenabled="off" | |
vcpscreens=0 | |
vcpfile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/softwarepublico_database_1456505966787_65920/softwarepublico_database_1456505966787_65920.webm" | |
vcpwidth=1024 | |
vcpheight=768 | |
vcprate=512 | |
vcpfps=25 | |
GuestMemoryBalloon=0 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
DEBUG virtualbox_5_1: read_forward_ports: uuid=60c68dfe-3675-439f-841e-dd4d98540de4 active_only=true | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "60c68dfe-3675-439f-841e-dd4d98540de4", "--machinereadable"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="softwarepublico_integration_1456506009224_23993" | |
groups="/" | |
ostype="Red Hat (64-bit)" | |
UUID="60c68dfe-3675-439f-841e-dd4d98540de4" | |
CfgFile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/softwarepublico_integration_1456506009224_23993/softwarepublico_integration_1456506009224_23993.vbox" | |
SnapFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/softwarepublico_integration_1456506009224_23993/Snapshots" | |
LogFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/softwarepublico_integration_1456506009224_23993/Logs" | |
hardwareuuid="60c68dfe-3675-439f-841e-dd4d98540de4" | |
memory=1024 | |
pagefusion="off" | |
vram=8 | |
cpuexecutioncap=100 | |
hpet="off" | |
chipset="piix3" | |
firmware="BIOS" | |
cpus=2 | |
pae="on" | |
longmode="on" | |
triplefaultreset="off" | |
apic="on" | |
x2apic="off" | |
cpuid-portability-level=0 | |
bootmenu="messageandmenu" | |
boot1="disk" | |
boot2="dvd" | |
boot3="none" | |
boot4="none" | |
acpi="on" | |
ioapic="on" | |
biosapic="apic" | |
biossystemtimeoffset=0 | |
rtcuseutc="on" | |
hwvirtex="on" | |
nestedpaging="on" | |
largepages="on" | |
vtxvpid="on" | |
vtxux="on" | |
paravirtprovider="legacy" | |
effparavirtprovider="none" | |
VMState="poweroff" | |
VMStateChangeTime="2016-02-27T13:53:23.000000000" | |
monitorcount=1 | |
accelerate3d="off" | |
accelerate2dvideo="off" | |
teleporterenabled="off" | |
teleporterport=0 | |
teleporteraddress="" | |
teleporterpassword="" | |
tracing-enabled="off" | |
tracing-allow-vm-access="off" | |
tracing-config="" | |
autostart-enabled="off" | |
autostart-delay=0 | |
defaultfrontend="" | |
storagecontrollername0="IDE Controller" | |
storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4" | |
storagecontrollerinstance0="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerbootable0="on" | |
"IDE Controller-0-0"="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/softwarepublico_integration_1456506009224_23993/packer-centos-7.0-x86_64-disk1.vmdk" | |
"IDE Controller-ImageUUID-0-0"="0c326c23-8d10-4087-aa7a-acb6e2adfac0" | |
"IDE Controller-0-1"="none" | |
"IDE Controller-1-0"="none" | |
"IDE Controller-1-1"="none" | |
natnet1="nat" | |
macaddress1="080027205D4B" | |
cableconnected1="on" | |
nic1="nat" | |
nictype1="82540EM" | |
nicspeed1="0" | |
mtu="0" | |
sockSnd="64" | |
sockRcv="64" | |
tcpWndSnd="64" | |
tcpWndRcv="64" | |
Forwarding(0)="ssh,tcp,,2200,,22" | |
hostonlyadapter2="vboxnet0" | |
macaddress2="080027C7D0D5" | |
cableconnected2="on" | |
nic2="hostonly" | |
nictype2="82540EM" | |
nicspeed2="0" | |
nic3="none" | |
nic4="none" | |
nic5="none" | |
nic6="none" | |
nic7="none" | |
nic8="none" | |
hidpointing="ps2mouse" | |
hidkeyboard="ps2kbd" | |
uart1="off" | |
uart2="off" | |
uart3="off" | |
uart4="off" | |
lpt1="off" | |
lpt2="off" | |
audio="none" | |
clipboard="disabled" | |
draganddrop="disabled" | |
vrde="off" | |
usb="off" | |
ehci="off" | |
xhci="off" | |
SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant" | |
SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/manzo/workspace/mezuro/spb/softwarepublico" | |
vcpenabled="off" | |
vcpscreens=0 | |
vcpfile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/softwarepublico_integration_1456506009224_23993/softwarepublico_integration_1456506009224_23993.webm" | |
vcpwidth=1024 | |
vcpheight=768 | |
vcprate=512 | |
vcpfps=25 | |
GuestMemoryBalloon=0 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
DEBUG virtualbox_5_1: read_forward_ports: uuid=fab08bbd-3c0b-41bd-bce2-0573fdf50f64 active_only=true | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "fab08bbd-3c0b-41bd-bce2-0573fdf50f64", "--machinereadable"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="softwarepublico_email_1456506048103_9858" | |
groups="/" | |
ostype="Red Hat (64-bit)" | |
UUID="fab08bbd-3c0b-41bd-bce2-0573fdf50f64" | |
CfgFile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/softwarepublico_email_1456506048103_9858/softwarepublico_email_1456506048103_9858.vbox" | |
SnapFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/softwarepublico_email_1456506048103_9858/Snapshots" | |
LogFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/softwarepublico_email_1456506048103_9858/Logs" | |
hardwareuuid="fab08bbd-3c0b-41bd-bce2-0573fdf50f64" | |
memory=480 | |
pagefusion="off" | |
vram=8 | |
cpuexecutioncap=100 | |
hpet="off" | |
chipset="piix3" | |
firmware="BIOS" | |
cpus=1 | |
pae="on" | |
longmode="on" | |
triplefaultreset="off" | |
apic="on" | |
x2apic="off" | |
cpuid-portability-level=0 | |
bootmenu="messageandmenu" | |
boot1="disk" | |
boot2="dvd" | |
boot3="none" | |
boot4="none" | |
acpi="on" | |
ioapic="on" | |
biosapic="apic" | |
biossystemtimeoffset=0 | |
rtcuseutc="on" | |
hwvirtex="on" | |
nestedpaging="on" | |
largepages="on" | |
vtxvpid="on" | |
vtxux="on" | |
paravirtprovider="legacy" | |
effparavirtprovider="none" | |
VMState="poweroff" | |
VMStateChangeTime="2016-02-27T13:53:23.000000000" | |
monitorcount=1 | |
accelerate3d="off" | |
accelerate2dvideo="off" | |
teleporterenabled="off" | |
teleporterport=0 | |
teleporteraddress="" | |
teleporterpassword="" | |
tracing-enabled="off" | |
tracing-allow-vm-access="off" | |
tracing-config="" | |
autostart-enabled="off" | |
autostart-delay=0 | |
defaultfrontend="" | |
storagecontrollername0="IDE Controller" | |
storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4" | |
storagecontrollerinstance0="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerbootable0="on" | |
"IDE Controller-0-0"="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/softwarepublico_email_1456506048103_9858/packer-centos-7.0-x86_64-disk1.vmdk" | |
"IDE Controller-ImageUUID-0-0"="5e3b323b-0bf1-44b3-98b1-e4cbb5c39d76" | |
"IDE Controller-0-1"="none" | |
"IDE Controller-1-0"="none" | |
"IDE Controller-1-1"="none" | |
natnet1="nat" | |
macaddress1="080027205D4B" | |
cableconnected1="on" | |
nic1="nat" | |
nictype1="82540EM" | |
nicspeed1="0" | |
mtu="0" | |
sockSnd="64" | |
sockRcv="64" | |
tcpWndSnd="64" | |
tcpWndRcv="64" | |
Forwarding(0)="ssh,tcp,,2201,,22" | |
hostonlyadapter2="vboxnet0" | |
macaddress2="080027829F9F" | |
cableconnected2="on" | |
nic2="hostonly" | |
nictype2="82540EM" | |
nicspeed2="0" | |
nic3="none" | |
nic4="none" | |
nic5="none" | |
nic6="none" | |
nic7="none" | |
nic8="none" | |
hidpointing="ps2mouse" | |
hidkeyboard="ps2kbd" | |
uart1="off" | |
uart2="off" | |
uart3="off" | |
uart4="off" | |
lpt1="off" | |
lpt2="off" | |
audio="none" | |
clipboard="disabled" | |
draganddrop="disabled" | |
vrde="off" | |
usb="off" | |
ehci="off" | |
xhci="off" | |
SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant" | |
SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/manzo/workspace/mezuro/spb/softwarepublico" | |
vcpenabled="off" | |
vcpscreens=0 | |
vcpfile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/softwarepublico_email_1456506048103_9858/softwarepublico_email_1456506048103_9858.webm" | |
vcpwidth=1024 | |
vcpheight=768 | |
vcprate=512 | |
vcpfps=25 | |
GuestMemoryBalloon=0 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
DEBUG virtualbox_5_1: read_forward_ports: uuid=9337bd07-c551-4589-96e1-4d51f9e9a297 active_only=true | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "9337bd07-c551-4589-96e1-4d51f9e9a297", "--machinereadable"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="softwarepublico_social_1456506091881_59331" | |
groups="/" | |
ostype="Red Hat (64-bit)" | |
UUID="9337bd07-c551-4589-96e1-4d51f9e9a297" | |
CfgFile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/softwarepublico_social_1456506091881_59331/softwarepublico_social_1456506091881_59331.vbox" | |
SnapFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/softwarepublico_social_1456506091881_59331/Snapshots" | |
LogFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/softwarepublico_social_1456506091881_59331/Logs" | |
hardwareuuid="9337bd07-c551-4589-96e1-4d51f9e9a297" | |
memory=480 | |
pagefusion="off" | |
vram=8 | |
cpuexecutioncap=100 | |
hpet="off" | |
chipset="piix3" | |
firmware="BIOS" | |
cpus=1 | |
pae="on" | |
longmode="on" | |
triplefaultreset="off" | |
apic="on" | |
x2apic="off" | |
cpuid-portability-level=0 | |
bootmenu="messageandmenu" | |
boot1="disk" | |
boot2="dvd" | |
boot3="none" | |
boot4="none" | |
acpi="on" | |
ioapic="on" | |
biosapic="apic" | |
biossystemtimeoffset=0 | |
rtcuseutc="on" | |
hwvirtex="on" | |
nestedpaging="on" | |
largepages="on" | |
vtxvpid="on" | |
vtxux="on" | |
paravirtprovider="legacy" | |
effparavirtprovider="none" | |
VMState="poweroff" | |
VMStateChangeTime="2016-02-27T13:53:23.000000000" | |
monitorcount=1 | |
accelerate3d="off" | |
accelerate2dvideo="off" | |
teleporterenabled="off" | |
teleporterport=0 | |
teleporteraddress="" | |
teleporterpassword="" | |
tracing-enabled="off" | |
tracing-allow-vm-access="off" | |
tracing-config="" | |
autostart-enabled="off" | |
autostart-delay=0 | |
defaultfrontend="" | |
storagecontrollername0="IDE Controller" | |
storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4" | |
storagecontrollerinstance0="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerbootable0="on" | |
"IDE Controller-0-0"="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/softwarepublico_social_1456506091881_59331/packer-centos-7.0-x86_64-disk1.vmdk" | |
"IDE Controller-ImageUUID-0-0"="08a47392-cfc4-41e8-a40e-eaa1eaf67df6" | |
"IDE Controller-0-1"="none" | |
"IDE Controller-1-0"="none" | |
"IDE Controller-1-1"="none" | |
natnet1="nat" | |
macaddress1="080027205D4B" | |
cableconnected1="on" | |
nic1="nat" | |
nictype1="82540EM" | |
nicspeed1="0" | |
mtu="0" | |
sockSnd="64" | |
sockRcv="64" | |
tcpWndSnd="64" | |
tcpWndRcv="64" | |
Forwarding(0)="ssh,tcp,,2202,,22" | |
hostonlyadapter2="vboxnet0" | |
macaddress2="080027F7BFE0" | |
cableconnected2="on" | |
nic2="hostonly" | |
nictype2="82540EM" | |
nicspeed2="0" | |
nic3="none" | |
nic4="none" | |
nic5="none" | |
nic6="none" | |
nic7="none" | |
nic8="none" | |
hidpointing="ps2mouse" | |
hidkeyboard="ps2kbd" | |
uart1="off" | |
uart2="off" | |
uart3="off" | |
uart4="off" | |
lpt1="off" | |
lpt2="off" | |
audio="none" | |
clipboard="disabled" | |
draganddrop="disabled" | |
vrde="off" | |
usb="off" | |
ehci="off" | |
xhci="off" | |
SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant" | |
SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/manzo/workspace/mezuro/spb/softwarepublico" | |
vcpenabled="off" | |
vcpscreens=0 | |
vcpfile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/softwarepublico_social_1456506091881_59331/softwarepublico_social_1456506091881_59331.webm" | |
vcpwidth=1024 | |
vcpheight=768 | |
vcprate=512 | |
vcpfps=25 | |
GuestMemoryBalloon=0 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
DEBUG virtualbox_5_1: read_forward_ports: uuid=2801f27b-c449-4b68-b2d2-6fbebf944ec8 active_only=true | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "2801f27b-c449-4b68-b2d2-6fbebf944ec8", "--machinereadable"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="softwarepublico_mezuro_1456506137401_91522" | |
groups="/" | |
ostype="Red Hat (64-bit)" | |
UUID="2801f27b-c449-4b68-b2d2-6fbebf944ec8" | |
CfgFile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/softwarepublico_mezuro_1456506137401_91522/softwarepublico_mezuro_1456506137401_91522.vbox" | |
SnapFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/softwarepublico_mezuro_1456506137401_91522/Snapshots" | |
LogFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/softwarepublico_mezuro_1456506137401_91522/Logs" | |
hardwareuuid="2801f27b-c449-4b68-b2d2-6fbebf944ec8" | |
memory=480 | |
pagefusion="off" | |
vram=8 | |
cpuexecutioncap=100 | |
hpet="off" | |
chipset="piix3" | |
firmware="BIOS" | |
cpus=1 | |
pae="on" | |
longmode="on" | |
triplefaultreset="off" | |
apic="on" | |
x2apic="off" | |
cpuid-portability-level=0 | |
bootmenu="messageandmenu" | |
boot1="disk" | |
boot2="dvd" | |
boot3="none" | |
boot4="none" | |
acpi="on" | |
ioapic="on" | |
biosapic="apic" | |
biossystemtimeoffset=0 | |
rtcuseutc="on" | |
hwvirtex="on" | |
nestedpaging="on" | |
largepages="on" | |
vtxvpid="on" | |
vtxux="on" | |
paravirtprovider="legacy" | |
effparavirtprovider="none" | |
VMState="poweroff" | |
VMStateChangeTime="2016-02-27T13:53:24.000000000" | |
monitorcount=1 | |
accelerate3d="off" | |
accelerate2dvideo="off" | |
teleporterenabled="off" | |
teleporterport=0 | |
teleporteraddress="" | |
teleporterpassword="" | |
tracing-enabled="off" | |
tracing-allow-vm-access="off" | |
tracing-config="" | |
autostart-enabled="off" | |
autostart-delay=0 | |
defaultfrontend="" | |
storagecontrollername0="IDE Controller" | |
storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4" | |
storagecontrollerinstance0="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerbootable0="on" | |
"IDE Controller-0-0"="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/softwarepublico_mezuro_1456506137401_91522/packer-centos-7.0-x86_64-disk1.vmdk" | |
"IDE Controller-ImageUUID-0-0"="0f79dc19-4d2a-4f7d-ba81-2f257c3db8cc" | |
"IDE Controller-0-1"="none" | |
"IDE Controller-1-0"="none" | |
"IDE Controller-1-1"="none" | |
natnet1="nat" | |
macaddress1="080027205D4B" | |
cableconnected1="on" | |
nic1="nat" | |
nictype1="82540EM" | |
nicspeed1="0" | |
mtu="0" | |
sockSnd="64" | |
sockRcv="64" | |
tcpWndSnd="64" | |
tcpWndRcv="64" | |
Forwarding(0)="ssh,tcp,,2203,,22" | |
hostonlyadapter2="vboxnet0" | |
macaddress2="0800274C473B" | |
cableconnected2="on" | |
nic2="hostonly" | |
nictype2="82540EM" | |
nicspeed2="0" | |
nic3="none" | |
nic4="none" | |
nic5="none" | |
nic6="none" | |
nic7="none" | |
nic8="none" | |
hidpointing="ps2mouse" | |
hidkeyboard="ps2kbd" | |
uart1="off" | |
uart2="off" | |
uart3="off" | |
uart4="off" | |
lpt1="off" | |
lpt2="off" | |
audio="none" | |
clipboard="disabled" | |
draganddrop="disabled" | |
vrde="off" | |
usb="off" | |
ehci="off" | |
xhci="off" | |
SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant" | |
SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/manzo/workspace/mezuro/spb/softwarepublico" | |
vcpenabled="off" | |
vcpscreens=0 | |
vcpfile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/softwarepublico_mezuro_1456506137401_91522/softwarepublico_mezuro_1456506137401_91522.webm" | |
vcpwidth=1024 | |
vcpheight=768 | |
vcprate=512 | |
vcpfps=25 | |
GuestMemoryBalloon=0 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
DEBUG virtualbox_5_1: read_forward_ports: uuid=29de45d0-a174-43e4-bd5e-39686fe27304 active_only=true | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "29de45d0-a174-43e4-bd5e-39686fe27304", "--machinereadable"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="softwarepublico_reverseproxy_1456506178827_69479" | |
groups="/" | |
ostype="Red Hat (64-bit)" | |
UUID="29de45d0-a174-43e4-bd5e-39686fe27304" | |
CfgFile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/softwarepublico_reverseproxy_1456506178827_69479/softwarepublico_reverseproxy_1456506178827_69479.vbox" | |
SnapFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/softwarepublico_reverseproxy_1456506178827_69479/Snapshots" | |
LogFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/softwarepublico_reverseproxy_1456506178827_69479/Logs" | |
hardwareuuid="29de45d0-a174-43e4-bd5e-39686fe27304" | |
memory=480 | |
pagefusion="off" | |
vram=8 | |
cpuexecutioncap=100 | |
hpet="off" | |
chipset="piix3" | |
firmware="BIOS" | |
cpus=1 | |
pae="on" | |
longmode="on" | |
triplefaultreset="off" | |
apic="on" | |
x2apic="off" | |
cpuid-portability-level=0 | |
bootmenu="messageandmenu" | |
boot1="disk" | |
boot2="dvd" | |
boot3="none" | |
boot4="none" | |
acpi="on" | |
ioapic="on" | |
biosapic="apic" | |
biossystemtimeoffset=0 | |
rtcuseutc="on" | |
hwvirtex="on" | |
nestedpaging="on" | |
largepages="on" | |
vtxvpid="on" | |
vtxux="on" | |
paravirtprovider="legacy" | |
effparavirtprovider="none" | |
VMState="poweroff" | |
VMStateChangeTime="2016-02-27T13:53:24.000000000" | |
monitorcount=1 | |
accelerate3d="off" | |
accelerate2dvideo="off" | |
teleporterenabled="off" | |
teleporterport=0 | |
teleporteraddress="" | |
teleporterpassword="" | |
tracing-enabled="off" | |
tracing-allow-vm-access="off" | |
tracing-config="" | |
autostart-enabled="off" | |
autostart-delay=0 | |
defaultfrontend="" | |
storagecontrollername0="IDE Controller" | |
storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4" | |
storagecontrollerinstance0="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerbootable0="on" | |
"IDE Controller-0-0"="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/softwarepublico_reverseproxy_1456506178827_69479/packer-centos-7.0-x86_64-disk1.vmdk" | |
"IDE Controller-ImageUUID-0-0"="91ef8b2c-2c76-4d1d-9f11-e5a234ba8ef9" | |
"IDE Controller-0-1"="none" | |
"IDE Controller-1-0"="none" | |
"IDE Controller-1-1"="none" | |
natnet1="nat" | |
macaddress1="080027205D4B" | |
cableconnected1="on" | |
nic1="nat" | |
nictype1="82540EM" | |
nicspeed1="0" | |
mtu="0" | |
sockSnd="64" | |
sockRcv="64" | |
tcpWndSnd="64" | |
tcpWndRcv="64" | |
Forwarding(0)="ssh,tcp,,2204,,22" | |
hostonlyadapter2="vboxnet0" | |
macaddress2="0800275351E3" | |
cableconnected2="on" | |
nic2="hostonly" | |
nictype2="82540EM" | |
nicspeed2="0" | |
nic3="none" | |
nic4="none" | |
nic5="none" | |
nic6="none" | |
nic7="none" | |
nic8="none" | |
hidpointing="ps2mouse" | |
hidkeyboard="ps2kbd" | |
uart1="off" | |
uart2="off" | |
uart3="off" | |
uart4="off" | |
lpt1="off" | |
lpt2="off" | |
audio="none" | |
clipboard="disabled" | |
draganddrop="disabled" | |
vrde="off" | |
usb="off" | |
ehci="off" | |
xhci="off" | |
SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant" | |
SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/manzo/workspace/mezuro/spb/softwarepublico" | |
vcpenabled="off" | |
vcpscreens=0 | |
vcpfile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/softwarepublico_reverseproxy_1456506178827_69479/softwarepublico_reverseproxy_1456506178827_69479.webm" | |
vcpwidth=1024 | |
vcpheight=768 | |
vcprate=512 | |
vcpfps=25 | |
GuestMemoryBalloon=0 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
DEBUG virtualbox_5_1: read_forward_ports: uuid=6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938 active_only=false | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--machinereadable"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325" | |
groups="/" | |
ostype="Arch Linux (64-bit)" | |
UUID="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
CfgFile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.vbox" | |
SnapFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Snapshots" | |
LogFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Logs" | |
hardwareuuid="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
memory=512 | |
pagefusion="off" | |
vram=12 | |
cpuexecutioncap=100 | |
hpet="off" | |
chipset="piix3" | |
firmware="BIOS" | |
cpus=1 | |
pae="off" | |
longmode="on" | |
triplefaultreset="off" | |
apic="on" | |
x2apic="off" | |
cpuid-portability-level=0 | |
bootmenu="messageandmenu" | |
boot1="dvd" | |
boot2="disk" | |
boot3="none" | |
boot4="none" | |
acpi="on" | |
ioapic="on" | |
biosapic="apic" | |
biossystemtimeoffset=0 | |
rtcuseutc="on" | |
hwvirtex="on" | |
nestedpaging="on" | |
largepages="on" | |
vtxvpid="on" | |
vtxux="on" | |
paravirtprovider="default" | |
effparavirtprovider="kvm" | |
VMState="poweroff" | |
VMStateChangeTime="2016-01-28T15:26:12.000000000" | |
monitorcount=1 | |
accelerate3d="off" | |
accelerate2dvideo="off" | |
teleporterenabled="off" | |
teleporterport=0 | |
teleporteraddress="" | |
teleporterpassword="" | |
tracing-enabled="off" | |
tracing-allow-vm-access="off" | |
tracing-config="" | |
autostart-enabled="off" | |
autostart-delay=0 | |
defaultfrontend="" | |
storagecontrollername0="IDE" | |
storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4" | |
storagecontrollerinstance0="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerbootable0="on" | |
storagecontrollername1="SATA" | |
storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci" | |
storagecontrollerinstance1="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30" | |
storagecontrollerportcount1="1" | |
storagecontrollerbootable1="on" | |
"IDE-0-0"="none" | |
"IDE-0-1"="none" | |
"IDE-1-0"="emptydrive" | |
"IDE-IsEjected"="off" | |
"IDE-1-1"="none" | |
"SATA-0-0"="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/box-disk1.vmdk" | |
"SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="0875090e-e9fd-472e-9669-bcfe93ca008b" | |
natnet1="nat" | |
macaddress1="0800277E372A" | |
cableconnected1="on" | |
nic1="nat" | |
nictype1="82540EM" | |
nicspeed1="0" | |
mtu="0" | |
sockSnd="64" | |
sockRcv="64" | |
tcpWndSnd="64" | |
tcpWndRcv="64" | |
nic2="none" | |
nic3="none" | |
nic4="none" | |
nic5="none" | |
nic6="none" | |
nic7="none" | |
nic8="none" | |
hidpointing="ps2mouse" | |
hidkeyboard="ps2kbd" | |
uart1="off" | |
uart2="off" | |
uart3="off" | |
uart4="off" | |
lpt1="off" | |
lpt2="off" | |
audio="none" | |
clipboard="bidirectional" | |
draganddrop="bidirectional" | |
vrde="off" | |
usb="on" | |
ehci="off" | |
xhci="off" | |
vcpenabled="off" | |
vcpscreens=0 | |
vcpfile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.webm" | |
vcpwidth=1024 | |
vcpheight=768 | |
vcprate=512 | |
vcpfps=25 | |
GuestMemoryBalloon=0 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 31999 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::HandleForwardedPortCollisions:0x00000002718ae8> | |
DEBUG environment: Attempting to acquire process-lock: fpcollision | |
DEBUG environment: Attempting to acquire process-lock: dotlock | |
INFO environment: Acquired process lock: dotlock | |
INFO environment: Released process lock: dotlock | |
INFO environment: Acquired process lock: fpcollision | |
INFO handle_port_collisions: Detecting any forwarded port collisions... | |
DEBUG handle_port_collisions: Extra in use: [] | |
DEBUG handle_port_collisions: Remap: {} | |
DEBUG handle_port_collisions: Repair: true | |
INFO environment: Released process lock: fpcollision | |
DEBUG environment: Attempting to acquire process-lock: dotlock | |
INFO environment: Acquired process lock: dotlock | |
INFO environment: Released process lock: dotlock | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::PrepareNFSValidIds:0x0000000264f120> | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "list", "vms"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: "softwarepublico_database_1456505966787_65920" {3e21834f-48ed-4222-8cc2-b4955d0ebf88} | |
"softwarepublico_integration_1456506009224_23993" {60c68dfe-3675-439f-841e-dd4d98540de4} | |
"softwarepublico_email_1456506048103_9858" {fab08bbd-3c0b-41bd-bce2-0573fdf50f64} | |
"softwarepublico_social_1456506091881_59331" {9337bd07-c551-4589-96e1-4d51f9e9a297} | |
"softwarepublico_mezuro_1456506137401_91522" {2801f27b-c449-4b68-b2d2-6fbebf944ec8} | |
"softwarepublico_reverseproxy_1456506178827_69479" {29de45d0-a174-43e4-bd5e-39686fe27304} | |
"pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325" {6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938} | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::SyncedFolderNFS::ActionCleanup:0x00000002589f38> | |
DEBUG host: Searching for cap: nfs_prune | |
DEBUG host: Checking in: arch | |
DEBUG host: Checking in: linux | |
DEBUG host: Found cap: nfs_prune in linux | |
INFO nfs: NFS pruning. Valid IDs: ["3e21834f-48ed-4222-8cc2-b4955d0ebf88", "60c68dfe-3675-439f-841e-dd4d98540de4", "fab08bbd-3c0b-41bd-bce2-0573fdf50f64", "9337bd07-c551-4589-96e1-4d51f9e9a297", "2801f27b-c449-4b68-b2d2-6fbebf944ec8", "29de45d0-a174-43e4-bd5e-39686fe27304", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938"] | |
DEBUG host: Searching for cap: nfs_prune | |
DEBUG host: Checking in: arch | |
DEBUG host: Checking in: linux | |
DEBUG host: Found cap: nfs_prune in linux | |
INFO host: Execute capability: nfs_prune [#<Vagrant::Environment: /home/manzo/workspace/pcsetup>, #<Vagrant::UI::Prefixed:0x00000002d2e428 @logger=#<Log4r::Logger:0x00000002d2e3d8 @fullname="vagrant::ui::interface", @outputters=[], @additive=true, @name="interface", @path="vagrant::ui", @parent=#<Log4r::Logger:0x00000001c2aa50 @fullname="vagrant", @outputters=[#<Log4r::StderrOutputter:0x00000001c54eb8 @mon_owner=nil, @mon_count=0, @mon_mutex=#<Mutex:0x00000001c54e40>, @name="stderr", @level=0, @formatter=#<Log4r::DefaultFormatter:0x00000001c5ead0 @depth=7>, @out=#<IO:<STDERR>>>], @additive=true, @name="vagrant", @path="", @parent=#<Log4r::RootLogger:0x00000001c2a938 @level=0, @outputters=[]>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @opts={}, @stdin=#<IO:<STDIN>>, @stdout=#<IO:<STDOUT>>, @stderr=#<IO:<STDERR>>, @prefix=:default, @ui=#<Vagrant::UI::Basic:0x00000001b8d098 @logger=#<Log4r::Logger:0x00000001b8d048 @fullname="vagrant::ui::interface", @outputters=[], @additive=true, @name="interface", @path="vagrant::ui", @parent=#<Log4r::Logger:0x00000001c2aa50 @fullname="vagrant", @outputters=[#<Log4r::StderrOutputter:0x00000001c54eb8 @mon_owner=nil, @mon_count=0, @mon_mutex=#<Mutex:0x00000001c54e40>, @name="stderr", @level=0, @formatter=#<Log4r::DefaultFormatter:0x00000001c5ead0 @depth=7>, @out=#<IO:<STDERR>>>], @additive=true, @name="vagrant", @path="", @parent=#<Log4r::RootLogger:0x00000001c2a938 @level=0, @outputters=[]>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @opts={:color=>:default}, @stdin=#<IO:<STDIN>>, @stdout=#<IO:<STDOUT>>, @stderr=#<IO:<STDERR>>, @lock=#<Mutex:0x00000001b14c38>>>, ["3e21834f-48ed-4222-8cc2-b4955d0ebf88", "60c68dfe-3675-439f-841e-dd4d98540de4", "fab08bbd-3c0b-41bd-bce2-0573fdf50f64", "9337bd07-c551-4589-96e1-4d51f9e9a297", "2801f27b-c449-4b68-b2d2-6fbebf944ec8", "29de45d0-a174-43e4-bd5e-39686fe27304", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938"]] (arch) | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::SyncedFolderCleanup:0x00000001a76bc8> | |
INFO synced_folder_cleanup: Invoking synced folder cleanup for: virtualbox | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--machinereadable"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325" | |
groups="/" | |
ostype="Arch Linux (64-bit)" | |
UUID="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
CfgFile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.vbox" | |
SnapFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Snapshots" | |
LogFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Logs" | |
hardwareuuid="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
memory=512 | |
pagefusion="off" | |
vram=12 | |
cpuexecutioncap=100 | |
hpet="off" | |
chipset="piix3" | |
firmware="BIOS" | |
cpus=1 | |
pae="off" | |
longmode="on" | |
triplefaultreset="off" | |
apic="on" | |
x2apic="off" | |
cpuid-portability-level=0 | |
bootmenu="messageandmenu" | |
boot1="dvd" | |
boot2="disk" | |
boot3="none" | |
boot4="none" | |
acpi="on" | |
ioapic="on" | |
biosapic="apic" | |
biossystemtimeoffset=0 | |
rtcuseutc="on" | |
hwvirtex="on" | |
nestedpaging="on" | |
largepages="on" | |
vtxvpid="on" | |
vtxux="on" | |
paravirtprovider="default" | |
effparavirtprovider="kvm" | |
VMState="poweroff" | |
VMStateChangeTime="2016-01-28T15:26:12.000000000" | |
monitorcount=1 | |
accelerate3d="off" | |
accelerate2dvideo="off" | |
teleporterenabled="off" | |
teleporterport=0 | |
teleporteraddress="" | |
teleporterpassword="" | |
tracing-enabled="off" | |
tracing-allow-vm-access="off" | |
tracing-config="" | |
autostart-enabled="off" | |
autostart-delay=0 | |
defaultfrontend="" | |
storagecontrollername0="IDE" | |
storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4" | |
storagecontrollerinstance0="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerbootable0="on" | |
storagecontrollername1="SATA" | |
storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci" | |
storagecontrollerinstance1="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30" | |
storagecontrollerportcount1="1" | |
storagecontrollerbootable1="on" | |
"IDE-0-0"="none" | |
"IDE-0-1"="none" | |
"IDE-1-0"="emptydrive" | |
"IDE-IsEjected"="off" | |
"IDE-1-1"="none" | |
"SATA-0-0"="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/box-disk1.vmdk" | |
"SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="0875090e-e9fd-472e-9669-bcfe93ca008b" | |
natnet1="nat" | |
macaddress1="0800277E372A" | |
cableconnected1="on" | |
nic1="nat" | |
nictype1="82540EM" | |
nicspeed1="0" | |
mtu="0" | |
sockSnd="64" | |
sockRcv="64" | |
tcpWndSnd="64" | |
tcpWndRcv="64" | |
nic2="none" | |
nic3="none" | |
nic4="none" | |
nic5="none" | |
nic6="none" | |
nic7="none" | |
nic8="none" | |
hidpointing="ps2mouse" | |
hidkeyboard="ps2kbd" | |
uart1="off" | |
uart2="off" | |
uart3="off" | |
uart4="off" | |
lpt1="off" | |
lpt2="off" | |
audio="none" | |
clipboard="bidirectional" | |
draganddrop="bidirectional" | |
vrde="off" | |
usb="on" | |
ehci="off" | |
xhci="off" | |
vcpenabled="off" | |
vcpscreens=0 | |
vcpfile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.webm" | |
vcpwidth=1024 | |
vcpheight=768 | |
vcprate=512 | |
vcpfps=25 | |
GuestMemoryBalloon=0 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::SyncedFolders:0x00000001c7c968> | |
INFO synced_folders: SyncedFolders loading from cache: false | |
INFO synced_folders: Synced Folder Implementation: virtualbox | |
INFO synced_folders: - /vagrant: . => /vagrant | |
INFO synced_folders: Invoking synced folder prepare for: virtualbox | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "setextradata", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "VBoxInternal2/SharedFoldersEnableSymlinksCreate/vagrant", "1"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "sharedfolder", "add", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--name", "vagrant", "--hostpath", "/home/manzo/workspace/pcsetup"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::PrepareNFSSettings:0x00000001b72b30> | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::ClearNetworkInterfaces:0x00000001b12eb0> | |
INFO interface: info: Clearing any previously set network interfaces... | |
INFO interface: info: ==> default: Clearing any previously set network interfaces... | |
==> default: Clearing any previously set network interfaces... | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "modifyvm", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--nic2", "none", "--nic3", "none", "--nic4", "none", "--nic5", "none", "--nic6", "none", "--nic7", "none", "--nic8", "none"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::Network:0x00000001b12de8> | |
DEBUG network: Available slots for high-level adapters: #<Set: {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36}> | |
INFO network: Determining network adapters required for high-level configuration... | |
INFO network: -- Slot 2: hostonly | |
INFO network: Determining adapters and compiling network configuration... | |
INFO network: Network slot 1. Type: nat. | |
DEBUG network: Normalized configuration: {:auto_config=>false, :adapter=>1} | |
DEBUG network: Adapter configuration: {:adapter=>1, :type=>:nat} | |
INFO network: Network slot 2. Type: hostonly. | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "list", "bridgedifs"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: Name: enp3s0 | |
GUID: 33706e65-3073-4000-8000-fcaa14e67aa1 | |
DHCP: Disabled | |
IPAddress: | |
NetworkMask: | |
IPV6Address: fe80:0000:0000:0000:9b35:5149:4e82:ae6c | |
IPV6NetworkMaskPrefixLength: 64 | |
HardwareAddress: fc:aa:14:e6:7a:a1 | |
MediumType: Ethernet | |
Status: Up | |
VBoxNetworkName: HostInterfaceNetworking-enp3s0 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
DEBUG network: Normalized configuration: {:adapter_ip=>"", :auto_config=>true, :ip=>"", :mac=>nil, :name=>nil, :netmask=>"", :nic_type=>nil, :type=>:static, :adapter=>2} | |
INFO network: Searching for matching hostonly network: | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "list", "hostonlyifs"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: Name: vboxnet0 | |
GUID: 786f6276-656e-4074-8000-0a0027000000 | |
DHCP: Disabled | |
IPAddress: | |
NetworkMask: | |
IPV6Address: | |
IPV6NetworkMaskPrefixLength: 0 | |
HardwareAddress: 0a:00:27:00:00:00 | |
MediumType: Ethernet | |
Status: Down | |
VBoxNetworkName: HostInterfaceNetworking-vboxnet0 | |
Name: vboxnet1 | |
GUID: 786f6276-656e-4174-8000-0a0027000001 | |
DHCP: Disabled | |
IPAddress: | |
NetworkMask: | |
IPV6Address: fe80:0000:0000:0000:0800:27ff:fe00:0001 | |
IPV6NetworkMaskPrefixLength: 64 | |
HardwareAddress: 0a:00:27:00:00:01 | |
MediumType: Ethernet | |
Status: Up | |
VBoxNetworkName: HostInterfaceNetworking-vboxnet1 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
DEBUG network: Adapter configuration: {:adapter=>2, :hostonly=>"vboxnet1", :mac_address=>nil, :nic_type=>nil, :type=>:hostonly} | |
INFO network: Enabling adapters... | |
INFO interface: output: Preparing network interfaces based on configuration... | |
INFO interface: output: ==> default: Preparing network interfaces based on configuration... | |
==> default: Preparing network interfaces based on configuration... | |
INFO interface: detail: Adapter 1: nat | |
INFO interface: detail: default: Adapter 1: nat | |
default: Adapter 1: nat | |
INFO interface: detail: Adapter 2: hostonly | |
INFO interface: detail: default: Adapter 2: hostonly | |
default: Adapter 2: hostonly | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "modifyvm", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--nic1", "nat", "--nic2", "hostonly", "--hostonlyadapter2", "vboxnet1", "--cableconnected2", "on"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::NetworkFixIPv6:0x00000001a7dbd0> | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::ForwardPorts:0x0000000127a500> | |
INFO interface: output: Forwarding ports... | |
INFO interface: output: ==> default: Forwarding ports... | |
==> default: Forwarding ports... | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--machinereadable"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325" | |
groups="/" | |
ostype="Arch Linux (64-bit)" | |
UUID="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
CfgFile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.vbox" | |
SnapFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Snapshots" | |
LogFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Logs" | |
hardwareuuid="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
memory=512 | |
pagefusion="off" | |
vram=12 | |
cpuexecutioncap=100 | |
hpet="off" | |
chipset="piix3" | |
firmware="BIOS" | |
cpus=1 | |
pae="off" | |
longmode="on" | |
triplefaultreset="off" | |
apic="on" | |
x2apic="off" | |
cpuid-portability-level=0 | |
bootmenu="messageandmenu" | |
boot1="dvd" | |
boot2="disk" | |
boot3="none" | |
boot4="none" | |
acpi="on" | |
ioapic="on" | |
biosapic="apic" | |
biossystemtimeoffset=0 | |
rtcuseutc="on" | |
hwvirtex="on" | |
nestedpaging="on" | |
largepages="on" | |
vtxvpid="on" | |
vtxux="on" | |
paravirtprovider="default" | |
effparavirtprovider="kvm" | |
VMState="poweroff" | |
VMStateChangeTime="2016-01-28T15:26:12.000000000" | |
monitorcount=1 | |
accelerate3d="off" | |
accelerate2dvideo="off" | |
teleporterenabled="off" | |
teleporterport=0 | |
teleporteraddress="" | |
teleporterpassword="" | |
tracing-enabled="off" | |
tracing-allow-vm-access="off" | |
tracing-config="" | |
autostart-enabled="off" | |
autostart-delay=0 | |
defaultfrontend="" | |
storagecontrollername0="IDE" | |
storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4" | |
storagecontrollerinstance0="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerbootable0="on" | |
storagecontrollername1="SATA" | |
storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci" | |
storagecontrollerinstance1="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30" | |
storagecontrollerportcount1="1" | |
storagecontrollerbootable1="on" | |
"IDE-0-0"="none" | |
"IDE-0-1"="none" | |
"IDE-1-0"="emptydrive" | |
"IDE-IsEjected"="off" | |
"IDE-1-1"="none" | |
"SATA-0-0"="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/box-disk1.vmdk" | |
"SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="0875090e-e9fd-472e-9669-bcfe93ca008b" | |
natnet1="nat" | |
macaddress1="0800277E372A" | |
cableconnected1="on" | |
nic1="nat" | |
nictype1="82540EM" | |
nicspeed1="0" | |
mtu="0" | |
sockSnd="64" | |
sockRcv="64" | |
tcpWndSnd="64" | |
tcpWndRcv="64" | |
hostonlyadapter2="vboxnet1" | |
macaddress2="0800279DB9DD" | |
cableconnected2="on" | |
nic2="hostonly" | |
nictype2="82540EM" | |
nicspeed2="0" | |
nic3="none" | |
nic4="none" | |
nic5="none" | |
nic6="none" | |
nic7="none" | |
nic8="none" | |
hidpointing="ps2mouse" | |
hidkeyboard="ps2kbd" | |
uart1="off" | |
uart2="off" | |
uart3="off" | |
uart4="off" | |
lpt1="off" | |
lpt2="off" | |
audio="none" | |
clipboard="bidirectional" | |
draganddrop="bidirectional" | |
vrde="off" | |
usb="on" | |
ehci="off" | |
xhci="off" | |
SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant" | |
SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/manzo/workspace/pcsetup" | |
vcpenabled="off" | |
vcpscreens=0 | |
vcpfile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.webm" | |
vcpwidth=1024 | |
vcpheight=768 | |
vcprate=512 | |
vcpfps=25 | |
GuestMemoryBalloon=0 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 31999 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO interface: detail: 22 (guest) => 2222 (host) (adapter 1) | |
INFO interface: detail: default: 22 (guest) => 2222 (host) (adapter 1) | |
default: 22 (guest) => 2222 (host) (adapter 1) | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "modifyvm", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--natpf1", "ssh,tcp,,2222,,22"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::SetHostname:0x0000000127a118> | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::SaneDefaults:0x0000000127a0f0> | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "modifyvm", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--rtcuseutc", "on"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO sanedefaults: Automatically figuring out whether to enable/disable NAT DNS proxy... | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "modifyvm", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--natdnsproxy1", "on"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::Customize:0x000000011bf660> | |
INFO interface: info: Running 'pre-boot' VM customizations... | |
INFO interface: info: ==> default: Running 'pre-boot' VM customizations... | |
==> default: Running 'pre-boot' VM customizations... | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "modifyvm", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--memory", "384"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::Boot:0x000000011bea58> | |
INFO interface: info: Booting VM... | |
INFO interface: info: ==> default: Booting VM... | |
==> default: Booting VM... | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "startvm", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--type", "headless"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: Waiting for VM "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" to power on... | |
VM "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" has been successfully started. | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::Customize:0x000000011be940> | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::WaitForCommunicator:0x000000011be1e8> | |
INFO interface: output: Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes... | |
INFO interface: output: ==> default: Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes... | |
==> default: Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes... | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--machinereadable"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--machinereadable"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325" | |
groups="/" | |
ostype="Arch Linux (64-bit)" | |
UUID="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
CfgFile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.vbox" | |
SnapFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Snapshots" | |
LogFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Logs" | |
hardwareuuid="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
memory=384 | |
pagefusion="off" | |
vram=12 | |
cpuexecutioncap=100 | |
hpet="off" | |
chipset="piix3" | |
firmware="BIOS" | |
cpus=1 | |
pae="off" | |
longmode="on" | |
triplefaultreset="off" | |
apic="on" | |
x2apic="off" | |
cpuid-portability-level=0 | |
bootmenu="messageandmenu" | |
boot1="dvd" | |
boot2="disk" | |
boot3="none" | |
boot4="none" | |
acpi="on" | |
ioapic="on" | |
biosapic="apic" | |
biossystemtimeoffset=0 | |
rtcuseutc="on" | |
hwvirtex="on" | |
nestedpaging="on" | |
largepages="on" | |
vtxvpid="on" | |
vtxux="on" | |
paravirtprovider="default" | |
effparavirtprovider="kvm" | |
VMState="running" | |
VMStateChangeTime="2016-07-20T13:11:31.750000000" | |
monitorcount=1 | |
accelerate3d="off" | |
accelerate2dvideo="off" | |
teleporterenabled="off" | |
teleporterport=0 | |
teleporteraddress="" | |
teleporterpassword="" | |
tracing-enabled="off" | |
tracing-allow-vm-access="off" | |
tracing-config="" | |
autostart-enabled="off" | |
autostart-delay=0 | |
defaultfrontend="" | |
storagecontrollername0="IDE" | |
storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4" | |
storagecontrollerinstance0="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerbootable0="on" | |
storagecontrollername1="SATA" | |
storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci" | |
storagecontrollerinstance1="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30" | |
storagecontrollerportcount1="1" | |
storagecontrollerbootable1="on" | |
"IDE-0-0"="none" | |
"IDE-0-1"="none" | |
"IDE-1-0"="emptydrive" | |
"IDE-IsEjected"="off" | |
"IDE-1-1"="none" | |
"SATA-0-0"="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/box-disk1.vmdk" | |
"SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="0875090e-e9fd-472e-9669-bcfe93ca008b" | |
natnet1="nat" | |
macaddress1="0800277E372A" | |
cableconnected1="on" | |
nic1="nat" | |
nictype1="82540EM" | |
nicspeed1="0" | |
mtu="0" | |
sockSnd="64" | |
sockRcv="64" | |
tcpWndSnd="64" | |
tcpWndRcv="64" | |
Forwarding(0)="ssh,tcp,,2222,,22" | |
hostonlyadapter2="vboxnet1" | |
macaddress2="0800279DB9DD" | |
cableconnected2="on" | |
nic2="hostonly" | |
nictype2="82540EM" | |
nicspeed2="0" | |
nic3="none" | |
nic4="none" | |
nic5="none" | |
nic6="none" | |
nic7="none" | |
nic8="none" | |
hidpointing="ps2mouse" | |
hidkeyboard="ps2kbd" | |
uart1="off" | |
uart2="off" | |
uart3="off" | |
uart4="off" | |
lpt1="off" | |
lpt2="off" | |
audio="none" | |
clipboard="bidirectional" | |
draganddrop="bidirectional" | |
SessionName="headless" | |
VideoMode="640,480,32"@0,0 1 | |
vrde="off" | |
usb="on" | |
ehci="off" | |
xhci="off" | |
SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant" | |
SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/manzo/workspace/pcsetup" | |
VRDEActiveConnection="off" | |
VRDEClients=0 | |
vcpenabled="off" | |
vcpscreens=0 | |
vcpfile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.webm" | |
vcpwidth=1024 | |
vcpheight=768 | |
vcprate=512 | |
vcpfps=25 | |
GuestMemoryBalloon=0 | |
GuestOSType="ArchLinux_64" | |
GuestAdditionsRunLevel=0 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325" | |
groups="/" | |
ostype="Arch Linux (64-bit)" | |
UUID="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
CfgFile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.vbox" | |
SnapFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Snapshots" | |
LogFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Logs" | |
hardwareuuid="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
memory=384 | |
pagefusion="off" | |
vram=12 | |
cpuexecutioncap=100 | |
hpet="off" | |
chipset="piix3" | |
firmware="BIOS" | |
cpus=1 | |
pae="off" | |
longmode="on" | |
triplefaultreset="off" | |
apic="on" | |
x2apic="off" | |
cpuid-portability-level=0 | |
bootmenu="messageandmenu" | |
boot1="dvd" | |
boot2="disk" | |
boot3="none" | |
boot4="none" | |
acpi="on" | |
ioapic="on" | |
biosapic="apic" | |
biossystemtimeoffset=0 | |
rtcuseutc="on" | |
hwvirtex="on" | |
nestedpaging="on" | |
largepages="on" | |
vtxvpid="on" | |
vtxux="on" | |
paravirtprovider="default" | |
effparavirtprovider="kvm" | |
VMState="running" | |
VMStateChangeTime="2016-07-20T13:11:31.750000000" | |
monitorcount=1 | |
accelerate3d="off" | |
accelerate2dvideo="off" | |
teleporterenabled="off" | |
teleporterport=0 | |
teleporteraddress="" | |
teleporterpassword="" | |
tracing-enabled="off" | |
tracing-allow-vm-access="off" | |
tracing-config="" | |
autostart-enabled="off" | |
autostart-delay=0 | |
defaultfrontend="" | |
storagecontrollername0="IDE" | |
storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4" | |
storagecontrollerinstance0="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerbootable0="on" | |
storagecontrollername1="SATA" | |
storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci" | |
storagecontrollerinstance1="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30" | |
storagecontrollerportcount1="1" | |
storagecontrollerbootable1="on" | |
"IDE-0-0"="none" | |
"IDE-0-1"="none" | |
"IDE-1-0"="emptydrive" | |
"IDE-IsEjected"="off" | |
"IDE-1-1"="none" | |
"SATA-0-0"="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/box-disk1.vmdk" | |
"SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="0875090e-e9fd-472e-9669-bcfe93ca008b" | |
natnet1="nat" | |
macaddress1="0800277E372A" | |
cableconnected1="on" | |
nic1="nat" | |
nictype1="82540EM" | |
nicspeed1="0" | |
mtu="0" | |
sockSnd="64" | |
sockRcv="64" | |
tcpWndSnd="64" | |
tcpWndRcv="64" | |
Forwarding(0)="ssh,tcp,,2222,,22" | |
hostonlyadapter2="vboxnet1" | |
macaddress2="0800279DB9DD" | |
cableconnected2="on" | |
nic2="hostonly" | |
nictype2="82540EM" | |
nicspeed2="0" | |
nic3="none" | |
nic4="none" | |
nic5="none" | |
nic6="none" | |
nic7="none" | |
nic8="none" | |
hidpointing="ps2mouse" | |
hidkeyboard="ps2kbd" | |
uart1="off" | |
uart2="off" | |
uart3="off" | |
uart4="off" | |
lpt1="off" | |
lpt2="off" | |
audio="none" | |
clipboard="bidirectional" | |
draganddrop="bidirectional" | |
SessionName="headless" | |
VideoMode="640,480,32"@0,0 1 | |
vrde="off" | |
usb="on" | |
ehci="off" | |
xhci="off" | |
SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant" | |
SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/manzo/workspace/pcsetup" | |
VRDEActiveConnection="off" | |
VRDEClients=0 | |
vcpenabled="off" | |
vcpscreens=0 | |
vcpfile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.webm" | |
vcpwidth=1024 | |
vcpheight=768 | |
vcprate=512 | |
vcpfps=25 | |
GuestMemoryBalloon=0 | |
GuestOSType="ArchLinux_64" | |
GuestAdditionsRunLevel=0 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
DEBUG virtualbox_5_1: Searching for SSH port: 22 | |
DEBUG virtualbox_5_1: read_forward_ports: uuid=6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938 active_only=false | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--machinereadable"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325" | |
groups="/" | |
ostype="Arch Linux (64-bit)" | |
UUID="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
CfgFile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.vbox" | |
SnapFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Snapshots" | |
LogFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Logs" | |
hardwareuuid="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
memory=384 | |
pagefusion="off" | |
vram=12 | |
cpuexecutioncap=100 | |
hpet="off" | |
chipset="piix3" | |
firmware="BIOS" | |
cpus=1 | |
pae="off" | |
longmode="on" | |
triplefaultreset="off" | |
apic="on" | |
x2apic="off" | |
cpuid-portability-level=0 | |
bootmenu="messageandmenu" | |
boot1="dvd" | |
boot2="disk" | |
boot3="none" | |
boot4="none" | |
acpi="on" | |
ioapic="on" | |
biosapic="apic" | |
biossystemtimeoffset=0 | |
rtcuseutc="on" | |
hwvirtex="on" | |
nestedpaging="on" | |
largepages="on" | |
vtxvpid="on" | |
vtxux="on" | |
paravirtprovider="default" | |
effparavirtprovider="kvm" | |
VMState="running" | |
VMStateChangeTime="2016-07-20T13:11:31.750000000" | |
monitorcount=1 | |
accelerate3d="off" | |
accelerate2dvideo="off" | |
teleporterenabled="off" | |
teleporterport=0 | |
teleporteraddress="" | |
teleporterpassword="" | |
tracing-enabled="off" | |
tracing-allow-vm-access="off" | |
tracing-config="" | |
autostart-enabled="off" | |
autostart-delay=0 | |
defaultfrontend="" | |
storagecontrollername0="IDE" | |
storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4" | |
storagecontrollerinstance0="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerbootable0="on" | |
storagecontrollername1="SATA" | |
storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci" | |
storagecontrollerinstance1="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30" | |
storagecontrollerportcount1="1" | |
storagecontrollerbootable1="on" | |
"IDE-0-0"="none" | |
"IDE-0-1"="none" | |
"IDE-1-0"="emptydrive" | |
"IDE-IsEjected"="off" | |
"IDE-1-1"="none" | |
"SATA-0-0"="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/box-disk1.vmdk" | |
"SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="0875090e-e9fd-472e-9669-bcfe93ca008b" | |
natnet1="nat" | |
macaddress1="0800277E372A" | |
cableconnected1="on" | |
nic1="nat" | |
nictype1="82540EM" | |
nicspeed1="0" | |
mtu="0" | |
sockSnd="64" | |
sockRcv="64" | |
tcpWndSnd="64" | |
tcpWndRcv="64" | |
Forwarding(0)="ssh,tcp,,2222,,22" | |
hostonlyadapter2="vboxnet1" | |
macaddress2="0800279DB9DD" | |
cableconnected2="on" | |
nic2="hostonly" | |
nictype2="82540EM" | |
nicspeed2="0" | |
nic3="none" | |
nic4="none" | |
nic5="none" | |
nic6="none" | |
nic7="none" | |
nic8="none" | |
hidpointing="ps2mouse" | |
hidkeyboard="ps2kbd" | |
uart1="off" | |
uart2="off" | |
uart3="off" | |
uart4="off" | |
lpt1="off" | |
lpt2="off" | |
audio="none" | |
clipboard="bidirectional" | |
draganddrop="bidirectional" | |
SessionName="headless" | |
VideoMode="640,480,32"@0,0 1 | |
vrde="off" | |
usb="on" | |
ehci="off" | |
xhci="off" | |
SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant" | |
SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/manzo/workspace/pcsetup" | |
VRDEActiveConnection="off" | |
VRDEClients=0 | |
vcpenabled="off" | |
vcpscreens=0 | |
vcpfile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.webm" | |
vcpwidth=1024 | |
vcpheight=768 | |
vcprate=512 | |
vcpfps=25 | |
GuestMemoryBalloon=0 | |
GuestOSType="ArchLinux_64" | |
GuestAdditionsRunLevel=0 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 31999 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
DEBUG virtualbox_5_1: - [1, "ssh", 2222, 22] | |
DEBUG ssh: Checking key permissions: /home/manzo/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key | |
INFO interface: detail: SSH address: | |
INFO interface: detail: default: SSH address: | |
default: SSH address: | |
INFO interface: detail: SSH username: vagrant | |
INFO interface: detail: default: SSH username: vagrant | |
default: SSH username: vagrant | |
INFO interface: detail: SSH auth method: private key | |
INFO interface: detail: default: SSH auth method: private key | |
default: SSH auth method: private key | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--machinereadable"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325" | |
groups="/" | |
ostype="Arch Linux (64-bit)" | |
UUID="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
CfgFile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.vbox" | |
SnapFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Snapshots" | |
LogFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Logs" | |
hardwareuuid="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
memory=384 | |
pagefusion="off" | |
vram=12 | |
cpuexecutioncap=100 | |
hpet="off" | |
chipset="piix3" | |
firmware="BIOS" | |
cpus=1 | |
pae="off" | |
longmode="on" | |
triplefaultreset="off" | |
apic="on" | |
x2apic="off" | |
cpuid-portability-level=0 | |
bootmenu="messageandmenu" | |
boot1="dvd" | |
boot2="disk" | |
boot3="none" | |
boot4="none" | |
acpi="on" | |
ioapic="on" | |
biosapic="apic" | |
biossystemtimeoffset=0 | |
rtcuseutc="on" | |
hwvirtex="on" | |
nestedpaging="on" | |
largepages="on" | |
vtxvpid="on" | |
vtxux="on" | |
paravirtprovider="default" | |
effparavirtprovider="kvm" | |
VMState="running" | |
VMStateChangeTime="2016-07-20T13:11:31.750000000" | |
monitorcount=1 | |
accelerate3d="off" | |
accelerate2dvideo="off" | |
teleporterenabled="off" | |
teleporterport=0 | |
teleporteraddress="" | |
teleporterpassword="" | |
tracing-enabled="off" | |
tracing-allow-vm-access="off" | |
tracing-config="" | |
autostart-enabled="off" | |
autostart-delay=0 | |
defaultfrontend="" | |
storagecontrollername0="IDE" | |
storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4" | |
storagecontrollerinstance0="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerbootable0="on" | |
storagecontrollername1="SATA" | |
storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci" | |
storagecontrollerinstance1="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30" | |
storagecontrollerportcount1="1" | |
storagecontrollerbootable1="on" | |
"IDE-0-0"="none" | |
"IDE-0-1"="none" | |
"IDE-1-0"="emptydrive" | |
"IDE-IsEjected"="off" | |
"IDE-1-1"="none" | |
"SATA-0-0"="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/box-disk1.vmdk" | |
"SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="0875090e-e9fd-472e-9669-bcfe93ca008b" | |
natnet1="nat" | |
macaddress1="0800277E372A" | |
cableconnected1="on" | |
nic1="nat" | |
nictype1="82540EM" | |
nicspeed1="0" | |
mtu="0" | |
sockSnd="64" | |
sockRcv="64" | |
tcpWndSnd="64" | |
tcpWndRcv="64" | |
Forwarding(0)="ssh,tcp,,2222,,22" | |
hostonlyadapter2="vboxnet1" | |
macaddress2="0800279DB9DD" | |
cableconnected2="on" | |
nic2="hostonly" | |
nictype2="82540EM" | |
nicspeed2="0" | |
nic3="none" | |
nic4="none" | |
nic5="none" | |
nic6="none" | |
nic7="none" | |
nic8="none" | |
hidpointing="ps2mouse" | |
hidkeyboard="ps2kbd" | |
uart1="off" | |
uart2="off" | |
uart3="off" | |
uart4="off" | |
lpt1="off" | |
lpt2="off" | |
audio="none" | |
clipboard="bidirectional" | |
draganddrop="bidirectional" | |
SessionName="headless" | |
VideoMode="640,480,32"@0,0 1 | |
vrde="off" | |
usb="on" | |
ehci="off" | |
xhci="off" | |
SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant" | |
SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/manzo/workspace/pcsetup" | |
VRDEActiveConnection="off" | |
VRDEClients=0 | |
vcpenabled="off" | |
vcpscreens=0 | |
vcpfile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.webm" | |
vcpwidth=1024 | |
vcpheight=768 | |
vcprate=512 | |
vcpfps=25 | |
GuestMemoryBalloon=0 | |
GuestOSType="ArchLinux_64" | |
GuestAdditionsRunLevel=0 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
DEBUG virtualbox_5_1: Searching for SSH port: 22 | |
DEBUG virtualbox_5_1: read_forward_ports: uuid=6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938 active_only=false | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--machinereadable"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325" | |
groups="/" | |
ostype="Arch Linux (64-bit)" | |
UUID="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
CfgFile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.vbox" | |
SnapFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Snapshots" | |
LogFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Logs" | |
hardwareuuid="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
memory=384 | |
pagefusion="off" | |
vram=12 | |
cpuexecutioncap=100 | |
hpet="off" | |
chipset="piix3" | |
firmware="BIOS" | |
cpus=1 | |
pae="off" | |
longmode="on" | |
triplefaultreset="off" | |
apic="on" | |
x2apic="off" | |
cpuid-portability-level=0 | |
bootmenu="messageandmenu" | |
boot1="dvd" | |
boot2="disk" | |
boot3="none" | |
boot4="none" | |
acpi="on" | |
ioapic="on" | |
biosapic="apic" | |
biossystemtimeoffset=0 | |
rtcuseutc="on" | |
hwvirtex="on" | |
nestedpaging="on" | |
largepages="on" | |
vtxvpid="on" | |
vtxux="on" | |
paravirtprovider="default" | |
effparavirtprovider="kvm" | |
VMState="running" | |
VMStateChangeTime="2016-07-20T13:11:31.750000000" | |
monitorcount=1 | |
accelerate3d="off" | |
accelerate2dvideo="off" | |
teleporterenabled="off" | |
teleporterport=0 | |
teleporteraddress="" | |
teleporterpassword="" | |
tracing-enabled="off" | |
tracing-allow-vm-access="off" | |
tracing-config="" | |
autostart-enabled="off" | |
autostart-delay=0 | |
defaultfrontend="" | |
storagecontrollername0="IDE" | |
storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4" | |
storagecontrollerinstance0="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerbootable0="on" | |
storagecontrollername1="SATA" | |
storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci" | |
storagecontrollerinstance1="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30" | |
storagecontrollerportcount1="1" | |
storagecontrollerbootable1="on" | |
"IDE-0-0"="none" | |
"IDE-0-1"="none" | |
"IDE-1-0"="emptydrive" | |
"IDE-IsEjected"="off" | |
"IDE-1-1"="none" | |
"SATA-0-0"="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/box-disk1.vmdk" | |
"SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="0875090e-e9fd-472e-9669-bcfe93ca008b" | |
natnet1="nat" | |
macaddress1="0800277E372A" | |
cableconnected1="on" | |
nic1="nat" | |
nictype1="82540EM" | |
nicspeed1="0" | |
mtu="0" | |
sockSnd="64" | |
sockRcv="64" | |
tcpWndSnd="64" | |
tcpWndRcv="64" | |
Forwarding(0)="ssh,tcp,,2222,,22" | |
hostonlyadapter2="vboxnet1" | |
macaddress2="0800279DB9DD" | |
cableconnected2="on" | |
nic2="hostonly" | |
nictype2="82540EM" | |
nicspeed2="0" | |
nic3="none" | |
nic4="none" | |
nic5="none" | |
nic6="none" | |
nic7="none" | |
nic8="none" | |
hidpointing="ps2mouse" | |
hidkeyboard="ps2kbd" | |
uart1="off" | |
uart2="off" | |
uart3="off" | |
uart4="off" | |
lpt1="off" | |
lpt2="off" | |
audio="none" | |
clipboard="bidirectional" | |
draganddrop="bidirectional" | |
SessionName="headless" | |
VideoMode="640,480,32"@0,0 1 | |
vrde="off" | |
usb="on" | |
ehci="off" | |
xhci="off" | |
SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant" | |
SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/manzo/workspace/pcsetup" | |
VRDEActiveConnection="off" | |
VRDEClients=0 | |
vcpenabled="off" | |
vcpscreens=0 | |
vcpfile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.webm" | |
vcpwidth=1024 | |
vcpheight=768 | |
vcprate=512 | |
vcpfps=25 | |
GuestMemoryBalloon=0 | |
GuestOSType="ArchLinux_64" | |
GuestAdditionsRunLevel=0 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
DEBUG virtualbox_5_1: - [1, "ssh", 2222, 22] | |
DEBUG ssh: Checking key permissions: /home/manzo/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key | |
INFO ssh: Attempting SSH connection... | |
INFO ssh: Attempting to connect to SSH... | |
INFO ssh: - Host: | |
INFO ssh: - Port: 2222 | |
INFO ssh: - Username: vagrant | |
INFO ssh: - Password? false | |
INFO ssh: - Key Path: ["/home/manzo/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key"] | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--machinereadable"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325" | |
groups="/" | |
ostype="Arch Linux (64-bit)" | |
UUID="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
CfgFile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.vbox" | |
SnapFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Snapshots" | |
LogFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Logs" | |
hardwareuuid="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
memory=384 | |
pagefusion="off" | |
vram=12 | |
cpuexecutioncap=100 | |
hpet="off" | |
chipset="piix3" | |
firmware="BIOS" | |
cpus=1 | |
pae="off" | |
longmode="on" | |
triplefaultreset="off" | |
apic="on" | |
x2apic="off" | |
cpuid-portability-level=0 | |
bootmenu="messageandmenu" | |
boot1="dvd" | |
boot2="disk" | |
boot3="none" | |
boot4="none" | |
acpi="on" | |
ioapic="on" | |
biosapic="apic" | |
biossystemtimeoffset=0 | |
rtcuseutc="on" | |
hwvirtex="on" | |
nestedpaging="on" | |
largepages="on" | |
vtxvpid="on" | |
vtxux="on" | |
paravirtprovider="default" | |
effparavirtprovider="kvm" | |
VMState="running" | |
VMStateChangeTime="2016-07-20T13:11:31.750000000" | |
monitorcount=1 | |
accelerate3d="off" | |
accelerate2dvideo="off" | |
teleporterenabled="off" | |
teleporterport=0 | |
teleporteraddress="" | |
teleporterpassword="" | |
tracing-enabled="off" | |
tracing-allow-vm-access="off" | |
tracing-config="" | |
autostart-enabled="off" | |
autostart-delay=0 | |
defaultfrontend="" | |
storagecontrollername0="IDE" | |
storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4" | |
storagecontrollerinstance0="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerbootable0="on" | |
storagecontrollername1="SATA" | |
storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci" | |
storagecontrollerinstance1="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30" | |
storagecontrollerportcount1="1" | |
storagecontrollerbootable1="on" | |
"IDE-0-0"="none" | |
"IDE-0-1"="none" | |
"IDE-1-0"="emptydrive" | |
"IDE-IsEjected"="off" | |
"IDE-1-1"="none" | |
"SATA-0-0"="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/box-disk1.vmdk" | |
"SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="0875090e-e9fd-472e-9669-bcfe93ca008b" | |
natnet1="nat" | |
macaddress1="0800277E372A" | |
cableconnected1="on" | |
nic1="nat" | |
nictype1="82540EM" | |
nicspeed1="0" | |
mtu="0" | |
sockSnd="64" | |
sockRcv="64" | |
tcpWndSnd="64" | |
tcpWndRcv="64" | |
Forwarding(0)="ssh,tcp,,2222,,22" | |
hostonlyadapter2="vboxnet1" | |
macaddress2="0800279DB9DD" | |
cableconnected2="on" | |
nic2="hostonly" | |
nictype2="82540EM" | |
nicspeed2="0" | |
nic3="none" | |
nic4="none" | |
nic5="none" | |
nic6="none" | |
nic7="none" | |
nic8="none" | |
hidpointing="ps2mouse" | |
hidkeyboard="ps2kbd" | |
uart1="off" | |
uart2="off" | |
uart3="off" | |
uart4="off" | |
lpt1="off" | |
lpt2="off" | |
audio="none" | |
clipboard="bidirectional" | |
draganddrop="bidirectional" | |
SessionName="headless" | |
VideoMode="640,480,32"@0,0 1 | |
vrde="off" | |
usb="on" | |
ehci="off" | |
xhci="off" | |
SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant" | |
SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/manzo/workspace/pcsetup" | |
VRDEActiveConnection="off" | |
VRDEClients=0 | |
vcpenabled="off" | |
vcpscreens=0 | |
vcpfile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.webm" | |
vcpwidth=1024 | |
vcpheight=768 | |
vcprate=512 | |
vcpfps=25 | |
GuestMemoryBalloon=0 | |
GuestOSType="ArchLinux_64" | |
GuestAdditionsRunLevel=0 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 31999 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--machinereadable"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325" | |
groups="/" | |
ostype="Arch Linux (64-bit)" | |
UUID="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
CfgFile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.vbox" | |
SnapFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Snapshots" | |
LogFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Logs" | |
hardwareuuid="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
memory=384 | |
pagefusion="off" | |
vram=12 | |
cpuexecutioncap=100 | |
hpet="off" | |
chipset="piix3" | |
firmware="BIOS" | |
cpus=1 | |
pae="off" | |
longmode="on" | |
triplefaultreset="off" | |
apic="on" | |
x2apic="off" | |
cpuid-portability-level=0 | |
bootmenu="messageandmenu" | |
boot1="dvd" | |
boot2="disk" | |
boot3="none" | |
boot4="none" | |
acpi="on" | |
ioapic="on" | |
biosapic="apic" | |
biossystemtimeoffset=0 | |
rtcuseutc="on" | |
hwvirtex="on" | |
nestedpaging="on" | |
largepages="on" | |
vtxvpid="on" | |
vtxux="on" | |
paravirtprovider="default" | |
effparavirtprovider="kvm" | |
VMState="running" | |
VMStateChangeTime="2016-07-20T13:11:31.750000000" | |
monitorcount=1 | |
accelerate3d="off" | |
accelerate2dvideo="off" | |
teleporterenabled="off" | |
teleporterport=0 | |
teleporteraddress="" | |
teleporterpassword="" | |
tracing-enabled="off" | |
tracing-allow-vm-access="off" | |
tracing-config="" | |
autostart-enabled="off" | |
autostart-delay=0 | |
defaultfrontend="" | |
storagecontrollername0="IDE" | |
storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4" | |
storagecontrollerinstance0="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerbootable0="on" | |
storagecontrollername1="SATA" | |
storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci" | |
storagecontrollerinstance1="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30" | |
storagecontrollerportcount1="1" | |
storagecontrollerbootable1="on" | |
"IDE-0-0"="none" | |
"IDE-0-1"="none" | |
"IDE-1-0"="emptydrive" | |
"IDE-IsEjected"="off" | |
"IDE-1-1"="none" | |
"SATA-0-0"="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/box-disk1.vmdk" | |
"SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="0875090e-e9fd-472e-9669-bcfe93ca008b" | |
natnet1="nat" | |
macaddress1="0800277E372A" | |
cableconnected1="on" | |
nic1="nat" | |
nictype1="82540EM" | |
nicspeed1="0" | |
mtu="0" | |
sockSnd="64" | |
sockRcv="64" | |
tcpWndSnd="64" | |
tcpWndRcv="64" | |
Forwarding(0)="ssh,tcp,,2222,,22" | |
hostonlyadapter2="vboxnet1" | |
macaddress2="0800279DB9DD" | |
cableconnected2="on" | |
nic2="hostonly" | |
nictype2="82540EM" | |
nicspeed2="0" | |
nic3="none" | |
nic4="none" | |
nic5="none" | |
nic6="none" | |
nic7="none" | |
nic8="none" | |
hidpointing="ps2mouse" | |
hidkeyboard="ps2kbd" | |
uart1="off" | |
uart2="off" | |
uart3="off" | |
uart4="off" | |
lpt1="off" | |
lpt2="off" | |
audio="none" | |
clipboard="bidirectional" | |
draganddrop="bidirectional" | |
SessionName="headless" | |
VideoMode="640,480,32"@0,0 1 | |
vrde="off" | |
usb="on" | |
ehci="off" | |
xhci="off" | |
SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant" | |
SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/manzo/workspace/pcsetup" | |
VRDEActiveConnection="off" | |
VRDEClients=0 | |
vcpenabled="off" | |
vcpscreens=0 | |
vcpfile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.webm" | |
vcpwidth=1024 | |
vcpheight=768 | |
vcprate=512 | |
vcpfps=25 | |
GuestMemoryBalloon=0 | |
GuestOSType="ArchLinux_64" | |
GuestAdditionsRunLevel=0 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--machinereadable"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325" | |
groups="/" | |
ostype="Arch Linux (64-bit)" | |
UUID="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
CfgFile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.vbox" | |
SnapFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Snapshots" | |
LogFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Logs" | |
hardwareuuid="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
memory=384 | |
pagefusion="off" | |
vram=12 | |
cpuexecutioncap=100 | |
hpet="off" | |
chipset="piix3" | |
firmware="BIOS" | |
cpus=1 | |
pae="off" | |
longmode="on" | |
triplefaultreset="off" | |
apic="on" | |
x2apic="off" | |
cpuid-portability-level=0 | |
bootmenu="messageandmenu" | |
boot1="dvd" | |
boot2="disk" | |
boot3="none" | |
boot4="none" | |
acpi="on" | |
ioapic="on" | |
biosapic="apic" | |
biossystemtimeoffset=0 | |
rtcuseutc="on" | |
hwvirtex="on" | |
nestedpaging="on" | |
largepages="on" | |
vtxvpid="on" | |
vtxux="on" | |
paravirtprovider="default" | |
effparavirtprovider="kvm" | |
VMState="running" | |
VMStateChangeTime="2016-07-20T13:11:31.750000000" | |
monitorcount=1 | |
accelerate3d="off" | |
accelerate2dvideo="off" | |
teleporterenabled="off" | |
teleporterport=0 | |
teleporteraddress="" | |
teleporterpassword="" | |
tracing-enabled="off" | |
tracing-allow-vm-access="off" | |
tracing-config="" | |
autostart-enabled="off" | |
autostart-delay=0 | |
defaultfrontend="" | |
storagecontrollername0="IDE" | |
storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4" | |
storagecontrollerinstance0="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerbootable0="on" | |
storagecontrollername1="SATA" | |
storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci" | |
storagecontrollerinstance1="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30" | |
storagecontrollerportcount1="1" | |
storagecontrollerbootable1="on" | |
"IDE-0-0"="none" | |
"IDE-0-1"="none" | |
"IDE-1-0"="emptydrive" | |
"IDE-IsEjected"="off" | |
"IDE-1-1"="none" | |
"SATA-0-0"="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/box-disk1.vmdk" | |
"SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="0875090e-e9fd-472e-9669-bcfe93ca008b" | |
natnet1="nat" | |
macaddress1="0800277E372A" | |
cableconnected1="on" | |
nic1="nat" | |
nictype1="82540EM" | |
nicspeed1="0" | |
mtu="0" | |
sockSnd="64" | |
sockRcv="64" | |
tcpWndSnd="64" | |
tcpWndRcv="64" | |
Forwarding(0)="ssh,tcp,,2222,,22" | |
hostonlyadapter2="vboxnet1" | |
macaddress2="0800279DB9DD" | |
cableconnected2="on" | |
nic2="hostonly" | |
nictype2="82540EM" | |
nicspeed2="0" | |
nic3="none" | |
nic4="none" | |
nic5="none" | |
nic6="none" | |
nic7="none" | |
nic8="none" | |
hidpointing="ps2mouse" | |
hidkeyboard="ps2kbd" | |
uart1="off" | |
uart2="off" | |
uart3="off" | |
uart4="off" | |
lpt1="off" | |
lpt2="off" | |
audio="none" | |
clipboard="bidirectional" | |
draganddrop="bidirectional" | |
SessionName="headless" | |
VideoMode="640,480,32"@0,0 1 | |
vrde="off" | |
usb="on" | |
ehci="off" | |
xhci="off" | |
SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant" | |
SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/manzo/workspace/pcsetup" | |
VRDEActiveConnection="off" | |
VRDEClients=0 | |
vcpenabled="off" | |
vcpscreens=0 | |
vcpfile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.webm" | |
vcpwidth=1024 | |
vcpheight=768 | |
vcprate=512 | |
vcpfps=25 | |
GuestMemoryBalloon=0 | |
GuestOSType="ArchLinux_64" | |
GuestAdditionsRunLevel=0 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--machinereadable"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325" | |
groups="/" | |
ostype="Arch Linux (64-bit)" | |
UUID="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
CfgFile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.vbox" | |
SnapFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Snapshots" | |
LogFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Logs" | |
hardwareuuid="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
memory=384 | |
pagefusion="off" | |
vram=12 | |
cpuexecutioncap=100 | |
hpet="off" | |
chipset="piix3" | |
firmware="BIOS" | |
cpus=1 | |
pae="off" | |
longmode="on" | |
triplefaultreset="off" | |
apic="on" | |
x2apic="off" | |
cpuid-portability-level=0 | |
bootmenu="messageandmenu" | |
boot1="dvd" | |
boot2="disk" | |
boot3="none" | |
boot4="none" | |
acpi="on" | |
ioapic="on" | |
biosapic="apic" | |
biossystemtimeoffset=0 | |
rtcuseutc="on" | |
hwvirtex="on" | |
nestedpaging="on" | |
largepages="on" | |
vtxvpid="on" | |
vtxux="on" | |
paravirtprovider="default" | |
effparavirtprovider="kvm" | |
VMState="running" | |
VMStateChangeTime="2016-07-20T13:11:31.750000000" | |
monitorcount=1 | |
accelerate3d="off" | |
accelerate2dvideo="off" | |
teleporterenabled="off" | |
teleporterport=0 | |
teleporteraddress="" | |
teleporterpassword="" | |
tracing-enabled="off" | |
tracing-allow-vm-access="off" | |
tracing-config="" | |
autostart-enabled="off" | |
autostart-delay=0 | |
defaultfrontend="" | |
storagecontrollername0="IDE" | |
storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4" | |
storagecontrollerinstance0="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerbootable0="on" | |
storagecontrollername1="SATA" | |
storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci" | |
storagecontrollerinstance1="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30" | |
storagecontrollerportcount1="1" | |
storagecontrollerbootable1="on" | |
"IDE-0-0"="none" | |
"IDE-0-1"="none" | |
"IDE-1-0"="emptydrive" | |
"IDE-IsEjected"="off" | |
"IDE-1-1"="none" | |
"SATA-0-0"="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/box-disk1.vmdk" | |
"SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="0875090e-e9fd-472e-9669-bcfe93ca008b" | |
natnet1="nat" | |
macaddress1="0800277E372A" | |
cableconnected1="on" | |
nic1="nat" | |
nictype1="82540EM" | |
nicspeed1="0" | |
mtu="0" | |
sockSnd="64" | |
sockRcv="64" | |
tcpWndSnd="64" | |
tcpWndRcv="64" | |
Forwarding(0)="ssh,tcp,,2222,,22" | |
hostonlyadapter2="vboxnet1" | |
macaddress2="0800279DB9DD" | |
cableconnected2="on" | |
nic2="hostonly" | |
nictype2="82540EM" | |
nicspeed2="0" | |
nic3="none" | |
nic4="none" | |
nic5="none" | |
nic6="none" | |
nic7="none" | |
nic8="none" | |
hidpointing="ps2mouse" | |
hidkeyboard="ps2kbd" | |
uart1="off" | |
uart2="off" | |
uart3="off" | |
uart4="off" | |
lpt1="off" | |
lpt2="off" | |
audio="none" | |
clipboard="bidirectional" | |
draganddrop="bidirectional" | |
SessionName="headless" | |
VideoMode="640,480,32"@0,0 1 | |
vrde="off" | |
usb="on" | |
ehci="off" | |
xhci="off" | |
SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant" | |
SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/manzo/workspace/pcsetup" | |
VRDEActiveConnection="off" | |
VRDEClients=0 | |
vcpenabled="off" | |
vcpscreens=0 | |
vcpfile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.webm" | |
vcpwidth=1024 | |
vcpheight=768 | |
vcprate=512 | |
vcpfps=25 | |
GuestMemoryBalloon=0 | |
GuestOSType="ArchLinux_64" | |
GuestAdditionsRunLevel=0 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--machinereadable"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325" | |
groups="/" | |
ostype="Arch Linux (64-bit)" | |
UUID="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
CfgFile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.vbox" | |
SnapFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Snapshots" | |
LogFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Logs" | |
hardwareuuid="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
memory=384 | |
pagefusion="off" | |
vram=12 | |
cpuexecutioncap=100 | |
hpet="off" | |
chipset="piix3" | |
firmware="BIOS" | |
cpus=1 | |
pae="off" | |
longmode="on" | |
triplefaultreset="off" | |
apic="on" | |
x2apic="off" | |
cpuid-portability-level=0 | |
bootmenu="messageandmenu" | |
boot1="dvd" | |
boot2="disk" | |
boot3="none" | |
boot4="none" | |
acpi="on" | |
ioapic="on" | |
biosapic="apic" | |
biossystemtimeoffset=0 | |
rtcuseutc="on" | |
hwvirtex="on" | |
nestedpaging="on" | |
largepages="on" | |
vtxvpid="on" | |
vtxux="on" | |
paravirtprovider="default" | |
effparavirtprovider="kvm" | |
VMState="running" | |
VMStateChangeTime="2016-07-20T13:11:31.750000000" | |
monitorcount=1 | |
accelerate3d="off" | |
accelerate2dvideo="off" | |
teleporterenabled="off" | |
teleporterport=0 | |
teleporteraddress="" | |
teleporterpassword="" | |
tracing-enabled="off" | |
tracing-allow-vm-access="off" | |
tracing-config="" | |
autostart-enabled="off" | |
autostart-delay=0 | |
defaultfrontend="" | |
storagecontrollername0="IDE" | |
storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4" | |
storagecontrollerinstance0="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerbootable0="on" | |
storagecontrollername1="SATA" | |
storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci" | |
storagecontrollerinstance1="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30" | |
storagecontrollerportcount1="1" | |
storagecontrollerbootable1="on" | |
"IDE-0-0"="none" | |
"IDE-0-1"="none" | |
"IDE-1-0"="emptydrive" | |
"IDE-IsEjected"="off" | |
"IDE-1-1"="none" | |
"SATA-0-0"="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/box-disk1.vmdk" | |
"SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="0875090e-e9fd-472e-9669-bcfe93ca008b" | |
natnet1="nat" | |
macaddress1="0800277E372A" | |
cableconnected1="on" | |
nic1="nat" | |
nictype1="82540EM" | |
nicspeed1="0" | |
mtu="0" | |
sockSnd="64" | |
sockRcv="64" | |
tcpWndSnd="64" | |
tcpWndRcv="64" | |
Forwarding(0)="ssh,tcp,,2222,,22" | |
hostonlyadapter2="vboxnet1" | |
macaddress2="0800279DB9DD" | |
cableconnected2="on" | |
nic2="hostonly" | |
nictype2="82540EM" | |
nicspeed2="0" | |
nic3="none" | |
nic4="none" | |
nic5="none" | |
nic6="none" | |
nic7="none" | |
nic8="none" | |
hidpointing="ps2mouse" | |
hidkeyboard="ps2kbd" | |
uart1="off" | |
uart2="off" | |
uart3="off" | |
uart4="off" | |
lpt1="off" | |
lpt2="off" | |
audio="none" | |
clipboard="bidirectional" | |
draganddrop="bidirectional" | |
SessionName="headless" | |
VideoMode="640,480,32"@0,0 1 | |
vrde="off" | |
usb="on" | |
ehci="off" | |
xhci="off" | |
SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant" | |
SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/manzo/workspace/pcsetup" | |
VRDEActiveConnection="off" | |
VRDEClients=0 | |
vcpenabled="off" | |
vcpscreens=0 | |
vcpfile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.webm" | |
vcpwidth=1024 | |
vcpheight=768 | |
vcprate=512 | |
vcpfps=25 | |
GuestMemoryBalloon=0 | |
GuestOSType="ArchLinux_64" | |
GuestAdditionsRunLevel=0 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--machinereadable"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325" | |
groups="/" | |
ostype="Arch Linux (64-bit)" | |
UUID="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
CfgFile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.vbox" | |
SnapFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Snapshots" | |
LogFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Logs" | |
hardwareuuid="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
memory=384 | |
pagefusion="off" | |
vram=12 | |
cpuexecutioncap=100 | |
hpet="off" | |
chipset="piix3" | |
firmware="BIOS" | |
cpus=1 | |
pae="off" | |
longmode="on" | |
triplefaultreset="off" | |
apic="on" | |
x2apic="off" | |
cpuid-portability-level=0 | |
bootmenu="messageandmenu" | |
boot1="dvd" | |
boot2="disk" | |
boot3="none" | |
boot4="none" | |
acpi="on" | |
ioapic="on" | |
biosapic="apic" | |
biossystemtimeoffset=0 | |
rtcuseutc="on" | |
hwvirtex="on" | |
nestedpaging="on" | |
largepages="on" | |
vtxvpid="on" | |
vtxux="on" | |
paravirtprovider="default" | |
effparavirtprovider="kvm" | |
VMState="running" | |
VMStateChangeTime="2016-07-20T13:11:31.750000000" | |
monitorcount=1 | |
accelerate3d="off" | |
accelerate2dvideo="off" | |
teleporterenabled="off" | |
teleporterport=0 | |
teleporteraddress="" | |
teleporterpassword="" | |
tracing-enabled="off" | |
tracing-allow-vm-access="off" | |
tracing-config="" | |
autostart-enabled="off" | |
autostart-delay=0 | |
defaultfrontend="" | |
storagecontrollername0="IDE" | |
storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4" | |
storagecontrollerinstance0="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerbootable0="on" | |
storagecontrollername1="SATA" | |
storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci" | |
storagecontrollerinstance1="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30" | |
storagecontrollerportcount1="1" | |
storagecontrollerbootable1="on" | |
"IDE-0-0"="none" | |
"IDE-0-1"="none" | |
"IDE-1-0"="emptydrive" | |
"IDE-IsEjected"="off" | |
"IDE-1-1"="none" | |
"SATA-0-0"="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/box-disk1.vmdk" | |
"SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="0875090e-e9fd-472e-9669-bcfe93ca008b" | |
natnet1="nat" | |
macaddress1="0800277E372A" | |
cableconnected1="on" | |
nic1="nat" | |
nictype1="82540EM" | |
nicspeed1="0" | |
mtu="0" | |
sockSnd="64" | |
sockRcv="64" | |
tcpWndSnd="64" | |
tcpWndRcv="64" | |
Forwarding(0)="ssh,tcp,,2222,,22" | |
hostonlyadapter2="vboxnet1" | |
macaddress2="0800279DB9DD" | |
cableconnected2="on" | |
nic2="hostonly" | |
nictype2="82540EM" | |
nicspeed2="0" | |
nic3="none" | |
nic4="none" | |
nic5="none" | |
nic6="none" | |
nic7="none" | |
nic8="none" | |
hidpointing="ps2mouse" | |
hidkeyboard="ps2kbd" | |
uart1="off" | |
uart2="off" | |
uart3="off" | |
uart4="off" | |
lpt1="off" | |
lpt2="off" | |
audio="none" | |
clipboard="bidirectional" | |
draganddrop="bidirectional" | |
SessionName="headless" | |
VideoMode="640,480,32"@0,0 1 | |
vrde="off" | |
usb="on" | |
ehci="off" | |
xhci="off" | |
SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant" | |
SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/manzo/workspace/pcsetup" | |
VRDEActiveConnection="off" | |
VRDEClients=0 | |
vcpenabled="off" | |
vcpscreens=0 | |
vcpfile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.webm" | |
vcpwidth=1024 | |
vcpheight=768 | |
vcprate=512 | |
vcpfps=25 | |
GuestMemoryBalloon=0 | |
GuestOSType="ArchLinux_64" | |
GuestAdditionsRunLevel=0 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--machinereadable"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325" | |
groups="/" | |
ostype="Arch Linux (64-bit)" | |
UUID="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
CfgFile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.vbox" | |
SnapFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Snapshots" | |
LogFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Logs" | |
hardwareuuid="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
memory=384 | |
pagefusion="off" | |
vram=12 | |
cpuexecutioncap=100 | |
hpet="off" | |
chipset="piix3" | |
firmware="BIOS" | |
cpus=1 | |
pae="off" | |
longmode="on" | |
triplefaultreset="off" | |
apic="on" | |
x2apic="off" | |
cpuid-portability-level=0 | |
bootmenu="messageandmenu" | |
boot1="dvd" | |
boot2="disk" | |
boot3="none" | |
boot4="none" | |
acpi="on" | |
ioapic="on" | |
biosapic="apic" | |
biossystemtimeoffset=0 | |
rtcuseutc="on" | |
hwvirtex="on" | |
nestedpaging="on" | |
largepages="on" | |
vtxvpid="on" | |
vtxux="on" | |
paravirtprovider="default" | |
effparavirtprovider="kvm" | |
VMState="running" | |
VMStateChangeTime="2016-07-20T13:11:31.750000000" | |
monitorcount=1 | |
accelerate3d="off" | |
accelerate2dvideo="off" | |
teleporterenabled="off" | |
teleporterport=0 | |
teleporteraddress="" | |
teleporterpassword="" | |
tracing-enabled="off" | |
tracing-allow-vm-access="off" | |
tracing-config="" | |
autostart-enabled="off" | |
autostart-delay=0 | |
defaultfrontend="" | |
storagecontrollername0="IDE" | |
storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4" | |
storagecontrollerinstance0="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerbootable0="on" | |
storagecontrollername1="SATA" | |
storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci" | |
storagecontrollerinstance1="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30" | |
storagecontrollerportcount1="1" | |
storagecontrollerbootable1="on" | |
"IDE-0-0"="none" | |
"IDE-0-1"="none" | |
"IDE-1-0"="emptydrive" | |
"IDE-IsEjected"="off" | |
"IDE-1-1"="none" | |
"SATA-0-0"="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/box-disk1.vmdk" | |
"SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="0875090e-e9fd-472e-9669-bcfe93ca008b" | |
natnet1="nat" | |
macaddress1="0800277E372A" | |
cableconnected1="on" | |
nic1="nat" | |
nictype1="82540EM" | |
nicspeed1="0" | |
mtu="0" | |
sockSnd="64" | |
sockRcv="64" | |
tcpWndSnd="64" | |
tcpWndRcv="64" | |
Forwarding(0)="ssh,tcp,,2222,,22" | |
hostonlyadapter2="vboxnet1" | |
macaddress2="0800279DB9DD" | |
cableconnected2="on" | |
nic2="hostonly" | |
nictype2="82540EM" | |
nicspeed2="0" | |
nic3="none" | |
nic4="none" | |
nic5="none" | |
nic6="none" | |
nic7="none" | |
nic8="none" | |
hidpointing="ps2mouse" | |
hidkeyboard="ps2kbd" | |
uart1="off" | |
uart2="off" | |
uart3="off" | |
uart4="off" | |
lpt1="off" | |
lpt2="off" | |
audio="none" | |
clipboard="bidirectional" | |
draganddrop="bidirectional" | |
SessionName="headless" | |
VideoMode="640,480,32"@0,0 1 | |
vrde="off" | |
usb="on" | |
ehci="off" | |
xhci="off" | |
SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant" | |
SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/manzo/workspace/pcsetup" | |
VRDEActiveConnection="off" | |
VRDEClients=0 | |
vcpenabled="off" | |
vcpscreens=0 | |
vcpfile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.webm" | |
vcpwidth=1024 | |
vcpheight=768 | |
vcprate=512 | |
vcpfps=25 | |
GuestMemoryBalloon=0 | |
GuestOSType="ArchLinux_64" | |
GuestAdditionsRunLevel=0 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--machinereadable"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325" | |
groups="/" | |
ostype="Arch Linux (64-bit)" | |
UUID="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
CfgFile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.vbox" | |
SnapFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Snapshots" | |
LogFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Logs" | |
hardwareuuid="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
memory=384 | |
pagefusion="off" | |
vram=12 | |
cpuexecutioncap=100 | |
hpet="off" | |
chipset="piix3" | |
firmware="BIOS" | |
cpus=1 | |
pae="off" | |
longmode="on" | |
triplefaultreset="off" | |
apic="on" | |
x2apic="off" | |
cpuid-portability-level=0 | |
bootmenu="messageandmenu" | |
boot1="dvd" | |
boot2="disk" | |
boot3="none" | |
boot4="none" | |
acpi="on" | |
ioapic="on" | |
biosapic="apic" | |
biossystemtimeoffset=0 | |
rtcuseutc="on" | |
hwvirtex="on" | |
nestedpaging="on" | |
largepages="on" | |
vtxvpid="on" | |
vtxux="on" | |
paravirtprovider="default" | |
effparavirtprovider="kvm" | |
VMState="running" | |
VMStateChangeTime="2016-07-20T13:11:31.750000000" | |
monitorcount=1 | |
accelerate3d="off" | |
accelerate2dvideo="off" | |
teleporterenabled="off" | |
teleporterport=0 | |
teleporteraddress="" | |
teleporterpassword="" | |
tracing-enabled="off" | |
tracing-allow-vm-access="off" | |
tracing-config="" | |
autostart-enabled="off" | |
autostart-delay=0 | |
defaultfrontend="" | |
storagecontrollername0="IDE" | |
storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4" | |
storagecontrollerinstance0="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerbootable0="on" | |
storagecontrollername1="SATA" | |
storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci" | |
storagecontrollerinstance1="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30" | |
storagecontrollerportcount1="1" | |
storagecontrollerbootable1="on" | |
"IDE-0-0"="none" | |
"IDE-0-1"="none" | |
"IDE-1-0"="emptydrive" | |
"IDE-IsEjected"="off" | |
"IDE-1-1"="none" | |
"SATA-0-0"="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/box-disk1.vmdk" | |
"SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="0875090e-e9fd-472e-9669-bcfe93ca008b" | |
natnet1="nat" | |
macaddress1="0800277E372A" | |
cableconnected1="on" | |
nic1="nat" | |
nictype1="82540EM" | |
nicspeed1="0" | |
mtu="0" | |
sockSnd="64" | |
sockRcv="64" | |
tcpWndSnd="64" | |
tcpWndRcv="64" | |
Forwarding(0)="ssh,tcp,,2222,,22" | |
hostonlyadapter2="vboxnet1" | |
macaddress2="0800279DB9DD" | |
cableconnected2="on" | |
nic2="hostonly" | |
nictype2="82540EM" | |
nicspeed2="0" | |
nic3="none" | |
nic4="none" | |
nic5="none" | |
nic6="none" | |
nic7="none" | |
nic8="none" | |
hidpointing="ps2mouse" | |
hidkeyboard="ps2kbd" | |
uart1="off" | |
uart2="off" | |
uart3="off" | |
uart4="off" | |
lpt1="off" | |
lpt2="off" | |
audio="none" | |
clipboard="bidirectional" | |
draganddrop="bidirectional" | |
SessionName="headless" | |
VideoMode="640,480,32"@0,0 1 | |
vrde="off" | |
usb="on" | |
ehci="off" | |
xhci="off" | |
SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant" | |
SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/manzo/workspace/pcsetup" | |
VRDEActiveConnection="off" | |
VRDEClients=0 | |
vcpenabled="off" | |
vcpscreens=0 | |
vcpfile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.webm" | |
vcpwidth=1024 | |
vcpheight=768 | |
vcprate=512 | |
vcpfps=25 | |
GuestMemoryBalloon=0 | |
GuestOSType="ArchLinux_64" | |
GuestAdditionsRunLevel=0 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--machinereadable"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325" | |
groups="/" | |
ostype="Arch Linux (64-bit)" | |
UUID="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
CfgFile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.vbox" | |
SnapFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Snapshots" | |
LogFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Logs" | |
hardwareuuid="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
memory=384 | |
pagefusion="off" | |
vram=12 | |
cpuexecutioncap=100 | |
hpet="off" | |
chipset="piix3" | |
firmware="BIOS" | |
cpus=1 | |
pae="off" | |
longmode="on" | |
triplefaultreset="off" | |
apic="on" | |
x2apic="off" | |
cpuid-portability-level=0 | |
bootmenu="messageandmenu" | |
boot1="dvd" | |
boot2="disk" | |
boot3="none" | |
boot4="none" | |
acpi="on" | |
ioapic="on" | |
biosapic="apic" | |
biossystemtimeoffset=0 | |
rtcuseutc="on" | |
hwvirtex="on" | |
nestedpaging="on" | |
largepages="on" | |
vtxvpid="on" | |
vtxux="on" | |
paravirtprovider="default" | |
effparavirtprovider="kvm" | |
VMState="running" | |
VMStateChangeTime="2016-07-20T13:11:31.750000000" | |
monitorcount=1 | |
accelerate3d="off" | |
accelerate2dvideo="off" | |
teleporterenabled="off" | |
teleporterport=0 | |
teleporteraddress="" | |
teleporterpassword="" | |
tracing-enabled="off" | |
tracing-allow-vm-access="off" | |
tracing-config="" | |
autostart-enabled="off" | |
autostart-delay=0 | |
defaultfrontend="" | |
storagecontrollername0="IDE" | |
storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4" | |
storagecontrollerinstance0="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerbootable0="on" | |
storagecontrollername1="SATA" | |
storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci" | |
storagecontrollerinstance1="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30" | |
storagecontrollerportcount1="1" | |
storagecontrollerbootable1="on" | |
"IDE-0-0"="none" | |
"IDE-0-1"="none" | |
"IDE-1-0"="emptydrive" | |
"IDE-IsEjected"="off" | |
"IDE-1-1"="none" | |
"SATA-0-0"="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/box-disk1.vmdk" | |
"SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="0875090e-e9fd-472e-9669-bcfe93ca008b" | |
natnet1="nat" | |
macaddress1="0800277E372A" | |
cableconnected1="on" | |
nic1="nat" | |
nictype1="82540EM" | |
nicspeed1="0" | |
mtu="0" | |
sockSnd="64" | |
sockRcv="64" | |
tcpWndSnd="64" | |
tcpWndRcv="64" | |
Forwarding(0)="ssh,tcp,,2222,,22" | |
hostonlyadapter2="vboxnet1" | |
macaddress2="0800279DB9DD" | |
cableconnected2="on" | |
nic2="hostonly" | |
nictype2="82540EM" | |
nicspeed2="0" | |
nic3="none" | |
nic4="none" | |
nic5="none" | |
nic6="none" | |
nic7="none" | |
nic8="none" | |
hidpointing="ps2mouse" | |
hidkeyboard="ps2kbd" | |
uart1="off" | |
uart2="off" | |
uart3="off" | |
uart4="off" | |
lpt1="off" | |
lpt2="off" | |
audio="none" | |
clipboard="bidirectional" | |
draganddrop="bidirectional" | |
SessionName="headless" | |
VideoMode="640,480,32"@0,0 1 | |
vrde="off" | |
usb="on" | |
ehci="off" | |
xhci="off" | |
SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant" | |
SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/manzo/workspace/pcsetup" | |
VRDEActiveConnection="off" | |
VRDEClients=0 | |
vcpenabled="off" | |
vcpscreens=0 | |
vcpfile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.webm" | |
vcpwidth=1024 | |
vcpheight=768 | |
vcprate=512 | |
vcpfps=25 | |
GuestMemoryBalloon=0 | |
GuestOSType="ArchLinux_64" | |
GuestAdditionsRunLevel=0 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--machinereadable"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325" | |
groups="/" | |
ostype="Arch Linux (64-bit)" | |
UUID="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
CfgFile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.vbox" | |
SnapFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Snapshots" | |
LogFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Logs" | |
hardwareuuid="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
memory=384 | |
pagefusion="off" | |
vram=12 | |
cpuexecutioncap=100 | |
hpet="off" | |
chipset="piix3" | |
firmware="BIOS" | |
cpus=1 | |
pae="off" | |
longmode="on" | |
triplefaultreset="off" | |
apic="on" | |
x2apic="off" | |
cpuid-portability-level=0 | |
bootmenu="messageandmenu" | |
boot1="dvd" | |
boot2="disk" | |
boot3="none" | |
boot4="none" | |
acpi="on" | |
ioapic="on" | |
biosapic="apic" | |
biossystemtimeoffset=0 | |
rtcuseutc="on" | |
hwvirtex="on" | |
nestedpaging="on" | |
largepages="on" | |
vtxvpid="on" | |
vtxux="on" | |
paravirtprovider="default" | |
effparavirtprovider="kvm" | |
VMState="running" | |
VMStateChangeTime="2016-07-20T13:11:31.750000000" | |
monitorcount=1 | |
accelerate3d="off" | |
accelerate2dvideo="off" | |
teleporterenabled="off" | |
teleporterport=0 | |
teleporteraddress="" | |
teleporterpassword="" | |
tracing-enabled="off" | |
tracing-allow-vm-access="off" | |
tracing-config="" | |
autostart-enabled="off" | |
autostart-delay=0 | |
defaultfrontend="" | |
storagecontrollername0="IDE" | |
storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4" | |
storagecontrollerinstance0="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerbootable0="on" | |
storagecontrollername1="SATA" | |
storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci" | |
storagecontrollerinstance1="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30" | |
storagecontrollerportcount1="1" | |
storagecontrollerbootable1="on" | |
"IDE-0-0"="none" | |
"IDE-0-1"="none" | |
"IDE-1-0"="emptydrive" | |
"IDE-IsEjected"="off" | |
"IDE-1-1"="none" | |
"SATA-0-0"="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/box-disk1.vmdk" | |
"SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="0875090e-e9fd-472e-9669-bcfe93ca008b" | |
natnet1="nat" | |
macaddress1="0800277E372A" | |
cableconnected1="on" | |
nic1="nat" | |
nictype1="82540EM" | |
nicspeed1="0" | |
mtu="0" | |
sockSnd="64" | |
sockRcv="64" | |
tcpWndSnd="64" | |
tcpWndRcv="64" | |
Forwarding(0)="ssh,tcp,,2222,,22" | |
hostonlyadapter2="vboxnet1" | |
macaddress2="0800279DB9DD" | |
cableconnected2="on" | |
nic2="hostonly" | |
nictype2="82540EM" | |
nicspeed2="0" | |
nic3="none" | |
nic4="none" | |
nic5="none" | |
nic6="none" | |
nic7="none" | |
nic8="none" | |
hidpointing="ps2mouse" | |
hidkeyboard="ps2kbd" | |
uart1="off" | |
uart2="off" | |
uart3="off" | |
uart4="off" | |
lpt1="off" | |
lpt2="off" | |
audio="none" | |
clipboard="bidirectional" | |
draganddrop="bidirectional" | |
SessionName="headless" | |
VideoMode="640,480,32"@0,0 1 | |
vrde="off" | |
usb="on" | |
ehci="off" | |
xhci="off" | |
SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant" | |
SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/manzo/workspace/pcsetup" | |
VRDEActiveConnection="off" | |
VRDEClients=0 | |
vcpenabled="off" | |
vcpscreens=0 | |
vcpfile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.webm" | |
vcpwidth=1024 | |
vcpheight=768 | |
vcprate=512 | |
vcpfps=25 | |
GuestMemoryBalloon=0 | |
GuestOSType="ArchLinux_64" | |
GuestAdditionsRunLevel=0 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--machinereadable"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325" | |
groups="/" | |
ostype="Arch Linux (64-bit)" | |
UUID="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
CfgFile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.vbox" | |
SnapFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Snapshots" | |
LogFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Logs" | |
hardwareuuid="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
memory=384 | |
pagefusion="off" | |
vram=12 | |
cpuexecutioncap=100 | |
hpet="off" | |
chipset="piix3" | |
firmware="BIOS" | |
cpus=1 | |
pae="off" | |
longmode="on" | |
triplefaultreset="off" | |
apic="on" | |
x2apic="off" | |
cpuid-portability-level=0 | |
bootmenu="messageandmenu" | |
boot1="dvd" | |
boot2="disk" | |
boot3="none" | |
boot4="none" | |
acpi="on" | |
ioapic="on" | |
biosapic="apic" | |
biossystemtimeoffset=0 | |
rtcuseutc="on" | |
hwvirtex="on" | |
nestedpaging="on" | |
largepages="on" | |
vtxvpid="on" | |
vtxux="on" | |
paravirtprovider="default" | |
effparavirtprovider="kvm" | |
VMState="running" | |
VMStateChangeTime="2016-07-20T13:11:31.750000000" | |
monitorcount=1 | |
accelerate3d="off" | |
accelerate2dvideo="off" | |
teleporterenabled="off" | |
teleporterport=0 | |
teleporteraddress="" | |
teleporterpassword="" | |
tracing-enabled="off" | |
tracing-allow-vm-access="off" | |
tracing-config="" | |
autostart-enabled="off" | |
autostart-delay=0 | |
defaultfrontend="" | |
storagecontrollername0="IDE" | |
storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4" | |
storagecontrollerinstance0="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerbootable0="on" | |
storagecontrollername1="SATA" | |
storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci" | |
storagecontrollerinstance1="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30" | |
storagecontrollerportcount1="1" | |
storagecontrollerbootable1="on" | |
"IDE-0-0"="none" | |
"IDE-0-1"="none" | |
"IDE-1-0"="emptydrive" | |
"IDE-IsEjected"="off" | |
"IDE-1-1"="none" | |
"SATA-0-0"="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/box-disk1.vmdk" | |
"SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="0875090e-e9fd-472e-9669-bcfe93ca008b" | |
natnet1="nat" | |
macaddress1="0800277E372A" | |
cableconnected1="on" | |
nic1="nat" | |
nictype1="82540EM" | |
nicspeed1="0" | |
mtu="0" | |
sockSnd="64" | |
sockRcv="64" | |
tcpWndSnd="64" | |
tcpWndRcv="64" | |
Forwarding(0)="ssh,tcp,,2222,,22" | |
hostonlyadapter2="vboxnet1" | |
macaddress2="0800279DB9DD" | |
cableconnected2="on" | |
nic2="hostonly" | |
nictype2="82540EM" | |
nicspeed2="0" | |
nic3="none" | |
nic4="none" | |
nic5="none" | |
nic6="none" | |
nic7="none" | |
nic8="none" | |
hidpointing="ps2mouse" | |
hidkeyboard="ps2kbd" | |
uart1="off" | |
uart2="off" | |
uart3="off" | |
uart4="off" | |
lpt1="off" | |
lpt2="off" | |
audio="none" | |
clipboard="bidirectional" | |
draganddrop="bidirectional" | |
SessionName="headless" | |
VideoMode="640,480,32"@0,0 1 | |
vrde="off" | |
usb="on" | |
ehci="off" | |
xhci="off" | |
SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant" | |
SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/manzo/workspace/pcsetup" | |
VRDEActiveConnection="off" | |
VRDEClients=0 | |
vcpenabled="off" | |
vcpscreens=0 | |
vcpfile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.webm" | |
vcpwidth=1024 | |
vcpheight=768 | |
vcprate=512 | |
vcpfps=25 | |
GuestMemoryBalloon=0 | |
GuestOSType="Linux26_64" | |
GuestAdditionsRunLevel=1 | |
GuestAdditionsVersion="5.0.14_OSE r105127" | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_VirtualBox Base Driver=50,1469020303608 | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_Seamless Mode=0,1469020303608 | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_Graphics Mode=0,1469020303608 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--machinereadable"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325" | |
groups="/" | |
ostype="Arch Linux (64-bit)" | |
UUID="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
CfgFile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.vbox" | |
SnapFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Snapshots" | |
LogFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Logs" | |
hardwareuuid="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
memory=384 | |
pagefusion="off" | |
vram=12 | |
cpuexecutioncap=100 | |
hpet="off" | |
chipset="piix3" | |
firmware="BIOS" | |
cpus=1 | |
pae="off" | |
longmode="on" | |
triplefaultreset="off" | |
apic="on" | |
x2apic="off" | |
cpuid-portability-level=0 | |
bootmenu="messageandmenu" | |
boot1="dvd" | |
boot2="disk" | |
boot3="none" | |
boot4="none" | |
acpi="on" | |
ioapic="on" | |
biosapic="apic" | |
biossystemtimeoffset=0 | |
rtcuseutc="on" | |
hwvirtex="on" | |
nestedpaging="on" | |
largepages="on" | |
vtxvpid="on" | |
vtxux="on" | |
paravirtprovider="default" | |
effparavirtprovider="kvm" | |
VMState="running" | |
VMStateChangeTime="2016-07-20T13:11:31.750000000" | |
monitorcount=1 | |
accelerate3d="off" | |
accelerate2dvideo="off" | |
teleporterenabled="off" | |
teleporterport=0 | |
teleporteraddress="" | |
teleporterpassword="" | |
tracing-enabled="off" | |
tracing-allow-vm-access="off" | |
tracing-config="" | |
autostart-enabled="off" | |
autostart-delay=0 | |
defaultfrontend="" | |
storagecontrollername0="IDE" | |
storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4" | |
storagecontrollerinstance0="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerbootable0="on" | |
storagecontrollername1="SATA" | |
storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci" | |
storagecontrollerinstance1="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30" | |
storagecontrollerportcount1="1" | |
storagecontrollerbootable1="on" | |
"IDE-0-0"="none" | |
"IDE-0-1"="none" | |
"IDE-1-0"="emptydrive" | |
"IDE-IsEjected"="off" | |
"IDE-1-1"="none" | |
"SATA-0-0"="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/box-disk1.vmdk" | |
"SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="0875090e-e9fd-472e-9669-bcfe93ca008b" | |
natnet1="nat" | |
macaddress1="0800277E372A" | |
cableconnected1="on" | |
nic1="nat" | |
nictype1="82540EM" | |
nicspeed1="0" | |
mtu="0" | |
sockSnd="64" | |
sockRcv="64" | |
tcpWndSnd="64" | |
tcpWndRcv="64" | |
Forwarding(0)="ssh,tcp,,2222,,22" | |
hostonlyadapter2="vboxnet1" | |
macaddress2="0800279DB9DD" | |
cableconnected2="on" | |
nic2="hostonly" | |
nictype2="82540EM" | |
nicspeed2="0" | |
nic3="none" | |
nic4="none" | |
nic5="none" | |
nic6="none" | |
nic7="none" | |
nic8="none" | |
hidpointing="ps2mouse" | |
hidkeyboard="ps2kbd" | |
uart1="off" | |
uart2="off" | |
uart3="off" | |
uart4="off" | |
lpt1="off" | |
lpt2="off" | |
audio="none" | |
clipboard="bidirectional" | |
draganddrop="bidirectional" | |
SessionName="headless" | |
VideoMode="640,480,32"@0,0 1 | |
vrde="off" | |
usb="on" | |
ehci="off" | |
xhci="off" | |
SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant" | |
SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/manzo/workspace/pcsetup" | |
VRDEActiveConnection="off" | |
VRDEClients=0 | |
vcpenabled="off" | |
vcpscreens=0 | |
vcpfile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.webm" | |
vcpwidth=1024 | |
vcpheight=768 | |
vcprate=512 | |
vcpfps=25 | |
GuestMemoryBalloon=0 | |
GuestOSType="Linux26_64" | |
GuestAdditionsRunLevel=1 | |
GuestAdditionsVersion="5.0.14_OSE r105127" | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_VirtualBox Base Driver=50,1469020303608 | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_Seamless Mode=0,1469020303608 | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_Graphics Mode=0,1469020303608 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--machinereadable"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325" | |
groups="/" | |
ostype="Arch Linux (64-bit)" | |
UUID="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
CfgFile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.vbox" | |
SnapFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Snapshots" | |
LogFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Logs" | |
hardwareuuid="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
memory=384 | |
pagefusion="off" | |
vram=12 | |
cpuexecutioncap=100 | |
hpet="off" | |
chipset="piix3" | |
firmware="BIOS" | |
cpus=1 | |
pae="off" | |
longmode="on" | |
triplefaultreset="off" | |
apic="on" | |
x2apic="off" | |
cpuid-portability-level=0 | |
bootmenu="messageandmenu" | |
boot1="dvd" | |
boot2="disk" | |
boot3="none" | |
boot4="none" | |
acpi="on" | |
ioapic="on" | |
biosapic="apic" | |
biossystemtimeoffset=0 | |
rtcuseutc="on" | |
hwvirtex="on" | |
nestedpaging="on" | |
largepages="on" | |
vtxvpid="on" | |
vtxux="on" | |
paravirtprovider="default" | |
effparavirtprovider="kvm" | |
VMState="running" | |
VMStateChangeTime="2016-07-20T13:11:31.750000000" | |
monitorcount=1 | |
accelerate3d="off" | |
accelerate2dvideo="off" | |
teleporterenabled="off" | |
teleporterport=0 | |
teleporteraddress="" | |
teleporterpassword="" | |
tracing-enabled="off" | |
tracing-allow-vm-access="off" | |
tracing-config="" | |
autostart-enabled="off" | |
autostart-delay=0 | |
defaultfrontend="" | |
storagecontrollername0="IDE" | |
storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4" | |
storagecontrollerinstance0="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerbootable0="on" | |
storagecontrollername1="SATA" | |
storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci" | |
storagecontrollerinstance1="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30" | |
storagecontrollerportcount1="1" | |
storagecontrollerbootable1="on" | |
"IDE-0-0"="none" | |
"IDE-0-1"="none" | |
"IDE-1-0"="emptydrive" | |
"IDE-IsEjected"="off" | |
"IDE-1-1"="none" | |
"SATA-0-0"="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/box-disk1.vmdk" | |
"SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="0875090e-e9fd-472e-9669-bcfe93ca008b" | |
natnet1="nat" | |
macaddress1="0800277E372A" | |
cableconnected1="on" | |
nic1="nat" | |
nictype1="82540EM" | |
nicspeed1="0" | |
mtu="0" | |
sockSnd="64" | |
sockRcv="64" | |
tcpWndSnd="64" | |
tcpWndRcv="64" | |
Forwarding(0)="ssh,tcp,,2222,,22" | |
hostonlyadapter2="vboxnet1" | |
macaddress2="0800279DB9DD" | |
cableconnected2="on" | |
nic2="hostonly" | |
nictype2="82540EM" | |
nicspeed2="0" | |
nic3="none" | |
nic4="none" | |
nic5="none" | |
nic6="none" | |
nic7="none" | |
nic8="none" | |
hidpointing="ps2mouse" | |
hidkeyboard="ps2kbd" | |
uart1="off" | |
uart2="off" | |
uart3="off" | |
uart4="off" | |
lpt1="off" | |
lpt2="off" | |
audio="none" | |
clipboard="bidirectional" | |
draganddrop="bidirectional" | |
SessionName="headless" | |
VideoMode="640,480,32"@0,0 1 | |
vrde="off" | |
usb="on" | |
ehci="off" | |
xhci="off" | |
SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant" | |
SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/manzo/workspace/pcsetup" | |
VRDEActiveConnection="off" | |
VRDEClients=0 | |
vcpenabled="off" | |
vcpscreens=0 | |
vcpfile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.webm" | |
vcpwidth=1024 | |
vcpheight=768 | |
vcprate=512 | |
vcpfps=25 | |
GuestMemoryBalloon=0 | |
GuestOSType="Linux26_64" | |
GuestAdditionsRunLevel=1 | |
GuestAdditionsVersion="5.0.14_OSE r105127" | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_VirtualBox Base Driver=50,1469020303608 | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_Seamless Mode=0,1469020303608 | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_Graphics Mode=0,1469020303608 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log START == | |
DEBUG ssh: D, [2016-07-20T10:11:32.369762 #22480] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[3fbb1c09ec70]: establishing connection to | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:32.370419 #22480] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[3fbb1c09ec70]: connection established | |
I, [2016-07-20T10:11:32.370573 #22480] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[3fbb1c09e3d8]: negotiating protocol version | |
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log END == | |
INFO ssh: SSH not ready: #<Vagrant::Errors::NetSSHException: An error occurred in the underlying SSH library that Vagrant uses. | |
The error message is shown below. In many cases, errors from this | |
library are caused by ssh-agent issues. Try disabling your SSH | |
agent or removing some keys and try again. | |
If the problem persists, please report a bug to the net-ssh project. | |
timeout during server version negotiating> | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--machinereadable"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325" | |
groups="/" | |
ostype="Arch Linux (64-bit)" | |
UUID="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
CfgFile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.vbox" | |
SnapFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Snapshots" | |
LogFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Logs" | |
hardwareuuid="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
memory=384 | |
pagefusion="off" | |
vram=12 | |
cpuexecutioncap=100 | |
hpet="off" | |
chipset="piix3" | |
firmware="BIOS" | |
cpus=1 | |
pae="off" | |
longmode="on" | |
triplefaultreset="off" | |
apic="on" | |
x2apic="off" | |
cpuid-portability-level=0 | |
bootmenu="messageandmenu" | |
boot1="dvd" | |
boot2="disk" | |
boot3="none" | |
boot4="none" | |
acpi="on" | |
ioapic="on" | |
biosapic="apic" | |
biossystemtimeoffset=0 | |
rtcuseutc="on" | |
hwvirtex="on" | |
nestedpaging="on" | |
largepages="on" | |
vtxvpid="on" | |
vtxux="on" | |
paravirtprovider="default" | |
effparavirtprovider="kvm" | |
VMState="running" | |
VMStateChangeTime="2016-07-20T13:11:31.750000000" | |
monitorcount=1 | |
accelerate3d="off" | |
accelerate2dvideo="off" | |
teleporterenabled="off" | |
teleporterport=0 | |
teleporteraddress="" | |
teleporterpassword="" | |
tracing-enabled="off" | |
tracing-allow-vm-access="off" | |
tracing-config="" | |
autostart-enabled="off" | |
autostart-delay=0 | |
defaultfrontend="" | |
storagecontrollername0="IDE" | |
storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4" | |
storagecontrollerinstance0="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerbootable0="on" | |
storagecontrollername1="SATA" | |
storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci" | |
storagecontrollerinstance1="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30" | |
storagecontrollerportcount1="1" | |
storagecontrollerbootable1="on" | |
"IDE-0-0"="none" | |
"IDE-0-1"="none" | |
"IDE-1-0"="emptydrive" | |
"IDE-IsEjected"="off" | |
"IDE-1-1"="none" | |
"SATA-0-0"="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/box-disk1.vmdk" | |
"SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="0875090e-e9fd-472e-9669-bcfe93ca008b" | |
natnet1="nat" | |
macaddress1="0800277E372A" | |
cableconnected1="on" | |
nic1="nat" | |
nictype1="82540EM" | |
nicspeed1="0" | |
mtu="0" | |
sockSnd="64" | |
sockRcv="64" | |
tcpWndSnd="64" | |
tcpWndRcv="64" | |
Forwarding(0)="ssh,tcp,,2222,,22" | |
hostonlyadapter2="vboxnet1" | |
macaddress2="0800279DB9DD" | |
cableconnected2="on" | |
nic2="hostonly" | |
nictype2="82540EM" | |
nicspeed2="0" | |
nic3="none" | |
nic4="none" | |
nic5="none" | |
nic6="none" | |
nic7="none" | |
nic8="none" | |
hidpointing="ps2mouse" | |
hidkeyboard="ps2kbd" | |
uart1="off" | |
uart2="off" | |
uart3="off" | |
uart4="off" | |
lpt1="off" | |
lpt2="off" | |
audio="none" | |
clipboard="bidirectional" | |
draganddrop="bidirectional" | |
SessionName="headless" | |
VideoMode="640,480,32"@0,0 1 | |
vrde="off" | |
usb="on" | |
ehci="off" | |
xhci="off" | |
SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant" | |
SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/manzo/workspace/pcsetup" | |
VRDEActiveConnection="off" | |
VRDEClients=0 | |
vcpenabled="off" | |
vcpscreens=0 | |
vcpfile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.webm" | |
vcpwidth=1024 | |
vcpheight=768 | |
vcprate=512 | |
vcpfps=25 | |
GuestMemoryBalloon=0 | |
GuestOSType="Linux26_64" | |
GuestAdditionsRunLevel=1 | |
GuestAdditionsVersion="5.0.14_OSE r105127" | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_VirtualBox Base Driver=50,1469020303608 | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_Seamless Mode=0,1469020303608 | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_Graphics Mode=0,1469020303608 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
DEBUG virtualbox_5_1: Searching for SSH port: 22 | |
DEBUG virtualbox_5_1: read_forward_ports: uuid=6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938 active_only=false | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--machinereadable"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325" | |
groups="/" | |
ostype="Arch Linux (64-bit)" | |
UUID="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
CfgFile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.vbox" | |
SnapFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Snapshots" | |
LogFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Logs" | |
hardwareuuid="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
memory=384 | |
pagefusion="off" | |
vram=12 | |
cpuexecutioncap=100 | |
hpet="off" | |
chipset="piix3" | |
firmware="BIOS" | |
cpus=1 | |
pae="off" | |
longmode="on" | |
triplefaultreset="off" | |
apic="on" | |
x2apic="off" | |
cpuid-portability-level=0 | |
bootmenu="messageandmenu" | |
boot1="dvd" | |
boot2="disk" | |
boot3="none" | |
boot4="none" | |
acpi="on" | |
ioapic="on" | |
biosapic="apic" | |
biossystemtimeoffset=0 | |
rtcuseutc="on" | |
hwvirtex="on" | |
nestedpaging="on" | |
largepages="on" | |
vtxvpid="on" | |
vtxux="on" | |
paravirtprovider="default" | |
effparavirtprovider="kvm" | |
VMState="running" | |
VMStateChangeTime="2016-07-20T13:11:31.750000000" | |
monitorcount=1 | |
accelerate3d="off" | |
accelerate2dvideo="off" | |
teleporterenabled="off" | |
teleporterport=0 | |
teleporteraddress="" | |
teleporterpassword="" | |
tracing-enabled="off" | |
tracing-allow-vm-access="off" | |
tracing-config="" | |
autostart-enabled="off" | |
autostart-delay=0 | |
defaultfrontend="" | |
storagecontrollername0="IDE" | |
storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4" | |
storagecontrollerinstance0="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerbootable0="on" | |
storagecontrollername1="SATA" | |
storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci" | |
storagecontrollerinstance1="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30" | |
storagecontrollerportcount1="1" | |
storagecontrollerbootable1="on" | |
"IDE-0-0"="none" | |
"IDE-0-1"="none" | |
"IDE-1-0"="emptydrive" | |
"IDE-IsEjected"="off" | |
"IDE-1-1"="none" | |
"SATA-0-0"="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/box-disk1.vmdk" | |
"SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="0875090e-e9fd-472e-9669-bcfe93ca008b" | |
natnet1="nat" | |
macaddress1="0800277E372A" | |
cableconnected1="on" | |
nic1="nat" | |
nictype1="82540EM" | |
nicspeed1="0" | |
mtu="0" | |
sockSnd="64" | |
sockRcv="64" | |
tcpWndSnd="64" | |
tcpWndRcv="64" | |
Forwarding(0)="ssh,tcp,,2222,,22" | |
hostonlyadapter2="vboxnet1" | |
macaddress2="0800279DB9DD" | |
cableconnected2="on" | |
nic2="hostonly" | |
nictype2="82540EM" | |
nicspeed2="0" | |
nic3="none" | |
nic4="none" | |
nic5="none" | |
nic6="none" | |
nic7="none" | |
nic8="none" | |
hidpointing="ps2mouse" | |
hidkeyboard="ps2kbd" | |
uart1="off" | |
uart2="off" | |
uart3="off" | |
uart4="off" | |
lpt1="off" | |
lpt2="off" | |
audio="none" | |
clipboard="bidirectional" | |
draganddrop="bidirectional" | |
SessionName="headless" | |
VideoMode="640,480,32"@0,0 1 | |
vrde="off" | |
usb="on" | |
ehci="off" | |
xhci="off" | |
SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant" | |
SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/manzo/workspace/pcsetup" | |
VRDEActiveConnection="off" | |
VRDEClients=0 | |
vcpenabled="off" | |
vcpscreens=0 | |
vcpfile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.webm" | |
vcpwidth=1024 | |
vcpheight=768 | |
vcprate=512 | |
vcpfps=25 | |
GuestMemoryBalloon=0 | |
GuestOSType="Linux26_64" | |
GuestAdditionsRunLevel=1 | |
GuestAdditionsVersion="5.0.14_OSE r105127" | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_VirtualBox Base Driver=50,1469020303608 | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_Seamless Mode=0,1469020303608 | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_Graphics Mode=0,1469020303608 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
DEBUG virtualbox_5_1: - [1, "ssh", 2222, 22] | |
DEBUG ssh: Checking key permissions: /home/manzo/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key | |
INFO ssh: Attempting SSH connection... | |
INFO ssh: Attempting to connect to SSH... | |
INFO ssh: - Host: | |
INFO ssh: - Port: 2222 | |
INFO ssh: - Username: vagrant | |
INFO ssh: - Password? false | |
INFO ssh: - Key Path: ["/home/manzo/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key"] | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--machinereadable"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325" | |
groups="/" | |
ostype="Arch Linux (64-bit)" | |
UUID="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
CfgFile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.vbox" | |
SnapFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Snapshots" | |
LogFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Logs" | |
hardwareuuid="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
memory=384 | |
pagefusion="off" | |
vram=12 | |
cpuexecutioncap=100 | |
hpet="off" | |
chipset="piix3" | |
firmware="BIOS" | |
cpus=1 | |
pae="off" | |
longmode="on" | |
triplefaultreset="off" | |
apic="on" | |
x2apic="off" | |
cpuid-portability-level=0 | |
bootmenu="messageandmenu" | |
boot1="dvd" | |
boot2="disk" | |
boot3="none" | |
boot4="none" | |
acpi="on" | |
ioapic="on" | |
biosapic="apic" | |
biossystemtimeoffset=0 | |
rtcuseutc="on" | |
hwvirtex="on" | |
nestedpaging="on" | |
largepages="on" | |
vtxvpid="on" | |
vtxux="on" | |
paravirtprovider="default" | |
effparavirtprovider="kvm" | |
VMState="running" | |
VMStateChangeTime="2016-07-20T13:11:31.750000000" | |
monitorcount=1 | |
accelerate3d="off" | |
accelerate2dvideo="off" | |
teleporterenabled="off" | |
teleporterport=0 | |
teleporteraddress="" | |
teleporterpassword="" | |
tracing-enabled="off" | |
tracing-allow-vm-access="off" | |
tracing-config="" | |
autostart-enabled="off" | |
autostart-delay=0 | |
defaultfrontend="" | |
storagecontrollername0="IDE" | |
storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4" | |
storagecontrollerinstance0="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerbootable0="on" | |
storagecontrollername1="SATA" | |
storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci" | |
storagecontrollerinstance1="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30" | |
storagecontrollerportcount1="1" | |
storagecontrollerbootable1="on" | |
"IDE-0-0"="none" | |
"IDE-0-1"="none" | |
"IDE-1-0"="emptydrive" | |
"IDE-IsEjected"="off" | |
"IDE-1-1"="none" | |
"SATA-0-0"="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/box-disk1.vmdk" | |
"SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="0875090e-e9fd-472e-9669-bcfe93ca008b" | |
natnet1="nat" | |
macaddress1="0800277E372A" | |
cableconnected1="on" | |
nic1="nat" | |
nictype1="82540EM" | |
nicspeed1="0" | |
mtu="0" | |
sockSnd="64" | |
sockRcv="64" | |
tcpWndSnd="64" | |
tcpWndRcv="64" | |
Forwarding(0)="ssh,tcp,,2222,,22" | |
hostonlyadapter2="vboxnet1" | |
macaddress2="0800279DB9DD" | |
cableconnected2="on" | |
nic2="hostonly" | |
nictype2="82540EM" | |
nicspeed2="0" | |
nic3="none" | |
nic4="none" | |
nic5="none" | |
nic6="none" | |
nic7="none" | |
nic8="none" | |
hidpointing="ps2mouse" | |
hidkeyboard="ps2kbd" | |
uart1="off" | |
uart2="off" | |
uart3="off" | |
uart4="off" | |
lpt1="off" | |
lpt2="off" | |
audio="none" | |
clipboard="bidirectional" | |
draganddrop="bidirectional" | |
SessionName="headless" | |
VideoMode="640,480,32"@0,0 1 | |
vrde="off" | |
usb="on" | |
ehci="off" | |
xhci="off" | |
SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant" | |
SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/manzo/workspace/pcsetup" | |
VRDEActiveConnection="off" | |
VRDEClients=0 | |
vcpenabled="off" | |
vcpscreens=0 | |
vcpfile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.webm" | |
vcpwidth=1024 | |
vcpheight=768 | |
vcprate=512 | |
vcpfps=25 | |
GuestMemoryBalloon=0 | |
GuestOSType="Linux26_64" | |
GuestAdditionsRunLevel=1 | |
GuestAdditionsVersion="5.0.14_OSE r105127" | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_VirtualBox Base Driver=50,1469020303608 | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_Seamless Mode=0,1469020303608 | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_Graphics Mode=0,1469020303608 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--machinereadable"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325" | |
groups="/" | |
ostype="Arch Linux (64-bit)" | |
UUID="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
CfgFile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.vbox" | |
SnapFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Snapshots" | |
LogFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Logs" | |
hardwareuuid="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
memory=384 | |
pagefusion="off" | |
vram=12 | |
cpuexecutioncap=100 | |
hpet="off" | |
chipset="piix3" | |
firmware="BIOS" | |
cpus=1 | |
pae="off" | |
longmode="on" | |
triplefaultreset="off" | |
apic="on" | |
x2apic="off" | |
cpuid-portability-level=0 | |
bootmenu="messageandmenu" | |
boot1="dvd" | |
boot2="disk" | |
boot3="none" | |
boot4="none" | |
acpi="on" | |
ioapic="on" | |
biosapic="apic" | |
biossystemtimeoffset=0 | |
rtcuseutc="on" | |
hwvirtex="on" | |
nestedpaging="on" | |
largepages="on" | |
vtxvpid="on" | |
vtxux="on" | |
paravirtprovider="default" | |
effparavirtprovider="kvm" | |
VMState="running" | |
VMStateChangeTime="2016-07-20T13:11:31.750000000" | |
monitorcount=1 | |
accelerate3d="off" | |
accelerate2dvideo="off" | |
teleporterenabled="off" | |
teleporterport=0 | |
teleporteraddress="" | |
teleporterpassword="" | |
tracing-enabled="off" | |
tracing-allow-vm-access="off" | |
tracing-config="" | |
autostart-enabled="off" | |
autostart-delay=0 | |
defaultfrontend="" | |
storagecontrollername0="IDE" | |
storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4" | |
storagecontrollerinstance0="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerbootable0="on" | |
storagecontrollername1="SATA" | |
storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci" | |
storagecontrollerinstance1="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30" | |
storagecontrollerportcount1="1" | |
storagecontrollerbootable1="on" | |
"IDE-0-0"="none" | |
"IDE-0-1"="none" | |
"IDE-1-0"="emptydrive" | |
"IDE-IsEjected"="off" | |
"IDE-1-1"="none" | |
"SATA-0-0"="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/box-disk1.vmdk" | |
"SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="0875090e-e9fd-472e-9669-bcfe93ca008b" | |
natnet1="nat" | |
macaddress1="0800277E372A" | |
cableconnected1="on" | |
nic1="nat" | |
nictype1="82540EM" | |
nicspeed1="0" | |
mtu="0" | |
sockSnd="64" | |
sockRcv="64" | |
tcpWndSnd="64" | |
tcpWndRcv="64" | |
Forwarding(0)="ssh,tcp,,2222,,22" | |
hostonlyadapter2="vboxnet1" | |
macaddress2="0800279DB9DD" | |
cableconnected2="on" | |
nic2="hostonly" | |
nictype2="82540EM" | |
nicspeed2="0" | |
nic3="none" | |
nic4="none" | |
nic5="none" | |
nic6="none" | |
nic7="none" | |
nic8="none" | |
hidpointing="ps2mouse" | |
hidkeyboard="ps2kbd" | |
uart1="off" | |
uart2="off" | |
uart3="off" | |
uart4="off" | |
lpt1="off" | |
lpt2="off" | |
audio="none" | |
clipboard="bidirectional" | |
draganddrop="bidirectional" | |
SessionName="headless" | |
VideoMode="640,480,32"@0,0 1 | |
vrde="off" | |
usb="on" | |
ehci="off" | |
xhci="off" | |
SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant" | |
SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/manzo/workspace/pcsetup" | |
VRDEActiveConnection="off" | |
VRDEClients=0 | |
vcpenabled="off" | |
vcpscreens=0 | |
vcpfile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.webm" | |
vcpwidth=1024 | |
vcpheight=768 | |
vcprate=512 | |
vcpfps=25 | |
GuestMemoryBalloon=0 | |
GuestOSType="Linux26_64" | |
GuestAdditionsRunLevel=1 | |
GuestAdditionsVersion="5.0.14_OSE r105127" | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_VirtualBox Base Driver=50,1469020303608 | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_Seamless Mode=0,1469020303608 | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_Graphics Mode=0,1469020303608 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--machinereadable"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325" | |
groups="/" | |
ostype="Arch Linux (64-bit)" | |
UUID="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
CfgFile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.vbox" | |
SnapFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Snapshots" | |
LogFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Logs" | |
hardwareuuid="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
memory=384 | |
pagefusion="off" | |
vram=12 | |
cpuexecutioncap=100 | |
hpet="off" | |
chipset="piix3" | |
firmware="BIOS" | |
cpus=1 | |
pae="off" | |
longmode="on" | |
triplefaultreset="off" | |
apic="on" | |
x2apic="off" | |
cpuid-portability-level=0 | |
bootmenu="messageandmenu" | |
boot1="dvd" | |
boot2="disk" | |
boot3="none" | |
boot4="none" | |
acpi="on" | |
ioapic="on" | |
biosapic="apic" | |
biossystemtimeoffset=0 | |
rtcuseutc="on" | |
hwvirtex="on" | |
nestedpaging="on" | |
largepages="on" | |
vtxvpid="on" | |
vtxux="on" | |
paravirtprovider="default" | |
effparavirtprovider="kvm" | |
VMState="running" | |
VMStateChangeTime="2016-07-20T13:11:31.750000000" | |
monitorcount=1 | |
accelerate3d="off" | |
accelerate2dvideo="off" | |
teleporterenabled="off" | |
teleporterport=0 | |
teleporteraddress="" | |
teleporterpassword="" | |
tracing-enabled="off" | |
tracing-allow-vm-access="off" | |
tracing-config="" | |
autostart-enabled="off" | |
autostart-delay=0 | |
defaultfrontend="" | |
storagecontrollername0="IDE" | |
storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4" | |
storagecontrollerinstance0="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerbootable0="on" | |
storagecontrollername1="SATA" | |
storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci" | |
storagecontrollerinstance1="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30" | |
storagecontrollerportcount1="1" | |
storagecontrollerbootable1="on" | |
"IDE-0-0"="none" | |
"IDE-0-1"="none" | |
"IDE-1-0"="emptydrive" | |
"IDE-IsEjected"="off" | |
"IDE-1-1"="none" | |
"SATA-0-0"="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/box-disk1.vmdk" | |
"SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="0875090e-e9fd-472e-9669-bcfe93ca008b" | |
natnet1="nat" | |
macaddress1="0800277E372A" | |
cableconnected1="on" | |
nic1="nat" | |
nictype1="82540EM" | |
nicspeed1="0" | |
mtu="0" | |
sockSnd="64" | |
sockRcv="64" | |
tcpWndSnd="64" | |
tcpWndRcv="64" | |
Forwarding(0)="ssh,tcp,,2222,,22" | |
hostonlyadapter2="vboxnet1" | |
macaddress2="0800279DB9DD" | |
cableconnected2="on" | |
nic2="hostonly" | |
nictype2="82540EM" | |
nicspeed2="0" | |
nic3="none" | |
nic4="none" | |
nic5="none" | |
nic6="none" | |
nic7="none" | |
nic8="none" | |
hidpointing="ps2mouse" | |
hidkeyboard="ps2kbd" | |
uart1="off" | |
uart2="off" | |
uart3="off" | |
uart4="off" | |
lpt1="off" | |
lpt2="off" | |
audio="none" | |
clipboard="bidirectional" | |
draganddrop="bidirectional" | |
SessionName="headless" | |
VideoMode="640,480,32"@0,0 1 | |
vrde="off" | |
usb="on" | |
ehci="off" | |
xhci="off" | |
SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant" | |
SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/manzo/workspace/pcsetup" | |
VRDEActiveConnection="off" | |
VRDEClients=0 | |
vcpenabled="off" | |
vcpscreens=0 | |
vcpfile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.webm" | |
vcpwidth=1024 | |
vcpheight=768 | |
vcprate=512 | |
vcpfps=25 | |
GuestMemoryBalloon=0 | |
GuestOSType="Linux26_64" | |
GuestAdditionsRunLevel=1 | |
GuestAdditionsVersion="5.0.14_OSE r105127" | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_VirtualBox Base Driver=50,1469020303608 | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_Seamless Mode=0,1469020303608 | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_Graphics Mode=0,1469020303608 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 31999 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--machinereadable"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325" | |
groups="/" | |
ostype="Arch Linux (64-bit)" | |
UUID="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
CfgFile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.vbox" | |
SnapFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Snapshots" | |
LogFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Logs" | |
hardwareuuid="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
memory=384 | |
pagefusion="off" | |
vram=12 | |
cpuexecutioncap=100 | |
hpet="off" | |
chipset="piix3" | |
firmware="BIOS" | |
cpus=1 | |
pae="off" | |
longmode="on" | |
triplefaultreset="off" | |
apic="on" | |
x2apic="off" | |
cpuid-portability-level=0 | |
bootmenu="messageandmenu" | |
boot1="dvd" | |
boot2="disk" | |
boot3="none" | |
boot4="none" | |
acpi="on" | |
ioapic="on" | |
biosapic="apic" | |
biossystemtimeoffset=0 | |
rtcuseutc="on" | |
hwvirtex="on" | |
nestedpaging="on" | |
largepages="on" | |
vtxvpid="on" | |
vtxux="on" | |
paravirtprovider="default" | |
effparavirtprovider="kvm" | |
VMState="running" | |
VMStateChangeTime="2016-07-20T13:11:31.750000000" | |
monitorcount=1 | |
accelerate3d="off" | |
accelerate2dvideo="off" | |
teleporterenabled="off" | |
teleporterport=0 | |
teleporteraddress="" | |
teleporterpassword="" | |
tracing-enabled="off" | |
tracing-allow-vm-access="off" | |
tracing-config="" | |
autostart-enabled="off" | |
autostart-delay=0 | |
defaultfrontend="" | |
storagecontrollername0="IDE" | |
storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4" | |
storagecontrollerinstance0="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerbootable0="on" | |
storagecontrollername1="SATA" | |
storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci" | |
storagecontrollerinstance1="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30" | |
storagecontrollerportcount1="1" | |
storagecontrollerbootable1="on" | |
"IDE-0-0"="none" | |
"IDE-0-1"="none" | |
"IDE-1-0"="emptydrive" | |
"IDE-IsEjected"="off" | |
"IDE-1-1"="none" | |
"SATA-0-0"="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/box-disk1.vmdk" | |
"SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="0875090e-e9fd-472e-9669-bcfe93ca008b" | |
natnet1="nat" | |
macaddress1="0800277E372A" | |
cableconnected1="on" | |
nic1="nat" | |
nictype1="82540EM" | |
nicspeed1="0" | |
mtu="0" | |
sockSnd="64" | |
sockRcv="64" | |
tcpWndSnd="64" | |
tcpWndRcv="64" | |
Forwarding(0)="ssh,tcp,,2222,,22" | |
hostonlyadapter2="vboxnet1" | |
macaddress2="0800279DB9DD" | |
cableconnected2="on" | |
nic2="hostonly" | |
nictype2="82540EM" | |
nicspeed2="0" | |
nic3="none" | |
nic4="none" | |
nic5="none" | |
nic6="none" | |
nic7="none" | |
nic8="none" | |
hidpointing="ps2mouse" | |
hidkeyboard="ps2kbd" | |
uart1="off" | |
uart2="off" | |
uart3="off" | |
uart4="off" | |
lpt1="off" | |
lpt2="off" | |
audio="none" | |
clipboard="bidirectional" | |
draganddrop="bidirectional" | |
SessionName="headless" | |
VideoMode="640,480,32"@0,0 1 | |
vrde="off" | |
usb="on" | |
ehci="off" | |
xhci="off" | |
SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant" | |
SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/manzo/workspace/pcsetup" | |
VRDEActiveConnection="off" | |
VRDEClients=0 | |
vcpenabled="off" | |
vcpscreens=0 | |
vcpfile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.webm" | |
vcpwidth=1024 | |
vcpheight=768 | |
vcprate=512 | |
vcpfps=25 | |
GuestMemoryBalloon=0 | |
GuestOSType="Linux26_64" | |
GuestAdditionsRunLevel=1 | |
GuestAdditionsVersion="5.0.14_OSE r105127" | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_VirtualBox Base Driver=50,1469020303608 | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_Seamless Mode=0,1469020303608 | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_Graphics Mode=0,1469020303608 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--machinereadable"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325" | |
groups="/" | |
ostype="Arch Linux (64-bit)" | |
UUID="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
CfgFile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.vbox" | |
SnapFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Snapshots" | |
LogFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Logs" | |
hardwareuuid="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
memory=384 | |
pagefusion="off" | |
vram=12 | |
cpuexecutioncap=100 | |
hpet="off" | |
chipset="piix3" | |
firmware="BIOS" | |
cpus=1 | |
pae="off" | |
longmode="on" | |
triplefaultreset="off" | |
apic="on" | |
x2apic="off" | |
cpuid-portability-level=0 | |
bootmenu="messageandmenu" | |
boot1="dvd" | |
boot2="disk" | |
boot3="none" | |
boot4="none" | |
acpi="on" | |
ioapic="on" | |
biosapic="apic" | |
biossystemtimeoffset=0 | |
rtcuseutc="on" | |
hwvirtex="on" | |
nestedpaging="on" | |
largepages="on" | |
vtxvpid="on" | |
vtxux="on" | |
paravirtprovider="default" | |
effparavirtprovider="kvm" | |
VMState="running" | |
VMStateChangeTime="2016-07-20T13:11:31.750000000" | |
monitorcount=1 | |
accelerate3d="off" | |
accelerate2dvideo="off" | |
teleporterenabled="off" | |
teleporterport=0 | |
teleporteraddress="" | |
teleporterpassword="" | |
tracing-enabled="off" | |
tracing-allow-vm-access="off" | |
tracing-config="" | |
autostart-enabled="off" | |
autostart-delay=0 | |
defaultfrontend="" | |
storagecontrollername0="IDE" | |
storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4" | |
storagecontrollerinstance0="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerbootable0="on" | |
storagecontrollername1="SATA" | |
storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci" | |
storagecontrollerinstance1="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30" | |
storagecontrollerportcount1="1" | |
storagecontrollerbootable1="on" | |
"IDE-0-0"="none" | |
"IDE-0-1"="none" | |
"IDE-1-0"="emptydrive" | |
"IDE-IsEjected"="off" | |
"IDE-1-1"="none" | |
"SATA-0-0"="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/box-disk1.vmdk" | |
"SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="0875090e-e9fd-472e-9669-bcfe93ca008b" | |
natnet1="nat" | |
macaddress1="0800277E372A" | |
cableconnected1="on" | |
nic1="nat" | |
nictype1="82540EM" | |
nicspeed1="0" | |
mtu="0" | |
sockSnd="64" | |
sockRcv="64" | |
tcpWndSnd="64" | |
tcpWndRcv="64" | |
Forwarding(0)="ssh,tcp,,2222,,22" | |
hostonlyadapter2="vboxnet1" | |
macaddress2="0800279DB9DD" | |
cableconnected2="on" | |
nic2="hostonly" | |
nictype2="82540EM" | |
nicspeed2="0" | |
nic3="none" | |
nic4="none" | |
nic5="none" | |
nic6="none" | |
nic7="none" | |
nic8="none" | |
hidpointing="ps2mouse" | |
hidkeyboard="ps2kbd" | |
uart1="off" | |
uart2="off" | |
uart3="off" | |
uart4="off" | |
lpt1="off" | |
lpt2="off" | |
audio="none" | |
clipboard="bidirectional" | |
draganddrop="bidirectional" | |
SessionName="headless" | |
VideoMode="640,480,32"@0,0 1 | |
vrde="off" | |
usb="on" | |
ehci="off" | |
xhci="off" | |
SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant" | |
SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/manzo/workspace/pcsetup" | |
VRDEActiveConnection="off" | |
VRDEClients=0 | |
vcpenabled="off" | |
vcpscreens=0 | |
vcpfile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.webm" | |
vcpwidth=1024 | |
vcpheight=768 | |
vcprate=512 | |
vcpfps=25 | |
GuestMemoryBalloon=0 | |
GuestOSType="Linux26_64" | |
GuestAdditionsRunLevel=1 | |
GuestAdditionsVersion="5.0.14_OSE r105127" | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_VirtualBox Base Driver=50,1469020303608 | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_Seamless Mode=0,1469020303608 | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_Graphics Mode=0,1469020303608 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--machinereadable"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325" | |
groups="/" | |
ostype="Arch Linux (64-bit)" | |
UUID="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
CfgFile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.vbox" | |
SnapFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Snapshots" | |
LogFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Logs" | |
hardwareuuid="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
memory=384 | |
pagefusion="off" | |
vram=12 | |
cpuexecutioncap=100 | |
hpet="off" | |
chipset="piix3" | |
firmware="BIOS" | |
cpus=1 | |
pae="off" | |
longmode="on" | |
triplefaultreset="off" | |
apic="on" | |
x2apic="off" | |
cpuid-portability-level=0 | |
bootmenu="messageandmenu" | |
boot1="dvd" | |
boot2="disk" | |
boot3="none" | |
boot4="none" | |
acpi="on" | |
ioapic="on" | |
biosapic="apic" | |
biossystemtimeoffset=0 | |
rtcuseutc="on" | |
hwvirtex="on" | |
nestedpaging="on" | |
largepages="on" | |
vtxvpid="on" | |
vtxux="on" | |
paravirtprovider="default" | |
effparavirtprovider="kvm" | |
VMState="running" | |
VMStateChangeTime="2016-07-20T13:11:31.750000000" | |
monitorcount=1 | |
accelerate3d="off" | |
accelerate2dvideo="off" | |
teleporterenabled="off" | |
teleporterport=0 | |
teleporteraddress="" | |
teleporterpassword="" | |
tracing-enabled="off" | |
tracing-allow-vm-access="off" | |
tracing-config="" | |
autostart-enabled="off" | |
autostart-delay=0 | |
defaultfrontend="" | |
storagecontrollername0="IDE" | |
storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4" | |
storagecontrollerinstance0="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerbootable0="on" | |
storagecontrollername1="SATA" | |
storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci" | |
storagecontrollerinstance1="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30" | |
storagecontrollerportcount1="1" | |
storagecontrollerbootable1="on" | |
"IDE-0-0"="none" | |
"IDE-0-1"="none" | |
"IDE-1-0"="emptydrive" | |
"IDE-IsEjected"="off" | |
"IDE-1-1"="none" | |
"SATA-0-0"="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/box-disk1.vmdk" | |
"SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="0875090e-e9fd-472e-9669-bcfe93ca008b" | |
natnet1="nat" | |
macaddress1="0800277E372A" | |
cableconnected1="on" | |
nic1="nat" | |
nictype1="82540EM" | |
nicspeed1="0" | |
mtu="0" | |
sockSnd="64" | |
sockRcv="64" | |
tcpWndSnd="64" | |
tcpWndRcv="64" | |
Forwarding(0)="ssh,tcp,,2222,,22" | |
hostonlyadapter2="vboxnet1" | |
macaddress2="0800279DB9DD" | |
cableconnected2="on" | |
nic2="hostonly" | |
nictype2="82540EM" | |
nicspeed2="0" | |
nic3="none" | |
nic4="none" | |
nic5="none" | |
nic6="none" | |
nic7="none" | |
nic8="none" | |
hidpointing="ps2mouse" | |
hidkeyboard="ps2kbd" | |
uart1="off" | |
uart2="off" | |
uart3="off" | |
uart4="off" | |
lpt1="off" | |
lpt2="off" | |
audio="none" | |
clipboard="bidirectional" | |
draganddrop="bidirectional" | |
SessionName="headless" | |
VideoMode="640,480,32"@0,0 1 | |
vrde="off" | |
usb="on" | |
ehci="off" | |
xhci="off" | |
SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant" | |
SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/manzo/workspace/pcsetup" | |
VRDEActiveConnection="off" | |
VRDEClients=0 | |
vcpenabled="off" | |
vcpscreens=0 | |
vcpfile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.webm" | |
vcpwidth=1024 | |
vcpheight=768 | |
vcprate=512 | |
vcpfps=25 | |
GuestMemoryBalloon=0 | |
GuestOSType="Linux26_64" | |
GuestAdditionsRunLevel=1 | |
GuestAdditionsVersion="5.0.14_OSE r105127" | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_VirtualBox Base Driver=50,1469020303608 | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_Seamless Mode=0,1469020303608 | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_Graphics Mode=0,1469020303608 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--machinereadable"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325" | |
groups="/" | |
ostype="Arch Linux (64-bit)" | |
UUID="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
CfgFile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.vbox" | |
SnapFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Snapshots" | |
LogFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Logs" | |
hardwareuuid="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
memory=384 | |
pagefusion="off" | |
vram=12 | |
cpuexecutioncap=100 | |
hpet="off" | |
chipset="piix3" | |
firmware="BIOS" | |
cpus=1 | |
pae="off" | |
longmode="on" | |
triplefaultreset="off" | |
apic="on" | |
x2apic="off" | |
cpuid-portability-level=0 | |
bootmenu="messageandmenu" | |
boot1="dvd" | |
boot2="disk" | |
boot3="none" | |
boot4="none" | |
acpi="on" | |
ioapic="on" | |
biosapic="apic" | |
biossystemtimeoffset=0 | |
rtcuseutc="on" | |
hwvirtex="on" | |
nestedpaging="on" | |
largepages="on" | |
vtxvpid="on" | |
vtxux="on" | |
paravirtprovider="default" | |
effparavirtprovider="kvm" | |
VMState="running" | |
VMStateChangeTime="2016-07-20T13:11:31.750000000" | |
monitorcount=1 | |
accelerate3d="off" | |
accelerate2dvideo="off" | |
teleporterenabled="off" | |
teleporterport=0 | |
teleporteraddress="" | |
teleporterpassword="" | |
tracing-enabled="off" | |
tracing-allow-vm-access="off" | |
tracing-config="" | |
autostart-enabled="off" | |
autostart-delay=0 | |
defaultfrontend="" | |
storagecontrollername0="IDE" | |
storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4" | |
storagecontrollerinstance0="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerbootable0="on" | |
storagecontrollername1="SATA" | |
storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci" | |
storagecontrollerinstance1="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30" | |
storagecontrollerportcount1="1" | |
storagecontrollerbootable1="on" | |
"IDE-0-0"="none" | |
"IDE-0-1"="none" | |
"IDE-1-0"="emptydrive" | |
"IDE-IsEjected"="off" | |
"IDE-1-1"="none" | |
"SATA-0-0"="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/box-disk1.vmdk" | |
"SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="0875090e-e9fd-472e-9669-bcfe93ca008b" | |
natnet1="nat" | |
macaddress1="0800277E372A" | |
cableconnected1="on" | |
nic1="nat" | |
nictype1="82540EM" | |
nicspeed1="0" | |
mtu="0" | |
sockSnd="64" | |
sockRcv="64" | |
tcpWndSnd="64" | |
tcpWndRcv="64" | |
Forwarding(0)="ssh,tcp,,2222,,22" | |
hostonlyadapter2="vboxnet1" | |
macaddress2="0800279DB9DD" | |
cableconnected2="on" | |
nic2="hostonly" | |
nictype2="82540EM" | |
nicspeed2="0" | |
nic3="none" | |
nic4="none" | |
nic5="none" | |
nic6="none" | |
nic7="none" | |
nic8="none" | |
hidpointing="ps2mouse" | |
hidkeyboard="ps2kbd" | |
uart1="off" | |
uart2="off" | |
uart3="off" | |
uart4="off" | |
lpt1="off" | |
lpt2="off" | |
audio="none" | |
clipboard="bidirectional" | |
draganddrop="bidirectional" | |
SessionName="headless" | |
VideoMode="640,480,32"@0,0 1 | |
vrde="off" | |
usb="on" | |
ehci="off" | |
xhci="off" | |
SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant" | |
SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/manzo/workspace/pcsetup" | |
VRDEActiveConnection="off" | |
VRDEClients=0 | |
vcpenabled="off" | |
vcpscreens=0 | |
vcpfile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.webm" | |
vcpwidth=1024 | |
vcpheight=768 | |
vcprate=512 | |
vcpfps=25 | |
GuestMemoryBalloon=0 | |
GuestOSType="Linux26_64" | |
GuestAdditionsRunLevel=1 | |
GuestAdditionsVersion="5.0.14_OSE r105127" | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_VirtualBox Base Driver=50,1469020303608 | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_Seamless Mode=0,1469020303608 | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_Graphics Mode=0,1469020303608 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log START == | |
DEBUG ssh: D, [2016-07-20T10:11:47.665670 #22480] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[166979c]: establishing connection to | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:47.666213 #22480] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[166979c]: connection established | |
I, [2016-07-20T10:11:47.666354 #22480] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[1668f04]: negotiating protocol version | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:55.284881 #22480] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[1668f04]: remote is `SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_7.1' | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:55.285324 #22480] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[1668f04]: local is `SSH-2.0-Ruby/Net::SSH_3.0.2 x86_64-linux' | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:55.287151 #22480] DEBUG -- socket[1669440]: read 944 bytes | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:55.287353 #22480] DEBUG -- socket[1669440]: received packet nr 0 type 20 len 940 | |
I, [2016-07-20T10:11:55.287485 #22480] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[8f85a4]: got KEXINIT from server | |
I, [2016-07-20T10:11:55.287796 #22480] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[8f85a4]: sending KEXINIT | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:55.288179 #22480] DEBUG -- socket[1669440]: queueing packet nr 0 type 20 len 1684 | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:55.288299 #22480] DEBUG -- socket[1669440]: sent 1688 bytes | |
I, [2016-07-20T10:11:55.288366 #22480] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[8f85a4]: negotiating algorithms | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:55.288628 #22480] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[8f85a4]: negotiated: | |
* kex: diffie-hellman-group14-sha1 | |
* host_key: ssh-rsa | |
* encryption_server: aes128-ctr | |
* encryption_client: aes128-ctr | |
* hmac_client: hmac-sha1 | |
* hmac_server: hmac-sha1 | |
* compression_client: none | |
* compression_server: none | |
* language_client: | |
* language_server: | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:55.288726 #22480] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[8f85a4]: exchanging keys | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:55.292137 #22480] DEBUG -- socket[1669440]: queueing packet nr 1 type 30 len 268 | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:55.292187 #22480] DEBUG -- socket[1669440]: sent 272 bytes | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:55.331869 #22480] DEBUG -- socket[1669440]: read 848 bytes | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:55.332063 #22480] DEBUG -- socket[1669440]: received packet nr 1 type 31 len 828 | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:55.334448 #22480] DEBUG -- socket[1669440]: queueing packet nr 2 type 21 len 20 | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:55.334564 #22480] DEBUG -- socket[1669440]: sent 24 bytes | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:55.334697 #22480] DEBUG -- socket[1669440]: received packet nr 2 type 21 len 12 | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:55.335458 #22480] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[5f12e8]: beginning authentication of `vagrant' | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:55.335737 #22480] DEBUG -- socket[1669440]: queueing packet nr 3 type 5 len 28 | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:55.335815 #22480] DEBUG -- socket[1669440]: sent 52 bytes | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:55.372874 #22480] DEBUG -- socket[1669440]: read 52 bytes | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:55.373146 #22480] DEBUG -- socket[1669440]: received packet nr 3 type 6 len 28 | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:55.373309 #22480] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[5f12e8]: trying none | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:55.373646 #22480] DEBUG -- socket[1669440]: queueing packet nr 4 type 50 len 44 | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:55.373756 #22480] DEBUG -- socket[1669440]: sent 68 bytes | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:55.374927 #22480] DEBUG -- socket[1669440]: read 52 bytes | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:55.375095 #22480] DEBUG -- socket[1669440]: received packet nr 4 type 51 len 28 | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:55.375189 #22480] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[5f12e8]: allowed methods: publickey | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:55.375266 #22480] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.none[5e4034]: none failed | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:55.375361 #22480] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[5f12e8]: trying publickey | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:55.375724 #22480] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[17f2a14]: connecting to ssh-agent | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:55.375860 #22480] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[17f2a14]: sending agent request 1 len 44 | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:55.376317 #22480] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[17f2a14]: received agent packet 2 len 5 | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:55.376372 #22480] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[17f2a14]: sending agent request 11 len 0 | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:55.377138 #22480] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[17f2a14]: received agent packet 12 len 603 | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:55.377591 #22480] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.publickey[17f2c08]: trying publickey (dd:3b:b8:2e:85:04:06:e9:ab:ff:a8:0a:c0:04:6e:d6) | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:55.378021 #22480] DEBUG -- socket[1669440]: queueing packet nr 5 type 50 len 348 | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:55.378097 #22480] DEBUG -- socket[1669440]: sent 372 bytes | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:55.390216 #22480] DEBUG -- socket[1669440]: read 324 bytes | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:55.390588 #22480] DEBUG -- socket[1669440]: received packet nr 5 type 60 len 300 | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:55.395813 #22480] DEBUG -- socket[1669440]: queueing packet nr 6 type 50 len 620 | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:55.395893 #22480] DEBUG -- socket[1669440]: sent 644 bytes | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:55.398828 #22480] DEBUG -- socket[1669440]: read 36 bytes | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:55.398956 #22480] DEBUG -- socket[1669440]: received packet nr 6 type 52 len 12 | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:55.399011 #22480] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.publickey[17f2c08]: publickey succeeded (dd:3b:b8:2e:85:04:06:e9:ab:ff:a8:0a:c0:04:6e:d6) | |
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log END == | |
DEBUG ssh: Checking whether SSH is ready... | |
DEBUG ssh: Re-using SSH connection. | |
INFO ssh: SSH is ready! | |
DEBUG ssh: Re-using SSH connection. | |
INFO ssh: Execute: (sudo=false) | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: TERM environment variable not set. | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:54 PM | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: Linux 4.3.3-3-ARCH x86_64 GNU/Linux | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: | |
DEBUG ssh: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--machinereadable"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--machinereadable"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325" | |
groups="/" | |
ostype="Arch Linux (64-bit)" | |
UUID="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
CfgFile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.vbox" | |
SnapFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Snapshots" | |
LogFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Logs" | |
hardwareuuid="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
memory=384 | |
pagefusion="off" | |
vram=12 | |
cpuexecutioncap=100 | |
hpet="off" | |
chipset="piix3" | |
firmware="BIOS" | |
cpus=1 | |
pae="off" | |
longmode="on" | |
triplefaultreset="off" | |
apic="on" | |
x2apic="off" | |
cpuid-portability-level=0 | |
bootmenu="messageandmenu" | |
boot1="dvd" | |
boot2="disk" | |
boot3="none" | |
boot4="none" | |
acpi="on" | |
ioapic="on" | |
biosapic="apic" | |
biossystemtimeoffset=0 | |
rtcuseutc="on" | |
hwvirtex="on" | |
nestedpaging="on" | |
largepages="on" | |
vtxvpid="on" | |
vtxux="on" | |
paravirtprovider="default" | |
effparavirtprovider="kvm" | |
VMState="running" | |
VMStateChangeTime="2016-07-20T13:11:31.750000000" | |
monitorcount=1 | |
accelerate3d="off" | |
accelerate2dvideo="off" | |
teleporterenabled="off" | |
teleporterport=0 | |
teleporteraddress="" | |
teleporterpassword="" | |
tracing-enabled="off" | |
tracing-allow-vm-access="off" | |
tracing-config="" | |
autostart-enabled="off" | |
autostart-delay=0 | |
defaultfrontend="" | |
storagecontrollername0="IDE" | |
storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4" | |
storagecontrollerinstance0="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerbootable0="on" | |
storagecontrollername1="SATA" | |
storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci" | |
storagecontrollerinstance1="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30" | |
storagecontrollerportcount1="1" | |
storagecontrollerbootable1="on" | |
"IDE-0-0"="none" | |
"IDE-0-1"="none" | |
"IDE-1-0"="emptydrive" | |
"IDE-IsEjected"="off" | |
"IDE-1-1"="none" | |
"SATA-0-0"="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/box-disk1.vmdk" | |
"SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="0875090e-e9fd-472e-9669-bcfe93ca008b" | |
natnet1="nat" | |
macaddress1="0800277E372A" | |
cableconnected1="on" | |
nic1="nat" | |
nictype1="82540EM" | |
nicspeed1="0" | |
mtu="0" | |
sockSnd="64" | |
sockRcv="64" | |
tcpWndSnd="64" | |
tcpWndRcv="64" | |
Forwarding(0)="ssh,tcp,,2222,,22" | |
hostonlyadapter2="vboxnet1" | |
macaddress2="0800279DB9DD" | |
cableconnected2="on" | |
nic2="hostonly" | |
nictype2="82540EM" | |
nicspeed2="0" | |
nic3="none" | |
nic4="none" | |
nic5="none" | |
nic6="none" | |
nic7="none" | |
nic8="none" | |
hidpointing="ps2mouse" | |
hidkeyboard="ps2kbd" | |
uart1="off" | |
uart2="off" | |
uart3="off" | |
uart4="off" | |
lpt1="off" | |
lpt2="off" | |
audio="none" | |
clipboard="bidirectional" | |
draganddrop="bidirectional" | |
SessionName="headless" | |
VideoMode="640,480,32"@0,0 1 | |
vrde="off" | |
usb="on" | |
ehci="off" | |
xhci="off" | |
SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant" | |
SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/manzo/workspace/pcsetup" | |
VRDEActiveConnection="off" | |
VRDEClients=0 | |
vcpenabled="off" | |
vcpscreens=0 | |
vcpfile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.webm" | |
vcpwidth=1024 | |
vcpheight=768 | |
vcprate=512 | |
vcpfps=25 | |
GuestMemoryBalloon=0 | |
GuestOSType="Linux26_64" | |
GuestAdditionsRunLevel=1 | |
GuestAdditionsVersion="5.0.14_OSE r105127" | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_VirtualBox Base Driver=50,1469020303608 | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_Seamless Mode=0,1469020303608 | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_Graphics Mode=0,1469020303608 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
DEBUG virtualbox_5_1: Searching for SSH port: 22 | |
DEBUG virtualbox_5_1: read_forward_ports: uuid=6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938 active_only=false | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--machinereadable"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325" | |
groups="/" | |
ostype="Arch Linux (64-bit)" | |
UUID="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
CfgFile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.vbox" | |
SnapFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Snapshots" | |
LogFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Logs" | |
hardwareuuid="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
memory=384 | |
pagefusion="off" | |
vram=12 | |
cpuexecutioncap=100 | |
hpet="off" | |
chipset="piix3" | |
firmware="BIOS" | |
cpus=1 | |
pae="off" | |
longmode="on" | |
triplefaultreset="off" | |
apic="on" | |
x2apic="off" | |
cpuid-portability-level=0 | |
bootmenu="messageandmenu" | |
boot1="dvd" | |
boot2="disk" | |
boot3="none" | |
boot4="none" | |
acpi="on" | |
ioapic="on" | |
biosapic="apic" | |
biossystemtimeoffset=0 | |
rtcuseutc="on" | |
hwvirtex="on" | |
nestedpaging="on" | |
largepages="on" | |
vtxvpid="on" | |
vtxux="on" | |
paravirtprovider="default" | |
effparavirtprovider="kvm" | |
VMState="running" | |
VMStateChangeTime="2016-07-20T13:11:31.750000000" | |
monitorcount=1 | |
accelerate3d="off" | |
accelerate2dvideo="off" | |
teleporterenabled="off" | |
teleporterport=0 | |
teleporteraddress="" | |
teleporterpassword="" | |
tracing-enabled="off" | |
tracing-allow-vm-access="off" | |
tracing-config="" | |
autostart-enabled="off" | |
autostart-delay=0 | |
defaultfrontend="" | |
storagecontrollername0="IDE" | |
storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4" | |
storagecontrollerinstance0="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerbootable0="on" | |
storagecontrollername1="SATA" | |
storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci" | |
storagecontrollerinstance1="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30" | |
storagecontrollerportcount1="1" | |
storagecontrollerbootable1="on" | |
"IDE-0-0"="none" | |
"IDE-0-1"="none" | |
"IDE-1-0"="emptydrive" | |
"IDE-IsEjected"="off" | |
"IDE-1-1"="none" | |
"SATA-0-0"="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/box-disk1.vmdk" | |
"SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="0875090e-e9fd-472e-9669-bcfe93ca008b" | |
natnet1="nat" | |
macaddress1="0800277E372A" | |
cableconnected1="on" | |
nic1="nat" | |
nictype1="82540EM" | |
nicspeed1="0" | |
mtu="0" | |
sockSnd="64" | |
sockRcv="64" | |
tcpWndSnd="64" | |
tcpWndRcv="64" | |
Forwarding(0)="ssh,tcp,,2222,,22" | |
hostonlyadapter2="vboxnet1" | |
macaddress2="0800279DB9DD" | |
cableconnected2="on" | |
nic2="hostonly" | |
nictype2="82540EM" | |
nicspeed2="0" | |
nic3="none" | |
nic4="none" | |
nic5="none" | |
nic6="none" | |
nic7="none" | |
nic8="none" | |
hidpointing="ps2mouse" | |
hidkeyboard="ps2kbd" | |
uart1="off" | |
uart2="off" | |
uart3="off" | |
uart4="off" | |
lpt1="off" | |
lpt2="off" | |
audio="none" | |
clipboard="bidirectional" | |
draganddrop="bidirectional" | |
SessionName="headless" | |
VideoMode="640,480,32"@0,0 1 | |
vrde="off" | |
usb="on" | |
ehci="off" | |
xhci="off" | |
SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant" | |
SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/manzo/workspace/pcsetup" | |
VRDEActiveConnection="off" | |
VRDEClients=0 | |
vcpenabled="off" | |
vcpscreens=0 | |
vcpfile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.webm" | |
vcpwidth=1024 | |
vcpheight=768 | |
vcprate=512 | |
vcpfps=25 | |
GuestMemoryBalloon=0 | |
GuestOSType="Linux26_64" | |
GuestAdditionsRunLevel=1 | |
GuestAdditionsVersion="5.0.14_OSE r105127" | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_VirtualBox Base Driver=50,1469020303608 | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_Seamless Mode=0,1469020303608 | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_Graphics Mode=0,1469020303608 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325" | |
groups="/" | |
ostype="Arch Linux (64-bit)" | |
UUID="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
CfgFile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.vbox" | |
SnapFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Snapshots" | |
LogFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Logs" | |
hardwareuuid="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
memory=384 | |
pagefusion="off" | |
vram=12 | |
cpuexecutioncap=100 | |
hpet="off" | |
chipset="piix3" | |
firmware="BIOS" | |
cpus=1 | |
pae="off" | |
longmode="on" | |
triplefaultreset="off" | |
apic="on" | |
x2apic="off" | |
cpuid-portability-level=0 | |
bootmenu="messageandmenu" | |
boot1="dvd" | |
boot2="disk" | |
boot3="none" | |
boot4="none" | |
acpi="on" | |
ioapic="on" | |
biosapic="apic" | |
biossystemtimeoffset=0 | |
rtcuseutc="on" | |
hwvirtex="on" | |
nestedpaging="on" | |
largepages="on" | |
vtxvpid="on" | |
vtxux="on" | |
paravirtprovider="default" | |
effparavirtprovider="kvm" | |
VMState="running" | |
VMStateChangeTime="2016-07-20T13:11:31.750000000" | |
monitorcount=1 | |
accelerate3d="off" | |
accelerate2dvideo="off" | |
teleporterenabled="off" | |
teleporterport=0 | |
teleporteraddress="" | |
teleporterpassword="" | |
tracing-enabled="off" | |
tracing-allow-vm-access="off" | |
tracing-config="" | |
autostart-enabled="off" | |
autostart-delay=0 | |
defaultfrontend="" | |
storagecontrollername0="IDE" | |
storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4" | |
storagecontrollerinstance0="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerbootable0="on" | |
storagecontrollername1="SATA" | |
storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci" | |
storagecontrollerinstance1="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30" | |
storagecontrollerportcount1="1" | |
storagecontrollerbootable1="on" | |
"IDE-0-0"="none" | |
"IDE-0-1"="none" | |
"IDE-1-0"="emptydrive" | |
"IDE-IsEjected"="off" | |
"IDE-1-1"="none" | |
"SATA-0-0"="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/box-disk1.vmdk" | |
"SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="0875090e-e9fd-472e-9669-bcfe93ca008b" | |
natnet1="nat" | |
macaddress1="0800277E372A" | |
cableconnected1="on" | |
nic1="nat" | |
nictype1="82540EM" | |
nicspeed1="0" | |
mtu="0" | |
sockSnd="64" | |
sockRcv="64" | |
tcpWndSnd="64" | |
tcpWndRcv="64" | |
Forwarding(0)="ssh,tcp,,2222,,22" | |
hostonlyadapter2="vboxnet1" | |
macaddress2="0800279DB9DD" | |
cableconnected2="on" | |
nic2="hostonly" | |
nictype2="82540EM" | |
nicspeed2="0" | |
nic3="none" | |
nic4="none" | |
nic5="none" | |
nic6="none" | |
nic7="none" | |
nic8="none" | |
hidpointing="ps2mouse" | |
hidkeyboard="ps2kbd" | |
uart1="off" | |
uart2="off" | |
uart3="off" | |
uart4="off" | |
lpt1="off" | |
lpt2="off" | |
audio="none" | |
clipboard="bidirectional" | |
draganddrop="bidirectional" | |
SessionName="headless" | |
VideoMode="640,480,32"@0,0 1 | |
vrde="off" | |
usb="on" | |
ehci="off" | |
xhci="off" | |
SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant" | |
SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/manzo/workspace/pcsetup" | |
VRDEActiveConnection="off" | |
VRDEClients=0 | |
vcpenabled="off" | |
vcpscreens=0 | |
vcpfile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.webm" | |
vcpwidth=1024 | |
vcpheight=768 | |
vcprate=512 | |
vcpfps=25 | |
GuestMemoryBalloon=0 | |
GuestOSType="Linux26_64" | |
GuestAdditionsRunLevel=1 | |
GuestAdditionsVersion="5.0.14_OSE r105127" | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_VirtualBox Base Driver=50,1469020303608 | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_Seamless Mode=0,1469020303608 | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_Graphics Mode=0,1469020303608 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
DEBUG virtualbox_5_1: - [1, "ssh", 2222, 22] | |
DEBUG ssh: Checking key permissions: /home/manzo/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key | |
INFO interface: detail: | |
Vagrant insecure key detected. Vagrant will automatically replace | |
this with a newly generated keypair for better security. | |
INFO interface: detail: default: | |
default: Vagrant insecure key detected. Vagrant will automatically replace | |
default: this with a newly generated keypair for better security. | |
default: | |
default: Vagrant insecure key detected. Vagrant will automatically replace | |
default: this with a newly generated keypair for better security. | |
DEBUG ssh: Checking whether SSH is ready... | |
DEBUG ssh: Re-using SSH connection. | |
INFO ssh: SSH is ready! | |
DEBUG ssh: Re-using SSH connection. | |
INFO ssh: Execute: (sudo=false) | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: TERM environment variable not set. | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:54 PM | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: Linux 4.3.3-3-ARCH x86_64 GNU/Linux | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: | |
DEBUG ssh: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO guest: Autodetecting host type for [#<Vagrant::Machine: default (VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Provider)>] | |
DEBUG guest: Trying: trisquel | |
DEBUG ssh: Re-using SSH connection. | |
INFO ssh: Execute: [ -x /usr/bin/lsb_release ] && /usr/bin/lsb_release -i 2>/dev/null | grep Trisquel (sudo=false) | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: TERM environment variable not set. | |
tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:54 PM | |
Linux 4.3.3-3-ARCH x86_64 GNU/Linux | |
DEBUG ssh: Exit status: 1 | |
DEBUG guest: Trying: mint | |
DEBUG ssh: Re-using SSH connection. | |
INFO ssh: Execute: cat /etc/issue | grep 'Linux Mint' (sudo=false) | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: TERM environment variable not set. | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:54 PM | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: Linux 4.3.3-3-ARCH x86_64 GNU/Linux | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: | |
DEBUG ssh: Exit status: 1 | |
DEBUG guest: Trying: atomic | |
DEBUG ssh: Re-using SSH connection. | |
INFO ssh: Execute: grep 'ostree=' /proc/cmdline (sudo=false) | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: TERM environment variable not set. | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:54 PM | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: Linux 4.3.3-3-ARCH x86_64 GNU/Linux | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: | |
DEBUG ssh: Exit status: 1 | |
DEBUG guest: Trying: amazon | |
DEBUG ssh: Re-using SSH connection. | |
INFO ssh: Execute: grep 'Amazon Linux AMI' /etc/os-release (sudo=false) | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: TERM environment variable not set. | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:54 PM | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: Linux 4.3.3-3-ARCH x86_64 GNU/Linux | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: | |
DEBUG ssh: Exit status: 1 | |
DEBUG guest: Trying: funtoo | |
DEBUG ssh: Re-using SSH connection. | |
INFO ssh: Execute: grep Funtoo /etc/gentoo-release (sudo=false) | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: TERM environment variable not set. | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:54 PM | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: Linux 4.3.3-3-ARCH x86_64 GNU/Linux | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: grep: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: /etc/gentoo-release | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: : No such file or directory | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: Exit status: 2 | |
DEBUG guest: Trying: pld | |
DEBUG ssh: Re-using SSH connection. | |
INFO ssh: Execute: cat /etc/pld-release (sudo=false) | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: TERM environment variable not set. | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:55 PM | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: Linux 4.3.3-3-ARCH x86_64 GNU/Linux | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: cat: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: /etc/pld-release | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: : No such file or directory | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: Exit status: 1 | |
DEBUG guest: Trying: ubuntu | |
DEBUG ssh: Re-using SSH connection. | |
INFO ssh: Execute: test -r /etc/os-release && . /etc/os-release && test xubuntu = x$ID (sudo=false) | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: TERM environment variable not set. | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:55 PM | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: Linux 4.3.3-3-ARCH x86_64 GNU/Linux | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: | |
DEBUG ssh: Exit status: 1 | |
DEBUG guest: Trying: fedora | |
DEBUG ssh: Re-using SSH connection. | |
INFO ssh: Execute: grep 'Fedora release' /etc/redhat-release (sudo=false) | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: TERM environment variable not set. | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--machinereadable"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:55 PM | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: Linux 4.3.3-3-ARCH x86_64 GNU/Linux | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: grep: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: /etc/redhat-release | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: : No such file or directory | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: Exit status: 2 | |
DEBUG guest: Trying: netbsd | |
DEBUG ssh: Re-using SSH connection. | |
INFO ssh: Execute: uname -s | grep NetBSD (sudo=false) | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: TERM environment variable not set. | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:55 PM | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: Linux 4.3.3-3-ARCH x86_64 GNU/Linux | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: | |
DEBUG ssh: Exit status: 1 | |
DEBUG guest: Trying: suse | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325" | |
groups="/" | |
ostype="Arch Linux (64-bit)" | |
UUID="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
CfgFile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.vbox" | |
SnapFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Snapshots" | |
LogFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Logs" | |
hardwareuuid="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
memory=384 | |
pagefusion="off" | |
vram=12 | |
cpuexecutioncap=100 | |
hpet="off" | |
chipset="piix3" | |
firmware="BIOS" | |
cpus=1 | |
pae="off" | |
longmode="on" | |
triplefaultreset="off" | |
apic="on" | |
x2apic="off" | |
cpuid-portability-level=0 | |
bootmenu="messageandmenu" | |
boot1="dvd" | |
boot2="disk" | |
boot3="none" | |
boot4="none" | |
acpi="on" | |
ioapic="on" | |
biosapic="apic" | |
biossystemtimeoffset=0 | |
rtcuseutc="on" | |
hwvirtex="on" | |
nestedpaging="on" | |
largepages="on" | |
vtxvpid="on" | |
vtxux="on" | |
paravirtprovider="default" | |
effparavirtprovider="kvm" | |
VMState="running" | |
VMStateChangeTime="2016-07-20T13:11:31.750000000" | |
monitorcount=1 | |
accelerate3d="off" | |
accelerate2dvideo="off" | |
teleporterenabled="off" | |
teleporterport=0 | |
teleporteraddress="" | |
teleporterpassword="" | |
tracing-enabled="off" | |
tracing-allow-vm-access="off" | |
tracing-config="" | |
autostart-enabled="off" | |
autostart-delay=0 | |
defaultfrontend="" | |
storagecontrollername0="IDE" | |
storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4" | |
storagecontrollerinstance0="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerbootable0="on" | |
storagecontrollername1="SATA" | |
storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci" | |
storagecontrollerinstance1="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30" | |
storagecontrollerportcount1="1" | |
storagecontrollerbootable1="on" | |
"IDE-0-0"="none" | |
"IDE-0-1"="none" | |
"IDE-1-0"="emptydrive" | |
"IDE-IsEjected"="off" | |
"IDE-1-1"="none" | |
"SATA-0-0"="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/box-disk1.vmdk" | |
"SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="0875090e-e9fd-472e-9669-bcfe93ca008b" | |
natnet1="nat" | |
macaddress1="0800277E372A" | |
cableconnected1="on" | |
nic1="nat" | |
nictype1="82540EM" | |
nicspeed1="0" | |
mtu="0" | |
sockSnd="64" | |
sockRcv="64" | |
tcpWndSnd="64" | |
tcpWndRcv="64" | |
Forwarding(0)="ssh,tcp,,2222,,22" | |
hostonlyadapter2="vboxnet1" | |
macaddress2="0800279DB9DD" | |
cableconnected2="on" | |
nic2="hostonly" | |
nictype2="82540EM" | |
nicspeed2="0" | |
nic3="none" | |
nic4="none" | |
nic5="none" | |
nic6="none" | |
nic7="none" | |
nic8="none" | |
hidpointing="ps2mouse" | |
hidkeyboard="ps2kbd" | |
uart1="off" | |
uart2="off" | |
uart3="off" | |
uart4="off" | |
lpt1="off" | |
lpt2="off" | |
audio="none" | |
clipboard="bidirectional" | |
draganddrop="bidirectional" | |
SessionName="headless" | |
VideoMode="640,480,32"@0,0 1 | |
vrde="off" | |
usb="on" | |
ehci="off" | |
xhci="off" | |
SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant" | |
SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/manzo/workspace/pcsetup" | |
VRDEActiveConnection="off" | |
VRDEClients=0 | |
vcpenabled="off" | |
vcpscreens=0 | |
vcpfile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.webm" | |
vcpwidth=1024 | |
vcpheight=768 | |
vcprate=512 | |
vcpfps=25 | |
GuestMemoryBalloon=0 | |
GuestOSType="Linux26_64" | |
GuestAdditionsRunLevel=1 | |
GuestAdditionsVersion="5.0.14_OSE r105127" | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_VirtualBox Base Driver=50,1469020303608 | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_Seamless Mode=0,1469020303608 | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_Graphics Mode=0,1469020303608 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
DEBUG ssh: Re-using SSH connection. | |
INFO ssh: Execute: test -f /etc/SuSE-release || grep -q SUSE /etc/os-release (sudo=false) | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: TERM environment variable not set. | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:55 PM | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: Linux 4.3.3-3-ARCH x86_64 GNU/Linux | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: | |
DEBUG ssh: Exit status: 1 | |
DEBUG guest: Trying: omnios | |
DEBUG ssh: Re-using SSH connection. | |
INFO ssh: Execute: cat /etc/release | grep -i OmniOS (sudo=false) | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: TERM environment variable not set. | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:55 PM | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: Linux 4.3.3-3-ARCH x86_64 GNU/Linux | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: cat: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: /etc/release | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: : No such file or directory | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: Exit status: 1 | |
DEBUG guest: Trying: tinycore | |
DEBUG ssh: Re-using SSH connection. | |
INFO ssh: Execute: cat /etc/issue | grep 'Core Linux' (sudo=false) | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: TERM environment variable not set. | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:55 PM | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: Linux 4.3.3-3-ARCH x86_64 GNU/Linux | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: | |
DEBUG ssh: Exit status: 1 | |
DEBUG guest: Trying: arch | |
DEBUG ssh: Re-using SSH connection. | |
INFO ssh: Execute: cat /etc/arch-release (sudo=false) | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: TERM environment variable not set. | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:55 PM | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: Linux 4.3.3-3-ARCH x86_64 GNU/Linux | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: | |
DEBUG ssh: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO guest: Detected: arch! | |
DEBUG guest: Searching for cap: insert_public_key | |
DEBUG guest: Checking in: arch | |
DEBUG guest: Checking in: linux | |
DEBUG guest: Found cap: insert_public_key in linux | |
DEBUG ssh: Checking whether SSH is ready... | |
DEBUG ssh: Re-using SSH connection. | |
INFO ssh: SSH is ready! | |
DEBUG ssh: Re-using SSH connection. | |
INFO ssh: Execute: (sudo=false) | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: TERM environment variable not set. | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:55 PM | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: Linux 4.3.3-3-ARCH x86_64 GNU/Linux | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: | |
DEBUG ssh: Exit status: 0 | |
DEBUG guest: Searching for cap: remove_public_key | |
DEBUG guest: Checking in: arch | |
DEBUG guest: Checking in: linux | |
DEBUG guest: Found cap: remove_public_key in linux | |
INFO ssh: Inserting key to avoid password: ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC/mIjvUPGexF6SgHWK6Ob73IUWCNexVlgLGt+Tm7PC9bNPMMEjhj0GOqbq0gw6KqQov49J94JKYxbfY9buUj1u66alObbZCNw9aPmwAsY3a7vktIZR+yDJMibmqQRlOqjT3NuJuxXdBDsEgL4YXcZObDIpdmNiw3xTsEadDXR/SwzvZgmJTdIBXXKdzJTlqlM0Ts/nkCHuu89oK1320luvkmgItlM+Ke1RxYWEMCIm5GNLa+CmaQ9lJsvWQyHzz4r13God+OfDTgtViE4x/+dHaDElOwEeNeg/6DVF97TgT6xIguL+jCn/XW0mlL/92c3Ovr3PmtoiCLDHpRS0yJiD vagrant | |
INFO interface: detail: | |
Inserting generated public key within guest... | |
INFO interface: detail: default: | |
default: Inserting generated public key within guest... | |
default: | |
default: Inserting generated public key within guest... | |
DEBUG ssh: Checking whether SSH is ready... | |
DEBUG ssh: Re-using SSH connection. | |
INFO ssh: SSH is ready! | |
DEBUG ssh: Re-using SSH connection. | |
INFO ssh: Execute: (sudo=false) | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: TERM environment variable not set. | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:56 PM | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: Linux 4.3.3-3-ARCH x86_64 GNU/Linux | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: | |
DEBUG ssh: Exit status: 0 | |
DEBUG guest: Searching for cap: insert_public_key | |
DEBUG guest: Checking in: arch | |
DEBUG guest: Checking in: linux | |
DEBUG guest: Found cap: insert_public_key in linux | |
INFO guest: Execute capability: insert_public_key [#<Vagrant::Machine: default (VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Provider)>, "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC/mIjvUPGexF6SgHWK6Ob73IUWCNexVlgLGt+Tm7PC9bNPMMEjhj0GOqbq0gw6KqQov49J94JKYxbfY9buUj1u66alObbZCNw9aPmwAsY3a7vktIZR+yDJMibmqQRlOqjT3NuJuxXdBDsEgL4YXcZObDIpdmNiw3xTsEadDXR/SwzvZgmJTdIBXXKdzJTlqlM0Ts/nkCHuu89oK1320luvkmgItlM+Ke1RxYWEMCIm5GNLa+CmaQ9lJsvWQyHzz4r13God+OfDTgtViE4x/+dHaDElOwEeNeg/6DVF97TgT6xIguL+jCn/XW0mlL/92c3Ovr3PmtoiCLDHpRS0yJiD vagrant"] (arch) | |
DEBUG ssh: Uploading: /tmp/vagrant-linux-insert-public-key20160720-22480-ypqwjd to /tmp/vagrant-insert-pubkey-1469020317 | |
DEBUG ssh: Re-using SSH connection. | |
DEBUG ssh: Re-using SSH connection. | |
INFO ssh: Execute: set -e | |
mkdir -p ~/.ssh | |
chmod 0700 ~/.ssh | |
cat '/tmp/vagrant-insert-pubkey-1469020317' >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys | |
chmod 0600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys | |
rm -f '/tmp/vagrant-insert-pubkey-1469020317' | |
(sudo=false) | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: TERM environment variable not set. | |
tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:56 PM | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: Linux 4.3.3-3-ARCH x86_64 GNU/Linux | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: | |
DEBUG ssh: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO interface: detail: Removing insecure key from the guest if it's present... | |
INFO interface: detail: default: Removing insecure key from the guest if it's present... | |
default: Removing insecure key from the guest if it's present... | |
DEBUG ssh: Checking whether SSH is ready... | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--machinereadable"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG ssh: Re-using SSH connection. | |
INFO ssh: SSH is ready! | |
DEBUG ssh: Re-using SSH connection. | |
INFO ssh: Execute: (sudo=false) | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: TERM environment variable not set. | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:56 PM | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: Linux 4.3.3-3-ARCH x86_64 GNU/Linux | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: | |
DEBUG ssh: Exit status: 0 | |
DEBUG guest: Searching for cap: remove_public_key | |
DEBUG guest: Checking in: arch | |
DEBUG guest: Checking in: linux | |
DEBUG guest: Found cap: remove_public_key in linux | |
INFO guest: Execute capability: remove_public_key [#<Vagrant::Machine: default (VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Provider)>, "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEA6NF8iallvQVp22WDkTkyrtvp9eWW6A8YVr+kz4TjGYe7gHzIw+niNltGEFHzD8+v1I2YJ6oXevct1YeS0o9HZyN1Q9qgCgzUFtdOKLv6IedplqoPkcmF0aYet2PkEDo3MlTBckFXPITAMzF8dJSIFo9D8HfdOV0IAdx4O7PtixWKn5y2hMNG0zQPyUecp4pzC6kivAIhyfHilFR61RGL+GPXQ2MWZWFYbAGjyiYJnAmCP3NOTd0jMZEnDkbUvxhMmBYSdETk1rRgm+R4LOzFUGaHqHDLKLX+FIPKcF96hrucXzcWyLbIbEgE98OHlnVYCzRdK8jlqm8tehUc9c9WhQ== vagrant insecure public key"] (arch) | |
DEBUG ssh: Uploading: /tmp/vagrant-bsd-remove-public-key20160720-22480-14f0txs to /tmp/vagrant-remove-pubkey-1469020318 | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325" | |
groups="/" | |
ostype="Arch Linux (64-bit)" | |
UUID="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
CfgFile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.vbox" | |
SnapFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Snapshots" | |
LogFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Logs" | |
hardwareuuid="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
memory=384 | |
pagefusion="off" | |
vram=12 | |
cpuexecutioncap=100 | |
hpet="off" | |
chipset="piix3" | |
firmware="BIOS" | |
cpus=1 | |
pae="off" | |
longmode="on" | |
triplefaultreset="off" | |
apic="on" | |
x2apic="off" | |
cpuid-portability-level=0 | |
bootmenu="messageandmenu" | |
boot1="dvd" | |
boot2="disk" | |
boot3="none" | |
boot4="none" | |
acpi="on" | |
ioapic="on" | |
biosapic="apic" | |
biossystemtimeoffset=0 | |
rtcuseutc="on" | |
hwvirtex="on" | |
nestedpaging="on" | |
largepages="on" | |
vtxvpid="on" | |
vtxux="on" | |
paravirtprovider="default" | |
effparavirtprovider="kvm" | |
VMState="running" | |
VMStateChangeTime="2016-07-20T13:11:31.750000000" | |
monitorcount=1 | |
accelerate3d="off" | |
accelerate2dvideo="off" | |
teleporterenabled="off" | |
teleporterport=0 | |
teleporteraddress="" | |
teleporterpassword="" | |
tracing-enabled="off" | |
tracing-allow-vm-access="off" | |
tracing-config="" | |
autostart-enabled="off" | |
autostart-delay=0 | |
defaultfrontend="" | |
storagecontrollername0="IDE" | |
storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4" | |
storagecontrollerinstance0="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerbootable0="on" | |
storagecontrollername1="SATA" | |
storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci" | |
storagecontrollerinstance1="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30" | |
storagecontrollerportcount1="1" | |
storagecontrollerbootable1="on" | |
"IDE-0-0"="none" | |
"IDE-0-1"="none" | |
"IDE-1-0"="emptydrive" | |
"IDE-IsEjected"="off" | |
"IDE-1-1"="none" | |
"SATA-0-0"="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/box-disk1.vmdk" | |
"SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="0875090e-e9fd-472e-9669-bcfe93ca008b" | |
natnet1="nat" | |
macaddress1="0800277E372A" | |
cableconnected1="on" | |
nic1="nat" | |
nictype1="82540EM" | |
nicspeed1="0" | |
mtu="0" | |
sockSnd="64" | |
sockRcv="64" | |
tcpWndSnd="64" | |
tcpWndRcv="64" | |
Forwarding(0)="ssh,tcp,,2222,,22" | |
hostonlyadapter2="vboxnet1" | |
macaddress2="0800279DB9DD" | |
cableconnected2="on" | |
nic2="hostonly" | |
nictype2="82540EM" | |
nicspeed2="0" | |
nic3="none" | |
nic4="none" | |
nic5="none" | |
nic6="none" | |
nic7="none" | |
nic8="none" | |
hidpointing="ps2mouse" | |
hidkeyboard="ps2kbd" | |
uart1="off" | |
uart2="off" | |
uart3="off" | |
uart4="off" | |
lpt1="off" | |
lpt2="off" | |
audio="none" | |
clipboard="bidirectional" | |
draganddrop="bidirectional" | |
SessionName="headless" | |
VideoMode="640,480,32"@0,0 1 | |
vrde="off" | |
usb="on" | |
ehci="off" | |
xhci="off" | |
SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant" | |
SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/manzo/workspace/pcsetup" | |
VRDEActiveConnection="off" | |
VRDEClients=0 | |
vcpenabled="off" | |
vcpscreens=0 | |
vcpfile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.webm" | |
vcpwidth=1024 | |
vcpheight=768 | |
vcprate=512 | |
vcpfps=25 | |
GuestMemoryBalloon=0 | |
GuestOSType="Linux26_64" | |
GuestAdditionsRunLevel=1 | |
GuestAdditionsVersion="5.0.14_OSE r105127" | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_VirtualBox Base Driver=50,1469020303608 | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_Seamless Mode=0,1469020303608 | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_Graphics Mode=0,1469020303608 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 31999 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
DEBUG ssh: Re-using SSH connection. | |
DEBUG ssh: Re-using SSH connection. | |
INFO ssh: Execute: set -e | |
if test -f ~/.ssh/authorized_keys; then | |
grep -v -x -f '/tmp/vagrant-remove-pubkey-1469020318' ~/.ssh/authorized_keys > ~/.ssh/authorized_keys.tmp | |
mv ~/.ssh/authorized_keys.tmp ~/.ssh/authorized_keys | |
fi | |
rm -f '/tmp/vagrant-remove-pubkey-1469020318' | |
(sudo=false) | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: TERM environment variable not set. | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:56 PM | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: Linux 4.3.3-3-ARCH x86_64 GNU/Linux | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: | |
DEBUG ssh: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO interface: detail: Key inserted! Disconnecting and reconnecting using new SSH key... | |
INFO interface: detail: default: Key inserted! Disconnecting and reconnecting using new SSH key... | |
default: Key inserted! Disconnecting and reconnecting using new SSH key... | |
DEBUG ssh: Checking whether SSH is ready... | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--machinereadable"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325" | |
groups="/" | |
ostype="Arch Linux (64-bit)" | |
UUID="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
CfgFile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.vbox" | |
SnapFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Snapshots" | |
LogFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Logs" | |
hardwareuuid="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
memory=384 | |
pagefusion="off" | |
vram=12 | |
cpuexecutioncap=100 | |
hpet="off" | |
chipset="piix3" | |
firmware="BIOS" | |
cpus=1 | |
pae="off" | |
longmode="on" | |
triplefaultreset="off" | |
apic="on" | |
x2apic="off" | |
cpuid-portability-level=0 | |
bootmenu="messageandmenu" | |
boot1="dvd" | |
boot2="disk" | |
boot3="none" | |
boot4="none" | |
acpi="on" | |
ioapic="on" | |
biosapic="apic" | |
biossystemtimeoffset=0 | |
rtcuseutc="on" | |
hwvirtex="on" | |
nestedpaging="on" | |
largepages="on" | |
vtxvpid="on" | |
vtxux="on" | |
paravirtprovider="default" | |
effparavirtprovider="kvm" | |
VMState="running" | |
VMStateChangeTime="2016-07-20T13:11:31.750000000" | |
monitorcount=1 | |
accelerate3d="off" | |
accelerate2dvideo="off" | |
teleporterenabled="off" | |
teleporterport=0 | |
teleporteraddress="" | |
teleporterpassword="" | |
tracing-enabled="off" | |
tracing-allow-vm-access="off" | |
tracing-config="" | |
autostart-enabled="off" | |
autostart-delay=0 | |
defaultfrontend="" | |
storagecontrollername0="IDE" | |
storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4" | |
storagecontrollerinstance0="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerbootable0="on" | |
storagecontrollername1="SATA" | |
storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci" | |
storagecontrollerinstance1="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30" | |
storagecontrollerportcount1="1" | |
storagecontrollerbootable1="on" | |
"IDE-0-0"="none" | |
"IDE-0-1"="none" | |
"IDE-1-0"="emptydrive" | |
"IDE-IsEjected"="off" | |
"IDE-1-1"="none" | |
"SATA-0-0"="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/box-disk1.vmdk" | |
"SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="0875090e-e9fd-472e-9669-bcfe93ca008b" | |
natnet1="nat" | |
macaddress1="0800277E372A" | |
cableconnected1="on" | |
nic1="nat" | |
nictype1="82540EM" | |
nicspeed1="0" | |
mtu="0" | |
sockSnd="64" | |
sockRcv="64" | |
tcpWndSnd="64" | |
tcpWndRcv="64" | |
Forwarding(0)="ssh,tcp,,2222,,22" | |
hostonlyadapter2="vboxnet1" | |
macaddress2="0800279DB9DD" | |
cableconnected2="on" | |
nic2="hostonly" | |
nictype2="82540EM" | |
nicspeed2="0" | |
nic3="none" | |
nic4="none" | |
nic5="none" | |
nic6="none" | |
nic7="none" | |
nic8="none" | |
hidpointing="ps2mouse" | |
hidkeyboard="ps2kbd" | |
uart1="off" | |
uart2="off" | |
uart3="off" | |
uart4="off" | |
lpt1="off" | |
lpt2="off" | |
audio="none" | |
clipboard="bidirectional" | |
draganddrop="bidirectional" | |
SessionName="headless" | |
VideoMode="640,480,32"@0,0 1 | |
vrde="off" | |
usb="on" | |
ehci="off" | |
xhci="off" | |
SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant" | |
SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/manzo/workspace/pcsetup" | |
VRDEActiveConnection="off" | |
VRDEClients=0 | |
vcpenabled="off" | |
vcpscreens=0 | |
vcpfile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.webm" | |
vcpwidth=1024 | |
vcpheight=768 | |
vcprate=512 | |
vcpfps=25 | |
GuestMemoryBalloon=0 | |
GuestOSType="Linux26_64" | |
GuestAdditionsRunLevel=1 | |
GuestAdditionsVersion="5.0.14_OSE r105127" | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_VirtualBox Base Driver=50,1469020303608 | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_Seamless Mode=0,1469020303608 | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_Graphics Mode=0,1469020303608 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
DEBUG virtualbox_5_1: Searching for SSH port: 22 | |
DEBUG virtualbox_5_1: read_forward_ports: uuid=6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938 active_only=false | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--machinereadable"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325" | |
groups="/" | |
ostype="Arch Linux (64-bit)" | |
UUID="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
CfgFile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.vbox" | |
SnapFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Snapshots" | |
LogFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Logs" | |
hardwareuuid="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
memory=384 | |
pagefusion="off" | |
vram=12 | |
cpuexecutioncap=100 | |
hpet="off" | |
chipset="piix3" | |
firmware="BIOS" | |
cpus=1 | |
pae="off" | |
longmode="on" | |
triplefaultreset="off" | |
apic="on" | |
x2apic="off" | |
cpuid-portability-level=0 | |
bootmenu="messageandmenu" | |
boot1="dvd" | |
boot2="disk" | |
boot3="none" | |
boot4="none" | |
acpi="on" | |
ioapic="on" | |
biosapic="apic" | |
biossystemtimeoffset=0 | |
rtcuseutc="on" | |
hwvirtex="on" | |
nestedpaging="on" | |
largepages="on" | |
vtxvpid="on" | |
vtxux="on" | |
paravirtprovider="default" | |
effparavirtprovider="kvm" | |
VMState="running" | |
VMStateChangeTime="2016-07-20T13:11:31.750000000" | |
monitorcount=1 | |
accelerate3d="off" | |
accelerate2dvideo="off" | |
teleporterenabled="off" | |
teleporterport=0 | |
teleporteraddress="" | |
teleporterpassword="" | |
tracing-enabled="off" | |
tracing-allow-vm-access="off" | |
tracing-config="" | |
autostart-enabled="off" | |
autostart-delay=0 | |
defaultfrontend="" | |
storagecontrollername0="IDE" | |
storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4" | |
storagecontrollerinstance0="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerbootable0="on" | |
storagecontrollername1="SATA" | |
storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci" | |
storagecontrollerinstance1="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30" | |
storagecontrollerportcount1="1" | |
storagecontrollerbootable1="on" | |
"IDE-0-0"="none" | |
"IDE-0-1"="none" | |
"IDE-1-0"="emptydrive" | |
"IDE-IsEjected"="off" | |
"IDE-1-1"="none" | |
"SATA-0-0"="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/box-disk1.vmdk" | |
"SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="0875090e-e9fd-472e-9669-bcfe93ca008b" | |
natnet1="nat" | |
macaddress1="0800277E372A" | |
cableconnected1="on" | |
nic1="nat" | |
nictype1="82540EM" | |
nicspeed1="0" | |
mtu="0" | |
sockSnd="64" | |
sockRcv="64" | |
tcpWndSnd="64" | |
tcpWndRcv="64" | |
Forwarding(0)="ssh,tcp,,2222,,22" | |
hostonlyadapter2="vboxnet1" | |
macaddress2="0800279DB9DD" | |
cableconnected2="on" | |
nic2="hostonly" | |
nictype2="82540EM" | |
nicspeed2="0" | |
nic3="none" | |
nic4="none" | |
nic5="none" | |
nic6="none" | |
nic7="none" | |
nic8="none" | |
hidpointing="ps2mouse" | |
hidkeyboard="ps2kbd" | |
uart1="off" | |
uart2="off" | |
uart3="off" | |
uart4="off" | |
lpt1="off" | |
lpt2="off" | |
audio="none" | |
clipboard="bidirectional" | |
draganddrop="bidirectional" | |
SessionName="headless" | |
VideoMode="640,480,32"@0,0 1 | |
vrde="off" | |
usb="on" | |
ehci="off" | |
xhci="off" | |
SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant" | |
SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/manzo/workspace/pcsetup" | |
VRDEActiveConnection="off" | |
VRDEClients=0 | |
vcpenabled="off" | |
vcpscreens=0 | |
vcpfile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.webm" | |
vcpwidth=1024 | |
vcpheight=768 | |
vcprate=512 | |
vcpfps=25 | |
GuestMemoryBalloon=0 | |
GuestOSType="Linux26_64" | |
GuestAdditionsRunLevel=1 | |
GuestAdditionsVersion="5.0.14_OSE r105127" | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_VirtualBox Base Driver=50,1469020303608 | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_Seamless Mode=0,1469020303608 | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_Graphics Mode=0,1469020303608 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
DEBUG virtualbox_5_1: - [1, "ssh", 2222, 22] | |
DEBUG ssh: Checking key permissions: /home/manzo/workspace/pcsetup/.vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox/private_key | |
INFO ssh: Attempting to correct key permissions to 0600 | |
INFO ssh: Attempting SSH connection... | |
INFO ssh: Attempting to connect to SSH... | |
INFO ssh: - Host: | |
INFO ssh: - Port: 2222 | |
INFO ssh: - Username: vagrant | |
INFO ssh: - Password? false | |
INFO ssh: - Key Path: ["/home/manzo/workspace/pcsetup/.vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox/private_key"] | |
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log START == | |
DEBUG ssh: D, [2016-07-20T10:11:58.590303 #22480] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[1985804]: establishing connection to | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:58.590834 #22480] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[1985804]: connection established | |
I, [2016-07-20T10:11:58.590974 #22480] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[1984fe4]: negotiating protocol version | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:58.598415 #22480] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[1984fe4]: remote is `SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_7.1' | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:58.598506 #22480] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[1984fe4]: local is `SSH-2.0-Ruby/Net::SSH_3.0.2 x86_64-linux' | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:58.599894 #22480] DEBUG -- socket[19854f8]: read 944 bytes | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:58.600049 #22480] DEBUG -- socket[19854f8]: received packet nr 0 type 20 len 940 | |
I, [2016-07-20T10:11:58.600152 #22480] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[1984698]: got KEXINIT from server | |
I, [2016-07-20T10:11:58.600321 #22480] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[1984698]: sending KEXINIT | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:58.600957 #22480] DEBUG -- socket[19854f8]: queueing packet nr 0 type 20 len 1684 | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:58.601050 #22480] DEBUG -- socket[19854f8]: sent 1688 bytes | |
I, [2016-07-20T10:11:58.601088 #22480] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[1984698]: negotiating algorithms | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:58.601259 #22480] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[1984698]: negotiated: | |
* kex: diffie-hellman-group14-sha1 | |
* host_key: ssh-rsa | |
* encryption_server: aes128-ctr | |
* encryption_client: aes128-ctr | |
* hmac_client: hmac-sha1 | |
* hmac_server: hmac-sha1 | |
* compression_client: none | |
* compression_server: none | |
* language_client: | |
* language_server: | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:58.601306 #22480] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[1984698]: exchanging keys | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:58.607225 #22480] DEBUG -- socket[19854f8]: queueing packet nr 1 type 30 len 268 | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:58.607291 #22480] DEBUG -- socket[19854f8]: sent 272 bytes | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:58.646534 #22480] DEBUG -- socket[19854f8]: read 848 bytes | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:58.646710 #22480] DEBUG -- socket[19854f8]: received packet nr 1 type 31 len 828 | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:58.648963 #22480] DEBUG -- socket[19854f8]: queueing packet nr 2 type 21 len 20 | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:58.649078 #22480] DEBUG -- socket[19854f8]: sent 24 bytes | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:58.649201 #22480] DEBUG -- socket[19854f8]: received packet nr 2 type 21 len 12 | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:58.650083 #22480] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[3fbb1c2e58a8]: beginning authentication of `vagrant' | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:58.650312 #22480] DEBUG -- socket[19854f8]: queueing packet nr 3 type 5 len 28 | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:58.650374 #22480] DEBUG -- socket[19854f8]: sent 52 bytes | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:58.689380 #22480] DEBUG -- socket[19854f8]: read 52 bytes | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:58.689620 #22480] DEBUG -- socket[19854f8]: received packet nr 3 type 6 len 28 | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:58.689761 #22480] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[3fbb1c2e58a8]: trying none | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:58.690324 #22480] DEBUG -- socket[19854f8]: queueing packet nr 4 type 50 len 44 | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:58.690427 #22480] DEBUG -- socket[19854f8]: sent 68 bytes | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:58.691213 #22480] DEBUG -- socket[19854f8]: read 52 bytes | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:58.691426 #22480] DEBUG -- socket[19854f8]: received packet nr 4 type 51 len 28 | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:58.691533 #22480] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[3fbb1c2e58a8]: allowed methods: publickey | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:58.691627 #22480] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.none[3fbb1c2e4200]: none failed | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:58.691729 #22480] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[3fbb1c2e58a8]: trying publickey | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:58.692174 #22480] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[3fbb1c3284b4]: connecting to ssh-agent | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:58.692593 #22480] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[3fbb1c3284b4]: sending agent request 1 len 44 | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:58.693109 #22480] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[3fbb1c3284b4]: received agent packet 2 len 5 | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:58.693177 #22480] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[3fbb1c3284b4]: sending agent request 11 len 0 | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:58.694175 #22480] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[3fbb1c3284b4]: received agent packet 12 len 603 | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:58.694779 #22480] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.publickey[3fbb1c328694]: trying publickey (0a:95:e3:7d:a0:f2:01:e9:27:6e:1f:b9:ce:fb:2d:5a) | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:58.695548 #22480] DEBUG -- socket[19854f8]: queueing packet nr 5 type 50 len 348 | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:58.695615 #22480] DEBUG -- socket[19854f8]: sent 372 bytes | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:58.696464 #22480] DEBUG -- socket[19854f8]: read 324 bytes | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:58.696888 #22480] DEBUG -- socket[19854f8]: received packet nr 5 type 60 len 300 | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:58.701406 #22480] DEBUG -- socket[19854f8]: queueing packet nr 6 type 50 len 620 | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:58.701478 #22480] DEBUG -- socket[19854f8]: sent 644 bytes | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:58.702615 #22480] DEBUG -- socket[19854f8]: read 36 bytes | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:58.702707 #22480] DEBUG -- socket[19854f8]: received packet nr 6 type 52 len 12 | |
D, [2016-07-20T10:11:58.702760 #22480] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.publickey[3fbb1c328694]: publickey succeeded (0a:95:e3:7d:a0:f2:01:e9:27:6e:1f:b9:ce:fb:2d:5a) | |
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log END == | |
INFO ssh: SSH is ready! | |
DEBUG ssh: Re-using SSH connection. | |
INFO ssh: Execute: (sudo=false) | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: TERM environment variable not set. | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:57 PM | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: Linux 4.3.3-3-ARCH x86_64 GNU/Linux | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: | |
DEBUG ssh: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--machinereadable"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325" | |
groups="/" | |
ostype="Arch Linux (64-bit)" | |
UUID="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
CfgFile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.vbox" | |
SnapFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Snapshots" | |
LogFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Logs" | |
hardwareuuid="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
memory=384 | |
pagefusion="off" | |
vram=12 | |
cpuexecutioncap=100 | |
hpet="off" | |
chipset="piix3" | |
firmware="BIOS" | |
cpus=1 | |
pae="off" | |
longmode="on" | |
triplefaultreset="off" | |
apic="on" | |
x2apic="off" | |
cpuid-portability-level=0 | |
bootmenu="messageandmenu" | |
boot1="dvd" | |
boot2="disk" | |
boot3="none" | |
boot4="none" | |
acpi="on" | |
ioapic="on" | |
biosapic="apic" | |
biossystemtimeoffset=0 | |
rtcuseutc="on" | |
hwvirtex="on" | |
nestedpaging="on" | |
largepages="on" | |
vtxvpid="on" | |
vtxux="on" | |
paravirtprovider="default" | |
effparavirtprovider="kvm" | |
VMState="running" | |
VMStateChangeTime="2016-07-20T13:11:31.750000000" | |
monitorcount=1 | |
accelerate3d="off" | |
accelerate2dvideo="off" | |
teleporterenabled="off" | |
teleporterport=0 | |
teleporteraddress="" | |
teleporterpassword="" | |
tracing-enabled="off" | |
tracing-allow-vm-access="off" | |
tracing-config="" | |
autostart-enabled="off" | |
autostart-delay=0 | |
defaultfrontend="" | |
storagecontrollername0="IDE" | |
storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4" | |
storagecontrollerinstance0="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerbootable0="on" | |
storagecontrollername1="SATA" | |
storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci" | |
storagecontrollerinstance1="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30" | |
storagecontrollerportcount1="1" | |
storagecontrollerbootable1="on" | |
"IDE-0-0"="none" | |
"IDE-0-1"="none" | |
"IDE-1-0"="emptydrive" | |
"IDE-IsEjected"="off" | |
"IDE-1-1"="none" | |
"SATA-0-0"="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/box-disk1.vmdk" | |
"SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="0875090e-e9fd-472e-9669-bcfe93ca008b" | |
natnet1="nat" | |
macaddress1="0800277E372A" | |
cableconnected1="on" | |
nic1="nat" | |
nictype1="82540EM" | |
nicspeed1="0" | |
mtu="0" | |
sockSnd="64" | |
sockRcv="64" | |
tcpWndSnd="64" | |
tcpWndRcv="64" | |
Forwarding(0)="ssh,tcp,,2222,,22" | |
hostonlyadapter2="vboxnet1" | |
macaddress2="0800279DB9DD" | |
cableconnected2="on" | |
nic2="hostonly" | |
nictype2="82540EM" | |
nicspeed2="0" | |
nic3="none" | |
nic4="none" | |
nic5="none" | |
nic6="none" | |
nic7="none" | |
nic8="none" | |
hidpointing="ps2mouse" | |
hidkeyboard="ps2kbd" | |
uart1="off" | |
uart2="off" | |
uart3="off" | |
uart4="off" | |
lpt1="off" | |
lpt2="off" | |
audio="none" | |
clipboard="bidirectional" | |
draganddrop="bidirectional" | |
SessionName="headless" | |
VideoMode="640,480,32"@0,0 1 | |
vrde="off" | |
usb="on" | |
ehci="off" | |
xhci="off" | |
SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant" | |
SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/manzo/workspace/pcsetup" | |
VRDEActiveConnection="off" | |
VRDEClients=0 | |
vcpenabled="off" | |
vcpscreens=0 | |
vcpfile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.webm" | |
vcpwidth=1024 | |
vcpheight=768 | |
vcprate=512 | |
vcpfps=25 | |
GuestMemoryBalloon=0 | |
GuestOSType="Linux26_64" | |
GuestAdditionsRunLevel=1 | |
GuestAdditionsVersion="5.0.14_OSE r105127" | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_VirtualBox Base Driver=50,1469020303608 | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_Seamless Mode=0,1469020303608 | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_Graphics Mode=0,1469020303608 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO interface: output: Machine booted and ready! | |
INFO interface: output: ==> default: Machine booted and ready! | |
==> default: Machine booted and ready! | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::Customize:0x000000011be1c0> | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::CheckGuestAdditions:0x000000011be148> | |
INFO interface: output: Checking for guest additions in VM... | |
INFO interface: output: ==> default: Checking for guest additions in VM... | |
==> default: Checking for guest additions in VM... | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "guestproperty", "get", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "/VirtualBox/GuestAdd/Version"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: No value set! | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--machinereadable"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325" | |
groups="/" | |
ostype="Arch Linux (64-bit)" | |
UUID="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
CfgFile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.vbox" | |
SnapFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Snapshots" | |
LogFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Logs" | |
hardwareuuid="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
memory=384 | |
pagefusion="off" | |
vram=12 | |
cpuexecutioncap=100 | |
hpet="off" | |
chipset="piix3" | |
firmware="BIOS" | |
cpus=1 | |
pae="off" | |
longmode="on" | |
triplefaultreset="off" | |
apic="on" | |
x2apic="off" | |
cpuid-portability-level=0 | |
bootmenu="messageandmenu" | |
boot1="dvd" | |
boot2="disk" | |
boot3="none" | |
boot4="none" | |
acpi="on" | |
ioapic="on" | |
biosapic="apic" | |
biossystemtimeoffset=0 | |
rtcuseutc="on" | |
hwvirtex="on" | |
nestedpaging="on" | |
largepages="on" | |
vtxvpid="on" | |
vtxux="on" | |
paravirtprovider="default" | |
effparavirtprovider="kvm" | |
VMState="running" | |
VMStateChangeTime="2016-07-20T13:11:31.750000000" | |
monitorcount=1 | |
accelerate3d="off" | |
accelerate2dvideo="off" | |
teleporterenabled="off" | |
teleporterport=0 | |
teleporteraddress="" | |
teleporterpassword="" | |
tracing-enabled="off" | |
tracing-allow-vm-access="off" | |
tracing-config="" | |
autostart-enabled="off" | |
autostart-delay=0 | |
defaultfrontend="" | |
storagecontrollername0="IDE" | |
storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4" | |
storagecontrollerinstance0="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerbootable0="on" | |
storagecontrollername1="SATA" | |
storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci" | |
storagecontrollerinstance1="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30" | |
storagecontrollerportcount1="1" | |
storagecontrollerbootable1="on" | |
"IDE-0-0"="none" | |
"IDE-0-1"="none" | |
"IDE-1-0"="emptydrive" | |
"IDE-IsEjected"="off" | |
"IDE-1-1"="none" | |
"SATA-0-0"="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/box-disk1.vmdk" | |
"SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="0875090e-e9fd-472e-9669-bcfe93ca008b" | |
natnet1="nat" | |
macaddress1="0800277E372A" | |
cableconnected1="on" | |
nic1="nat" | |
nictype1="82540EM" | |
nicspeed1="0" | |
mtu="0" | |
sockSnd="64" | |
sockRcv="64" | |
tcpWndSnd="64" | |
tcpWndRcv="64" | |
Forwarding(0)="ssh,tcp,,2222,,22" | |
hostonlyadapter2="vboxnet1" | |
macaddress2="0800279DB9DD" | |
cableconnected2="on" | |
nic2="hostonly" | |
nictype2="82540EM" | |
nicspeed2="0" | |
nic3="none" | |
nic4="none" | |
nic5="none" | |
nic6="none" | |
nic7="none" | |
nic8="none" | |
hidpointing="ps2mouse" | |
hidkeyboard="ps2kbd" | |
uart1="off" | |
uart2="off" | |
uart3="off" | |
uart4="off" | |
lpt1="off" | |
lpt2="off" | |
audio="none" | |
clipboard="bidirectional" | |
draganddrop="bidirectional" | |
SessionName="headless" | |
VideoMode="640,480,32"@0,0 1 | |
vrde="off" | |
usb="on" | |
ehci="off" | |
xhci="off" | |
SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant" | |
SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/manzo/workspace/pcsetup" | |
VRDEActiveConnection="off" | |
VRDEClients=0 | |
vcpenabled="off" | |
vcpscreens=0 | |
vcpfile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.webm" | |
vcpwidth=1024 | |
vcpheight=768 | |
vcprate=512 | |
vcpfps=25 | |
GuestMemoryBalloon=0 | |
GuestOSType="Linux26_64" | |
GuestAdditionsRunLevel=1 | |
GuestAdditionsVersion="5.0.14_OSE r105127" | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_VirtualBox Base Driver=50,1469020303608 | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_Seamless Mode=0,1469020303608 | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_Graphics Mode=0,1469020303608 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 31999 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO interface: detail: The guest additions on this VM do not match the installed version of | |
VirtualBox! In most cases this is fine, but in rare cases it can | |
prevent things such as shared folders from working properly. If you see | |
shared folder errors, please make sure the guest additions within the | |
virtual machine match the version of VirtualBox you have installed on | |
your host and reload your VM. | |
Guest Additions Version: 5.0.14_OSE r105127 | |
VirtualBox Version: 5.1 | |
INFO interface: detail: default: The guest additions on this VM do not match the installed version of | |
default: VirtualBox! In most cases this is fine, but in rare cases it can | |
default: prevent things such as shared folders from working properly. If you see | |
default: shared folder errors, please make sure the guest additions within the | |
default: virtual machine match the version of VirtualBox you have installed on | |
default: your host and reload your VM. | |
default: | |
default: Guest Additions Version: 5.0.14_OSE r105127 | |
default: VirtualBox Version: 5.1 | |
default: The guest additions on this VM do not match the installed version of | |
default: VirtualBox! In most cases this is fine, but in rare cases it can | |
default: prevent things such as shared folders from working properly. If you see | |
default: shared folder errors, please make sure the guest additions within the | |
default: virtual machine match the version of VirtualBox you have installed on | |
default: your host and reload your VM. | |
default: | |
default: Guest Additions Version: 5.0.14_OSE r105127 | |
default: VirtualBox Version: 5.1 | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Proc:0x00000000bf8d58@/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:94 (lambda)> | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Proc:0x00000002e02e30@/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:94 (lambda)> | |
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Proc:0x000000032cf3f0@/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:94 (lambda)> | |
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Proc:0x000000032cf3f0@/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:94 (lambda)> | |
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Proc:0x00000002e02e30@/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:94 (lambda)> | |
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Proc:0x00000000bf8d58@/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:94 (lambda)> | |
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::CheckGuestAdditions:0x000000011be148> | |
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::Customize:0x000000011be1c0> | |
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::WaitForCommunicator:0x000000011be1e8> | |
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::Customize:0x000000011be940> | |
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::Boot:0x000000011bea58> | |
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::Customize:0x000000011bf660> | |
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::SaneDefaults:0x0000000127a0f0> | |
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::SetHostname:0x0000000127a118> | |
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::ForwardPorts:0x0000000127a500> | |
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::NetworkFixIPv6:0x00000001a7dbd0> | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--machinereadable"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325" | |
groups="/" | |
ostype="Arch Linux (64-bit)" | |
UUID="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
CfgFile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.vbox" | |
SnapFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Snapshots" | |
LogFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Logs" | |
hardwareuuid="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
memory=384 | |
pagefusion="off" | |
vram=12 | |
cpuexecutioncap=100 | |
hpet="off" | |
chipset="piix3" | |
firmware="BIOS" | |
cpus=1 | |
pae="off" | |
longmode="on" | |
triplefaultreset="off" | |
apic="on" | |
x2apic="off" | |
cpuid-portability-level=0 | |
bootmenu="messageandmenu" | |
boot1="dvd" | |
boot2="disk" | |
boot3="none" | |
boot4="none" | |
acpi="on" | |
ioapic="on" | |
biosapic="apic" | |
biossystemtimeoffset=0 | |
rtcuseutc="on" | |
hwvirtex="on" | |
nestedpaging="on" | |
largepages="on" | |
vtxvpid="on" | |
vtxux="on" | |
paravirtprovider="default" | |
effparavirtprovider="kvm" | |
VMState="running" | |
VMStateChangeTime="2016-07-20T13:11:31.750000000" | |
monitorcount=1 | |
accelerate3d="off" | |
accelerate2dvideo="off" | |
teleporterenabled="off" | |
teleporterport=0 | |
teleporteraddress="" | |
teleporterpassword="" | |
tracing-enabled="off" | |
tracing-allow-vm-access="off" | |
tracing-config="" | |
autostart-enabled="off" | |
autostart-delay=0 | |
defaultfrontend="" | |
storagecontrollername0="IDE" | |
storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4" | |
storagecontrollerinstance0="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerbootable0="on" | |
storagecontrollername1="SATA" | |
storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci" | |
storagecontrollerinstance1="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30" | |
storagecontrollerportcount1="1" | |
storagecontrollerbootable1="on" | |
"IDE-0-0"="none" | |
"IDE-0-1"="none" | |
"IDE-1-0"="emptydrive" | |
"IDE-IsEjected"="off" | |
"IDE-1-1"="none" | |
"SATA-0-0"="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/box-disk1.vmdk" | |
"SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="0875090e-e9fd-472e-9669-bcfe93ca008b" | |
natnet1="nat" | |
macaddress1="0800277E372A" | |
cableconnected1="on" | |
nic1="nat" | |
nictype1="82540EM" | |
nicspeed1="0" | |
mtu="0" | |
sockSnd="64" | |
sockRcv="64" | |
tcpWndSnd="64" | |
tcpWndRcv="64" | |
Forwarding(0)="ssh,tcp,,2222,,22" | |
hostonlyadapter2="vboxnet1" | |
macaddress2="0800279DB9DD" | |
cableconnected2="on" | |
nic2="hostonly" | |
nictype2="82540EM" | |
nicspeed2="0" | |
nic3="none" | |
nic4="none" | |
nic5="none" | |
nic6="none" | |
nic7="none" | |
nic8="none" | |
hidpointing="ps2mouse" | |
hidkeyboard="ps2kbd" | |
uart1="off" | |
uart2="off" | |
uart3="off" | |
uart4="off" | |
lpt1="off" | |
lpt2="off" | |
audio="none" | |
clipboard="bidirectional" | |
draganddrop="bidirectional" | |
SessionName="headless" | |
VideoMode="640,480,32"@0,0 1 | |
vrde="off" | |
usb="on" | |
ehci="off" | |
xhci="off" | |
SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant" | |
SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/manzo/workspace/pcsetup" | |
VRDEActiveConnection="off" | |
VRDEClients=0 | |
vcpenabled="off" | |
vcpscreens=0 | |
vcpfile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.webm" | |
vcpwidth=1024 | |
vcpheight=768 | |
vcprate=512 | |
vcpfps=25 | |
GuestMemoryBalloon=0 | |
GuestOSType="Linux26_64" | |
GuestAdditionsRunLevel=1 | |
GuestAdditionsVersion="5.0.14_OSE r105127" | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_VirtualBox Base Driver=50,1469020303608 | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_Seamless Mode=0,1469020303608 | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_Graphics Mode=0,1469020303608 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO interface: info: Configuring and enabling network interfaces... | |
INFO interface: info: ==> default: Configuring and enabling network interfaces... | |
==> default: Configuring and enabling network interfaces... | |
DEBUG ssh: Checking whether SSH is ready... | |
DEBUG ssh: Re-using SSH connection. | |
INFO ssh: SSH is ready! | |
DEBUG ssh: Re-using SSH connection. | |
INFO ssh: Execute: (sudo=false) | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: TERM environment variable not set. | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: Linux 4.3.3-3-ARCH x86_64 GNU/Linux | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: | |
DEBUG ssh: Exit status: 0 | |
DEBUG guest: Searching for cap: configure_networks | |
DEBUG guest: Checking in: arch | |
DEBUG guest: Found cap: configure_networks in arch | |
INFO guest: Execute capability: configure_networks [#<Vagrant::Machine: default (VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Provider)>, [{:type=>:static, :adapter_ip=>"", :ip=>"", :netmask=>"", :auto_config=>true, :interface=>1}]] (arch) | |
DEBUG ssh: Checking whether SSH is ready... | |
DEBUG ssh: Re-using SSH connection. | |
INFO ssh: SSH is ready! | |
DEBUG ssh: Re-using SSH connection. | |
INFO ssh: Execute: (sudo=false) | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: TERM environment variable not set. | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: No value for $TERM and no -T specified | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: Linux 4.3.3-3-ARCH x86_64 GNU/Linux | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: | |
DEBUG ssh: Exit status: 0 | |
DEBUG guest: Searching for cap: network_interfaces | |
DEBUG guest: Checking in: arch | |
DEBUG guest: Checking in: linux | |
DEBUG guest: Found cap: network_interfaces in linux | |
INFO guest: Execute capability: network_interfaces [#<Vagrant::Machine: default (VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Provider)>] (arch) | |
DEBUG ssh: Re-using SSH connection. | |
INFO ssh: Execute: /sbin/ip -o -0 addr | grep -v LOOPBACK | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/://' (sudo=true) | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: 'unknown': I need something more specific. | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: unknown terminal "unknown" | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: unknown terminal "unknown" | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: unknown terminal "unknown" | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: Linux 4.3.3-3-ARCH x86_64 GNU/Linux | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: enp0s3 | |
enp0s8 | |
DEBUG ssh: Exit status: 0 | |
DEBUG ssh: Uploading: /tmp/vagrant-arch-configure-networks20160720-22480-vo2beh to /tmp/vagrant-network-Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM-1469020320-0 | |
DEBUG ssh: Re-using SSH connection. | |
DEBUG ssh: Re-using SSH connection. | |
INFO ssh: Execute: set -e | |
# Configure Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM | |
mv '/tmp/vagrant-network-Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM-1469020320-0' '/etc/netctl/Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' | |
ip link set 'Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' down | |
netctl restart 'Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' | |
netctl enable 'Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' | |
(sudo=true) | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: 'unknown': I need something more specific. | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: unknown terminal "unknown" | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: unknown terminal "unknown" | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: tput: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: unknown terminal "unknown" | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:59 PM | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: Linux 4.3.3-3-ARCH x86_64 GNU/Linux | |
DEBUG ssh: stdout: | |
DEBUG ssh: stderr: Cannot find device "Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM" | |
DEBUG ssh: Exit status: 1 | |
ERROR warden: Error occurred: The following SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status. | |
Vagrant assumes that this means the command failed! | |
set -e | |
# Configure Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM | |
mv '/tmp/vagrant-network-Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM-1469020320-0' '/etc/netctl/Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' | |
ip link set 'Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' down | |
netctl restart 'Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' | |
netctl enable 'Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' | |
Stdout from the command: | |
Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:59 PM | |
Linux 4.3.3-3-ARCH x86_64 GNU/Linux | |
Stderr from the command: | |
'unknown': I need something more specific. | |
tput: unknown terminal "unknown" | |
tput: unknown terminal "unknown" | |
tput: unknown terminal "unknown" | |
Cannot find device "Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM" | |
INFO warden: Beginning recovery process... | |
INFO warden: Calling recover: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::HandleForwardedPortCollisions:0x00000002718ae8> | |
INFO warden: Recovery complete. | |
INFO warden: Beginning recovery process... | |
INFO warden: Recovery complete. | |
INFO warden: Beginning recovery process... | |
INFO warden: Recovery complete. | |
INFO warden: Beginning recovery process... | |
INFO warden: Recovery complete. | |
INFO warden: Beginning recovery process... | |
INFO warden: Recovery complete. | |
INFO warden: Beginning recovery process... | |
INFO warden: Recovery complete. | |
INFO warden: Beginning recovery process... | |
INFO warden: Recovery complete. | |
INFO warden: Beginning recovery process... | |
INFO warden: Recovery complete. | |
INFO warden: Beginning recovery process... | |
INFO warden: Recovery complete. | |
INFO warden: Beginning recovery process... | |
INFO warden: Recovery complete. | |
INFO warden: Beginning recovery process... | |
INFO warden: Recovery complete. | |
INFO warden: Beginning recovery process... | |
INFO warden: Recovery complete. | |
INFO warden: Beginning recovery process... | |
INFO warden: Recovery complete. | |
INFO warden: Beginning recovery process... | |
INFO warden: Recovery complete. | |
INFO warden: Beginning recovery process... | |
INFO warden: Recovery complete. | |
ERROR warden: Error occurred: The following SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status. | |
Vagrant assumes that this means the command failed! | |
set -e | |
# Configure Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM | |
mv '/tmp/vagrant-network-Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM-1469020320-0' '/etc/netctl/Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' | |
ip link set 'Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' down | |
netctl restart 'Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' | |
netctl enable 'Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' | |
Stdout from the command: | |
Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:59 PM | |
Linux 4.3.3-3-ARCH x86_64 GNU/Linux | |
Stderr from the command: | |
'unknown': I need something more specific. | |
tput: unknown terminal "unknown" | |
tput: unknown terminal "unknown" | |
tput: unknown terminal "unknown" | |
Cannot find device "Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM" | |
INFO warden: Beginning recovery process... | |
INFO warden: Recovery complete. | |
ERROR warden: Error occurred: The following SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status. | |
Vagrant assumes that this means the command failed! | |
set -e | |
# Configure Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM | |
mv '/tmp/vagrant-network-Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM-1469020320-0' '/etc/netctl/Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' | |
ip link set 'Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' down | |
netctl restart 'Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' | |
netctl enable 'Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' | |
Stdout from the command: | |
Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:59 PM | |
Linux 4.3.3-3-ARCH x86_64 GNU/Linux | |
Stderr from the command: | |
'unknown': I need something more specific. | |
tput: unknown terminal "unknown" | |
tput: unknown terminal "unknown" | |
tput: unknown terminal "unknown" | |
Cannot find device "Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM" | |
INFO warden: Beginning recovery process... | |
INFO warden: Calling recover: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::Call:0x00000002e02ea8> | |
INFO warden: Beginning recovery process... | |
INFO warden: Recovery complete. | |
INFO warden: Recovery complete. | |
ERROR warden: Error occurred: The following SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status. | |
Vagrant assumes that this means the command failed! | |
set -e | |
# Configure Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM | |
mv '/tmp/vagrant-network-Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM-1469020320-0' '/etc/netctl/Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' | |
ip link set 'Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' down | |
netctl restart 'Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' | |
netctl enable 'Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' | |
Stdout from the command: | |
Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:59 PM | |
Linux 4.3.3-3-ARCH x86_64 GNU/Linux | |
Stderr from the command: | |
'unknown': I need something more specific. | |
tput: unknown terminal "unknown" | |
tput: unknown terminal "unknown" | |
tput: unknown terminal "unknown" | |
Cannot find device "Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM" | |
INFO warden: Beginning recovery process... | |
INFO warden: Recovery complete. | |
ERROR warden: Error occurred: The following SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status. | |
Vagrant assumes that this means the command failed! | |
set -e | |
# Configure Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM | |
mv '/tmp/vagrant-network-Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM-1469020320-0' '/etc/netctl/Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' | |
ip link set 'Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' down | |
netctl restart 'Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' | |
netctl enable 'Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' | |
Stdout from the command: | |
Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:59 PM | |
Linux 4.3.3-3-ARCH x86_64 GNU/Linux | |
Stderr from the command: | |
'unknown': I need something more specific. | |
tput: unknown terminal "unknown" | |
tput: unknown terminal "unknown" | |
tput: unknown terminal "unknown" | |
Cannot find device "Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM" | |
INFO warden: Beginning recovery process... | |
INFO warden: Calling recover: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::Call:0x000000032cf490> | |
INFO warden: Beginning recovery process... | |
INFO warden: Recovery complete. | |
INFO warden: Recovery complete. | |
ERROR warden: Error occurred: The following SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status. | |
Vagrant assumes that this means the command failed! | |
set -e | |
# Configure Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM | |
mv '/tmp/vagrant-network-Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM-1469020320-0' '/etc/netctl/Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' | |
ip link set 'Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' down | |
netctl restart 'Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' | |
netctl enable 'Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' | |
Stdout from the command: | |
Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:59 PM | |
Linux 4.3.3-3-ARCH x86_64 GNU/Linux | |
Stderr from the command: | |
'unknown': I need something more specific. | |
tput: unknown terminal "unknown" | |
tput: unknown terminal "unknown" | |
tput: unknown terminal "unknown" | |
Cannot find device "Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM" | |
INFO warden: Beginning recovery process... | |
INFO warden: Recovery complete. | |
ERROR warden: Error occurred: The following SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status. | |
Vagrant assumes that this means the command failed! | |
set -e | |
# Configure Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM | |
mv '/tmp/vagrant-network-Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM-1469020320-0' '/etc/netctl/Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' | |
ip link set 'Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' down | |
netctl restart 'Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' | |
netctl enable 'Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' | |
Stdout from the command: | |
Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:59 PM | |
Linux 4.3.3-3-ARCH x86_64 GNU/Linux | |
Stderr from the command: | |
'unknown': I need something more specific. | |
tput: unknown terminal "unknown" | |
tput: unknown terminal "unknown" | |
tput: unknown terminal "unknown" | |
Cannot find device "Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM" | |
INFO warden: Beginning recovery process... | |
INFO warden: Calling recover: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::Call:0x0000000251d360> | |
INFO warden: Beginning recovery process... | |
INFO warden: Recovery complete. | |
INFO warden: Calling recover: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::Call:0x007f763807bbf0> | |
INFO warden: Beginning recovery process... | |
INFO warden: Calling recover: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::Import:0x00000001ab76c8> | |
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938", "--machinereadable"] | |
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment... | |
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO | |
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325" | |
groups="/" | |
ostype="Arch Linux (64-bit)" | |
UUID="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
CfgFile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.vbox" | |
SnapFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Snapshots" | |
LogFldr="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/Logs" | |
hardwareuuid="6deb00f1-c39d-44ea-8bda-0a9a70b15938" | |
memory=384 | |
pagefusion="off" | |
vram=12 | |
cpuexecutioncap=100 | |
hpet="off" | |
chipset="piix3" | |
firmware="BIOS" | |
cpus=1 | |
pae="off" | |
longmode="on" | |
triplefaultreset="off" | |
apic="on" | |
x2apic="off" | |
cpuid-portability-level=0 | |
bootmenu="messageandmenu" | |
boot1="dvd" | |
boot2="disk" | |
boot3="none" | |
boot4="none" | |
acpi="on" | |
ioapic="on" | |
biosapic="apic" | |
biossystemtimeoffset=0 | |
rtcuseutc="on" | |
hwvirtex="on" | |
nestedpaging="on" | |
largepages="on" | |
vtxvpid="on" | |
vtxux="on" | |
paravirtprovider="default" | |
effparavirtprovider="kvm" | |
VMState="running" | |
VMStateChangeTime="2016-07-20T13:11:31.750000000" | |
monitorcount=1 | |
accelerate3d="off" | |
accelerate2dvideo="off" | |
teleporterenabled="off" | |
teleporterport=0 | |
teleporteraddress="" | |
teleporterpassword="" | |
tracing-enabled="off" | |
tracing-allow-vm-access="off" | |
tracing-config="" | |
autostart-enabled="off" | |
autostart-delay=0 | |
defaultfrontend="" | |
storagecontrollername0="IDE" | |
storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4" | |
storagecontrollerinstance0="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerportcount0="2" | |
storagecontrollerbootable0="on" | |
storagecontrollername1="SATA" | |
storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci" | |
storagecontrollerinstance1="0" | |
storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30" | |
storagecontrollerportcount1="1" | |
storagecontrollerbootable1="on" | |
"IDE-0-0"="none" | |
"IDE-0-1"="none" | |
"IDE-1-0"="emptydrive" | |
"IDE-IsEjected"="off" | |
"IDE-1-1"="none" | |
"SATA-0-0"="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/box-disk1.vmdk" | |
"SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="0875090e-e9fd-472e-9669-bcfe93ca008b" | |
natnet1="nat" | |
macaddress1="0800277E372A" | |
cableconnected1="on" | |
nic1="nat" | |
nictype1="82540EM" | |
nicspeed1="0" | |
mtu="0" | |
sockSnd="64" | |
sockRcv="64" | |
tcpWndSnd="64" | |
tcpWndRcv="64" | |
Forwarding(0)="ssh,tcp,,2222,,22" | |
hostonlyadapter2="vboxnet1" | |
macaddress2="0800279DB9DD" | |
cableconnected2="on" | |
nic2="hostonly" | |
nictype2="82540EM" | |
nicspeed2="0" | |
nic3="none" | |
nic4="none" | |
nic5="none" | |
nic6="none" | |
nic7="none" | |
nic8="none" | |
hidpointing="ps2mouse" | |
hidkeyboard="ps2kbd" | |
uart1="off" | |
uart2="off" | |
uart3="off" | |
uart4="off" | |
lpt1="off" | |
lpt2="off" | |
audio="none" | |
clipboard="bidirectional" | |
draganddrop="bidirectional" | |
SessionName="headless" | |
VideoMode="640,480,32"@0,0 1 | |
vrde="off" | |
usb="on" | |
ehci="off" | |
xhci="off" | |
SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant" | |
SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/manzo/workspace/pcsetup" | |
VRDEActiveConnection="off" | |
VRDEClients=0 | |
vcpenabled="off" | |
vcpscreens=0 | |
vcpfile="/home/manzo/VirtualBox VMs/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325/pcsetup_default_1469020288705_33325.webm" | |
vcpwidth=1024 | |
vcpheight=768 | |
vcprate=512 | |
vcpfps=25 | |
GuestMemoryBalloon=0 | |
GuestOSType="Linux26_64" | |
GuestAdditionsRunLevel=1 | |
GuestAdditionsVersion="5.0.14_OSE r105127" | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_VirtualBox Base Driver=50,1469020303608 | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_Seamless Mode=0,1469020303608 | |
GuestAdditionsFacility_Graphics Mode=0,1469020303608 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000 | |
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0 | |
INFO warden: Recovery complete. | |
INFO warden: Calling recover: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::Call:0x007f763807bc68> | |
INFO warden: Beginning recovery process... | |
INFO warden: Recovery complete. | |
INFO warden: Recovery complete. | |
INFO warden: Beginning recovery process... | |
INFO warden: Recovery complete. | |
INFO warden: Beginning recovery process... | |
INFO warden: Recovery complete. | |
INFO warden: Beginning recovery process... | |
INFO warden: Recovery complete. | |
ERROR warden: Error occurred: The following SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status. | |
Vagrant assumes that this means the command failed! | |
set -e | |
# Configure Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM | |
mv '/tmp/vagrant-network-Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM-1469020320-0' '/etc/netctl/Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' | |
ip link set 'Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' down | |
netctl restart 'Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' | |
netctl enable 'Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' | |
Stdout from the command: | |
Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:59 PM | |
Linux 4.3.3-3-ARCH x86_64 GNU/Linux | |
Stderr from the command: | |
'unknown': I need something more specific. | |
tput: unknown terminal "unknown" | |
tput: unknown terminal "unknown" | |
tput: unknown terminal "unknown" | |
Cannot find device "Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM" | |
INFO warden: Beginning recovery process... | |
INFO warden: Recovery complete. | |
INFO warden: Beginning recovery process... | |
INFO warden: Recovery complete. | |
INFO warden: Beginning recovery process... | |
INFO warden: Recovery complete. | |
INFO warden: Beginning recovery process... | |
INFO warden: Recovery complete. | |
INFO warden: Beginning recovery process... | |
INFO warden: Recovery complete. | |
INFO warden: Beginning recovery process... | |
INFO warden: Recovery complete. | |
INFO warden: Beginning recovery process... | |
INFO warden: Recovery complete. | |
INFO warden: Beginning recovery process... | |
INFO warden: Recovery complete. | |
ERROR warden: Error occurred: The following SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status. | |
Vagrant assumes that this means the command failed! | |
set -e | |
# Configure Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM | |
mv '/tmp/vagrant-network-Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM-1469020320-0' '/etc/netctl/Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' | |
ip link set 'Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' down | |
netctl restart 'Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' | |
netctl enable 'Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' | |
Stdout from the command: | |
Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:59 PM | |
Linux 4.3.3-3-ARCH x86_64 GNU/Linux | |
Stderr from the command: | |
'unknown': I need something more specific. | |
tput: unknown terminal "unknown" | |
tput: unknown terminal "unknown" | |
tput: unknown terminal "unknown" | |
Cannot find device "Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM" | |
INFO warden: Beginning recovery process... | |
INFO warden: Recovery complete. | |
INFO warden: Beginning recovery process... | |
INFO warden: Recovery complete. | |
INFO warden: Beginning recovery process... | |
INFO warden: Recovery complete. | |
ERROR warden: Error occurred: The following SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status. | |
Vagrant assumes that this means the command failed! | |
set -e | |
# Configure Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM | |
mv '/tmp/vagrant-network-Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM-1469020320-0' '/etc/netctl/Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' | |
ip link set 'Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' down | |
netctl restart 'Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' | |
netctl enable 'Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' | |
Stdout from the command: | |
Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:59 PM | |
Linux 4.3.3-3-ARCH x86_64 GNU/Linux | |
Stderr from the command: | |
'unknown': I need something more specific. | |
tput: unknown terminal "unknown" | |
tput: unknown terminal "unknown" | |
tput: unknown terminal "unknown" | |
Cannot find device "Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM" | |
INFO warden: Beginning recovery process... | |
INFO warden: Recovery complete. | |
INFO warden: Beginning recovery process... | |
INFO warden: Recovery complete. | |
ERROR warden: Error occurred: The following SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status. | |
Vagrant assumes that this means the command failed! | |
set -e | |
# Configure Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM | |
mv '/tmp/vagrant-network-Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM-1469020320-0' '/etc/netctl/Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' | |
ip link set 'Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' down | |
netctl restart 'Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' | |
netctl enable 'Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' | |
Stdout from the command: | |
Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:59 PM | |
Linux 4.3.3-3-ARCH x86_64 GNU/Linux | |
Stderr from the command: | |
'unknown': I need something more specific. | |
tput: unknown terminal "unknown" | |
tput: unknown terminal "unknown" | |
tput: unknown terminal "unknown" | |
Cannot find device "Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM" | |
INFO warden: Beginning recovery process... | |
INFO warden: Recovery complete. | |
INFO warden: Beginning recovery process... | |
INFO warden: Recovery complete. | |
INFO warden: Beginning recovery process... | |
INFO warden: Recovery complete. | |
INFO environment: Released process lock: machine-action-d308d54148f0194213d0efdb0d00499c | |
INFO environment: Running hook: environment_unload | |
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence... | |
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined. | |
INFO runner: Running action: environment_unload #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x007f76384a0d20> | |
ERROR vagrant: Vagrant experienced an error! Details: | |
ERROR vagrant: #<Vagrant::Errors::VagrantError: The following SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status. | |
Vagrant assumes that this means the command failed! | |
set -e | |
# Configure Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM | |
mv '/tmp/vagrant-network-Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM-1469020320-0' '/etc/netctl/Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' | |
ip link set 'Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' down | |
netctl restart 'Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' | |
netctl enable 'Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' | |
Stdout from the command: | |
Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:59 PM | |
Linux 4.3.3-3-ARCH x86_64 GNU/Linux | |
Stderr from the command: | |
'unknown': I need something more specific. | |
tput: unknown terminal "unknown" | |
tput: unknown terminal "unknown" | |
tput: unknown terminal "unknown" | |
Cannot find device "Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM" | |
> | |
ERROR vagrant: The following SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status. | |
Vagrant assumes that this means the command failed! | |
set -e | |
# Configure Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM | |
mv '/tmp/vagrant-network-Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM-1469020320-0' '/etc/netctl/Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' | |
ip link set 'Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' down | |
netctl restart 'Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' | |
netctl enable 'Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' | |
Stdout from the command: | |
Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:59 PM | |
Linux 4.3.3-3-ARCH x86_64 GNU/Linux | |
Stderr from the command: | |
'unknown': I need something more specific. | |
tput: unknown terminal "unknown" | |
tput: unknown terminal "unknown" | |
tput: unknown terminal "unknown" | |
Cannot find device "Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM" | |
ERROR vagrant: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/communicators/ssh/communicator.rb:236:in `execute' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/communicators/ssh/communicator.rb:246:in `sudo' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/arch/cap/configure_networks.rb:53:in `configure_networks' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/capability_host.rb:111:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/capability_host.rb:111:in `capability' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/guest.rb:43:in `capability' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/providers/virtualbox/action/network.rb:133:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:34:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/providers/virtualbox/action/clear_network_interfaces.rb:26:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:34:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/providers/virtualbox/action/prepare_nfs_settings.rb:18:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:34:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/builtin/synced_folders.rb:87:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:34:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/builtin/synced_folder_cleanup.rb:28:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:34:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/synced_folders/nfs/action_cleanup.rb:25:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:34:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/providers/virtualbox/action/prepare_nfs_valid_ids.rb:12:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:34:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/builtin/handle_forwarded_port_collisions.rb:49:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:34:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/providers/virtualbox/action/prepare_forwarded_port_collision_params.rb:30:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:34:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/builtin/env_set.rb:19:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:34:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/builtin/provision.rb:80:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:34:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/providers/virtualbox/action/clear_forwarded_ports.rb:15:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:34:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/providers/virtualbox/action/set_name.rb:50:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:34:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/providers/virtualbox/action/clean_machine_folder.rb:17:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:34:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/providers/virtualbox/action/check_accessible.rb:18:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:34:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:95:in `block in finalize_action' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:34:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:34:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/builder.rb:116:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/runner.rb:66:in `block in run' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/util/busy.rb:19:in `busy' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/runner.rb:66:in `run' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/builtin/call.rb:53:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:34:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:95:in `block in finalize_action' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:34:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:34:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/builder.rb:116:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/runner.rb:66:in `block in run' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/util/busy.rb:19:in `busy' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/runner.rb:66:in `run' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/builtin/call.rb:53:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:34:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:95:in `block in finalize_action' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:34:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:34:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/builder.rb:116:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/runner.rb:66:in `block in run' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/util/busy.rb:19:in `busy' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/runner.rb:66:in `run' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/builtin/call.rb:53:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:34:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/builtin/box_check_outdated.rb:78:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:34:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/builtin/config_validate.rb:25:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:34:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/providers/virtualbox/action/check_virtualbox.rb:17:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:34:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:95:in `block in finalize_action' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:34:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:34:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/providers/virtualbox/action/match_mac_address.rb:19:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:34:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/providers/virtualbox/action/discard_state.rb:15:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:34:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/providers/virtualbox/action/import.rb:74:in `import' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/providers/virtualbox/action/import.rb:13:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:34:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/providers/virtualbox/action/prepare_clone_snapshot.rb:17:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:34:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/builtin/prepare_clone.rb:15:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:34:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/providers/virtualbox/action/customize.rb:40:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:34:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/providers/virtualbox/action/check_accessible.rb:18:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:34:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:95:in `block in finalize_action' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:34:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:34:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/builder.rb:116:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/runner.rb:66:in `block in run' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/util/busy.rb:19:in `busy' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/runner.rb:66:in `run' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/builtin/call.rb:53:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:34:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/builtin/config_validate.rb:25:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:34:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:95:in `block in finalize_action' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:34:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:34:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/builtin/handle_box.rb:56:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:34:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:95:in `block in finalize_action' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:34:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:34:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/builder.rb:116:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/runner.rb:66:in `block in run' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/util/busy.rb:19:in `busy' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/runner.rb:66:in `run' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/builtin/call.rb:53:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:34:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/providers/virtualbox/action/check_virtualbox.rb:17:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:34:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/builder.rb:116:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/runner.rb:66:in `block in run' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/util/busy.rb:19:in `busy' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/runner.rb:66:in `run' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/machine.rb:225:in `action_raw' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/machine.rb:200:in `block in action' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/environment.rb:561:in `lock' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/machine.rb:186:in `call' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/machine.rb:186:in `action' | |
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/batch_action.rb:82:in `block (2 levels) in run' | |
INFO interface: error: The following SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status. | |
Vagrant assumes that this means the command failed! | |
set -e | |
# Configure Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM | |
mv '/tmp/vagrant-network-Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM-1469020320-0' '/etc/netctl/Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' | |
ip link set 'Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' down | |
netctl restart 'Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' | |
netctl enable 'Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' | |
Stdout from the command: | |
Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:59 PM | |
Linux 4.3.3-3-ARCH x86_64 GNU/Linux | |
Stderr from the command: | |
'unknown': I need something more specific. | |
tput: unknown terminal "unknown" | |
tput: unknown terminal "unknown" | |
tput: unknown terminal "unknown" | |
Cannot find device "Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM" | |
The following SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status. | |
Vagrant assumes that this means the command failed! | |
set -e | |
# Configure Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM | |
mv '/tmp/vagrant-network-Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM-1469020320-0' '/etc/netctl/Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' | |
ip link set 'Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' down | |
netctl restart 'Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' | |
netctl enable 'Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' | |
Stdout from the command: | |
Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:59 PM | |
Linux 4.3.3-3-ARCH x86_64 GNU/Linux | |
Stderr from the command: | |
'unknown': I need something more specific. | |
tput: unknown terminal "unknown" | |
tput: unknown terminal "unknown" | |
tput: unknown terminal "unknown" | |
Cannot find device "Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM" | |
INFO interface: Machine: error-exit ["Vagrant::Errors::VagrantError", "The following SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status.\nVagrant assumes that this means the command failed!\n\nset -e\n# Configure Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM\nmv '/tmp/vagrant-network-Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM-1469020320-0' '/etc/netctl/Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM'\nip link set 'Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM' down\nnetctl restart 'Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM'\nnetctl enable 'Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM'\n\n\nStdout from the command:\n\n\nWednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:59 PM\nLinux 4.3.3-3-ARCH x86_64 GNU/Linux\n\n\n\nStderr from the command:\n\n'unknown': I need something more specific.\ntput: unknown terminal \"unknown\"\ntput: unknown terminal \"unknown\"\ntput: unknown terminal \"unknown\"\nCannot find device \"Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 03:11:58 PM\"\n"] |
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