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Last active January 13, 2021 15:33
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A Sass @mixin to generate silent extension class patterns.

Silent Sass Extension

Running this Gist through Sass should generate the following output:

.underridden { // $XELIDE: true !default
  color: magenta;

.underridden {
  color: red;
.overridden {
  color: blue;

.overridden, .override { // $XELIDE: false
  color: magenta;
// $XELIDE: false;
@import "pattern.core";
@import "underride.partial";
.underridden {
@extend %underr;
color: red;
.overridden {
@extend %overr;
color: blue;
@import "override.partial"
@include x(overr){
color: cyan;
$XELIDE: false !default;
@mixin x($patternName, $elide: true){
$elide: if($elide, $XELIDE, false);
$class: '%#{$patternName}';
@if not $elide {
$class: '#{$class}, .#{$patternName}';
#{$class} { @content }
@include x(underr){
color: magenta;
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