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Created May 1, 2017 13:11
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cython struct interplaying with numpy struct without memory reallocation
from cpython cimport Py_INCREF, PyObject
from libc.stdlib cimport malloc, free, calloc, realloc
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np
from sklearn.externals import joblib
ctypedef np.npy_intp SIZE_t
ctypedef np.npy_float64 DOUBLE_t
cdef extern from "numpy/arrayobject.h":
object PyArray_NewFromDescr(object subtype, np.dtype descr,
int nd, np.npy_intp* dims,
np.npy_intp* strides,
void* data, int flags, object obj)
cdef struct Split:
SIZE_t b
ctypedef fused realloc_ptr:
# Add pointer types here as needed.
cdef realloc_ptr safe_realloc(realloc_ptr* p, size_t nelems) except *:
# sizeof(realloc_ptr[0]) would be more like idiomatic C, but causes Cython
# 0.20.1 to crash.
cdef size_t nbytes = nelems * sizeof(p[0][0])
if nbytes / sizeof(p[0][0]) != nelems:
# Overflow in the multiplication
raise MemoryError("could not allocate (%d * %d) bytes"
% (nelems, sizeof(p[0][0])))
cdef realloc_ptr tmp = <realloc_ptr>realloc(p[0], nbytes)
if tmp == NULL:
raise MemoryError("could not allocate %d bytes" % nbytes)
p[0] = tmp
return tmp # for convenience
# We make a numpy struct dtype for converting the array of Split structs
# to a python numpy array
'names': ['a', 'b'],
'formats': [np.float64, np.intp],
'offsets': [
<Py_ssize_t> &((<Split*> NULL).a),
<Py_ssize_t> &((<Split*> NULL).b)
cdef class SplitRecords:
"""This is to help passing the array as a python object in joblib"""
cdef Split** array
cdef SIZE_t n_records
def __cinit__(self, n_records):
self.array = NULL
safe_realloc(&self.array, <size_t> n_records)
self.n_records = n_records
def _resize(self, size_t n_records):
# Downsize only if half of the space is unused
if (self.n_records > 2 * n_records) or (self.n_records < n_records):
safe_realloc(&self.array, <size_t> n_records)
self.n_records = n_records
def __dealloc__(self):
cdef np.ndarray _get_split_record_ndarray(self):
cdef SIZE_t shape[1], strides[1]
shape[0] = <SIZE_t> self.n_records
strides[0] = sizeof(Split)
cdef np.ndarray arr
# We say to the python's garbage collector that
# we have created a copy of the SPLITRECORD_NP_STRUCT_DTYPE
# python object and we will be retaining it inside `arr`
arr = PyArray_NewFromDescr(np.ndarray, <np.dtype> SPLIT_NP_STRUCT_DTYPE,
1, shape, strides,
<void*> self.array,
# Why??
arr.base = <PyObject*> self
return arr
r = SplitRecords(10)
cpdef bar(SplitRecords records, size_t i):
cdef Split* r = (<Split*> records.array) + i
r.a = i / 10.
r.b = i * 10
(r + 1).a = 0.5
(r + 1).b = 50
return records._get_split_record_ndarray()
a = bar(r, 0) # 0, 1
a['a'][2] = 0.8
a['b'][2] = 80
a = bar(r, 3)
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