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Last active February 24, 2016 14:09
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Save ragnarheidar/92ecd55098f390e24250 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Python code that scrapes earthquake data and sends it to a CartoDB map
Icelandic earthquakes in Iceland for the past 48 hours into CartoDB.
This script will:
1. Scrape earthquakes from the Iceland Met Office (past 48 hrs.)
2. Parse the resaults into a csv table and save it
3. Create a Python list from csv file
4. Use CartoDB SQL API to:
a) Truncate a table in CartoDB
b) Insert new records into the same table by wrapping Python list into SQL query
Author: Ragnar Heidar Thrastarson, 2014.
Credits: Thanks to Richard and Maptime NYC.
To run every hour in crontab use:
0 * * * * python /home/pi/
import urllib2
import urllib
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import datetime
import csv
# Variables defined and open/create csv file
vi_url = ""
page = urllib2.urlopen(vi_url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(, "html.parser")
# timestamp ="%Y_%m_%dT%H%M%S")
outfilename = "iceland_quake.csv"
f = open(outfilename, "w")
f.write("quake_datetime, lat, lon, depth, size, quality, catagory\n")
# Get soup from JS variable
package = soup("script")[5]
package = package.encode("utf-8")
start_location = package.find("quakeInfo")
end_location = start_location + 9
quake_string_start_location = end_location + 5
js_var_tag = package[start_location:end_location]
print "Tag found at " + str(start_location) + ":" + str(end_location)
if js_var_tag == "quakeInfo": # check if position in soup is correct
package = package[quake_string_start_location:]
package = package.rstrip("</script>")
package = package.rstrip("\n")
package = package.rstrip("}];")
package_list = package.split("},{")
print str(len(package_list)) + " earthquakes found"
for i in package_list:
year = i.split(",")[0]
year = year.lstrip("'t':new Date(")
month = i.split(",")[1]
month = str(month)
month = month.split("-")[0]
day = i.split(",")[2]
hour = i.split(",")[3]
minu = i.split(",")[4]
sec = i.split(",")[5]
sec = sec.rstrip(")")
lat = i.split("'")[9]
lat = lat.replace(",", ".")
lon = i.split("'")[13]
lon = lon.replace(",", ".")
depth = i.split("'")[17]
depth = depth.replace(",", ".")
size = i.split("'")[21]
size = size.replace(",", ".")
quality = i.split("'")[25]
quality = quality.replace(",", ".")
catag = float(size)
catag = int(catag)
quakeline = year + "-" + month + "-" + day + "T" + hour + ":" + minu + ":" + sec + "Z," + lat + "," + lon + "," + depth + "," + size + "," + quality + "," + str(catag)
f.write(quakeline + "\n")
print "Earthauakes NOT found!" # if position not correct, quit script
# Convert CSV file to Python list formatted for the CartoDB SQL API
quakelist = []
with open(outfilename, 'rb') as csvfile:
quakereader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter = ',')
for row in quakereader:
qtime = row[0:1]
qlat = [float(c) for c in row[1:2]]
qlon = [float(c) for c in row[2:3]]
qdepth = [float(c) for c in row[3:4]]
qsize = [float(c) for c in row[4:5]]
qqual = [float(c) for c in row[5:6]]
qcat = [int(c) for c in row [6:7]]
qline = str(qtime + qlat + qlon + qdepth + qsize + qqual + qcat).strip('[]')
geoqline = str(qlat + qlon).strip('[]') + "),"
qqline = "(CDB_LatLng(" + geoqline + qline + ")"
# Delete and insert rows with CartoDB SQL API
username = "Your CartoDB user name"
apikey = "Your CartoDB api key"
truncate = "DELETE FROM iceland_quake48"
insert = "INSERT INTO iceland_quake48 (the_geom, quake_datetime, lat, lon, depth, size, quality, catagory) (VALUES %s)" % ','.join(quakelist)
url = "" % username
params_del = {
'api_key' : apikey,
'q' : truncate
params_ins = {
'api_key' : apikey,
'q' : insert
req_del = urllib2.Request(url, urllib.urlencode(params_del))
response = urllib2.urlopen(req_del)
print "Old rows deleted"
req_ins = urllib2.Request(url, urllib.urlencode(params_ins))
response = urllib2.urlopen(req_ins)
print "New rows inserted"
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