Table of Contents generated with DocToc
- Changelog - V0.2
- Overview
- FFI Generation Utilities
- Single-Method Interfaces
- Foreign Exports
- Java Generics
- Putting It All Together: JavaFX Example
- Suggestions
- Conclusion
- Appendix: Internal details
- Footnotes
- Added direct support for Java array types
- Added
primitive type - Added
type family - Added
- Added
Object# s
->JObject# s
has been merged intoExtends
- Added
Java Generics
section - Changed "interface" to "wrapper" in the
Single Method Interfaces
section to more closely match GHC. - Added
JavaFX Example
section - Added some more primitives to
. - Added the
typeclass to allow usingnew
in multiple monads. - All Java methods (static, instance, and constructors) now run in the
monad. Static methods have a generic signature in the class parameter. This is done so that there's a clear separation of Haskell and Java code. - Defined
function to run arbitraryJava
monadic actions without setting thethis
reference. - The definition of
changed and its operator is now>.
. - Removed
, andexecJavPure
because they are unnecessary. - Updated the example in
to include inner classes. - Added a new section
Using the Java Monad
to explain how to use the new combinators.
We discuss in this document how the FFI will work once implemented in GHCVM.
Checkout the Foreign.Java
module (Java.hs
attached to this Gist) to see the source of the functions/operators in the Haskell code.
The following sample class gives a taste of how the FFI will work.
package com.samplecompany.sample;
public class SampleClass extends SampleParent implements SampleInterface {
/* Pretend that this class also has private, protected, and package-local methods and fields.
Because methods with such access specifiers cannot be accessed from the outside,
they are irrelevant in this discussion of FFI. */
/* Static Methods & Fields */
public static int d;
public static final int e = 1;
public static void impure(String s) {
public static double pure(double x) {
return Math.sin(x);
/* Instance Methods & Fields */
public int c;
public SampleClass() {
public SampleClass(int c) {
public int setC() {
public int setC(int c) {
this.c = c;
public int setC(int[] c) {
public int setC(Integer... c) {
public void doubleMe() {
setC(2 * this.c);
public void computeHugeTransaction() {
/* Pretend that there's a lot of computation here,
so that this method takes some time (say a couple seconds)
to execute. */
public static class SampleInnerClass {
int a = 0;
public int getA() {return a;}
public SampleInnerClass(int a) {
this.a = a;
public static void yo() {
The following Haskell code imports the methods from the class above.
module Com.Samplecompany.Sample.SampleClass where
import Foreign.Java
-- Tag for use in the type parameter of JObject#
-- The # indicates that it's a tag for a primitive type constructor,
-- but it does NOT mean that it's a primitive type.
data SampleClass#
-- These synonyms are used for making it easier on the eyes
type SampleClass = JObject SampleClass#
type SampleClassM = Java SampleClass#
-- Encoding all the Java-level information for SampleClass
-- Assume SampleParent and SampleInterface are defined somewhere else
instance JClass SampleClass#
type instance JParent SampleClass# = SampleParent#
instance Extends SampleClass# SampleParent#
instance Extends SampleClass# SampleInterface#
-- Importing the static methods. Static methods are imported into a generic Java monad so that they can be used inside any Java monad.
foreign import java unsafe "com.samplecompany.sample.SampleClass impure" impure :: String -> Java a ()
foreign import java unsafe "com.samplecompany.sample.SampleClass pure" pure :: Double -> Double
foreign import java unsafe "com.samplecompany.sample.SampleClass d" getD :: Java a Int
foreign import java unsafe "com.samplecompany.sample.SampleClass d" setD :: Int -> Java a ()
foreign import java unsafe "com.samplecompany.sample.SampleClass e" e :: Int
foreign import java unsafe "c" getC :: SampleClassM Int
foreign import java unsafe "c" setC :: Int -> SampleClassM ()
foreign import java unsafe "SampleClass" new :: Java a SampleClass
foreign import java unsafe "SampleClass" new2 :: Int -> Java a SampleClass
foreign import java unsafe "setC" setDefaultC :: SampleClassM ()
foreign import java unsafe "setC" setC :: Int -> SampleClassM ()
foreign import java unsafe "setC" setArrayC :: IntArray -> SampleClassM ()
-- You can use [JInteger] or JArray JInteger
foreign import java unsafe "setC" setVarArgC :: [JInteger] -> SampleClassM ()
foreign import java unsafe doubleMe :: SampleClassM ()
foreign import java unsafe "computeWithCAndD" :: Int -> SampleClassM Int
-- The safe import will ensure execution of this function won't block the other Haskell threads,
-- but at the cost of speed in calling/returning from the function
foreign import java safe "computeHugeTransaction" computeHugeTransaction :: SampleClassM ()
-- Importing the inner class methods
-- The compiler knows that this definition is an inner class because
-- of the naming convention - take a look at the module name above
data SampleInnerClass#
type SampleInnerClass = JObject SampleInnerClass#
type SampleInnerClassM = Java SampleInnerClass#
instance JClass SampleInnerClass#
type instance JParent SampleInnerClass# = Object#
foreign import java unsafe getA :: SampleInnerClassM Int
foreign import java unsafe "SampleInnerClass" newSampleInner :: Java a SampleInnerClass
foreign import java unsafe "com.samplecompany.sample.SampleClass.SampleInnerClass yo" yo :: Java a ()
The following Haskell code uses the Java code imported above.
module SampleFFI where
import Com.Samplecompany.Sample.SampleClass as SampleClass
getC :: SampleClass -> Int
getC obj = obj .< SampleClass.getC
sumObjs :: [SampleClass] -> Int
sumObjs objs = foldl1 (+) . map getC
main : IO ()
main = do
-- Note that the import doesn't require us to use the SampleClass. prefix,
-- but we use it anyways. This coding convention should be used in GHCVM
-- programs for the sake of clarity
-- This sample program demonstrates the basic pattern of GHCVM programs
-- 1.) Create and initialize your Java objects
-- 2.) Freeze them into Haskell using the `java` function.
-- 3.) Perform pure operations on them.
objects <- java $ forM [1..10] $ \i -> i >.> doubleMe
print $ sumObjs objects
-- Will print 110
In this design we aim to:
- Avoid adding unnecessary syntactic extensions to GHC Haskell's syntax. (Template Haskell should be used if conciseness is desired.)
- Use existing mechanisms of abstraction when possible.
- Define only the minimal number of new primitives to accomplish the task.
The new types introduced for the Java FFI are as follows:
- the
JObject# c
primitive: Just as the state of the external world is represented byState# s
, the internal state of a Java object is represented byJObject# c
. Thec
type variable should be instantiated by a tag object (typically a type with no value). A very important feature of this type is that it will never have the valuenull
. If you want to represent a type which can take a null value, useMaybe
. - the
JArray# c
primitive: Representsc[]
array type. So for an array of ints,JObject# (JArray# c)
. - the
primitives: For all the primitive array types. - the
JObject c
type: Wraps anJObject# c
just like anInt
wraps anInt#
. - the
monad: All the instance methods must execute in this monad, which stores thethis
object. You can think of this as theIO
monad augmented with an object's internal state. Static methods will not use thethis
reference stored in the monad when executing inside the monad.
foreign import [safety] [java-calling-convention] [java-name] [haskell-name] :: [arg1] -> .. -> [argN] -> [res]
- safety should be either
: Same as calling a Java method in Java with the only overhead being unwrapping of Haskell types. Should be used for small and fast executing Java
: Has the overhead of saving and loading the Haskell RTS Context. Should be used if the target Java method calls into the Haskell RTS or the method will execute for a long time.
- java-calling-convention should be either
: In this calling convention, the corresponding method call is made by wrapping/unwrapping Haskell types and Java objects as necessary.easyjava
: Same asjava
with the typeclassesFromJava
, andExtends
used so that the Haskell function implementing the Java method is easy to call without lots of data type conversion/casting Java objects to be seen in Haskell code. See footnote [1].
java-name is optional when the target class/method can be inferred from the haskell-name and the haskell-type. If present, it can either be "[qualified-class-name] [method-name]" or just "[method-name]" if the class can be inferred from context (if the result type is a
monad). You can also put field names in place of method names when referencing fields. -
haskell-name is what you want to the method to be named in Haskell.
argi These are the argument types. All of these must be primitive wrappers like
,JObject c
, and so on. All the FFI will do is unwrap the arguments to primitive types to send off to the native Java call. If you want to sendnull
to an argument, make sure you define the argument type asMaybe (JObject c)
. -
res This is the result type. It can be a primitive wrapper of a Java type or the
monad parametrized by said type or theJava
monad parametrized by the tag object and a Java primitive wrapper. If a Java object is expected as a return value and there is a chance of that object being null, make sure the primitive wrapper is wrapped with aMaybe
The Java
monad defined in Java.hs
is the key to effective use of the Java FFI in GHCVM. It defines some key combinators that can be used for almost any situation:
- Java Monad to IO
a .> b
: Runs the Java actionb
on the Java objecta
and executes it in theIO
monad.a .< b
: Runs the Java actionb
on the Java objecta
and executes it purely. (Warning: This is unsafe and should only be used for objects that don't get modified very much and should only be used for methods that perform pure computations.)- Java Monad Combinators
a <.> b
: Creates a new Java action such that Java actionb
is applied to the pure Java objecta
and merged with the current monadic context - this means thatb
will be run usinga
as thethis
reference.a >. b
: Creates a new Java action such that Java actionb
produces a Java object and runs the Java actionb
on it and returns the result.a >.> b
: Creates a new Java action such that Java actionb
produces a Java object and runs the Java actionb
on it and returns the object produced.
Looking at the examples, it seems as though most of the FFI bindings can be generated by looking at a class file directly. Other than the core Java APIs that are in the JDK, or common Java frameworks, it is not common to use many of the API methods defined by a given library, so manual foreign imports are better in that one imports only those methods that one actually uses.
I imagine that small FFI helper libraries are written that simplify the process using Template Haskell by letting you specify which methods to import. An example is shown below:
-- The call below will automatically generate the bindings for add and addAll by directly mapping the Java method signature to a Haskell function type.
-- importJava :: String -> [String] -> Q Exp
-- This function will find the given class in the classpath, parse it, and read the method/field signatures.
-- Due to the stage restriction, you should import all the required methods in a separate Haskell module,
-- and import that module as required throughout your application.
importJava "java.util.ArrayList" ["add", "addAll"]
-- OR a custom quasiquoter for readability
[import| java.util.ArrayList (add, addAll) |]
This TH function could be extended to support purity specifications, nullity, etc.
Because Template Haskell probably won't be available for some time, an external or internal utility can be implemented which take files that describe which methods need to be imported and automatically reads the class files and generates the natural FFI import. This can be integrated into an IDE to provide nice code completion of Java methods inside of Haskell code.
In Java 8, lambdas can be used in place of defining a new interface implementation when passing in arguments implementing a single-method interface. A similar mechanism could exist in Haskell where you can send in a Haskell function with the same signature as the single-method. This would essentially be an extension to the foreign export where you can export a Haskell function (with appropriate type) directly to be an inteface implementation.
public class Main {
public static int test(SingleMethodInterface smi) {
return smi.singleMethod(1, 1.0);
public static interface SingleMethodInterface {
int singleMethod(int a, double b);
sumImp :: Int -> Double -> Int
sumImp i d = i + truncate d
foreign export java "wrapper" newSMI :: (Int -> Double -> Int) -> Java a SingleMethodInterface
foreign import java "Main test" test :: SingleMethodInterface -> Java a Int
main = do
result <- java $ do
smi <- newSMI sumImp
return $ test smi
print result
While this is the way to define interfaces without any extensions, it could help if the compiler could go further and directly accept Haskell functions for SMIs without going through the "wrapper" export. This can be done in the future.
The natural way is to export a static method which calls into the RTS, similar to how it is done in GHC.
An example of a static export:
The Haskell file that does the export
module Hello.Java where
double :: Int -> Int
double x = 2 * x
foreign export java double :: Int -> Int
-- This will be exported as the static method of class hello.Java,
-- the class which is generated by GHCVM when compiling this module.
The Java class that is generated
package hello;
public class Java {
public static int double(int x) {
/* Code to initialize RTS,
convert x to Haskell type Int,
call the Haskell double function in the RTS context,
convert the Haskell-typed result to a Java type and return. */
/* Other code generated by GHCVM for the Hello.Java module here... */
Now we discuss subclassing an existing Java class within Haskell. Given the development of foreign import
's so far, the natural way of doing it would be to set the return type of the export to the Java
monad, and having the FFI take that as a signal to export a instance method that calls into the RTS into the appropriate class.
An example of an instance export:
NOTE: Our example will be extending the Activity
class in the Android API.
The following file demonstrates writing Java code inside of Haskell.
import Android.App.Activity
import Android.View.View
import Android.Snackbar as Snackbar
Assume that in Android.App.Activity, the following imports are defined:
type ResourceId = Int
onCreate :: (Extends c Activity#) => Bundle -> Java c ()
setContentView :: (Extends c Activity#) => ResourceId -> Java c ()
findViewById :: (Extends c Activity#, Extends d View#) => ResourceId -> Java c (JObject d)
setActionBar :: (Extends c Activity#, Extends d View#) => JObject d -> Java c ()
Assume that in Android.View.View, the following imports are defined:
setOnClickListener :: (Extends c View#, Extends d OnClickListener#) => JObject d -> Java c ()
Assume that in Android.Snackbar, the following imports are defined:
make :: Extends c View# => JObject c -> String -> Int -> Java a Snackbar
setAction :: (Extends c Snackbar#, Extends d OnClickListener#) => String -> Maybe (JObject d) -> Java c Snackbar
show :: Extends c Snackbar# => Java c ()
And assume that all the Android API classes have been imported as well.
{-# ANN type MyActivity# "mypackage.MyActivity" #-}
data MyActivity#
type MyActivity = JObject MyActivity#
type instance JParent MyActivity# = Activity#
clickListener :: View -> Java a ()
clickListener view =
Snackbar.make view "Some action" Snackbar.lENGTH_LONG
>. setAction "Action" Nothing
foreign export java "wrapper" newOnClick :: (View -> Java a ()) -> Java a OnClickListener
onCreate' :: Bundle -> Java MyActivity# ()
onCreate' savedInstanceState = do
onCreate savedInstanceState
-- This corresponds to R.layout.myactivity
-- Assume that GHCVM support for Android will include utilities
-- to automate the generation of bindings to layout/vew ids
setContentView r_layout_myactivity
(toolbar :: Toolbar) <- findViewById r_id_toolbar
setActionBar toolbar
(button :: Button) <- findViewById r_id_button
listener <- newOnClick clickListener
button <.> setOnClickListener listener
foreign export java "onCreate" onCreate' :: Bundle -> Java MyActivity# ()
NOTE: Since you can't add methods to existing classes, a foreign export
with a Java
monad return type signals to the compiler that you wish to generate a new class. Static exports obviate the need for defining static methods, so they are not supported (and not really needed anyways). I'm not aware of any Java framework that forces you to define any particular static methods to work. If so, please inform me.
While there is a wee bit of redundancy, it avoids unnecessary new syntatic additions to GHC Haskell. As mentioned before, Template Haskell can be use to remove the redundancy.
The following file shows the semantically equivalent Java file if it was hand-written.
package mypackage;
/* Assume required imports are present. */
public class MyActivity extends Activity {
/* NOTE: Semantically, the following method definition will execute,
but you have to imagine that the initialization/finalization of the Haskell RTS
is going on before and after the method call. */
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Toolbar toolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById(;
Button button = (Button) findViewById(;
button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
Snackbar.make(view, "Some action", Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG)
.setAction("Action", null)
The problem with calling into the GHC RTS over and over again is that it is a tad heavyweight. It is interesting to consider the possibility of giving the option of exporting functions into a lightweight RTS so that the overhead is low for platforms like Android. An alternative is to export strictly rather than lazily (see GHC 8.0's Strict extension).
A lightweight RTS should be investigated if one would want to use foreign export
's in production applications on platforms that are resource-limited, like Android.
If no support for Java generics was given in GHCVM, one would have to do all the cumbersome typecasts in order to achieve the same functionality. Thus, it makes sense to support generics in the FFI and allow the code generator to handle all the casting.
This java class declaration
class SomeGenericClass<W, X super A, Y extends B & C> {
public X a;
public <Z super D> X someGenericMethod(Z a) {...}
public static <U> void someStaticGenericMethod(U a) {..}
can be imported as follows:
-- A GADT declaration is used to represent the type bounds.
-- DatatypeContexts are not supported to discourage their use.
-- The data constructor can have any name since it's not going to be
-- used anywhere.
data SomeGenericClass# w x y where
SomeGenericClass_ :: (Extends A# x, Extends y B#, Extends y C#)
=> SomeGenericClass w x y
type SomeGenericClass w x y = JObject (SomeGenericClass# w x y)
foreign import java unsafe someGenericMethod ::
(Extends D# z) => JObject z -> Java (SomeGenericClass w x y) (JObject x)
foreign import java unsafe "SomeGenericClass someStaticGenericMethod" ::
JObject u -> Java a ()
The desugaring of the generic foreign imports will ensure that appropriate casts are inserted wherever necessary. In fact, the qualified class name which is associated with the annotation of the tagged object type will be used during code generation.
There is no reason to generate generic classes within Haskell (prompt me if there is), but there can be cases where subclassing generic classes instantiated to a certain type is required. The method will be similar to what was described in the Foreign Exports section, with the extensions above.
When generating code for a class, bridge methods must be taken into account.
Implementing this is a bit tricky from the codegen side since we have to implement Java's type erasure and that means generating the appropriate casts at the call site. This feature may be deferred post the first release since implementation would probably take some time.
The following example is adapted from Frege:
module Main where
import JavaFX
import JavaFX.Types.Group as Group
import JavaFX.Types.Scene as Scene
import JavaFX.Types.VBox as VBox
import JavaFX.Types.Button as Button
import JavaFX.Types.Insets as Insets
{- Assume that all relevant JavaFX classes/interfaces have been imported
appropriately and that the following functions have been foreign-imported
with the given signatures.
-- javafx.application.Application
launch :: JClass c => Class c -> [JString] -> Java a ()
-- javafx.stage.Stage
show :: Extends c Stage# => Java c ()
-- javafx.scene.Parent
getChildren :: Extends c Parent# => Java c (ObservableList Node#)
-- javafx.scene.control.ButtonBase
setOnAction :: Extends c ButtonBase# => EventHandler ActionEvent# -> Java c ()
-- java.util.List
add :: Extends c (List# e) => JObject e -> Java c ()
-- Utility functions
addNode :: (Extends c Parent#, Extends b Node#) => Java c (JObject b) -> Java c ()
addNode builder = do
node <- builder
children <- getChildren
children <.> add node
withStage :: (Group -> Stage -> Java a Group) -> Stage -> Java a ()
withStage populate stage = do
content <-
scene <- content
stage <.> setScene scene
populate content stage
stage <.> show
action_ :: (Extends c ButtonBase#) => Java a () -> Java c ()
action_ jaction = do
handler <- newEventHandler (\(_ :: ActionEvent) -> jaction)
setOnAction handler
actionIO_ :: (Extends c ButtonBase#) => IO () -> Java c ()
actionIO_ ioAction = do
handler <- newEventHandler (\(_ :: ActionEvent) -> ioToJava ioAction)
setOnAction handler
foreign import java "wrapper" newEventHandler :: (JObject t -> Java (EventHandler# t) ()) -> Java a (EventHandler t)
-- This will be defined in the GHCVM Prelude, but defined here to
-- demonstrate string conversions. The actual implementation will
-- probably have better support from the runtime system to avoids
-- the unnecessary Haskell-Java conversions.
getJavaArgs :: Java a [JString]
getJavaArgs = do
args <- ioToJava getArgs
jargs <- mapM toJString jargs
return $ newJArrayWith jargs
main :: IO ()
main = java $ do
args <- getJavaArgs
launch (class# MainApplication#) args
data MainApplication#
type instance JParent MainApplication# = Application#
start :: Stage -> Java MainApplication# ()
start = withStage buildUI
buildUI :: Group -> Stage -> Java a Group
buildUI root stage = do
stage <.> setTitle "GHCVM Hello World"
root <.> addNode $ 5.0 >.> do
setPadding $ 10 10 10 10
addNode $ "Please click me for Java action"
>.> withThis $ \this -> action_ $ this <.> setText "Thanks!"
addNode $ "Print current thread to console"
>.> actionIO_ $ myThreadId >>= print
addNode $ "Combining IO and Java actions"
>.> withThis $ \this ->
actionIO_ $ do
thread <- myThreadId
this .> setText $ show thread
addNode $ "Async example"
>.> actionIO_ $ forkIO $ print "printed outside UI thread"
addNode $ "Async plus wait for completion"
>.> actionIO_ $ do
var <- newEmptyMVar
forkIO $
putStrLn "printed outside UI thread"
putMVar var "Done"
takeMVar var
putStrLn "Completed, proceed in UI thread"
mapM addNode . map ( . ("Button " ++) . show) [1..5]
foreign export java start :: Stage -> Java MainApplication# ()
I'm looking forward to suggestions and feedback, like:
- Improvement of the core Foreign.Java API
- Better naming of functions, operators, types, and typeclasses
- Feature requests for effective interoperation with commonly used Java frameworks (Java EE, Spring, etc.)
- Alternative implementations
The first release of GHCVM will have support for most of the features mentioned above.
Template Haskell will only be supported in the second release or beyond because it requires the implementation of GHCVMi, so a FFI generator will either be implemented inside the compiler itself or as an external tool.
A Java object consists of state (a set of fields) and operations on the object (a set of methods) that modify the state and potentially perform side effects. Thinking about a Java object in terms of Haskell, an object can be very naturally represented by a StateT $ObjectRep IO
monad where $ObjectRep
can be the set of fields of the object. Methods on the object can be thought of as state monadic actions where the monad threads the this
pointer through as actions are combined.
We already have a representation of the state of the external world, namely State# RealWorld
, and now we need a representation of the internal state of a Java object. While we could keep track of the fields of the object as part of a Haskell ADT as the state, it becomes very cumbersome and it's also very inefficient always maintaining a Haskell ADT in parallel to every object. So we opt for creating a new primitive JObject# s
where s
is a type variable which should be instantiated to a tag type. Just like an raw integer value backs an Int#
value in GHC, a raw object of class represented by s
will back an JObject# s
The only extension we make to GHC is adding a new primitive JObject# s
along with any necessary primitive operations like cast# :: JObject# a -> JObject# b
. Note that s
is a normal Haskell type that represents a Java class with a no-data-constructor type definition. That type must have a GHC annotation if the module naming/type naming convention for foreign imports is not followed (shown in FFI examples). The JObject# s
type will be backed by a native java reference and allows for easy manipulation of Java objects in Haskell while being fairly fast.
The rest of the implementation is all in the pure Haskell Foriegn.Java
module and overriding the dsForeignsHook
, tcForeignImportsHook
, and tcForeignExportsHook
hooks in the GHC API which tell the compiler how to handle the foreign import & export declarations.
[1] Not too sure if it's worth implementing this - if people find it would be nice, I'll add it in. Maybe this can be implemented as a Template Haskell layer instead of the FFI syntax?
foreign import unsafe easyjava "com.someclass.SomeClass someMethod" someMethod :: Int -> JObject SomeOtherClass# -> JObject SomeOtherInterface# -> Java SomeClass# ()
-- The above will get desugared to:
someMethod :: (ToJava a Int, Extends b SomeOtherClass#, Extends c SomeOtherInterface#, Extends d SomeClass#)
=> a
-> JObject b
-> JObject c
-> Java d ()
@alexanderkjeldaas Updated as per request :)