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Last active December 24, 2015 20:39
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Save raineorshine/6859650 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Practical Vim Commands: The most basic commands that I use the most.Sublime Text 2 Vintage Mode: Learn Vim:
// Navigation
w // move to the end of a word
b // move to the beginning of a word
% // go to matching bracket
0 // go to beginning of line
$ // go to end of line
{ // move up by a block
} // move down by a block
gg // move to the top of the file
G // move to the bottom of the file
ctrl + d // move down half a page
ctrl + u // move up half a page
t{character} // move forward on the current line until just before the given character
T{character} // move backward on the current line until just after the given character
f{character} // move forward on the current line landing on the given character
F{character} // move backward on the current line landing on the given character
zt // scroll so that the cursor is at the top of the page
zz // scroll so that the cursor is in the middle of the page
zb // scroll so thtat the cursor is at the bottom of the page
/ // find
// Editing
. // repeat last command
d{movement} // delete (cut)
y{movement} // yank (copy)
c{movement} // change
// Other
q{character} // record a macro
@{character} // play back a macro
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