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Last active April 4, 2018 18:45
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Bash Cheat Sheet
type git # get the type of any command. Great for
# seeing if a command exists.
ls -t # sort by time, newest first
ls -tr # sort by time, oldest first
grep -r "test" FILE_OR_DIR # recursive full text search
grep -i "test" FILE # case insensitive
grep -c "pattern" FILE # count
grep -n "pattern" # show line numbers
grep -A "pattern" # display 2 lines after
grep -B "pattern" # display 2 lines before
grep -C "pattern" # display 2 lines on either side
yes # generate an infinite stream of 'y'
yes something # generate an infinite stream of 'something'
yes '' | npm init # create a blank package.json
echo -e "Hi!\nHow are you?" # echo newlines
printf "Hi!\nHow are you?"
echo "1;2;3" | tr ';' '\n' # translate characters (replace, split)
diff FILE1 FILE2
sed 's/[[:digit:]][[:space:]]/replace/'
echo -e "111\n222\n333" | grep 2 # pipe stdout to stdin
grep 'a' <<< what # pipe file contents to stdin
which express | xargs less # pass the result of one command as the
# argument to another
echo "node_modules" > .gitignore # pipe stdout to file
echo $? # output return code from last run command
ln -s TARGET LINK_NAME # symlink
# get the github url of the current repo
git remote -v | grep | head -n1 | awk '{print $2;}'
# get the github url of the current repo and open in chrome
git remote -v | grep | head -n1 | awk '{print $2;}' | xargs open -a "Google Chrome"
# bash function with default argument
foo() {
echo ${1:-what}
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