- Create a private key file, from which you can create the manifest key and Application ID, as detailed here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23873623/obtaining-chrome-extension-id-for-development
- Add the manifest key to "key" in manifest.json
- Create a new project in Google Developer Console https://console.developers.google.com/project
- Go to "APIs & auth > Credentials" and create new client id for a Chrome Application using the Application ID generated in step 3.
- Copy the Client ID to oauth2.client_id in the manifest.json
- Create a new app on the Chrome Web Store Developer Dashboard https://chrome.google.com/webstore/developer/dashboard
- Click on "more info" and copy the public key to "key" in manifest.json. (or not needed because of next step...?)
Chrome Apps are deprecated, but this works on Chrome extensions too.
You can also only upload (not publish!) an extension to the Chrome Strore, then click on More info to get the private key