I hereby claim:
- I am raiseandfall on github.
- I am raiseandfall (https://keybase.io/raiseandfall) on keybase.
- I have a public key whose fingerprint is 422A 4DE3 C393 3B18 5BF7 D3E7 392F 882C 6C51 15EC
To claim this, I am signing this object:
pragma solidity ^0.8.2; | |
contract EventExample { | |
event TokensSent(address _from, address _to, uint _amount); | |
mapping(address => uint) public tokenBalance; | |
constructor() { | |
tokenBalance[msg.sender] = 100; | |
} |
Verifying my Blockstack ID is secured with the address 16CGzujmWu9LigG4ScEU9F1BF55FBdxYp8 https://explorer.blockstack.org/address/16CGzujmWu9LigG4ScEU9F1BF55FBdxYp8 |
import {ValidateResult} from 'aurelia-validation'; | |
export class AjvValidator { | |
cache = new Map; | |
ajv = new Ajv({ v5: true, allErrors: true, format: 'full' }); | |
validateObject(object) { | |
this.parseSchema(object); | |
let schemaId = this._schemaId(object); | |
if (!this.cache.has(schemaId)) { |
u - undo | |
Ctrl+R - redo | |
gg - Go top of the file | |
G - Go bottom of the file | |
gg=G - Go to top of file & indent all file | |
ggdG - Delete the entire contents of a file | |
gg>10G - Indent 10 first lines of document | |
10G>G - Indent from line 10 to end of document | |
dG - Delete and go to the bottom of the file | |
Shift+{ and Shift+} - jump up/down braces |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object: