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Last active March 23, 2024 18:18
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A little code checker tool in python for Java,C,Cpp. Handles compile error, runtime error, accepted, wrong, TLE.
import os, filecmp
codes = {200:'success',404:'file not found',400:'error',408:'timeout'}
def compile(file,lang):
if lang == 'java':
class_file = file[:-4]+"class"
elif lang == 'c':
class_file = file[:-2]
elif lang=='cpp':
class_file = file[:-4]
if (os.path.isfile(class_file)):
if (os.path.isfile(file)):
if lang == 'java':
os.system('javac '+file)
elif lang == 'c' or lang == 'cpp':
os.system('gcc -o '+class_file+' '+file)
if (os.path.isfile(class_file)):
return 200
return 400
return 404
def run(file,input,timeout,lang):
if lang == 'java':
cmd = 'java '+file
elif lang=='c' or lang=='cpp':
cmd = './'+file
r = os.system('timeout '+timeout+' '+cmd+' < '+input+' > out.txt')
if lang == 'java':
elif lang == 'c' or lang == 'cpp':
if r==0:
return 200
elif r==31744:
return 408
return 400
def match(output):
if os.path.isfile('out.txt') and os.path.isfile(output):
b = filecmp.cmp('out.txt',output)
return b
return 404
file = 'add.c'
lang = 'c'
testin = 'testin.txt'
testout = 'testout.txt'
timeout = '1' # secs
print (codes[run('add',testin,timeout,lang)])
print (match(testout)) # True implies that code is accepted.
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Handles compile error, runtime error, accepted, wrong, TLE.
Assumes all the files are in the same directory.

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isopropylcyanide commented Mar 5, 2017

Hi Rajarsheem, I have updated your code to a more modular object oriented design. Also, regular expression have been used to replace the task of separating file extensions by hand. Here's a look

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How do you integrate with java backend?

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krshubham commented Dec 6, 2017

The only problem is that its not safe. The code may contain some dangerous function call that can affect the server.

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