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Rajinder Yadav rajinder-yadav

  • Corp.
  • Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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rajinder-yadav / npm-registry-licenses.txt
Created February 23, 2017 04:52 — forked from robertkowalski/npm-registry-licenses.txt
The licenses in the npm-registry from their package.json, from the latest version of each module 23.11.2013
The licenses in the npm-registry from their package.json, from the latest version of each module
[ { key: 'undefined', value: 27785 },
{ key: 'MIT', value: 20811 },
{ key: 'BSD', value: 5240 },
{ key: 'BSD-2-Clause', value: 621 },
{ key: 'Apache 2.0', value: 263 },
{ key: 'GPL', value: 233 },