human (Oct 30, 2024, 06:03 PM)
I want to ask the analysis stage llm (a very advanced multimodal LLM) to assess I want to ask the LLM to assess is the snippet politically left-leaning or right-leaning (on a spectrum of -1.0 to +1.0 where -1.0 is extremely left-leaning and +1.0 is extremely right leaning). Please help me to add this to the prompt. Here is the existing prompt that I want you to add it to:
# **Task Overview**
You are provided with an audio clip containing a potential disinformation snippet that has been flagged by Stage 1 of an audio processing pipeline.
The audio clip contains 3 parts:
- The part before the snippet
- The detected snippet
- The part after the snippet
You are also provided with the metadata of the audio clip, which contains:
- `duration`: the duration of the entire audio clip, in MM:SS format
- `start_time`: the start time of the snippet within the audio clip, in MM:SS format
- `end_time`: the end time of the snippet within the audio clip, in MM:SS format
- `explanation`: the explanation of why the snippet was flagged as disinformation
- `transcription`: the transcription of the snippet within the audio clip
- Note that this is not the transcription of the entire audio clip
Your tasks are:
1. **Transcribe** the entire audio clip in the original language, capturing all spoken words, including colloquialisms, idioms, and fillers.
2. **Translate** the transcription of the entire audio clip into English, preserving meaning, context, and cultural nuances.
3. **Analyze** the content for disinformation, using detailed heuristics covering all disinformation categories.
4. **Provide** detailed annotations and assemble structured output conforming to the provided JSON schema.
## **Instructions**
#### **1. Audio Processing**
- **Transcription:**
- Accurately transcribe the audio clip in the original language.
- Include all spoken words, fillers, slang, colloquialisms, and any code-switching instances.
- Pay attention to dialects and regional variations common among immigrant communities.
- Do your best to capture the speech accurately, and flag any unintelligible portions with [inaudible].
- **Translation:**
- Translate the transcription into English.
- Preserve the original meaning, context, idiomatic expressions, and cultural references.
- Ensure that nuances and subtleties are accurately conveyed.
- **Capture Vocal Nuances:**
- Note vocal cues such as tone, pitch, pacing, emphasis, and emotional expressions that may influence the message.
- These cues are critical for understanding intent and potential impact.
#### **2. Detailed Analysis**
Perform the following steps:
##### **A. Review Snippet Metadata**
- Utilize the metadata provided (disinformation categories, keywords, transcription, etc.) from Stage 1 of the analysis.
- Familiarize yourself with the context in which the snippet was flagged.
##### **B. Categorization**
- **Confirm or Adjust Categories:**
- Review the initial disinformation categories assigned in Stage 1.
- Confirm their applicability or adjust if necessary based on your analysis.
- You may assign multiple categories if relevant.
- **Assign Subcategories:**
- If applicable, assign more specific subcategories to enhance granularity.
##### **C. Content Verification**
- **Ensure Accuracy:**
- Verify that the transcription matches the audio precisely.
- Confirm that the translation accurately reflects the transcription.
##### **D. Summary and Explanation**
- **Summary:**
- Write an objective summary of the snippet in both English and Spanish.
- Highlight the main points discussed.
- **Explanation:**
- Provide a detailed explanation of why the snippet constitutes disinformation.
- Reference specific elements from the audio, including vocal cues and linguistic features.
- Use the detailed heuristics and examples to support your analysis.
- Consider cultural contexts and how they may influence interpretation.
##### **E. Language Details**
- **Language:**
- Specify the primary language used (e.g., Spanish, Arabic).
- Note any use of other languages (e.g., code-switching to English).
- **Dialect or Regional Variation:**
- Identify specific dialects or regional variations (e.g., Mexican Spanish, Cuban Spanish, Levantine Arabic, Egyptian Arabic).
- **Language Register:**
- Indicate the formality level (formal, informal, colloquial, slang).
##### **F. Title Creation**
- Create a descriptive and concise title for the snippet that encapsulates its essence (in both English and Spanish).
##### **G. Contextual Information**
- **Context:**
- Based on the snippet transcription from the provided metadata and your transcription of the entire audio clip, you should be able to determine the surrounding context of the snippet, which includes:
- The part before the snippet
- The part after the snippet
- The snippet itself
- **Context in English:**
- Translate the three parts of the context into English.
##### **H. Confidence Scores**
- **Overall Confidence:**
- Assign a score from 0 to 100 indicating your confidence in the disinformation classification.
- **Category Scores:**
- Provide individual confidence scores (0-100) for each disinformation category applied.
##### **I. Emotional Tone Analysis**
- **Identified Emotions:**
- List any emotions expressed in the snippet (e.g., anger, fear, joy, sadness, surprise, disgust, contempt).
- Provide the emotions in both English and Spanish.
- **Intensity:**
- Score the intensity of each emotion on a scale from 0 to 100.
- **Explanation:**
- Briefly explain how the emotional tone contributes to the message and its potential impact (in both English and Spanish).
#### **3. Assemble Structured Output**
Organize all the information into a structured output conforming to the provided OpenAPI JSON schema.
### **JSON Schema**
Ensure your output strictly adheres to this schema.
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"transcription": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Transcription of the entire audio clip in the original language."
"translation": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Translation of the transcription into English."
"title": {
"type": "object",
"required": ["spanish", "english"],
"properties": {
"spanish": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Title of the snippet in Spanish."
"english": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Title of the snippet in English."
"description": "Descriptive title of the snippet."
"summary": {
"type": "object",
"required": ["spanish", "english"],
"properties": {
"spanish": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Summary of the snippet in Spanish."
"english": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Summary of the snippet in English."
"description": "Objective summary of the snippet."
"explanation": {
"type": "object",
"required": ["spanish", "english"],
"properties": {
"spanish": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Explanation in Spanish."
"english": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Explanation in English."
"description": "Detailed explanation of why the snippet constitutes disinformation."
"disinformation_categories": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"required": ["spanish", "english"],
"properties": {
"spanish": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Disinformation category in Spanish."
"english": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Disinformation category in English, which should be based on the heuristics provided."
"description": "Disinformation categories that the snippet belongs to, based on the heuristics provided."
"keywords_detected": {
"type": "array",
"items": { "type": "string" },
"description": "Specific words or phrases that triggered the flag, in original language."
"language": {
"type": "object",
"required": ["primary_language", "dialect", "register"],
"properties": {
"primary_language": { "type": "string" },
"dialect": { "type": "string" },
"register": { "type": "string" }
"context": {
"type": "object",
"required": ["before", "before_en", "after", "after_en", "main", "main_en"],
"properties": {
"before": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Part of the audio clip transcription that precedes the snippet."
"before_en": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Translation of the `before` part into English."
"after": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Part of the audio clip transcription that follows the snippet."
"after_en": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Translation of the `after` part into English."
"main": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The transcription of the snippet itself."
"main_en": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Translation of the `main` part into English."
"confidence_scores": {
"type": "object",
"required": ["overall", "categories"],
"properties": {
"overall": {
"type": "integer",
"description": "Overall confidence score of the analysis, ranging from 0 to 100."
"categories": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"required": ["category", "score"],
"properties": {
"category": { "type": "string" },
"score": { "type": "integer" }
"description": "Confidence score for each category (in both English and Spanish), ranging from 0 to 100."
"emotional_tone": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"required": ["emotion", "intensity", "explanation"],
"properties": {
"emotion": {
"type": "object",
"required": ["spanish", "english"],
"properties": {
"spanish": { "type": "string" },
"english": { "type": "string" }
"intensity": {
"type": "integer",
"description": "Intensity of the emotion, ranging from 0 to 100."
"explanation": {
"type": "object",
"required": ["spanish", "english"],
"properties": {
"spanish": { "type": "string" },
"english": { "type": "string" }
## Disinformation Detection Heuristics
Below are detailed heuristics for each disinformation category, including nuanced descriptions and culturally relevant examples in **Spanish** and **Arabic**. Use these heuristics to guide your analysis.
### **1. Election Integrity and Voting Processes**
Disinformation that casts doubt on the legitimacy and fairness of electoral systems. This includes allegations of widespread voter fraud, manipulation of results, or external interference. Such narratives aim to undermine public trust in democratic institutions.
**Common Narratives**:
- Claims that elections are **"rigged"** or **"stolen"**.
- Allegations of non-citizens or deceased individuals voting.
- Assertions that mail-in voting leads to fraud.
- Concerns about electronic voting machines being tampered with.
- Movements like **"Stop the Steal"** gaining traction.
**Cultural/Regional Variations**:
- **Spanish-Speaking Communities**:
- References to electoral issues in countries of origin, leading to skepticism about U.S. elections.
- Use of expressions like **"elección amañada"** (rigged election).
- **Arabic-Speaking Communities**:
- Distrust stemming from experiences with corrupt elections in home countries.
- Phrases like **"انتخابات مزورة"** (fake elections) may be used.
**Potential Legitimate Discussions**:
- Investigations into specific incidents of electoral irregularities.
- Debates on voter ID laws and their impact.
- Discussions about election security measures.
- *Spanish*: "No confíes en el sistema; hubo 'fraude electoral' en las últimas elecciones."
- *Arabic*: "لا تثقوا بالنظام؛ حدث 'تزوير في الأصوات' في الانتخابات الأخيرة."
### **2. Immigration Policies**
Narratives that portray immigrants, especially undocumented ones, as threats to national security, economy, or cultural identity. This includes exaggerated claims about crime rates, economic burdens, or cultural dilution.
**Common Narratives**:
- Depicting immigrants as **"invaders"** or **"criminals"**.
- Suggesting that immigrants take jobs from citizens.
- Claims that immigrants abuse social services.
- Calls for strict border controls or building walls.
**Cultural/Regional Variations**:
- **Spanish-Speaking Communities**:
- Internalized fears or concerns about immigration policies affecting their status.
- Discussions around **"la migra"** (immigration enforcement) and **"deportaciones"** (deportations).
- **Arabic-Speaking Communities**:
- Concerns about being targeted due to racial or religious profiling.
- References to **"الإسلاموفوبيا"** (Islamophobia).
**Potential Legitimate Discussions**:
- Policy debates on immigration reform.
- Discussions about border security measures.
- Conversations about the impact of immigration on the economy.
- *Spanish*: "Están llegando 'caravanas' que podrían traer problemas al país."
- *Arabic*: "هناك 'تدفق للمهاجرين' قد يسبب مشكلات للبلاد."
### **3. COVID-19 and Vaccination**
Disinformation that denies the existence or severity of COVID-19, promotes unproven cures, or spreads fear about vaccines. It often exploits uncertainties and fears to disseminate false information.
**Common Narratives**:
- Claiming the pandemic is a **"hoax"** or **"planned"** event.
- Spreading rumors about vaccines containing harmful substances.
- Associating 5G technology with the spread of the virus.
- Alleging that public health measures are oppressive.
**Cultural/Regional Variations**:
- **Spanish-Speaking Communities**:
- Mistrust due to historical medical mistreatment.
- Rumors spread via WhatsApp or community gatherings.
- **Arabic-Speaking Communities**:
- Religious interpretations of the pandemic.
- Skepticism about Western medicine.
**Potential Legitimate Discussions**:
- Concerns about vaccine side effects.
- Debates on balancing public health and economic impacts.
- Discussions about vaccine accessibility.
- *Spanish*: "Escuché que la 'vacuna' puede alterar tu ADN."
- *Arabic*: "سمعت أن 'اللقاح' قد يغير حمضك النووي."
### **4. Climate Change and Environmental Policies**
Disinformation that denies or minimizes human impact on climate change, often to oppose environmental regulations. It may discredit scientific consensus and promote fossil fuel interests.
**Common Narratives**:
- Labeling climate change as a **"hoax"**.
- Arguing that climate variations are natural cycles.
- Claiming environmental policies harm the economy.
**Cultural/Regional Variations**:
- **Spanish-Speaking Communities**:
- Impact of climate policies on agricultural jobs.
- **Arabic-Speaking Communities**:
- Reliance on oil economies influencing perceptions.
**Potential Legitimate Discussions**:
- Debates on balancing environmental protection with economic growth.
- Discussions about energy independence.
- *Spanish*: "El 'cambio climático' es una mentira para controlarnos."
- *Arabic*: "'تغير المناخ' كذبة للسيطرة علينا."
### **5. LGBTQ+ Rights and Gender Issues**
Disinformation that seeks to discredit LGBTQ+ rights movements by portraying them as threats to traditional values or children's safety. It includes misinformation about gender identity and sexual orientation.
**Common Narratives**:
- Referring to LGBTQ+ advocacy as **"ideological indoctrination"**.
- Claiming that educating about gender issues confuses children.
- Alleging that LGBTQ+ individuals pose a danger to society.
**Cultural/Regional Variations**:
- **Spanish-Speaking Communities**:
- Strong influence of traditional family structures and religious beliefs.
- **Arabic-Speaking Communities**:
- Religious prohibitions and societal taboos.
**Potential Legitimate Discussions**:
- Debates on curriculum content in schools.
- Discussions about religious freedoms.
- *Spanish*: "No quiero que enseñen 'ideología de género' a mis hijos."
- *Arabic*: "لا أريد أن يدرسوا 'الأفكار الغربية' لأطفالي."
### **6. Abortion and Reproductive Rights**
Disinformation that frames abortion as murder without acknowledging legal and ethical complexities. It may spread false claims about medical procedures and their prevalence.
**Common Narratives**:
- Calling for total bans on abortion.
- Spreading misinformation about late-term abortions.
- Demonizing organizations that support reproductive rights.
**Cultural/Regional Variations**:
- **Spanish-Speaking Communities**:
- Influenced by Catholic teachings on the sanctity of life.
- **Arabic-Speaking Communities**:
- Religious doctrines impacting views on abortion.
**Potential Legitimate Discussions**:
- Ethical considerations of abortion.
- Access to reproductive healthcare.
- *Spanish*: "El 'aborto' es un pecado imperdonable."
- *Arabic*: "'الإجهاض' حرام ويجب منعه."
### **7. Economic Policies and Inflation**
Disinformation that predicts economic disasters due to certain policies, often exaggerating or misrepresenting facts. It may instill fear about socialist agendas ruining the economy.
**Common Narratives**:
- Warning of imminent hyperinflation.
- Alleging that government spending will bankrupt the country.
- Claiming that taxes are theft.
**Cultural/Regional Variations**:
- **Spanish-Speaking Communities**:
- Experiences with economic instability in home countries.
- **Arabic-Speaking Communities**:
- Concerns about economic opportunities and upward mobility.
**Potential Legitimate Discussions**:
- Debates on fiscal policies.
- Discussions about taxation and public spending.
- *Spanish*: "Nos dirigimos hacia una 'crisis como en Venezuela' si no cambiamos el rumbo."
- *Arabic*: "سنتجه إلى 'أزمة اقتصادية' إذا استمر هذا الإنفاق الحكومي."
### **8. Foreign Policy and International Relations**
Disinformation that promotes distrust of international cooperation, alleging that global entities control domestic affairs to the nation's detriment.
**Common Narratives**:
- Suggesting a **"globalist agenda"** undermines sovereignty.
- Claiming foreign interference in national policies.
- Alleging conspiracies involving international organizations.
**Cultural/Regional Variations**:
- **Spanish-Speaking Communities**:
- Concerns about foreign policies affecting immigration.
- **Arabic-Speaking Communities**:
- Impact of Middle Eastern geopolitics on perceptions.
**Potential Legitimate Discussions**:
- Analyses of international agreements.
- Discussions about national interests.
- *Spanish*: "La 'ONU' quiere imponer sus reglas sobre nosotros."
- *Arabic*: "'الأمم المتحدة' تريد فرض قوانينها علينا."
### **9. Media and Tech Manipulation**
Disinformation that asserts media outlets and tech companies suppress the truth and promote biased narratives, fostering distrust in credible sources.
**Common Narratives**:
- Labeling mainstream media as **"fake news"**.
- Alleging censorship by tech giants.
- Claiming that fact-checkers are fraudulent.
**Cultural/Regional Variations**:
- **Spanish-Speaking Communities**:
- Reliance on alternative media sources.
- **Arabic-Speaking Communities**:
- Use of social media platforms prevalent in the community.
**Potential Legitimate Discussions**:
- Concerns about media bias.
- Debates on freedom of speech.
- *Spanish*: "No puedes confiar en los medios; todos mienten."
- *Arabic*: "لا يمكنك الوثوق بالإعلام؛ كلهم يكذبون."
### **10. Public Safety and Law Enforcement**
Disinformation that exaggerates crime rates or portrays law enforcement reforms as threats to safety, often invoking fear to resist changes.
**Common Narratives**:
- Asserting that crime is out of control.
- Claiming that defunding the police leads to chaos.
- Advocating for strict law and order without addressing systemic issues.
**Cultural/Regional Variations**:
- **Spanish-Speaking Communities**:
- Experiences with law enforcement vary; fear of profiling.
- **Arabic-Speaking Communities**:
- Concerns about discrimination and surveillance.
**Potential Legitimate Discussions**:
- Debates on policing policies.
- Discussions about community safety.
- *Spanish*: "Sin la policía, nuestras comunidades serán inseguras."
- *Arabic*: "بدون الشرطة، ستصبح مجتمعاتنا غير آمنة."
### **11. Healthcare Reform**
Disinformation that portrays healthcare reforms as dangerous steps toward socialized medicine, often spreading fear about decreased quality of care or loss of personal freedoms. Misinformation may include false claims about medical procedures, healthcare policies, or intentions behind reforms.
**Common Narratives**:
- Claiming that healthcare reforms will lead to **"socialized medicine"** that reduces quality.
- Warning about **"death panels"** deciding who receives care.
- Alleging that the government will **"control your healthcare decisions"**.
- Spreading fear about **"rationing of healthcare services"**.
- Accusing pharmaceutical companies (**"Big Pharma"**) of hiding cures or exploiting patients.
**Cultural/Regional Variations**:
- **Spanish-Speaking Communities**:
- Concerns about accessibility and affordability of healthcare.
- Skepticism due to experiences with healthcare systems in countries of origin.
- **Arabic-Speaking Communities**:
- Mistrust of government-run programs.
- Reliance on community-based healthcare advice.
**Potential Legitimate Discussions**:
- Debates on the best approaches to healthcare reform.
- Discussions about the cost of healthcare and insurance.
- Conversations about access to quality healthcare for underserved communities.
- *Spanish*: "Con la nueva reforma, habrá 'racionamiento de salud' y no podremos elegir a nuestros médicos."
- *Arabic*: "مع هذا الإصلاح، سيكون هناك 'تقييد للخدمات الصحية' ولن نتمكن من اختيار أطبائنا."
### **12. Culture Wars and Social Issues**
Disinformation that frames social progress as attacks on traditional values, often resisting changes in societal norms related to identity, religion, and patriotism. It can amplify divisions and foster hostility towards certain groups.
**Common Narratives**:
- Complaints about **"political correctness"** limiting free speech.
- Allegations of a **"war on religion"** or traditional family values.
- Claims that movements for social justice are **"dividing society"**.
- Opposition to changing cultural symbols or historical narratives.
- Describing efforts for inclusion as **"reverse discrimination"**.
**Cultural/Regional Variations**:
- **Spanish-Speaking Communities**:
- Strong emphasis on family and religious traditions.
- Resistance to changes perceived as threats to cultural identity.
- **Arabic-Speaking Communities**:
- Deep-rooted religious values influencing views on social issues.
- Concerns about preserving cultural and moral norms.
**Potential Legitimate Discussions**:
- Discussions about balancing free speech with respect for others.
- Debates on how history should be taught in schools.
- Conversations about the role of religion in public life.
- *Spanish*: "La 'corrección política' está destruyendo nuestra libertad de expresión."
- *Arabic*: "إن 'الصوابية السياسية' تدمر حرية التعبير لدينا."
### **13. Geopolitical Issues**
#### **13.1 Ukraine-Russia Conflict**
Disinformation that justifies aggression by blaming external forces, spreads false narratives about events, or exaggerates threats to manipulate public opinion.
**Common Narratives**:
- Blaming the conflict on **"NATO expansion"** provoking Russia.
- Claiming the presence of **"Nazis in Ukraine"** to legitimize intervention.
- Warning of a **"nuclear escalation"** to instill fear.
- Asserting that sanctions will **"backfire"** on those who impose them.
**Cultural/Regional Variations**:
- **Spanish-Speaking Communities**:
- May relate to experiences with foreign intervention in their own countries.
- **Arabic-Speaking Communities**:
- Drawing parallels with conflicts in the Middle East.
**Potential Legitimate Discussions**:
- Analyses of international relations and the roles of NATO and Russia.
- Discussions about the humanitarian impact of the conflict.
- *Spanish*: "La 'expansión de la OTAN' es la verdadera causa del conflicto en Ucrania."
- *Arabic*: "إن 'توسع الناتو' هو السبب الحقيقي للصراع في أوكرانيا."
#### **13.2 Israel-Palestine Conflict**
Disinformation that simplifies this complex conflict, taking sides without acknowledging historical and political nuances, potentially inflaming tensions.
**Common Narratives**:
- Labeling one side as solely responsible for the conflict.
- Using emotionally charged terms like **"apartheid"** or **"terrorism"** without context.
- Ignoring efforts towards peace or coexistence.
**Cultural/Regional Variations**:
- **Spanish-Speaking Communities**:
- May have varying levels of awareness or interest.
- **Arabic-Speaking Communities**:
- Deep personal and cultural connections to the issue.
**Potential Legitimate Discussions**:
- Conversations about human rights and humanitarian concerns.
- Discussions on peace initiatives and international diplomacy.
- *Spanish*: "El 'apartheid israelí' es una violación de derechos humanos."
- *Arabic*: "إن 'الفصل العنصري الإسرائيلي' انتهاك لحقوق الإنسان."
#### **13.3 China-US Relations**
Disinformation that fosters fear about China's global influence, often exaggerating threats to the economy and national security, without recognizing mutual dependencies.
**Common Narratives**:
- Claiming a deliberate **"China threat"** to dominate global markets.
- Alleging **"currency manipulation"** to undermine economies.
- Warning about pervasive **"cyber espionage"**.
**Cultural/Regional Variations**:
- **Spanish-Speaking Communities**:
- Concerns about job markets and economic competition.
- **Arabic-Speaking Communities**:
- Interest in how China’s global role affects their countries of origin.
**Potential Legitimate Discussions**:
- Debates on trade policies and intellectual property rights.
- Discussions about cybersecurity and data protection.
- *Spanish*: "La 'guerra comercial' con China afecta nuestras industrias locales."
- *Arabic*: "إن 'الحرب التجارية' مع الصين تؤثر على صناعاتنا المحلية."
### **14. Conspiracy Theories**
Disinformation involving unfounded claims about secret groups manipulating world events, offering simplistic explanations for complex problems, undermining trust in institutions.
**Common Narratives**:
- Promoting the existence of a **"deep state"** controlling politics.
- Believing in **"false flag operations"** to justify government actions.
- Spreading myths like **"chemtrails"** or **"flat earth"** theories.
**Cultural/Regional Variations**:
- **Spanish-Speaking Communities**:
- Conspiracies may intertwine with historical distrust of governments.
- **Arabic-Speaking Communities**:
- Susceptibility to conspiracies due to political instability in home countries.
**Potential Legitimate Discussions**:
- Healthy skepticism about government transparency.
- Interest in understanding historical events and their impacts.
- *Spanish*: "El 'estado profundo' está manipulando los eventos mundiales."
- *Arabic*: "إن 'الدولة العميقة' تسيطر على الأحداث العالمية."
### **15. Education and Academic Freedom**
Disinformation alleging that the education system imposes biased ideologies, often attacking curricula that promote critical thinking on social issues.
**Common Narratives**:
- Opposing **"critical race theory"** as divisive.
- Claiming a **"liberal bias"** suppresses alternative viewpoints.
- Advocating for **"school choice"** to avoid perceived indoctrination.
**Cultural/Regional Variations**:
- **Spanish-Speaking Communities**:
- Concerns about the education system not reflecting their cultural values.
- **Arabic-Speaking Communities**:
- Desire for educational content aligning with religious beliefs.
**Potential Legitimate Discussions**:
- Debates on curriculum content and teaching methods.
- Discussions about parental involvement in education.
- *Spanish*: "La 'teoría crítica de la raza' no debería enseñarse en las escuelas."
- *Arabic*: "لا ينبغي تدريس 'النظرية العرقية النقدية' في المدارس."
### **16. Technology and Privacy**
Disinformation that spreads fear about technology infringing on privacy and security, often exaggerating risks and fostering distrust in technological advancements.
**Common Narratives**:
- Warning about **"data privacy violations"** by big tech.
- Claiming that technologies like **"5G"** pose health risks.
- Suggesting that **"digital IDs"** will lead to total surveillance.
**Cultural/Regional Variations**:
- **Spanish-Speaking Communities**:
- Concerns about data misuse due to language barriers in understanding privacy policies.
- **Arabic-Speaking Communities**:
- Mistrust of government surveillance due to experiences in home countries.
**Potential Legitimate Discussions**:
- Conversations about data privacy regulations.
- Debates on the ethical use of technology.
- *Spanish*: "Las 'grandes tecnológicas' están recopilando nuestros datos sin permiso."
- *Arabic*: "تقوم 'شركات التكنولوجيا الكبرى' بجمع بياناتنا دون إذن."
### **17. Gun Rights and Control**
Disinformation that vehemently defends gun ownership rights, opposing any form of regulation by invoking constitutional protections and fears of government overreach.
**Common Narratives**:
- Claiming that the government plans **"gun confiscation"**.
- Emphasizing the **"right to bear arms"** as fundamental.
- Opposing measures like **"assault weapon bans"** or **"background checks"**.
**Cultural/Regional Variations**:
- **Spanish-Speaking Communities**:
- May prioritize community safety over gun ownership rights.
- **Arabic-Speaking Communities**:
- Varied perspectives influenced by experiences with armed conflict.
**Potential Legitimate Discussions**:
- Debates on balancing Second Amendment rights with public safety.
- Discussions about reducing gun violence.
- *Spanish*: "La 'confiscación de armas' es una violación de nuestros derechos."
- *Arabic*: "إن 'مصادرة الأسلحة' انتهاك لحقوقنا."
### **18. Political Figures and Movements**
Disinformation involving extreme representations of political groups or figures, attributing malicious intentions without evidence, deepening political polarization.
**Common Narratives**:
- Labeling groups like **"Antifa"** as domestic terrorists.
- Describing **"Democratic Socialists"** as threats to freedom.
- Promoting the idea of a **"deep state"** sabotaging government.
**Cultural/Regional Variations**:
- **Spanish-Speaking Communities**:
- Perspectives influenced by political experiences in countries of origin.
- **Arabic-Speaking Communities**:
- Sensitivities related to authoritarianism and political repression.
**Potential Legitimate Discussions**:
- Critiques of policies proposed by various political groups.
- Discussions about political representation and participation.
- *Spanish*: "Los 'socialistas' quieren convertirnos en otro país comunista."
- *Arabic*: "يريد 'الاشتراكيون' تحويلنا إلى بلد شيوعي آخر."
### **Additional Instructions**
- **Cultural Sensitivity:** Always consider the cultural context and avoid imposing external biases. Be respectful of cultural nuances in language and expression.
- **Objectivity:** Maintain neutrality throughout your analysis. Do not let personal opinions influence the assessment.
- **Clarity and Precision:** Communicate your findings clearly and precisely to facilitate understanding and decision-making.
## **Example Output**
Below is an example of the expected output, conforming to the OpenAPI JSON schema provided.
"transcription": "Estamos viviendo tiempos difíciles, y hay muchas cosas que no nos dicen. La economía está en declive, la inflación está aumentando y parece que el gobierno no tiene soluciones claras. Además, hay un debate constante sobre las vacunas obligatorias. Dicen que el gobierno quiere controlar nuestras mentes con las vacunas. Es por eso que están empujando tanto la vacunación obligatoria. Por eso debemos informarnos y proteger a nuestras familias.",
"translation": "We are living in difficult times, and there are many things they're not telling us. The economy is declining, inflation is rising, and it seems like the government doesn't have clear solutions. Additionally, there's a constant debate about mandatory vaccinations. They say the government wants to control our minds with vaccines. That's why they are pushing mandatory vaccination so hard. That's why we need to inform ourselves and protect our families.",
"title": {
"spanish": "El control del gobierno a través de las vacunaciones obligatorias",
"english": "Government Control Through Mandatory Vaccinations"
"summary": {
"spanish": "El orador discute las dificultades económicas actuales y el aumento de la inflación, expresando escepticismo hacia la falta de soluciones claras por parte del gobierno. Destaca un debate contencioso sobre las vacunaciones obligatorias, sugiriendo que el gobierno pretende controlar las mentes de las personas a través de las vacunas, abogando así por la autoeducación y la protección de la familia.",
"english": "The speaker discusses the current economic struggles and rising inflation, expressing skepticism towards the government's lack of clear solutions. They highlight a contentious debate on mandatory vaccinations, suggesting that the government aims to control people's minds through vaccines, thereby advocating for self-education and family protection."
"explanation": {
"spanish": "Este fragmento cae bajo las categorías de desinformación de \"COVID-19 y vacunación\" y \"Teorías de conspiración\". Propaga la teoría de conspiración infundada de que las vacunas son un medio para que el gobierno controle las mentes de los individuos, lo que puede alimentar la reticencia a las vacunas y erosionar la confianza en las medidas de salud pública. El tono emocional transmite miedo y desconfianza hacia las iniciativas gubernamentales, lo que podría influir negativamente en el comportamiento de la comunidad.",
"english": "This snippet falls under the 'COVID-19 and Vaccination' and 'Conspiracy Theories' disinformation categories. It propagates the unfounded conspiracy theory that vaccines are a means for the government to control individuals' minds, which can fuel vaccine hesitancy and erode trust in public health measures. The emotional tone conveys fear and distrust towards governmental initiatives, potentially influencing community behavior adversely."
"disinformation_categories": [
"spanish": "COVID-19 y vacunación",
"english": "COVID-19 and Vaccination"
"spanish": "Teorías de conspiración",
"english": "Conspiracy Theories"
"keywords_detected": [
"vacunación obligatoria",
"controlar nuestras mentes",
"proteger a nuestras familias"
"language": {
"primary_language": "Spanish",
"dialect": "Mexican Spanish",
"register": "Informal"
"context": {
"before": "Estamos viviendo tiempos difíciles, y hay muchas cosas que no nos dicen. La economía está en declive, la inflación está aumentando y parece que el gobierno no tiene soluciones claras. Además, hay un debate constante sobre las vacunas obligatorias.",
"before_en": "We are living in difficult times, and there are many things they're not telling us. The economy is declining, inflation is rising, and it seems like the government doesn't have clear solutions. Additionally, there's a constant debate about mandatory vaccinations.",
"after": "Por eso debemos informarnos y proteger a nuestras familias.",
"after_en": "That's why we need to inform ourselves and protect our families.",
"main": "Dicen que el gobierno quiere controlar nuestras mentes con las vacunas. Es por eso que están empujando tanto la vacunación obligatoria.",
"main_en": "They say the government wants to control our minds with vaccines. That's why they are pushing mandatory vaccination so hard."
"confidence_scores": {
"overall": 92,
"categories": [
"category": "COVID-19 and Vaccination",
"score": 95
"category": "Conspiracy Theories",
"score": 90
"emotional_tone": [
"emotion": {
"spanish": "Miedo",
"english": "Fear"
"intensity": 80,
"explanation": {
"spanish": "El orador expresa miedo sobre la manipulación del gobierno a través de las vacunas.",
"english": "The speaker expresses fear about government manipulation through vaccines."
"emotion": {
"spanish": "Desconfianza",
"english": "Distrust"
"intensity": 85,
"explanation": {
"spanish": "Hay un fuerte sentido de desconfianza hacia las acciones y políticas gubernamentales.",
"english": "There is a strong sense of distrust towards governmental actions and policies."
"emotion": {
"spanish": "Preocupación",
"english": "Concern"
"intensity": 75,
"explanation": {
"spanish": "El orador está preocupado por la situación económica y el impacto de las vacunaciones obligatorias en las libertades personales.",
"english": "The speaker is concerned about the economic situation and the impact of mandatory vaccinations on personal freedoms."
By following these instructions and listening closely using the detailed heuristics, you will provide comprehensive and culturally nuanced analyses of potential disinformation. Your work will support efforts to understand and mitigate the impact of disinformation on diverse communities, contributing to more informed and resilient societies.
# Instructions
Please proceed to listen to the audio file provided and analyze the content based on the detailed heuristics and guidelines provided. Your task is to fill out the JSON template with the relevant information based on your analysis of the audio content.
assistant (Oct 30, 2024, 06:03 PM)
I'll help you add political spectrum analysis to the prompt. We should add this as a new field in the JSON schema and include relevant instructions for the LLM to perform this analysis. Here are the specific additions we should make:
- First, let's add to the JSON schema under "properties":
"political_lean": {
"type": "object",
"required": ["score", "explanation"],
"properties": {
"score": {
"type": "number",
"minimum": -1.0,
"maximum": 1.0,
"description": "Political leaning score where -1.0 is extremely left-leaning and +1.0 is extremely right-leaning"
"explanation": {
"type": "object",
"required": ["spanish", "english"],
"properties": {
"spanish": { "type": "string" },
"english": { "type": "string" }
"description": "Detailed explanation of the political leaning score"
- Then, let's add a new section under "2. Detailed Analysis" in the instructions:
##### **J. Political Spectrum Analysis**
- **Score Assignment:**
- Analyze the content's political leaning on a scale from -1.0 (extremely left-leaning) to +1.0 (extremely right-leaning)
- Consider:
- Policy positions expressed
- Rhetoric and framing used
- Sources cited or referenced
- Target audience and messaging strategy
- Historical and cultural context of the views expressed
- **Objectivity Requirements:**
- Base analysis solely on content, not personal views
- Consider regional and cultural variations in political spectrum
- Account for different political contexts between U.S. and Latin American countries
- Distinguish between traditional conservative/liberal positions and extremist views
- **Documentation:**
- Provide a precise score between -1.0 and +1.0
- Include detailed explanation in both Spanish and English
- Reference specific elements from the content that informed the score
- Explain how cultural and regional context influenced the analysis
- Update the example output to include the new field:
"political_lean": {
"score": 0.7,
"explanation": {
"spanish": "El contenido muestra una clara inclinación hacia la derecha política, evidenciada por la desconfianza hacia las iniciativas gubernamentales de salud pública, la promoción de teorías conspirativas sobre el control gubernamental, y el énfasis en la libertad individual sobre las medidas colectivas de salud pública. El tono y la retórica son característicos de narrativas conservadoras sobre la intervención gubernamental.",
"english": "The content shows a clear right-wing political lean, evidenced by distrust of government public health initiatives, promotion of conspiracy theories about government control, and emphasis on individual liberty over collective public health measures. The tone and rhetoric are characteristic of conservative narratives about government intervention."
This addition will help the LLM provide a nuanced analysis of political leanings while maintaining objectivity and considering cultural context. The scale from -1.0 to +1.0 allows for precise positioning on the political spectrum, and the required explanation ensures transparency in how the score was determined.
Would you like me to provide the complete modified prompt with these additions integrated?
human (Oct 30, 2024, 06:16 PM)
yes please provide the complete modified prompt as an artifact
assistant (Oct 30, 2024, 06:16 PM)
I'll help create an updated version of the prompt as an artifact.
human (Oct 30, 2024, 06:18 PM)
What improvements or what measures could we take to ensure the following: Objectivity: We must ensure that the political leaning assessment is conducted objectively, based solely on the content of the snippet without any kind of bias. • Explanation: The explanation should clearly articulate the reasons for the assigned score, referencing specific elements in the snippet that indicate political leanings. • Scoring Range: Remember that the scoring ranges from -1.0 (extremely left-leaning) to +1.0 (extremely right-leaning), with 0.0 being neutral.
assistant (Oct 30, 2024, 06:18 PM)
Here are several measures we can add to enhance the objectivity, explanation quality, and scoring accuracy of the political leaning assessment:
- Structured Assessment Framework
- Add a detailed rubric with specific criteria for scoring
- Include clear indicators for different positions on the spectrum
- Require evidence-based justification for each score component
- Objective Criteria Checklist For each snippet, the LLM should evaluate:
- Policy positions (specific policy stances mentioned)
- Economic perspectives (views on markets, regulation, etc.)
- Social perspectives (views on social issues, change)
- Role of government (views on government involvement)
- Individual vs. collective emphasis
- Language patterns and rhetoric
- Sources cited and their political alignments
- Scoring Guidelines
Score Ranges and Indicators:
-1.0 to -0.7: Extremely Left
- Strong advocacy for government intervention
- Emphasis on collective welfare over individual rights
- Support for extensive social programs
- Critical of free market capitalism
- Emphasis on structural/systemic change
-0.7 to -0.3: Moderately Left
- Support for regulated markets
- Balance of collective and individual rights
- Support for social programs
- Reform-oriented approaches
-0.3 to +0.3: Centrist/Neutral
- Mixed policy positions
- Balanced view of government role
- Pragmatic rather than ideological approaches
- Focus on specific issues rather than ideology
+0.3 to +0.7: Moderately Right
- Emphasis on free markets
- Individual responsibility
- Limited government involvement
- Traditional social values
+0.7 to +1.0: Extremely Right
- Strong free market advocacy
- Emphasis on individual rights over collective
- Minimal government involvement
- Strong traditional/conservative values
- Explanation Structure Require explanations to include:
1. Content Analysis:
- Direct quotes/references from the snippet
- Specific policy positions identified
- Rhetoric and framing analysis
2. Context Consideration:
- Cultural/regional political context
- Historical context if relevant
- Target audience considerations
3. Score Justification:
- Specific elements that influenced the score
- Comparison to scoring guidelines
- Explanation of any ambiguous elements
4. Counter-Analysis:
- Consideration of alternative interpretations
- Acknowledgment of mixed signals if present
- Discussion of complexity/nuance
- Bias Mitigation Measures Add explicit instructions for the LLM:
Bias Prevention Checklist:
1. Evaluate content independently of:
- Personal views or preferences
- Current political climate
- Popular media narratives
- Institutional positions
2. Consider multiple interpretations:
- Document alternative readings
- Acknowledge ambiguity
- Note cultural variations
3. Use evidence-based scoring:
- Link each score component to specific content
- Avoid inference or speculation
- Document assumptions
4. Apply consistent standards:
- Use same criteria across all content
- Reference scoring rubric explicitly
- Maintain systematic approach
- Quality Control Elements Add requirements for:
Validation Steps:
1. Cross-reference with established criteria
2. Check for internal consistency
3. Verify evidence citations
4. Review for bias indicators
5. Confirm scoring math
- Cultural Context Framework
Cultural Considerations:
1. Regional Political Spectrum:
- U.S. political context
- Latin American political context
- European political context
2. Cultural Variations:
- Religious influences
- Historical factors
- Social norms
3. Linguistic Nuances:
- Political terminology differences
- Cultural connotations
- Regional variations
- Sample Calibration Add example assessments showing:
- Clear left-leaning content (-0.8)
- Moderate left content (-0.4)
- Centrist content (0.0)
- Moderate right content (+0.4)
- Clear right-leaning content (+0.8)
Let me know if you'd like me to create an artifact incorporating all these improvements into the prompt, or if you'd like to focus on specific aspects of these suggestions.
human (Oct 30, 2024, 06:19 PM)
We do not want to be overly prescriptive, so should we adjust it to specify that these are only examples rather than specific criteria for determining left-to-right?
assistant (Oct 30, 2024, 06:19 PM)
Yes, that's an excellent point. Being too prescriptive could actually introduce bias and oversimplify the complex nature of political ideologies across different cultural contexts. Let me suggest a revised, more flexible approach that provides examples while emphasizing that they're illustrative rather than definitive.
Here's how we could modify the approach:
##### **J. Political Spectrum Analysis**
Analyze the content's political leaning on a scale from -1.0 (extremely left-leaning) to +1.0 (extremely right-leaning), while recognizing that political ideologies are complex and vary across cultural contexts.
**Key Principles:**
- Base analysis solely on content, not personal views
- Consider regional and cultural variations in political spectrum
- Account for different political contexts between U.S. and Latin American countries
- Acknowledge that political positions may not fit neatly into left-right categories
**Analysis Guidelines:**
1. Consider Multiple Dimensions
- Economic perspectives
- Social perspectives
- Role of government
- Individual vs. collective emphasis
Note: These dimensions may manifest differently across cultures and contexts
2. Illustrative Examples (Not Definitive Criteria):
The following are examples of how political leanings might manifest, but should not be treated as strict criteria:
Leftward-Leaning Elements (Examples):
- Emphasis on collective solutions
- Support for expanded government programs
- Focus on structural change
- Emphasis on equality outcomes
Rightward-Leaning Elements (Examples):
- Emphasis on individual solutions
- Support for limited government
- Focus on traditional structures
- Emphasis on equality of opportunity
Note: These are simplified examples and may present differently across cultural contexts.
3. Cultural Context Considerations:
- Consider how political concepts translate across cultures
- Account for historical and regional factors
- Recognize that left-right spectrum may have different meanings in different contexts
4. Documentation Requirements:
- Provide score (-1.0 to +1.0)
- Include detailed explanation in both languages
- Reference specific content elements that informed the score
- Acknowledge complexity and cultural context
- Note any limitations in applying the left-right spectrum to the content
Would you like me to create an artifact with the complete updated prompt incorporating this more nuanced and flexible approach?
human (Oct 30, 2024, 06:21 PM)
I'm not sure about these "key principles" (- Base analysis solely on content, not personal views - Consider regional and cultural variations in political spectrum - Account for different political contexts between U.S. and Latin American countries). I don't think these are the best principles here. Can you please think more carefully about the most effective solution for instructing the LLM to assess the political leaning in an objective way?
assistant (Oct 30, 2024, 06:21 PM)
You're right. Those principles were too vague and not particularly helpful for guiding objective analysis. Let me rethink this more carefully.
The core challenge is getting the LLM to assess political leaning in a systematic, objective way without imposing rigid categories or oversimplifying complex political positions. Here's a revised approach:
##### **J. Political Spectrum Analysis**
Analyze the content's political orientation on a scale from -1.0 (extremely left-leaning) to +1.0 (extremely right-leaning), where 0.0 represents politically neutral content.
**Analysis Requirements:**
1. Focus on Observable Elements:
- Explicit policy positions stated
- Specific arguments made
- Language and rhetoric used
- Sources or authorities cited
- Solutions proposed
2. Evidence-Based Scoring:
- Score must be justified by direct references to the content
- Each claim in the explanation must cite specific elements from the snippet
- Acknowledge when content contains mixed or ambiguous political signals
3. Explanation Format:
"This content receives a score of [X] because it [cite specific elements]. This is evidenced by [quote or describe specific statements/arguments from the snippet]."
Remember: The goal is to detect and measure political orientation based on the actual content, not to categorize or label the speech. Avoid inferring political leanings from adjacent topics or assumptions about the speaker.
This approach:
- Focuses on observable evidence rather than interpretation
- Requires specific citations to justify scoring
- Avoids prescriptive categories of what constitutes "left" or "right"
- Emphasizes measuring what's present in the content rather than categorizing it
Would you like me to create an updated artifact incorporating this revised approach?
human (Oct 30, 2024, 06:22 PM)
yes, this is great.
assistant (Oct 30, 2024, 06:22 PM)
I'll create an updated version of the full prompt as an artifact that incorporates this more focused, evidence-based approach to political lean analysis.
# **Task Overview**
You are provided with an audio clip containing a potential disinformation snippet that has been flagged by Stage 1 of an audio processing pipeline.
The audio clip contains 3 parts:
- The part before the snippet
- The detected snippet
- The part after the snippet
You are also provided with the metadata of the audio clip, which contains:
- `duration`: the duration of the entire audio clip, in MM:SS format
- `start_time`: the start time of the snippet within the audio clip, in MM:SS format
- `end_time`: the end time of the snippet within the audio clip, in MM:SS format
- `explanation`: the explanation of why the snippet was flagged as disinformation
- `transcription`: the transcription of the snippet within the audio clip
- Note that this is not the transcription of the entire audio clip
Your tasks are:
1. **Transcribe** the entire audio clip in the original language, capturing all spoken words, including colloquialisms, idioms, and fillers.
2. **Translate** the transcription of the entire audio clip into English, preserving meaning, context, and cultural nuances.
3. **Analyze** the content for disinformation, using detailed heuristics covering all disinformation categories.
4. **Assess** the political leaning of the content objectively.
5. **Provide** detailed annotations and assemble structured output conforming to the provided JSON schema.
## **Instructions**
#### **1. Audio Processing**
- **Transcription:**
- Accurately transcribe the audio clip in the original language.
- Include all spoken words, fillers, slang, colloquialisms, and any code-switching instances.
- Pay attention to dialects and regional variations common among immigrant communities.
- Do your best to capture the speech accurately, and flag any unintelligible portions with [inaudible].
- **Translation:**
- Translate the transcription into English.
- Preserve the original meaning, context, idiomatic expressions, and cultural references.
- Ensure that nuances and subtleties are accurately conveyed.
- **Capture Vocal Nuances:**
- Note vocal cues such as tone, pitch, pacing, emphasis, and emotional expressions that may influence the message.
- These cues are critical for understanding intent and potential impact.
#### **2. Detailed Analysis**
Perform the following steps:
##### **A. Review Snippet Metadata**
- Utilize the metadata provided (disinformation categories, keywords, transcription, etc.) from Stage 1 of the analysis.
- Familiarize yourself with the context in which the snippet was flagged.
##### **B. Categorization**
- **Confirm or Adjust Categories:**
- Review the initial disinformation categories assigned in Stage 1.
- Confirm their applicability or adjust if necessary based on your analysis.
- You may assign multiple categories if relevant.
- **Assign Subcategories:**
- If applicable, assign more specific subcategories to enhance granularity.
##### **C. Content Verification**
- **Ensure Accuracy:**
- Verify that the transcription matches the audio precisely.
- Confirm that the translation accurately reflects the transcription.
##### **D. Summary and Explanation**
- **Summary:**
- Write an objective summary of the snippet in both English and Spanish.
- Highlight the main points discussed.
- **Explanation:**
- Provide a detailed explanation of why the snippet constitutes disinformation.
- Reference specific elements from the audio, including vocal cues and linguistic features.
- Use the detailed heuristics and examples to support your analysis.
- Consider cultural contexts and how they may influence interpretation.
##### **E. Language Details**
- **Language:**
- Specify the primary language used (e.g., Spanish, Arabic).
- Note any use of other languages (e.g., code-switching to English).
- **Dialect or Regional Variation:**
- Identify specific dialects or regional variations (e.g., Mexican Spanish, Cuban Spanish, Levantine Arabic, Egyptian Arabic).
- **Language Register:**
- Indicate the formality level (formal, informal, colloquial, slang).
##### **F. Title Creation**
- Create a descriptive and concise title for the snippet that encapsulates its essence (in both English and Spanish).
##### **G. Contextual Information**
- **Context:**
- Based on the snippet transcription from the provided metadata and your transcription of the entire audio clip, determine the surrounding context, which includes:
- The part before the snippet
- The part after the snippet
- The snippet itself
- **Context in English:**
- Translate the three parts of the context into English.
##### **H. Confidence Scores**
- **Overall Confidence:**
- Assign a score from 0 to 100 indicating your confidence in the disinformation classification.
- **Category Scores:**
- Provide individual confidence scores (0-100) for each disinformation category applied.
##### **I. Emotional Tone Analysis**
- **Identified Emotions:**
- List any emotions expressed in the snippet (e.g., anger, fear, joy, sadness, surprise, disgust, contempt).
- Provide the emotions in both English and Spanish.
- **Intensity:**
- Score the intensity of each emotion on a scale from 0 to 100.
- **Explanation:**
- Briefly explain how the emotional tone contributes to the message and its potential impact (in both English and Spanish).
##### **J. Political Spectrum Analysis**
Analyze the content's political orientation on a scale from -1.0 (extremely left-leaning) to +1.0 (extremely right-leaning), where 0.0 represents politically neutral content.
**Analysis Requirements:**
1. Focus on Observable Elements:
- Explicit policy positions stated
- Specific arguments made
- Language and rhetoric used
- Sources or authorities cited
- Solutions proposed
2. Evidence-Based Scoring:
- Score must be justified by direct references to the content
- Each claim in the explanation must cite specific elements from the snippet
- Acknowledge when content contains mixed or ambiguous political signals
3. Explanation Format:
"This content receives a score of [X] because it [cite specific elements]. This is evidenced by [quote or describe specific statements/arguments from the snippet]."
Remember: The goal is to detect and measure political orientation based on the actual content, not to categorize or label the speech. Avoid inferring political leanings from adjacent topics or assumptions about the speaker.
#### **3. Assemble Structured Output**
Organize all the information into a structured output conforming to the provided JSON schema.
### **JSON Schema**
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"transcription": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Transcription of the entire audio clip in the original language."
"translation": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Translation of the transcription into English."
"title": {
"type": "object",
"required": ["spanish", "english"],
"properties": {
"spanish": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Title of the snippet in Spanish."
"english": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Title of the snippet in English."
"summary": {
"type": "object",
"required": ["spanish", "english"],
"properties": {
"spanish": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Summary of the snippet in Spanish."
"english": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Summary of the snippet in English."
"explanation": {
"type": "object",
"required": ["spanish", "english"],
"properties": {
"spanish": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Explanation in Spanish."
"english": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Explanation in English."
"disinformation_categories": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"required": ["spanish", "english"],
"properties": {
"spanish": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Disinformation category in Spanish."
"english": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Disinformation category in English."
"keywords_detected": {
"type": "array",
"items": { "type": "string" }
"language": {
"type": "object",
"required": ["primary_language", "dialect", "register"],
"properties": {
"primary_language": { "type": "string" },
"dialect": { "type": "string" },
"register": { "type": "string" }
"context": {
"type": "object",
"required": ["before", "before_en", "after", "after_en", "main", "main_en"],
"properties": {
"before": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Part of the audio clip transcription that precedes the snippet."
"before_en": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Translation of the `before` part into English."
"after": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Part of the audio clip transcription that follows the snippet."
"after_en": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Translation of the `after` part into English."
"main": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The transcription of the snippet itself."
"main_en": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Translation of the `main` part into English."
"confidence_scores": {
"type": "object",
"required": ["overall", "categories"],
"properties": {
"overall": {
"type": "integer",
"description": "Overall confidence score of the analysis, ranging from 0 to 100."
"categories": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"required": ["category", "score"],
"properties": {
"category": { "type": "string" },
"score": { "type": "integer" }
"emotional_tone": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"required": ["emotion", "intensity", "explanation"],
"properties": {
"emotion": {
"type": "object",
"required": ["spanish", "english"],
"properties": {
"spanish": { "type": "string" },
"english": { "type": "string" }
"intensity": {
"type": "integer",
"description": "Intensity of the emotion, ranging from 0 to 100."
"explanation": {
"type": "object",
"required": ["spanish", "english"],
"properties": {
"spanish": { "type": "string" },
"english": { "type": "string" }
"political_lean": {
"type": "object",
"required": ["score", "explanation"],
"properties": {
"score": {
"type": "number",
"minimum": -1.0,
"maximum": 1.0,
"description": "Political leaning score where -1.0 is extremely left-leaning and +1.0 is extremely right-leaning"
"explanation": {
"type": "object",
"required": ["spanish", "english"],
"properties": {
"spanish": { "type": "string" },
"english": { "type": "string" }
"description": "Evidence-based explanation of the political leaning score"
[Note: The detailed heuristics for disinformation categories would follow here, as in the original prompt.]
I've created the complete updated prompt as an artifact. The key changes include:
1. Added the political lean analysis task to the overview
2. Added new section "J. Political Spectrum Analysis" with the focused, evidence-based approach
3. Updated the JSON schema to include the new `political_lean` object
4. Maintained the core structure while integrating the new political analysis requirements
The prompt now provides clear guidance for objective political lean analysis while avoiding prescriptive categories or assumptions. Would you like me to make any adjustments to this version?
**human** (Oct 30, 2024, 06:24 PM)
change "political_lean" to "political_leaning"
**assistant** (Oct 30, 2024, 06:24 PM)
I'll update the field name from "political_lean" to "political_leaning" throughout the prompt.
#### update stage2-prompt
Find this:
"political_lean": {
Replace with this:
"political_leaning": {
#### update stage2-prompt
Find this:
Replace with this:
I've updated all instances of "political_lean" to "political_leaning" in the prompt, including:
1. In the required fields list
2. In the properties definition
3. In the schema structure
The change maintains consistency throughout the document while using the more grammatically appropriate term. Would you like to review any specific part of the updated prompt?
**human** (Oct 30, 2024, 06:25 PM)
Please write a very detailed summary of all the changes now.
**assistant** (Oct 30, 2024, 06:25 PM)
Here's a comprehensive summary of all changes made to the Stage 2 LLM analysis prompt:
1. **Top-Level Task Additions**
- Added political leaning assessment as a core task (#4) in the Task Overview section
- Original four tasks remained unchanged (transcription, translation, disinformation analysis, and structured output)
2. **New Analysis Section**
Added "Section J. Political Spectrum Analysis" which includes:
- Scale definition: -1.0 (extremely left-leaning) to +1.0 (extremely right-leaning)
- Clear specification that 0.0 represents politically neutral content
- Three key components:
a. Observable Elements Focus
- Explicit policy positions
- Specific arguments
- Language and rhetoric
- Sources cited
- Solutions proposed
b. Evidence-Based Scoring Requirements
- Direct content references required
- Specific citation requirements
- Recognition of mixed/ambiguous signals
c. Structured Explanation Format
- Template: "This content receives a score of [X] because it [cite specific elements]. This is evidenced by [quote or describe specific statements/arguments from the snippet]."
3. **JSON Schema Updates**
Added new `political_leaning` object with:
- Required fields:
- score (number, -1.0 to +1.0)
- explanation (object with Spanish and English versions)
- Detailed property descriptions
- Added to required fields array at root level
- Full validation constraints for the scoring range
4. **Schema Structure Modifications**
- Added `political_leaning` to the list of required fields
- Maintained consistency with existing bilingual pattern (Spanish/English pairs)
- Integrated with existing validation patterns
5. **Name Standardization**
- Changed field name from initial `political_lean` to `political_leaning` for better grammatical correctness
- Updated all references to maintain consistency throughout the document
6. **Key Principles**
The new section emphasizes:
- Focus on observable content rather than interpretation
- Evidence-based analysis requirements
- Avoidance of prescriptive political categories
- Objective measurement rather than labeling
- Direct connection between claims and evidence
7. **Integration with Existing Structure**
- Maintained consistency with other analysis sections
- Preserved the overall flow of the document
- Kept consistent formatting and style
- Ensured compatibility with existing validation requirements
8. **Documentation Improvements**
- Added clear descriptions for new fields
- Maintained bilingual requirement consistency
- Preserved schema validation patterns
9. **Structural Integrity**
- Maintained proper nesting of JSON schema elements
- Preserved all existing functionality
- Ensured backward compatibility
- Kept consistent formatting throughout
10. **Notable Omissions/Deliberate Exclusions**
- Avoided prescriptive political categories
- Removed subjective assessment criteria
- Eliminated assumption-based analysis
- Excluded rigid political classification systems
This update successfully integrates political leaning analysis into the existing prompt while maintaining:
- Objectivity in assessment
- Evidence-based analysis requirements
- Clear documentation standards
- Consistent bilingual support
- Proper schema validation
- Existing functionality
- Clear scoring guidelines
The changes create a robust framework for political leaning analysis while avoiding common pitfalls like:
- Subjective categorization
- Prescriptive definitions
- Assumption-based analysis
- Oversimplification of complex political positions
The updated prompt now provides a comprehensive framework for analyzing both disinformation and political orientation in Spanish-language media content, with clear guidelines for objective, evidence-based assessment.
Would you like me to elaborate on any specific aspect of these changes?
**human** (Oct 30, 2024, 06:28 PM)
Should we make any changes to the system instructions for this LLM?
Role Definition:
You are an advanced language model specialized in in-depth disinformation analysis, capable of processing audio inputs in multiple languages, with a focus on Spanish and Arabic as spoken by immigrant communities in the USA. Your expertise includes transcription, translation, and comprehensive content analysis, capturing nuances such as tone, emotion, and cultural context.
General Guidelines:
- Accuracy: Ensure precise transcription and translation, preserving the original meaning and cultural nuances.
- Cultural Sensitivity: Be mindful of cultural contexts, idiomatic expressions, and dialects specific to Spanish and Arabic-speaking immigrant communities especially.
- Objectivity: Maintain neutrality and avoid personal biases in your analysis.
- Structured Output: All output must strictly conform to the provided JSON schema.
**assistant** (Oct 30, 2024, 06:28 PM)
Yes, we should update the system instructions to explicitly include political analysis capabilities and strengthen the objectivity requirements. Here's my suggested revision:
**Role Definition:**
You are an advanced language model specialized in in-depth disinformation and political content analysis, capable of processing audio inputs in multiple languages, with a focus on Spanish and Arabic as spoken by immigrant communities in the USA. Your expertise includes transcription, translation, and comprehensive content analysis, capturing nuances such as tone, emotion, political orientation, and cultural context.
**General Guidelines:**
- **Accuracy:** Ensure precise transcription and translation, preserving the original meaning and cultural nuances.
- **Cultural Sensitivity:** Be mindful of cultural contexts, idiomatic expressions, and dialects specific to Spanish and Arabic-speaking immigrant communities especially.
- **Evidence-Based Analysis:** Base all analytical conclusions, including political orientation assessments, strictly on observable content elements with specific citations.
- **Objectivity:** Maintain strict neutrality by focusing solely on explicit content rather than assumptions or inferences. Analyze political orientation based only on clearly stated positions and arguments.
- **Structured Output:** All output must strictly conform to the provided JSON schema.
Key changes made:
1. Added "political content analysis" to core expertise
2. Added "political orientation" to the types of nuances captured
3. Added new "Evidence-Based Analysis" guideline emphasizing citation requirements
4. Strengthened "Objectivity" guideline to explicitly mention political orientation analysis
5. Maintained concise, clear structure of original instructions
These changes align the system instructions with the detailed prompt while reinforcing the evidence-based, objective approach to political analysis. Would you like me to explain any of these changes in more detail?
**human** (Oct 30, 2024, 06:30 PM)
show me the new Stage_3_output_schema.json
**assistant** (Oct 30, 2024, 06:30 PM)
Let me create a JSON schema file incorporating all the changes, including the new political leaning field:
#### create Stage 3 Output Schema
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"transcription": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Transcription of the entire audio clip in the original language."
"translation": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Translation of the transcription into English."
"title": {
"type": "object",
"required": ["spanish", "english"],
"properties": {
"spanish": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Title of the snippet in Spanish."
"english": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Title of the snippet in English."
"description": "Descriptive title of the snippet."
"summary": {
"type": "object",
"required": ["spanish", "english"],
"properties": {
"spanish": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Summary of the snippet in Spanish."
"english": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Summary of the snippet in English."
"description": "Objective summary of the snippet."
"explanation": {
"type": "object",
"required": ["spanish", "english"],
"properties": {
"spanish": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Explanation in Spanish."
"english": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Explanation in English."
"description": "Detailed explanation of why the snippet constitutes disinformation."
"disinformation_categories": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"required": ["spanish", "english"],
"properties": {
"spanish": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Disinformation category in Spanish."
"english": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Disinformation category in English."
"description": "Disinformation categories that the snippet belongs to."
"keywords_detected": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"description": "Specific words or phrases that triggered the flag, in original language."
"language": {
"type": "object",
"required": ["primary_language", "dialect", "register"],
"properties": {
"primary_language": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Primary language of the audio (e.g., Spanish, Arabic)."
"dialect": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Specific dialect or regional variation."
"register": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Language register (formal, informal, colloquial, slang)."
"context": {
"type": "object",
"required": ["before", "before_en", "after", "after_en", "main", "main_en"],
"properties": {
"before": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Part of the audio clip transcription that precedes the snippet."
"before_en": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Translation of the `before` part into English."
"after": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Part of the audio clip transcription that follows the snippet."
"after_en": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Translation of the `after` part into English."
"main": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The transcription of the snippet itself."
"main_en": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Translation of the `main` part into English."
"confidence_scores": {
"type": "object",
"required": ["overall", "categories"],
"properties": {
"overall": {
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 0,
"maximum": 100,
"description": "Overall confidence score of the analysis."
"categories": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"required": ["category", "score"],
"properties": {
"category": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Name of the disinformation category."
"score": {
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 0,
"maximum": 100,
"description": "Confidence score for this category."
"emotional_tone": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"required": ["emotion", "intensity", "explanation"],
"properties": {
"emotion": {
"type": "object",
"required": ["spanish", "english"],
"properties": {
"spanish": { "type": "string" },
"english": { "type": "string" }
"intensity": {
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 0,
"maximum": 100,
"description": "Intensity of the emotion."
"explanation": {
"type": "object",
"required": ["spanish", "english"],
"properties": {
"spanish": { "type": "string" },
"english": { "type": "string" }
"political_leaning": {
"type": "object",
"required": ["score", "explanation"],
"properties": {
"score": {
"type": "number",
"minimum": -1.0,
"maximum": 1.0,
"description": "Political leaning score where -1.0 is extremely left-leaning and +1.0 is extremely right-leaning."
"explanation": {
"type": "object",
"required": ["spanish", "english"],
"properties": {
"spanish": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Evidence-based explanation of the political leaning score in Spanish."
"english": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Evidence-based explanation of the political leaning score in English."
"description": "Assessment of political orientation based on observable content elements."
Key features of this schema:
1. Added `political_leaning` as a required field
2. Maintained consistent bilingual pattern for explanations
3. Added proper numeric constraints for the political leaning score (-1.0 to +1.0)
4. Added detailed descriptions for all fields
5. Ensured consistent validation patterns throughout
6. Added minimum/maximum constraints for all numeric scores
7. Maintained clear structure and organization
Would you like me to explain any specific part of the schema in more detail?
**human** (Oct 30, 2024, 06:42 PM)
How should we revise the last part often analysis prompt?
- Cultural Sensitivity: Always consider the cultural context and avoid imposing external biases. Be respectful of cultural nuances in language and expression.
- Objectivity: Maintain neutrality throughout your analysis. Do not let personal opinions influence the assessment.
- Clarity and Precision: Communicate your findings clearly and precisely to facilitate understanding and decision-making.
Below is an example of the expected output, conforming to the OpenAPI JSON schema provided.
"transcription": "Estamos viviendo tiempos difíciles, y hay muchas cosas que no nos dicen. La economía está en declive, la inflación está aumentando y parece que el gobierno no tiene soluciones claras. Además, hay un debate constante sobre las vacunas obligatorias. Dicen que el gobierno quiere controlar nuestras mentes con las vacunas. Es por eso que están empujando tanto la vacunación obligatoria. Por eso debemos informarnos y proteger a nuestras familias.",
"translation": "We are living in difficult times, and there are many things they're not telling us. The economy is declining, inflation is rising, and it seems like the government doesn't have clear solutions. Additionally, there's a constant debate about mandatory vaccinations. They say the government wants to control our minds with vaccines. That's why they are pushing mandatory vaccination so hard. That's why we need to inform ourselves and protect our families.",
"title": {
"spanish": "El control del gobierno a través de las vacunaciones obligatorias",
"english": "Government Control Through Mandatory Vaccinations"
"summary": {
"spanish": "El orador discute las dificultades económicas actuales y el aumento de la inflación, expresando escepticismo hacia la falta de soluciones claras por parte del gobierno. Destaca un debate contencioso sobre las vacunaciones obligatorias, sugiriendo que el gobierno pretende controlar las mentes de las personas a través de las vacunas, abogando así por la autoeducación y la protección de la familia.",
"english": "The speaker discusses the current economic struggles and rising inflation, expressing skepticism towards the government's lack of clear solutions. They highlight a contentious debate on mandatory vaccinations, suggesting that the government aims to control people's minds through vaccines, thereby advocating for self-education and family protection."
"explanation": {
"spanish": "Este fragmento cae bajo las categorías de desinformación de \"COVID-19 y vacunación\" y \"Teorías de conspiración\". Propaga la teoría de conspiración infundada de que las vacunas son un medio para que el gobierno controle las mentes de los individuos, lo que puede alimentar la reticencia a las vacunas y erosionar la confianza en las medidas de salud pública. El tono emocional transmite miedo y desconfianza hacia las iniciativas gubernamentales, lo que podría influir negativamente en el comportamiento de la comunidad.",
"english": "This snippet falls under the 'COVID-19 and Vaccination' and 'Conspiracy Theories' disinformation categories. It propagates the unfounded conspiracy theory that vaccines are a means for the government to control individuals' minds, which can fuel vaccine hesitancy and erode trust in public health measures. The emotional tone conveys fear and distrust towards governmental initiatives, potentially influencing community behavior adversely."
"disinformation_categories": [
"spanish": "COVID-19 y vacunación",
"english": "COVID-19 and Vaccination"
"spanish": "Teorías de conspiración",
"english": "Conspiracy Theories"
"keywords_detected": [
"vacunación obligatoria",
"controlar nuestras mentes",
"proteger a nuestras familias"
"language": {
"primary_language": "Spanish",
"dialect": "Mexican Spanish",
"register": "Informal"
"context": {
"before": "Estamos viviendo tiempos difíciles, y hay muchas cosas que no nos dicen. La economía está en declive, la inflación está aumentando y parece que el gobierno no tiene soluciones claras. Además, hay un debate constante sobre las vacunas obligatorias.",
"before_en": "We are living in difficult times, and there are many things they're not telling us. The economy is declining, inflation is rising, and it seems like the government doesn't have clear solutions. Additionally, there's a constant debate about mandatory vaccinations.",
"after": "Por eso debemos informarnos y proteger a nuestras familias.",
"after_en": "That's why we need to inform ourselves and protect our families.",
"main": "Dicen que el gobierno quiere controlar nuestras mentes con las vacunas. Es por eso que están empujando tanto la vacunación obligatoria.",
"main_en": "They say the government wants to control our minds with vaccines. That's why they are pushing mandatory vaccination so hard."
"confidence_scores": {
"overall": 92,
"categories": [
"category": "COVID-19 and Vaccination",
"score": 95
"category": "Conspiracy Theories",
"score": 90
"emotional_tone": [
"emotion": {
"spanish": "Miedo",
"english": "Fear"
"intensity": 80,
"explanation": {
"spanish": "El orador expresa miedo sobre la manipulación del gobierno a través de las vacunas.",
"english": "The speaker expresses fear about government manipulation through vaccines."
"emotion": {
"spanish": "Desconfianza",
"english": "Distrust"
"intensity": 85,
"explanation": {
"spanish": "Hay un fuerte sentido de desconfianza hacia las acciones y políticas gubernamentales.",
"english": "There is a strong sense of distrust towards governmental actions and policies."
"emotion": {
"spanish": "Preocupación",
"english": "Concern"
"intensity": 75,
"explanation": {
"spanish": "El orador está preocupado por la situación económica y el impacto de las vacunaciones obligatorias en las libertades personales.",
"english": "The speaker is concerned about the economic situation and the impact of mandatory vaccinations on personal freedoms."
By following these instructions and listening closely using the detailed heuristics, you will provide comprehensive and culturally nuanced analyses of potential disinformation. Your work will support efforts to understand and mitigate the impact of disinformation on diverse communities, contributing to more informed and resilient societies.
Please proceed to listen to the audio file provided and analyze the content based on the detailed heuristics and guidelines provided. Your task is to fill out the JSON template with the relevant information based on your analysis of the audio content.
**assistant** (Oct 30, 2024, 06:42 PM)
The last part of the prompt should be updated to integrate political leaning analysis into the example output and better explain how the example demonstrates proper analysis. Here's my suggested revision:
## **Example Output**
Below is an example of the expected output, demonstrating evidence-based analysis including political orientation assessment, conforming to the JSON schema provided.
[Previous JSON example with added political_leaning field:]
"political_leaning": {
"score": 0.7,
"explanation": {
"spanish": "Este contenido muestra una orientación política conservadora, evidenciada por: 1) la expresión explícita de desconfianza hacia las iniciativas gubernamentales de salud pública ('el gobierno quiere controlar nuestras mentes con las vacunas'), 2) el énfasis en la libertad individual frente a las medidas de salud pública ('debemos informarnos y proteger a nuestras familias'), y 3) la crítica directa a la intervención gubernamental en temas de salud ('están empujando tanto la vacunación obligatoria').",
"english": "This content shows a conservative political orientation, evidenced by: 1) explicit expression of distrust in government public health initiatives ('the government wants to control our minds with vaccines'), 2) emphasis on individual liberty over public health measures ('we need to inform ourselves and protect our families'), and 3) direct criticism of government intervention in health matters ('they are pushing mandatory vaccination so hard')."
# Final Instructions
Please proceed to analyze the provided audio content following these guidelines:
1. Listen carefully to capture all spoken content
2. Apply the detailed heuristics for disinformation analysis
3. Base political orientation assessment solely on observable content elements
4. Document all findings with specific evidence from the content
5. Structure your output according to the provided JSON schema
Your analysis should be thorough, evidence-based, and objective, supporting efforts to understand disinformation and political discourse in diverse communities.
Key changes:
1. Added introduction emphasizing evidence-based analysis
2. Included political_leaning example showing proper citation format
3. Restructured final instructions to be more actionable
4. Added explicit mention of political orientation assessment
5. Emphasized need for evidence-based documentation
Would you like me to explain any of these changes in more detail?
**human** (Oct 30, 2024, 06:46 PM)
explain the "introduction emphasizing evidence-based analysis"
**assistant** (Oct 30, 2024, 06:46 PM)
The introduction I proposed for the Example Output section is:
Below is an example of the expected output, demonstrating evidence-based analysis including political orientation assessment, conforming to the JSON schema provided.
On reflection, this could be strengthened to better emphasize evidence-based analysis. Here's a revised version:
## **Example Output**
Below is an example that demonstrates how to:
1. Base all analytical conclusions on specific content elements
2. Cite direct evidence from the transcript for each finding
3. Provide structured, objective analysis including political orientation
4. Present findings in the required JSON schema format
Pay particular attention to how each analytical claim (whether about disinformation, emotional tone, or political orientation) directly references specific quotes or elements from the content.
This revision:
- Opens with a clear purpose statement
- Breaks out key analytical principles
- Explicitly points to the connection between claims and evidence
- Draws attention to the pattern of evidence citation across all analysis types
- Sets clearer expectations for the example that follows
Would you like me to revise the complete final section with this improved introduction?
**human** (Oct 30, 2024, 06:46 PM)
I am concerned about giving only one example and it being left-leaning. Can we give an example that is neutral or would it be possible to give more than one example that balance eachother out, so that we do not bias it in one direction or the other?
**assistant** (Oct 30, 2024, 06:46 PM)
That's an excellent observation. Providing a single example with a particular political leaning could inadvertently bias the model's analysis. Here are two approaches we could take:
1. **Multiple Examples Approach** (Preferred)
## **Example Outputs**
Below are examples demonstrating evidence-based analysis across different political orientations. Each example shows how to:
1. Base all analytical claims on specific content elements
2. Cite direct evidence from the transcript for each finding
3. Provide structured, objective analysis
4. Present findings in the required JSON schema format
### Example 1: [Current vaccine example with right-leaning score]
[Current JSON]
### Example 2: [Economic Policy Discussion]
[Previous fields same format...]
"transcription": "El aumento del salario mínimo es esencial para combatir la desigualdad. Las grandes empresas están obteniendo ganancias récord mientras los trabajadores luchan por sobrevivir. Necesitamos más regulación y un sistema tributario más justo para las corporaciones.",
[Other fields...]
"political_leaning": {
"score": -0.6,
"explanation": {
"spanish": "Este contenido muestra una orientación progresista, evidenciada por: 1) el apoyo explícito al aumento del salario mínimo ('es esencial para combatir la desigualdad'), 2) la crítica directa a las ganancias corporativas ('ganancias récord mientras los trabajadores luchan'), y 3) el llamado específico a mayor regulación y tributación corporativa.",
"english": "This content shows a progressive orientation, evidenced by: 1) explicit support for minimum wage increases ('essential to combat inequality'), 2) direct criticism of corporate profits ('record profits while workers struggle'), and 3) specific call for increased regulation and corporate taxation."
### Example 3: [Infrastructure Discussion]
[Previous fields same format...]
"transcription": "Debemos evaluar cada proyecto de infraestructura basándonos en datos técnicos y análisis de costo-beneficio. No podemos permitir que la política partidista determine qué puentes o carreteras se reparan. La seguridad pública y la eficiencia económica deben ser nuestras únicas consideraciones.",
[Other fields...]
"political_leaning": {
"score": 0.0,
"explanation": {
"spanish": "Este contenido muestra una orientación políticamente neutral, evidenciada por: 1) el énfasis en criterios técnicos sobre políticos ('datos técnicos y análisis de costo-beneficio'), 2) el rechazo explícito de la política partidista en la toma de decisiones, y 3) el enfoque en objetivos universalmente aceptados como la seguridad pública y la eficiencia.",
"english": "This content shows a politically neutral orientation, evidenced by: 1) emphasis on technical rather than political criteria ('technical data and cost-benefit analysis'), 2) explicit rejection of partisan politics in decision-making, and 3) focus on universally accepted goals like public safety and efficiency."
Pay particular attention to how each example:
- Cites specific quotes to justify the political orientation score
- Maintains objective analysis regardless of the content's orientation
- Follows the same structured approach across different political perspectives
2. **Single Neutral Example Approach** (Alternative)
We could use just the infrastructure example as it demonstrates objective analysis of politically neutral content, avoiding potential bias in either direction.
I recommend the Multiple Examples Approach because it:
1. Shows how to analyze content across the political spectrum
2. Demonstrates consistency in analytical approach regardless of orientation
3. Helps prevent bias by showing balanced examples
4. Provides more guidance on handling different types of political content
Would you like me to:
1. Fully flesh out the multiple examples approach with complete JSON for each case?
2. Develop the single neutral example approach instead?
3. Explore other alternatives for balanced representation?
**human** (Oct 30, 2024, 07:12 PM)
okay, now please write a brief but comprehensive summary of everything we discussed and all of the changes so that I can update my colleagues
**assistant** (Oct 30, 2024, 07:12 PM)
Here's a comprehensive summary of our discussion and changes:
**Overall Goal:**
We enhanced the Stage 2 LLM analysis prompt to include objective political orientation assessment, focusing on evidence-based analysis and avoiding bias.
**Key Changes Made:**
1. **System Instructions Update**
- Added political content analysis to core capabilities
- Strengthened objectivity requirements
- Emphasized evidence-based analysis
- Maintained existing cultural sensitivity focus
2. **Schema Updates**
- Added new `political_leaning` object to JSON schema
- Score range: -1.0 (extremely left) to +1.0 (extremely right)
- Required bilingual explanations with evidence citations
- Integrated with existing validation patterns
3. **Analysis Requirements**
- Added structured approach to political orientation analysis
- Focus on observable elements only:
- Explicit policy positions
- Specific arguments made
- Language and rhetoric used
- Sources cited
- Solutions proposed
- Required evidence-based scoring with direct content references
- Clear explanation format requiring specific citations
4. **Example Outputs**
- Expanded to include multiple examples across political spectrum:
- Right-leaning example (vaccine discussion)
- Left-leaning example (economic policy)
- Neutral example (infrastructure)
- Each example demonstrates:
- Evidence-based analysis
- Direct quote citations
- Objective assessment
- Proper schema formatting
**Key Considerations Addressed:**
1. Objectivity in political analysis
2. Avoiding bias in example outputs
3. Evidence-based assessment requirements
4. Consistent analytical approach
5. Cultural sensitivity
6. Clear documentation requirements
**Files Modified:**
2. Stage_3_output_schema.json
3. Analysis prompt (main instruction document)
**Next Steps:**
- Update documentation with new examples
- Ensure consistent terminology across all documents
- Consider testing with diverse content samples
- Monitor for any potential bias in implementations
The changes maintain the core functionality of the disinformation analysis system while adding robust, objective political orientation assessment capabilities.