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Created November 21, 2012 21:28
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Massive Internal View State (file extensions changed to assist with language auto-detection) See for related discussion
/* NB: Class has been edited for brevity and may not compile initially */
public with sharing class AccountView {
// Input Properties
public String filter1 { get; set; }
public String grouping1 { get; set; }
public String grouping2 { get; set; }
// Select Lists
public List<SelectOption> filter1Options { get; private set; }
public List<SelectOption> groupingOptions { get; private set; }
// Results
public List<Result> results { get; set; } { results = new List<Result>(); }
/* Constructor */
public AccountView() { }
/* Action Functions */
public PageReference doSelect() {
List<String> accountIds = getSelected(results);
/* Pass ids to the next page, section edited for brevity */
return nextPage;
public void doUpdate() {
/* Support Functions */
private void buildResults(List<Account> accounts) {
// collect groupings
List<Grouping> groupings = new List<Grouping>();
if(grouping1 != NONE_OPTION)
groupings.add(new Grouping(grouping1));
if(grouping2 != NONE_OPTION)
groupings.add(new Grouping(grouping2));
// group results
results = groupResults(groupings, accounts, existing);
private List<Account> getAccounts() {
String queryString = 'select **** from account where id != null';
/* Build up query string based on selected filters */
return Database.query(queryString);
// recursive get selected
private List<String> getSelected(List<Result> input) {
List<String> accountIds = new List<String>();
for(Result row : input) {
if(!row.isGrouping && row.selected) {
} else if(row.isGrouping) {
return accountIds;
/* Grouping Functions */
// recurse starter
private static List<Result> groupResults(List<Grouping> groupings, List<Account> inputList, Set<Id> existing) {
List<Result> outputList = new List<Result>();
for(Account input : inputList) {
Result output = new Result(input);
if(existing.contains( {
output.disabled = true;
output.selected = true;
return groupResults(groupings, outputList);
// recursive processes selected grouping
private static List<Result> groupResults(List<Grouping> groupings, List<Result> inputList) {
// base case, just return the list without doing anything
if(groupings.isEmpty()) return inputList;
// pop next grouping
Grouping grouping = groupings[0];
// group results
Map<String, Result> resultMap = new Map<String, Result>();
for(Result input : inputList) {
Account account = input.record;
String label;
if(grouping.isLookup) {
label = (String) DynamicDMLHelper.recursiveGet(account, grouping.labelField);
} else {
label = (String) account.get(grouping.labelField);
if(label == null) {
label = BLANK_VALUE;
label = grouping.displayLabel + GROUP_NAME_SEPARATOR + label;
String value = (String) account.get(grouping.valueField);
if(value == null) {
value = BLANK_VALUE;
if(!resultMap.containsKey(value)) {
resultMap.put(value, new Result(label));
// flatten into grouping results
List<Result> outputList = new List<Result>();
List<String> sortedGroupings = new List<String>();
for(String sortedGrouping : sortedGroupings) {
// recurse on remaining groupings
for(Result output : outputList) {
output.children = groupResults(groupings.clone(), output.children);
// return result
return outputList;
/* Inner Classes */
private class Grouping {
// valueField = labelField for non lookup fields
String valueField; // field to look for value of grouping (e.g. parentId for parent account)
String labelField; // field to look for the label of the grouping (e.g for parent account)
String displayLabel; // label of the field for grouping (e.g. "Ownership Company" for ownership_company__c)
Boolean isLookup; // true if an id field
Grouping(String fieldApiName) {
fieldApiName = fieldApiName.toLowerCase(); // make the field api name case-insensitive
valueField = fieldApiName;
Schema.DescribeFieldResult fieldDescribe = accountFields.get(fieldApiName).getDescribe();
displayLabel = fieldDescribe.getLabel();
isLookup = fieldDescribe.getSOAPType() == Schema.SOAPType.ID;
if(isLookup) {
// "parentId" => ""
// "brand__c" => ""
labelField = fieldApiName.replaceAll('__c$','').replaceAll('id$','.name');
} else {
labelField = fieldApiName;
public Class Result {
public List<Result> children { get; private set; }
public Boolean disabled { get; private set; } { disabled = false; }
public Id recordId { get; private set; }
public Boolean isGrouping { get; private set; }
public String name { get; private set; }
public transient Account record { get; private set; }
public Boolean selected { get; set; } { selected = false; }
public Result(String name) { = name;
children = new List<Result>();
isGrouping = true;
public Result(Account record) {
this.record = record;
recordId =;
isGrouping = false;
<apex:page controller="AccountView" tabstyle="Account" title="Account View">
<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock >
<!-- Filters for selecting accounts -->
<apex:facet name="header">
<apex:outputPanel layout="block">
<apex:panelGrid columns="3">
<apex:panelGroup >
<apex:outputLabel for="filter1" value="Filter 1: "/>
<apex:selectList id="filter1" value="{!filter1}" size="1">
<apex:selectOptions value="{!filter1Options}"/>
<!-- Additional Filters Excluded for Brevity -->
<!-- Results can be grouped in up to twol levels to better organize results and simplify selecting large numbers of accounts -->
<apex:panelGroup >
<apex:outputLabel for="grouping1" value="Grouping 1: "/>
<apex:selectList id="grouping1" value="{!grouping1}" size="1">
<apex:selectOptions value="{!groupingOptions}"/>
<apex:panelGroup >
<apex:outputLabel for="grouping2" value="Grouping 2: "/>
<apex:selectList id="grouping2" value="{!grouping2}" size="1">
<apex:selectOptions value="{!groupingOptions}"/>
<apex:outputPanel layout="block" style="padding-top: 10px;">
<apex:commandButton value="Update Filters" action="{!doUpdate}" />
<apex:commandButton value="Select Accounts" action="{!doSelect}"/>
<apex:outputPanel layout="block">
<table class="list" style="border-collapse: collapse; width: 99%;">
<tr class="headerRow">
<td>Field 1</td>
<!-- Additional Fields excluded for brevity -->
<!-- Level 1 Repeat -->
<apex:repeat value="{!results}" var="resLev1">
<!-- Level 1 Group -->
<apex:outputPanel rendered="{!resLev1.isGrouping}">
<apex:outputPanel layout="none">
<td><input type="checkbox" onclick="javascript:(stuff to check all boxes in group)"/></td>
<td colspan="3" class="grouping">{!} ({!resLev1.children.size})</td>
<!-- Level 1 Results (displayed if no grouping) -->
<apex:outputPanel rendered="{!NOT(resLev1.isGrouping)}">
<apex:outputPanel layout="none" rendered="{!displaySelection}">
<td><apex:inputCheckbox value="{!resLev1.selected}"/></td>
<apex:outputLink value="{!URLFOR($Action.Account.View,}" target="_blank">
<td><apex:outputField value="{!resLev1.record.field1__c}"/></td>
<!-- Additional Fields excluded for brevity -->
<!-- Level 2 Repeat -->
<apex:repeat value="{!resLev1.children}" var="resLev2">
<!-- Level 2 Group -->
<apex:outputPanel rendered="{!resLev2.isGrouping}">
<td colspan="3" class="grouping">{!} ({!resLev2.children.size})</td>
<!-- Level 2 Results (displayed if only one grouping) -->
<apex:outputPanel rendered="{!NOT(resLev2.isGrouping)}">
<td><apex:inputCheckbox value="{!resLev2.selected}"/></td>
<apex:outputLink value="{!URLFOR($Action.Account.View,}" target="_blank">
<td><apex:outputField value="{!resLev2.field1__c}"/></td>
<!-- Additional Fields excluded for brevity -->
<!-- Level 3 Repeat -->
<apex:repeat value="{!resLev2.children}" var="resLev3">
<!-- Level 3 Result (can only group to two levels) -->
<td><apex:inputCheckbox value="{!resLev3.selected}"/></td>
<apex:outputLink value="{!URLFOR($Action.Account.View,}" target="_blank">
<td><apex:outputField value="{!resLev3.field1__c}"/></td>
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