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Last active April 7, 2016 13:59
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  • Save ralphcrisostomo/a95d75f37023a7d8038d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ralphcrisostomo/a95d75f37023a7d8038d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
for lazy people that wanted to download tutorials from automatically
# Created by : Ralph Crisostomo
# 14FEB2016
# Instead of clicking and downloading one by one
# Paste the code below to your chrome console
# to generate bash command for you to copy and paste
# to your terminal.
# Paste the code below to your chrome console :
# You should be at the initial course page
# (function(){var n,e,t,o,r,l,s;for(r="",e=[],l=[],n="",s=t=0;30>=t;s=++t)n+="-";o=function(){var t,i,c,u;return 0!==e.length?(t=e[0],c=$("<iframe>",{src:t.url}).appendTo("body"),s=0,i=setInterval(function(){var n,r;return(null!=(n=c.contents().find("source"))?n.attr("src"):void 0)&&(clearInterval(i),t.title=t.title.replace(":"," -"),console.log(t.title),l.push({name:t.title,url:null!=(r=c.contents().find("source"))?r.attr("src"):void 0}),setTimeout(function(){return c.remove(),e.shift()},100),setTimeout(function(){return o()},200)),s++},300)):(u=n+"\n",u+="Paste code below: \n",u+=n+"\n",u+="# \n",u+="# "+r+"\n",u+="# \n",u+='sudo mkdir "'+r+'"\n',u+='cd "'+r+'"\n',l.forEach(function(n){return u+='sudo curl -C - -o "''.mp4" '+n.url+"\n"}),u+="cd ../ \n",u+='echo "'+n+'"\n',u+='echo "'+r+'"\n',u+='echo "'+n+'"\n',u+='ls -al "'+r+'"\n',u+='echo "'+n+'"\n',console.log(u))},$(".lesson-index__lesson .lesson-index__lesson-link").each(function(){var n,t,o;return r=$("title").text(),o=$(this).attr("href"),n=$(this).find(".lesson-index__lesson-number").text(),t=$(this).find(".lesson-index__lesson-title").text(),e.push({url:o,title:n+" "+t})}),o()}).call(this);
title = ""
frames = []
videos = []
border = ""
for x in [0..30]
border += "-"
loadFrame = ->
if frames.length isnt 0
frame = frames[0]
iframe = $('<iframe>', { src : frame.url }).appendTo('body')
x = 0
i = setInterval ( ->
if iframe.contents().find('source')?.attr('src')
clearInterval i
frame.title = frame.title.replace(':',' -')
console.log frame.title
name : frame.title
url : iframe.contents().find('source')?.attr('src')
setTimeout ->
, 100
setTimeout ->
, 200
), 300
message = "#{border}\n"
message += "Paste code below: \n"
message += "#{border}\n"
message += "# \n"
message += "# #{title}\n"
message += "# \n"
message += "sudo mkdir \"#{title}\"\n"
message += "cd \"#{title}\"\n"
videos.forEach (item) ->
message += "sudo curl -C - -o \"#{}.mp4\" #{item.url}\n"
message += "cd ../ \n"
message += "echo \"#{border}\"\n"
message += "echo \"#{title}\"\n"
message += "echo \"#{border}\"\n"
message += "ls -al \"#{title}\"\n"
message += "echo \"#{border}\"\n"
console.log message
$('.lesson-index__lesson .lesson-index__lesson-link').each ->
title = $('title').text()
_url = $(@).attr('href')
_number = $(@).find('.lesson-index__lesson-number').text()
_title = $(@).find('.lesson-index__lesson-title').text()
url : _url
title : "#{_number} #{_title}"
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