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Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
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Boolean ES term filter
"bool": {
"must": [
"bool": {
"should": [
"term": {
"event": "delivered"
"term": {
"event": "failed"
"bool": {
"must_not": {
"term": {
"event": "accepted"
"term": {
"event": "something"
import json
import parsley
field = 'event'
def term(value):
return {'term': {field: value}}
def unary(operator, operand):
return {'bool': {'must_not': operand}}
def binary(operator, first, rest):
if not rest:
return first
return {'bool': {operator: [first] + rest}}
es_query = """
nonSpace = anything:x ?(x not in '( )') -> x
term = <nonSpace+>:x ?(x not in ('NOT', 'AND', 'OR')) -> term(x)
parens = '(' ws expr:e ws ')' -> e
value = ws (term | parens)
expr = expr2:first (ws 'OR' expr2)*:rest -> binary('should', first, rest)
expr2 = expr3:first (ws 'AND' expr3)*:rest -> binary('must', first, rest)
expr3 = ws 'NOT' value:x -> unary('must_not', x)
| value
x = parsley.makeGrammar(es_query, {
'term': term,
'unary': unary,
'binary': binary,
filterExpr = x("(delivered OR failed) AND NOT accepted AND something").expr()
print json.dumps(filterExpr, indent=4)
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