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Created September 12, 2018 14:28
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Endless script to check appstream files for common appdata invalidity
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# This script parses all the local appstream data
# to check for apps that are missing important metadata
# that is required for proper display in gnome-software.
# It is recommended to run `flatpak update --apstream`
# prior to this script.
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import gzip
import os
import platform
import sys
arch = platform.machine()
if arch.startswith('arm'):
arch = 'arm'
single_disk_appstream_dir = '/var/lib/flatpak/appstream'
split_disk_appstream_dir = '/var/endless-extra/flatpak/appstream'
if os.path.isdir(single_disk_appstream_dir):
appstream_dir = single_disk_appstream_dir
elif os.path.isdir(split_disk_appstream_dir):
appstream_dir = split_disk_appstream_dir
print('No appstream at %s or %s' %
(single_disk_appstream_dir, split_disk_appstream_dir))
# These are the official top-level categories,
# plus "Reference", which has been added as a top-level category
# in gnome-software
supported_categories = [
total_apps = {}
invalid_apps = {}
duplicate_apps = {}
remotes = sorted(os.listdir(appstream_dir))
for remote in remotes:
total_apps[remote] = 0
invalid_apps[remote] = 0
duplicate_apps[remote] = 0
appstream_gz = os.path.join(appstream_dir, remote, arch, 'active',
if not os.path.isfile(appstream_gz):
with, 'r') as f:
appstream =
root = ET.fromstring(appstream)
prev_id = None
components = root.findall('component')
for component in sorted(components, key=lambda x: x.findtext('id')):
# Only look at desktop apps, not runtimes
flatpak_type = component.get('type')
if flatpak_type != 'desktop':
# For now, until we remove all the old eos-apps eos3.x
# branches, we want to filter them out by only looking
# at the eos3 branch for all remotes other than flathub
bundle = component.findtext('bundle')
if not (remote == 'flathub' or bundle.endswith('eos3')):
# Ignore any apps that are vetoed for no display
vetos = component.find('vetos')
if vetos:
no_display = False
for veto in vetos.findall('veto'):
if veto.text == 'NoDisplay=true':
no_display = True
if no_display:
total_apps[remote] += 1
invalid = False
# Detect duplicates with and without .desktop suffix
# Since apps are sorted alphabetically by ID, we only
# need to check the previous ID
app_id = component.findtext('id')
if app_id.endswith('.desktop'):
if app_id[:-len('.desktop')] == prev_id:
print('%s: %s is a duplicate of %s' % (remote, app_id, prev_id))
duplicate_apps[remote] += 1
total_apps[remote] -= 1
prev_id = app_id
# Check that the app has a name
if not component.findtext('name'):
invalid = True
print('%s: %s has no name' % (remote, app_id))
# Check that the app has a summary
if not component.findtext('summary'):
invalid = True
print('%s: %s has no summary' % (remote, app_id))
# Check that the app has a description
if not component.find('description'):
invalid = True
print('%s: %s has no description' % (remote, app_id))
# Check that the app has at least one supported category
categories = component.find('categories')
if categories:
supported = False
for category in categories.findall('category'):
if category.text in supported_categories:
supported = True
if not supported:
invalid = True
print('%s: %s has no supported category' % (remote, app_id))
invalid = True
print('%s: %s has no category' % (remote, app_id))
# Check that the app has an icon
if not component.findall('icon'):
invalid = True
print('%s: %s has no icon' % (remote, app_id))
# Check that the app has screenshots
if not component.find('screenshots'):
invalid = True
print('%s: %s has no screenshots' % (remote, app_id))
if invalid:
invalid_apps[remote] += 1
for remote in remotes:
print('%s: total apps = %d, invalid = %d, duplicate = %d' %
(remote, total_apps[remote], invalid_apps[remote],
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