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Last active December 12, 2022 05:09
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Script to Shutdown Idle linux server
Description=SSH idle shutdown
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# create a script to shutdown the server if there is no active ssh connection
# for 30 minutes this script will be manged as system service
# save this script in /usr/bin/
# create service file in /usr/lib/systemd/system/sshIdleShutdown.service
# Install and enable service
# sudo systemctl daemon reload && sudo systemctl enable sshIdleShutdown.service
# start the service
# sudo systemctl start sshIdleShutdown.service
while true; do
# check if there is an active ssh connection
if [[ $(pgrep -f "sshd: [^@]*@") ]]; then
# there is an active ssh connection
# reset the counter
echo 0 >/tmp/ssh_counter
echo "active ssh connection; counter reset"
# there is no active ssh connection
# increment the counter
counter=$(cat /tmp/ssh_counter)
counter=$((counter + 1))
echo $counter >/tmp/ssh_counter
echo "no active ssh connection; counter incremented to $counter"
# check if the counter is greater than 30
if [[ $(cat /tmp/ssh_counter) -gt $timeToShutdown ]]; then
# the counter is greater than 30
# shutdown the server
sudo init 0
sleep 60
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