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Created July 4, 2023 17:09
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**Kubernetes Cleanup Script: Efficiently scales down deployments of non-ready or CrashLoopBackOff pods, excluding cron jobs and system namespaces.
# Function to get all namespaces
get_namespaces() {
kubectl get namespaces --no-headers -o | grep -Ev "^(kube-system|kube-public|kube-node-lease|istio.*|gke.*)$"
# Function to get pods based on condition
get_pods() {
local namespace=$1
local condition=$2
kubectl get pods -n $namespace -o json | jq -r ".items[] | select($condition) |"
# Function to scale down deployment
scale_down() {
local namespace=$1
local pod=$2
local deployment_name=${pod%%-*}
kubectl scale deployment -n $namespace "$deployment_name-service" --replicas=0 && echo "Scaling down $deployment_name in $namespace"
# Main script
main() {
local namespaces=$(get_namespaces)
for namespace in $namespaces; do
echo "Processing namespace: $namespace"
local not_ready_pods=$(get_pods $namespace 'any(.status.containerStatuses[]; .ready==false)')
for pod in $not_ready_pods; do
if [[ $pod != *"cron"* ]]; then
scale_down $namespace $pod
local crashloopbackoff_pods=$(get_pods $namespace '.status.phase=="CrashLoopBackOff"')
for pod in $crashloopbackoff_pods; do
if [[ $pod != *"cron"* ]]; then
scale_down $namespace $pod
main "$@"
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