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Last active November 10, 2023 01:28
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How to spoof location / fake gps on iOS 12.5.7 using Locsim | tested on jailbroken iPhone 6 with chimera

first things first

  • this is for jailbroken device only
  • tested on iOS 12.5.7 with iPhone 6 & ipad air 1
  • jailbreak using chimera

How to spoof location on iOS 12.5.7 using Locsim

a tweak from udevsharold

Locsim is like a special tool for jailbroken iPhones that lets people pretend they are in a different place by changing the GPS location on their phone.

The locsim tweak is a useful but slightly complex tool that requires users to install the Terminal app on their jailbroken device using any package manager app (sileo / cydia).

Users can utilize locsim to imitate a fake location on their device using a Mobile Terminal client such as NewTerm 2.

Locsim is a Terminal add-on that requires users to interact with Terminal commands. Users can learn the command syntaxes by entering locsim --help in the Terminal client.

if LATITUDE and LONGITUDE not specified, random values will be generated

	start	start location simulation
	stop	stop location simulation
	-x, --latitude <double>: latitude of geographical coordinate
	-y, --longitude <double>: longitude of geographical coordinate
	-a, --altitude <double>: location altitude
	-h, --haccuracy <double>: radius of uncertainty for the geographical coordinate, measured in meters
	-v, --vaccuracy <double>: accuracy of the altitude value, measured in meters
	-s, --speed <double>: speed, or  override average speed if -g specified, measured in m/s
	    --saccuracy <double>: accuracy of the speed value, measured in m/s	
	-c, --course <double>: direction values measured in degrees
	    --caccuracy <double>: accuracy of the course value, measured in degress	
	-t, --time <double>: epoch time to associate with the location
	-f, --force: force stop simulation, requires root access
	--help: show this help
	-g, --gpx <file>: gpx file path
	    --plist <file>: exported or valid plist file path
	-l, --lifespan <double>: lifespan
	-p, --type <int>: type
	-d, --delivery <int>: location delivery behaviour
	-r, --repeat <int>: location repeat behaviour
	--export-plist <file>: export converted gpx file to plist
	--export-only: export converted gpx file to plist without running simulation	

To start spoofing your location, use the command locsim start followed by the X and Y coordinates of the desired location, separated by a space.

locsim start 50.682839 139.759455

image source from idisqus

You can input the coordinates you wish to include by using negative numbers.

just put -- before the first negative number: the command should be

locsim start 65.476721 -- -173.511416

or alternatively with negative number in longitudes and latitudes, this is the command to use:

 locsim start -- -- -yy.yyy

When entering the command, be sure to replace "" and "yy.yyy" with the actual longitude and latitude values, and remember to enclose them in quotation marks.

In addition, you have the option to specify a particular level of accuracy by using the -h tag in your command syntax. For instance, if you want to set the accuracy radius to 100 meters, you can easily do so by using the following command syntax.

locsim start 35.682839 139.759455 -h 100


This Shortcut (for ios 13 and up) allow you to pick any location on and simulate it.

(requires download openssh by using any package manager app (sileo / cydia); and password for root access).

the default password for root is alpine

I found that shortcut didn't work for ios 12.5.7

so I made changes. download here for 12.5.7.

if encounter error when installing the shortcut, open device setting > shortcuts > turn on allow untrusted shortcuts

back to shortcuts app, open the shortcut you just downloaded before, in the run script over SSH object, set the host as localhost with port number 2222, and the username root and password alpine.

To use it, pin a location in that you want to pretend you're at, then open the share sheet and run the shortcut to change your location to the place you selected.

and the last thing

to stop the services, simply write

locsim stop

or if using root privileges on shortcut

/usr/local/bin/locsim stop

so the device revert to current original location


reddit; tip_properly_using_locsim_to_spoof_your_location

reddit; update_locsim_v112_universal_location_spoof_now

idisqus; locsim-tweak-spoof-location-iphone

udevsharold Repo

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