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Created February 12, 2022 07:49
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SE3 Pose Interpolation given timestamp
Created: 2022/02/11
Maintainer: Ran Cheng <[email protected]>
import transformations as tfs
import numpy as np
import argparse
import bisect
import transformations as tfs
def main(kf_pose_fname, timestamps_fname):
kf_pose = np.genfromtxt(kf_pose_fname)
timestamps = np.genfromtxt(timestamps_fname)
timestamps = np.squeeze(timestamps[:, 1]) * 1e6
pose_timestamps = kf_pose[:, 0] * 1e6
abs_poses = kf_pose[:, 1:]
interpolated_pose = interpolate_poses(pose_timestamps.astype(np.int64).tolist(), abs_poses, timestamps.astype(np.int64).tolist(), int(timestamps[0]))
np.savetxt(kf_pose_fname.replace(".txt", "_interp.txt"), np.array(interpolated_pose), fmt="%1.6f")
def interpolate_poses(pose_timestamps, abs_poses, requested_timestamps, origin_timestamp):
"""Interpolate between absolute poses.
pose_timestamps (list[int]): Timestamps of supplied poses. Must be in ascending order.
abs_poses (list[numpy.matrixlib.defmatrix.matrix]): SE3 matrices representing poses at the timestamps specified.
requested_timestamps (list[int]): Timestamps for which interpolated timestamps are required.
origin_timestamp (int): UNIX timestamp of origin frame. Poses will be reported relative to this frame.
list[numpy.matrixlib.defmatrix.matrix]: SE3 matrix representing interpolated pose for each requested timestamp.
ValueError: if pose_timestamps and abs_poses are not the same length
ValueError: if pose_timestamps is not in ascending order
requested_timestamps.insert(0, origin_timestamp)
requested_timestamps = np.array(requested_timestamps)
pose_timestamps = np.array(pose_timestamps)
if len(pose_timestamps) != len(abs_poses):
raise ValueError('Must supply same number of timestamps as poses')
abs_quaternions = np.zeros((4, len(abs_poses)))
abs_positions = np.zeros((3, len(abs_poses)))
for i, pose in enumerate(abs_poses):
if i > 0 and pose_timestamps[i-1] >= pose_timestamps[i]:
raise ValueError('Pose timestamps must be in ascending order')
abs_quaternions[:, i] = pose[3:] # np.roll(pose[3:], 1)
abs_positions[:, i] = pose[:3]
upper_indices = [bisect.bisect(pose_timestamps, pt) for pt in requested_timestamps]
lower_indices = [u - 1 for u in upper_indices]
if max(upper_indices) >= len(pose_timestamps):
upper_indices = [min(i, len(pose_timestamps) - 1) for i in upper_indices]
fractions = (requested_timestamps - pose_timestamps[lower_indices]) // \
(pose_timestamps[upper_indices] - pose_timestamps[lower_indices])
quaternions_lower = abs_quaternions[:, lower_indices]
quaternions_upper = abs_quaternions[:, upper_indices]
d_array = (quaternions_lower * quaternions_upper).sum(0)
linear_interp_indices = np.nonzero(d_array >= 1)
sin_interp_indices = np.nonzero(d_array < 1)
scale0_array = np.zeros(d_array.shape)
scale1_array = np.zeros(d_array.shape)
scale0_array[linear_interp_indices] = 1 - fractions[linear_interp_indices]
scale1_array[linear_interp_indices] = fractions[linear_interp_indices]
theta_array = np.arccos(np.abs(d_array[sin_interp_indices]))
scale0_array[sin_interp_indices] = \
np.sin((1 - fractions[sin_interp_indices]) * theta_array) / np.sin(theta_array)
scale1_array[sin_interp_indices] = \
np.sin(fractions[sin_interp_indices] * theta_array) / np.sin(theta_array)
negative_d_indices = np.nonzero(d_array < 0)
scale1_array[negative_d_indices] = -scale1_array[negative_d_indices]
quaternions_interp = np.tile(scale0_array, (4, 1)) * quaternions_lower \
+ np.tile(scale1_array, (4, 1)) * quaternions_upper
positions_lower = abs_positions[:, lower_indices]
positions_upper = abs_positions[:, upper_indices]
positions_interp = np.multiply(np.tile((1 - fractions), (3, 1)), positions_lower) \
+ np.multiply(np.tile(fractions, (3, 1)), positions_upper)
poses_mat = np.zeros((4, 4 * len(requested_timestamps)))
poses_mat[0, 0::4] = 1 - 2 * np.square(quaternions_interp[2, :]) - \
2 * np.square(quaternions_interp[3, :])
poses_mat[0, 1::4] = 2 * np.multiply(quaternions_interp[1, :], quaternions_interp[2, :]) - \
2 * np.multiply(quaternions_interp[3, :], quaternions_interp[0, :])
poses_mat[0, 2::4] = 2 * np.multiply(quaternions_interp[1, :], quaternions_interp[3, :]) + \
2 * np.multiply(quaternions_interp[2, :], quaternions_interp[0, :])
poses_mat[1, 0::4] = 2 * np.multiply(quaternions_interp[1, :], quaternions_interp[2, :]) \
+ 2 * np.multiply(quaternions_interp[3, :], quaternions_interp[0, :])
poses_mat[1, 1::4] = 1 - 2 * np.square(quaternions_interp[1, :]) \
- 2 * np.square(quaternions_interp[3, :])
poses_mat[1, 2::4] = 2 * np.multiply(quaternions_interp[2, :], quaternions_interp[3, :]) - \
2 * np.multiply(quaternions_interp[1, :], quaternions_interp[0, :])
poses_mat[2, 0::4] = 2 * np.multiply(quaternions_interp[1, :], quaternions_interp[3, :]) - \
2 * np.multiply(quaternions_interp[2, :], quaternions_interp[0, :])
poses_mat[2, 1::4] = 2 * np.multiply(quaternions_interp[2, :], quaternions_interp[3, :]) + \
2 * np.multiply(quaternions_interp[1, :], quaternions_interp[0, :])
poses_mat[2, 2::4] = 1 - 2 * np.square(quaternions_interp[1, :]) - \
2 * np.square(quaternions_interp[2, :])
poses_mat[0:3, 3::4] = positions_interp
poses_mat[3, 3::4] = 1
poses_mat = np.linalg.solve(poses_mat[0:4, 0:4], poses_mat)
poses_out = [0] * (len(requested_timestamps) - 1)
for i in range(1, len(requested_timestamps)):
pose_mat = poses_mat[0:4, i * 4:(i + 1) * 4]
pose_rot = pose_mat.copy()
pose_rot[:3, -1] = 0
pose_rot[-1, :3] = 0
pose_position = pose_mat[:3, -1]
pose_quaternion = tfs.quaternion_from_matrix(pose_rot) # [w x y z]
poses_out[i - 1] = [requested_timestamps[i]/1e6, pose_position[0], pose_position[1], pose_position[2], pose_quaternion[1], pose_quaternion[2], pose_quaternion[3], pose_quaternion[0]]
# poses_out[i - 1] = poses_mat[0:4, i * 4:(i + 1) * 4]
return poses_out
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Extract images from a ROS bag.")
parser.add_argument("--kf_pose", help="key frame pose in TUM file format.")
parser.add_argument("--timestamps", help="timestamps file with index and timestamps for original rgb sequences.")
args = parser.parse_args()
main(args.kf_pose, args.timestamps)
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