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Created October 13, 2018 17:26
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Working around non-async `submitForm` in Formik
import { compose, setDisplayName, wrapDisplayName } from "recompose";
export const makeHOC = (name, ...enhancers) => Component =>
setDisplayName(wrapDisplayName(Component, name)),
import { withFormik } from "formik";
import { omit } from "ramda";
import {
} from "recompose";
import { makeHOC } from "./makeHOC";
This is a pretty convoluted bit of code, so some explanation is in order.
In the currently-available version of Formik (1.0.1), `submitForm` returns a
Promise that resolves once validation is complete, but not for when the actual
form submission completes. See
for a PR that would resolve this.
The goal is to provide an async `submitForm` callback for a form that
will resolve if the form validates and submits successfully, and will reject
otherwise. The only place that knows whether form submission succeeds or fails
is the `handleSubmit` callback provided by our caller, and that isn't called
unless the form is valid.
In order to make this work, we do the following:
- Provide a `replacePromise` callback that create a new Promise, saves off its
resolve and reject callbacks, and passes all three down as props.
- Make sure the new Promise calls `replacePromise` again once it resolves or
rejects. We need a new pending Promise every time we go to submit the form.
In order to do this, we have pass `replacePromise` into itself, which is
very strange-looking.
- Wrap the incoming `handleSubmit` callback with our own version that calls
the Promise's `resolve` or `reject` callbacks (named `onSubmitSuccess`
and `onSubmitFailure`) appropriately.
- Wrap the incoming `submitForm` callback with our own version that calls
Formik's `submitForm` and returns the Promise. Because our `handleSubmit`
wrapper won't be called when the form is invalid (and thus won't be able to
resolve or reject the Promise), `submitForm` calls `onSubmitFailure` if the
form isn't valid.
- Finally, we clean up after ourselves by not passing along any of the props
we use internally.
const replacePromiseHandler = () => replacePromise => {
let onSubmitFailure = null;
let onSubmitSuccess = null;
const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
onSubmitFailure = reject;
onSubmitSuccess = resolve;
}).finally(() => replacePromise(replacePromise));
return {
submittingPromise: promise,
const handleSubmitProxy = handleSubmit => async (values, formikBag) => {
const { props } = formikBag;
const { onSubmitFailure, onSubmitSuccess } = props;
try {
const result = await handleSubmit(values, formikBag);
} catch (e) {
const submitFormProxy = ({
}) => async () => {
await submitForm();
if (!isValid) {
return submittingPromise;
export const withFormikAsync = ({ handleSubmit, ...options }) =>
withStateHandlers({}, { replacePromise: replacePromiseHandler }),
componentDidMount() {
const { replacePromise } = this.props;
withFormik({ ...options, handleSubmit: handleSubmitProxy(handleSubmit) }),
withHandlers({ submitForm: submitFormProxy }),
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This is our current solution for working around the non-async handleSubmit function in Formik (see jaredpalmer/formik#500). This may not work for everyone, but it seems to do the trick for us. Note that we use higher-order components (including withFormik) and recompose in our system, so that's what we're using here.

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