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Created August 21, 2017 09:23
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Powershell script to find LoC differences between commits with wildcard ignores.
Name: loc.ps1
Author: Ranveer Aggarwal
A script to count the lines of code change between two commits with wildcard ignores.
You can basically find the lines of code difference and also ignore some files from the count if required. This includes binaries and system generated files. You can use a wildcard to do so.
Run like ./loc.ps1 -ignoreFile path/to/ignore_file.txt -repository path/to/repository -commit1 commit_1_sha -commit2 commit_2_sha
Param (
[String]$ignoreFile = "",
[String]$repository = ".",
[String]$commit1 = "",
[String]$commit2 = ""
# Get ignored wildcards
if ($ignoreFile.Equals("")){}
$ignores = (Get-Content $ignoreFile | Out-String).Split("`n")
# Change to repository's location
Set-Location -Path $repository
# Get the changed files
$outputs = git diff --numstat $commit1 $commit2 | Out-String
$outputs = $outputs.Split("`n")
# Get list of changed filenames and changed lines
$fileLines = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]
foreach($changedFile in $outputs) {
if ($changedFile.Equals("")){}
else {
$filename = $changedFile.Split("`t")[2].TrimEnd()
$addedLines = $changedFile.Split("`t")[0]
if ($addedLines.Equals("-")) {
$addedLines = 0
$removedLines = $changedFile.Split("`t")[1]
if ($removedLines.Equals("-")) {
$removedLines = 0
$fileLines.Add(($filename, $addedLines, $removedLines))
$ignoredLines = 0
foreach ($fileLine in $fileLines.ToArray()) {
foreach ($ignore in $ignores) {
if ($fileLine[0] -like $ignore.Trim()) {
$ignoredLines += $fileLine[1]
$ignoredLines += $fileLine[2]
# Count total lines
$totalLines = 0
foreach ($fileLine in $fileLines.ToArray()) {
$totalLines += $fileLine[1]
$totalLines += $fileLine[2]
# Print Final Output
Write-Host ($totalLines-$ignoredLines)
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