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Created March 17, 2010 10:25
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Save rapha/335105 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simulation in OCaml of commit contention to a central repository between multiple parallel builds. Based on a similar Python version by Julio Maia.
open List
let num_devs = 20
let failure_rate = 0.20
let build_time = (15. (* mins *) /. 60.) (* hours *)
let commit_wait_timeslots = 4. /. build_time (* on average *)
let working_hours = 8.
let num_timeslots = working_hours /. build_time |> int_of_float
type build_status = Idle | Building | Pass | Retry | Fail
let random_choice = function
| [] -> None
| xs -> Some (xs |> length |> |> at xs)
let possibly probability value default =
if (Random.float 1.0) <= probability then value else default
let statuses =
() |> Unix.time |> int_of_float |> Random.init;
(make num_devs Idle)
(fun prev_timeslot ->
let passed_index = prev_timeslot
|> mapi (fun i s -> (i,s))
|> filter (snd |- (=) Building)
|> map fst
|> random_choice in
let current_timeslot = prev_timeslot
|> mapi (fun i s -> if (Some i) = passed_index then Pass else s)
|> map (function Building -> possibly failure_rate Fail Retry | s -> s) in
let next_timeslot = current_timeslot
|> map (function
| Retry -> Building
| Fail | Pass | Idle -> possibly (1. /. commit_wait_timeslots) Building Idle
| status -> status
Some (current_timeslot, next_timeslot)
|> Enum.take num_timeslots |> of_enum
let to_html =
let name = function
| Idle -> "idle"
| Building -> "building"
| Pass -> "pass"
| Retry -> "retry"
| Fail -> "fail"
mapi (fun col ->
mapi (fun row status ->
let title = Printf.sprintf "build %s for dev %d" (name status) row in
Printf.sprintf "<span class='status %s row_%d col_%d' title='%s'>&nbsp;</span>" (name status) row col title
) |- reduce (^)
) |- reduce (^)
let styles =
let box_size = 20 in
((0 -- num_devs) |> (fun row -> Printf.sprintf
".row_%d { position:absolute; height:%dpx; top:%dpx }\n" row box_size (row * box_size)
) |> Enum.reduce (^))
((0 -- num_timeslots) |> (fun col -> Printf.sprintf
".col_%d { position:absolute; width:%dpx; left:%dpx }\n" col box_size (col * box_size)
) |> Enum.reduce (^))
let _ =
Printf.printf "
<style type='text/css'>
.status { border: 1px solid gray; padding:0; margin:0; }
.idle { background-color:white }
.building { background-color:blue }
.pass { background-color:green }
.retry { background-color:orange }
.fail { background-color:red }
(statuses |> to_html)
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