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Created July 16, 2012 09:47
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simple mocked ninja controller test
public void restRedirectToIndex() {
Result result = applicationController.redirectToIndex(context);
//assert that status is temporary redirect:
assertEquals(Result.SC_307_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT, result.getStatusCode());
//assert that Location header was set correctly
Map<String, String> headers = result.getHeaders();
String locationHeader = headers.get(Result.LOCATION);
assertEquals("/index", locationHeader);
public void testGwtPathAndSimulateGoogleBotAjaxCrawling() throws Exception {
//first of all config the snapshotter:
//Now do the call:
//let's say we got a escaped fragment at path /index
//exec the controller method
Result result = applicationController.gwtpath(context);
Map<String, String> map = (Map<String, String>) result.getRenderable();
//assert some stuff of the result:
assertEquals("dummy_result", map.get("content"));
assertEquals("views/ApplicationController/emtpy_page.ftl.html", result.getTemplate());
assertEquals(Result.TEXT_HTML, result.getContentType());
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