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  • Does everyone speak up? (rework, google, aristotle)
  • Are essential meetings in place. This usually means refinement sessions, dailies, review sessions and planning sessions.
  • Are stories small enough? This is the same as the “is cycle time low”.
    • Cut stories down to small increments
    • Think about clever ways to deliver to the client - fast.
    • Small iterations
  • Are stories delivered end-to-end?
    • Only things that are being delivered to the client count.
    • Don't split up stories into eg backend and frontend, where the backend gets done fast - but does not deliver any real client benefit for a while until frontend is done.
  • Your product manager should not be involved in execution. Which usually means product attends only planning, refinement (for non-technical things) and review.
  • Is cycle time low?
    • Make sure you measure the real thing, and your teams don't game the metric. The metric is for us, and not to control the teams.
    • Rule of thumb: On average bring something live every 5 days
  • Is the team stressed out?
  • Is the motivation high?
  • Are KPIs collected and acted upon?
  • Is team happiness collected?
    • Add the outside perspective as well - how is the team perceived by customers, internal stakeholders and so on
  • Are meetings effective - notes being taken and action items being followed up?
    • Meeting hygiene should be in place
    • Longer topics should be postponed to external meetings
  • Are 1:1s in place and meaningful?
  • Are blockers being acted upon
  • Are Post Mortems being done. And done properly.
  • Is continous learning in place?
    • Retrospectives every two weeks can help.
  • Is the engineering quality high enough?
    • Software has to be tested. Bugs should not happen too often. Large rewrites should not be a problem for a senior team.

Team space and documentation

  • Is there a team space with purpose, mission and team members?
  • Are all meetings documents in team space?
  • Do teams have Definition of Ready, Definition of Done?
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