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Created November 15, 2016 21:32
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#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import h5py
import numpy as np
import netCDF4 as nc
# ------------------------------ Download from NASA server and convert to hdf5 --------------------------------------------------
exit('you need h4toh5 util, install h4h5tools from macports or equivalent')
# ------------------------------ Read fields we need from file --------------------------------------------------
f = h5py.File('','r')
frac_land = f['EOSGRID']['Data Fields']['FRLAND'][:].squeeze()
frac_landice = f['EOSGRID']['Data Fields']['FRLANDICE'][:].squeeze()
frac_lake = f['EOSGRID']['Data Fields']['FRLAKE'][:].squeeze()
frac_ocean = f['EOSGRID']['Data Fields']['FROCEAN'][:].squeeze()
#area = f['EOSGRID']['Data Fields']['AREA'][:].squeeze()
lon = f['EOSGRID']['Data Fields']['XDim'][:].squeeze()
lat = f['EOSGRID']['Data Fields']['YDim'][:].squeeze()
# ------------------------------ Create our binary land sea mask --------------------------------------------------
ny, nx = frac_ocean.shape
lsm = np.zeros((ny,nx))
threshold = 0.95
lsm[np.where(frac_ocean >= threshold)] = 1
# ------------------------------ Move to 0-360 --------------------------------------------------------------------
# find llon = 0
indx = np.abs(lon).argmin()
def offset_1d(a_in,index,lon=False):
sx = a_in.shape[0]
tx = sx - index
a_out = a_in.copy()
a_out[:] = -9999.
a_out[:tx] = a_in[index:]
if lon is True:
a_out[tx:] = a_in[0:index] + 360.
a_out[tx:] = a_in[0:index]
return a_out
def offset_2d(a_in,index):
sx = a_in.shape[1]
tx = sx - index
a_out = a_in.copy()
a_out[:,:] = -9999.
a_out[:,:tx] = a_in[:,index:]
a_out[:,tx:] = a_in[:,0:index]
return a_out
lonout = offset_1d(lon,indx,lon=True)
latout = lat.copy()
lsmout = offset_2d(lsm,indx)
# ------------------------------ Write the mask to netcdf ---------------------------------------------------------
fout = nc.Dataset('./','w',format='NETCDF3_CLASSIC')
fout.description = 'MERRA land sea mask '
# dimensions
fout.createDimension('lat', ny)
fout.createDimension('lon', nx)
# variables
latitudes = fout.createVariable('lat', 'f8', ('lat',))
longitudes = fout.createVariable('lon', 'f8', ('lon',))
mask = fout.createVariable('lsm', 'i4', ('lat','lon',))
# data
latitudes[:] = latout
longitudes[:] = lonout
mask[:,:] = lsmout
# close
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