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Some courses I think are neat and have recordings
Lots of deep learning, + some cs, science and math
Online classes in progress
* Stanford CS224n NLP w/ DL
Online classes todo
* Stanford CS224W ML with Graphs
* Stanford CS234 RL (vids from 2019)
* Stanford CS330 Deep Multi-Task and Met aLearning (vids from 2019)
* How to do markdown export, i.e. [Title](URL), in tabsave
* 1. Download the project from
* 2. Change the following code in script.js (
// old code
return => (`
raphaelrk / HackerMode.js
Last active July 11, 2018 06:18
React Native Hacker Mode. Execute JS using your fingertips.
* React Native Hacker Mode
* Raphael Rouvinov-Kats
* Screen with a REPL
* Helpful for debugging your app when it's in production
* - See the redux state by typing `return this.props.state`
* - Import your redux actions/dispatch to dispatch redux actions
* - Fetch your push token and figure out why it's not
* registering with your backend ( reason I wrote this! )
raphaelrk /
Last active December 11, 2023 21:22

Playbook Reach-out


Thanks so much for helping me get this out- really appreciate it :)

Should take under ten minutes but its impact can last a lifetime. So open up your laptop, and let's do this!

What to do

  1. Post the attached message with photo (take your pick - available here) to your Facebook. Posting also in relevant groups (e.g. your class's Facebook group) is amazing and much appreciated.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void msort(int *arr, int n)
raphaelrk / cs50tf.c
Last active February 23, 2016 20:58
Let's do a speedy run-down on bitwise operators
First, know or recall that we can write the number 12 in three different ways
int twelve_dec = 12;
int twelve_hex = 0xC;
int twelve_bin = 0b1100;
bitwise operators operate bit-by-bit
NOT (complement) ~00000001100 = 11111110011
OR 0b1100 | 0b1010 = 0b1110
import java.util.*;
public class Solution {
public static final int RIGHT = 1;
public static final int LEFT = 2;
public static final int DOWN = 3;
public static final int UP = 4;
Nov 10 2015 DLP Comp Meeting 3: node.js
npm: node package manager
babel: es6 to old js
gulp and grunt: the "make" of node.js
sass: compiles to css
bower: frontend packages (e.g. bootstrap d3 backbone fontawesome jQuery normalize underscore) most updated versions with small include
webpack: module bundler- lots of little pictures->one big spritesheet, concatenating files to static assets
yeoman: scaffolding. run 'yo' and you get the above and more. tool to manage your tools to manage your tools. "yo react-fullstack"
Ignite@CU James Beshara talk
Tilt, YCombinator
Bricks? No, brick and mortar!
Presentation is the most important, mortar-like cliches
It's all about the People, not the person(CEO/etc.)
If you have any doubts there are no doubts. Everyone you onboard should be smarter than you and the last person
Should think every week for 90 seconds "Jeez, it's so great X is onboard, otherwise this wouldn't work"