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Created March 23, 2025 19:18
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EntityParenthoodDebugger Keeps the `Entitas.VisualDebugging.EntityBehaviour`'s hierarchy as it is in your ECS world. if you use some kind of Child-Parent Relationship Components
// notes: EntityID is just wrapper around int, and ID is Component with [PrimaryEntityIndex] EntityID
// and ChildOf is [EntityIndex] EntityID
// this code uses mine Entitas.Generic
// if you wanna use this one with usual Entitas - just replace `Entity<GameScope>` with `GameEntity` and stuff
public class EntityParenthoodDebugger
// Key: entity; Value: its parent
private readonly Dictionary<EntityID, EntityID> _processedEntities = new();
private ContextObserverBehaviour ContextBehaviour { get; set; }
private IEnumerable<EntityBehaviour> EntityBehaviours
=> ContextBehaviour.GetComponentsInChildren<EntityBehaviour>();
public void Initialize()
var contexts = Object.FindObjectsByType<ContextObserverBehaviour>(FindObjectsSortMode.None);
foreach (var context in contexts)
if (
ContextBehaviour = context;
public void OnUpdate()
if (ContextBehaviour is null)
foreach (Transform child in ContextBehaviour.transform)
if (TryGetEntity(child.gameObject, out var entity) && entity.isEnabled)
HandleEntity(entity, child);
private bool TryGetEntity(GameObject gameObject, out Entity<GameScope> entity)
var isEntityBehaviour = gameObject.TryGetComponent<EntityBehaviour>(out var entityBehaviour);
entity = isEntityBehaviour ? (Entity<GameScope>)entityBehaviour.entity : null;
return isEntityBehaviour;
private void HandleEntity(Entity<GameScope> entity, Transform childDebugger)
var entityID = entity.ID();
if (!entity.IsAlive() || !entity.TryGet<ChildOf, EntityID>(out var parentID))
if (_processedEntities.ContainsKey(entityID))
// but this doesnt work for some reason:(
if (_processedEntities.TryGetValue(entityID, out var cashedParentID)
&& cashedParentID == parentID)
foreach (var debugger in EntityBehaviours)
var parent = (Entity<GameScope>)debugger.entity;
if (parent.isEnabled && parentID == parent.ID())
_processedEntities[entityID] = parent.ID();
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