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Last active January 20, 2025 11:59
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// Monty Hall Problem Simulation
function montyHallSimulation(iterations = 10000, numDoors = 3) {
let switchWinCount = 0; // Wins when switching choice
let stayWinCount = 0; // Wins when staying with initial choice
for (
let currentIteration = 0;
currentIteration < iterations;
) {
// Randomly place the car
const carDoor = Math.floor(Math.random() * numDoors);
// Player's random choice
const playerChoice = Math.floor(Math.random() * numDoors);
// Record results based on switching or staying
if (playerChoice === carDoor) {
} else {
return {
"Number of Doors": numDoors,
"Number of Iterations": iterations,
"Switching Wins": switchWinCount,
"Staying Wins": stayWinCount,
"Probability of winning when switching": (
(switchWinCount / iterations) *
"Probability of winning when staying": (
(stayWinCount / iterations) *
// /*
// Single execution
const totalDoors = 4;
const iterationSteps = 1;
const totalIterations = 100;
const simulationResult = montyHallSimulation(totalIterations, totalDoors);
console.log({ simulationResult });
// */
// multiple execution for different total door numbers
const totalDoors = 30;
const iterationSteps = 1;
const totalIterations = 100;
for (let doors = 3; doors <= maxDoors; doors+=steps) {
// Run the simulation with customizable number of doors
const output = []
let switchProbabilitySum = stayProbabilitySum = 0;
for (let doorsIteration = 0; doorsIteration < 5; doorsIteration++) {
const simulationResult = montyHallSimulation(totalIterations, doors);
switchProbabilitySum += parseFloat(simulationResult["Probability of winning when switching"])
stayProbabilitySum += parseFloat(simulationResult["Probability of winning when staying"])
console.log({switchProbabilitySum: switchProbabilitySum / 5, stayProbabilitySum: stayProbabilitySum / 5, output,})
// */
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The Monty Hall Problem: A Counterintuitive Probability Puzzle

Have you ever heard of the Monty Hall Problem? It's a fascinating probability puzzle that challenges our intuition about choice, strategy, and probabilities. Let me break it down for you:

You're on a game show with three doors. Behind one door is a car (the prize), and behind the other two are goats.

You pick one door.
The host, who knows what’s behind each door, opens another door, revealing a goat.
Now you’re given a choice: stick with your original door or switch to the remaining unopened door.
The big question is: Should you switch or stay?

The intuitive answer might be that it doesn’t matter—you think there’s a 50/50 chance of winning either way. But here's the twist: you’re twice as likely to win if you switch!

This happens because the probabilities shift once the host reveals a goat. The math might sound tricky, but simulations like the one below can make it crystal clear.

Here’s a JavaScript simulation I wrote that demonstrates the Monty Hall Problem. You can customize the number of doors, iterations, and see how the results change!

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