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Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
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Clojure STM operations
(defn new-ops-collector
"Create a new op collector
The collector is a vector of vectors, each internal vector
is a tuple of f and vector-of-params, i.e. [f vector-of-params].
Later on we execute all the ops in a single transaction via (execute-ops collector)
Example structure: [[f [param1 param2 etc]] etc ] "
(atom []))
(defn add-op
"Schedule an op to be executed in a transaction"
[ops-collector f params]
(swap! ops-collector conj [f params]))
(defn execute-ops
"Execute all accumulated ops in a single STM transaction"
(dosync (doseq [[^IFn f ^APersistentVector params] @ops-collector] (apply f params))))
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