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Created March 12, 2015 18:21
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core.async sample
(ns my-project.test-core-async
(:require [clojure.core.async :refer [chan thread sliding-buffer timeout go <! <!! >!! >! go-loop put! thread alts!! alts! dropping-buffer pipeline-blocking]]))
(def events-ch (chan 1000))
;alternatively, try a sliding buffer if events can't be processed fast enough
;in GUI one **usually** cares about latest instead of *all* events
;Defaults to buffer size to 1000, that can be tuned based on use case
;(def events-ch (chan (sliding-buffer 1000)))
(defn start-go-loop
"Starts a processing go loop that takes events out of the events-ch;
No IO should be performed directly inside the go loop;
If one needs IO look into (thread)"
(go (loop []
(let [msg (<! events-ch)]
(println "got msg:" msg)
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