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Last active December 22, 2022 14:09
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Duplicate Xcode Project Target with Ruby
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'rubygems'
require 'xcodeproj'
name = 'test_copy'
proj ='test.xcodeproj')
src_target = proj.targets.find { |item| item.to_s == 'test' }
# create target
target = proj.new_target(src_target.symbol_type, name, src_target.platform_name, src_target.deployment_target)
target.product_name = name
# create scheme
scheme =
scheme.save_as(proj_path, name)
# copy build_configurations do |item|
# copy build_phases
phases = src_target.build_phases.reject { |x| x.instance_of? Xcodeproj::Project::Object::PBXShellScriptBuildPhase }.collect(&:class)
phases.each do |klass|
src = src_target.build_phases.find { |x| x.instance_of? klass }
dst = target.build_phases.find { |x| x.instance_of? klass }
unless dst
dst ||=
target.build_phases << dst
end { |x| x.remove_from_project }
src.files.each do |f|
file_ref = =
file_ref.path = f.file_ref.path
file_ref.source_tree = f.file_ref.source_tree
file_ref.last_known_file_type = f.file_ref.last_known_file_type
file_ref.fileEncoding = f.file_ref.fileEncoding
build_file =
build_file.file_ref = f.file_ref
dst.files << build_file
# add files
classes = proj.main_group.groups.find { |x| x.to_s == 'Group' }.groups.find { |x| == 'Classes' }
sources = target.build_phases.find { |x| x.instance_of? Xcodeproj::Project::Object::PBXSourcesBuildPhase }
file_ref = classes.new_file('test.m')
build_file =
build_file.file_ref = file_ref
sources.files << build_file
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eggsy84 commented Mar 27, 2017

Thanks for sharing this - very useful!

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哥们,我使用你的代码,遇到了这种问题,知道怎么解决吗?***.rb:14:in <main>': undefined method symbol_type' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)

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alez007 commented Sep 5, 2017

minor bug:
scheme.save_as(proj_path, name) should be scheme.save_as(proj.path, name)
also, probably the xcode sdk version is different but file_ref.fileEncoding triggers a undefined method error.

Thank you for sharing this! The main point is to use the documentation found here to improve the script as you see fit.

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Liestambeur commented Sep 19, 2017

classes in nill when I run the project:
59:in '<main>': undefined method 'new_file' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)

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I am also getting 'file_ref.fileEncoding - undefined method error. I am using Xcode 8.3.3 and xcodeproj --version 1.5.2
Can someone suggest a way to fix it ?

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cytryn commented Dec 14, 2017

also have this issue for .fileEncoding

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Line 24-54 can be replaced by:

# Copy the build phases
src_target.build_phases.each do |phase|
  target.build_phases << phase

This fixes and .fileEncoding issues. File encoding error is caused when the script tries copying storyboard files which do not have a file encoding.

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cytryn commented Jul 27, 2018

@prathmeshranaut File encoding error is caused when the script tries copying storyboard files which do not have a file encoding.

how do you fix this and give them file encoding?

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cytryn commented Jul 27, 2018


# Copy the build phases
src_target.build_phases.each do |phase|
  target.build_phases << phase

I tried your suggestion but I get error:

undefined method `new_file' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)

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This method can make the xcode 9.4.1 crash when you delete the new target in xcode. I meet the error. Maybe we can't use the same uuid file in different target.

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can we duplicate xcworkspace targets using this approach ?

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owurman commented Dec 18, 2019

This was very useful, thank you. For those just joining us, the bit under "# add files" is an example in case you have new files to add to the dst target, it's not "working code". And yes, it's not proj_name.

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I had issues with PBXFileReference for some reason its parameters where nil, so I needed to introduce conditions before assigning the values and it works. It is strange thought that I used this script before and added just condition for fileEncoding and it worked. So if anyone has explanation how properties like name, path, source_tree, last_known_file_type became nil I would really appreciate. In docs name can be missing: the name of the reference, often not present. but what about others.

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