(ns my.myfw |
" |
We make this a real namespace so we can develop this file interactively with Cursive. |
Run me so: |
lein with-profile +dev-cljs run -m clojure.main scripts/fw+cljs.clj dev |
lein with-profile +dev-cljs run -m clojure.main scripts/fw+cljs.clj production |
or for figwheel: |
1. Start a normal nrepl with lein: |
lein with-profile +dev-cljs repl :start :port YOUR_PORT |
2. Connect to it from Cursive, Emacs etc... |
3. Enter: (load-file \"scripts/fw+cljs\") |
Assumes you have a local server running which maps requests to: |
http://localhost:10083/dev/compress/resources/public/js/ |
For instance for nginx: |
location /dev/compress/resources/public/js/ { |
allow; |
alias ../../resources/public/js/; |
} |
Should understand gzip and brotli compression. |
This build script outputs all {raw,gzip,brotli} sizes to the root directory in |
size-hist.your-out-file.js |
" |
(:require [cljs.build.api :as api] |
[clojure.pprint :as pprint] |
[clojure.java.io :as io]) |
(:import (java.io File FileFilter) |
(java.util Date Scanner) |
(java.net URL))) |
#_(clojure.java.classpath/classpath) |
(def build-id |
(keyword (first *command-line-args*))) |
(def module-id |
(second *command-line-args*)) |
(println "Got build id: " build-id) |
(println "Current ns: " (str *ns*)) |
(defn err [msg] |
(println msg) |
(System/exit 1)) |
(defn ls-match |
"Given the directory handle d, lists all files matching the given |
regex. Returns the Java File instances. |
Example: |
(ls-match (File. \"./dir\") #\"(?i).drl$\")" |
([^File d] |
(ls-match d #"^[~_.]")) |
([^File d regex] |
(.listFiles d |
(reify |
FileFilter |
(accept [this f] |
(and |
(.isFile f) |
(boolean (re-find regex (.getName f))))))))) |
(def externs |
(mapv |
#(.getCanonicalPath ^File %) |
(ls-match (io/file (io/resource "externs")) #"(?i)\.js$"))) |
(def src-paths-common ["src/cljs" "src/cljc"]) |
(def src-paths-dev (conj src-paths-common "env/dev/cljs")) |
(def src-paths-prod (conj src-paths-common "env/prod/cljs")) |
(defn compressed-size [^String url ^String accept-encoding] |
(future |
(.length |
(.next |
(.useDelimiter |
(Scanner. |
(.getInputStream |
(doto |
(.openConnection |
(URL. url)) |
(.setRequestProperty "Accept-Encoding" accept-encoding)))) |
"\\Z"))))) |
(defn log-size-history [^String output-to ^File out-file] |
(future |
(let [url (str "http://localhost:10083/dev/compress/" output-to) |
brotli-size (compressed-size url "br") |
gzip-size (compressed-size url "gzip") |
size (.length out-file) |
stats-str (prn-str {:date (Date.) |
:size size |
:gzip-size @gzip-size |
:brotli-size @brotli-size})] |
(println "DONE: " output-to) |
(println stats-str) |
(spit (str "size-hist." (.getName out-file)) |
stats-str |
:append true)))) |
(defn watch-fn-stats [output-to] |
(fn [] |
(let [f (io/file output-to)] |
(log-size-history output-to f)))) |
(defn output-dir [build-id] |
(str "resources/public/js/" (name build-id) "/compiled/out")) |
(defn output-to [build-id module] |
(str "resources/public/js/" (name build-id) "/compiled/" (name module) ".js")) |
(defn source-map [out-file] |
(str out-file ".map")) |
(defn source-paths [cfg] |
(case cfg |
:dev src-paths-dev |
:production src-paths-prod)) |
(defn figwheel-cfg [cfg] |
(when (= :dev cfg) |
{:figwheel {:websocket-host "localhost" |
:on-jsload "srs-c.dev/on-js-reload"}})) |
(defn compiler-cfg [cfg module] |
(let [out (output-to cfg module) |
prod-false (get {:production false} cfg true) |
prod-true (not prod-false)] |
(->> |
(merge |
{:output-to out |
:output-dir (output-dir cfg) |
:compiler-stats true |
:pretty-print prod-false |
:elide-asserts prod-true |
:source-map (get {:production (source-map out) |
:dev true} cfg true) |
:closure-defines {"goog.DEBUG" prod-false} |
:externs externs} |
(case cfg |
:dev |
{:main "srs-c.dev" |
;; :asset-path is a relative URL path not a file system path. |
;; This is prepended to the goog.require loads. So it's part of a URL: |
:asset-path "/js/dev/compiled/out" ;; See :output-dir |
:anon-fn-naming-policy :mapped |
:optimizations :none |
:source-map-timestamp true} |
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; |
:production |
{:main (str "srs-c.modules." module) |
:optimizations :advanced |
;; False is almost no difference in brotli size. Performance? |
:optimize-constants true |
:pseudo-names false |
:watch-fn (watch-fn-stats out)})) |
(into (sorted-map))))) |
#_(compiler-cfg :dev "src-c.dev") |
#_(compiler-cfg :production "login") |
(defn build-config |
[cfg module] |
(merge |
{:source-paths (source-paths cfg)} |
(figwheel-cfg cfg) |
{:compiler (compiler-cfg cfg module)})) |
#_(build-config :dev "srs-c.dev") |
#_(build-config :production "login") |
(defn start-compiler [build] |
(pprint/pprint build) |
(api/watch |
(apply api/inputs (:source-paths build)) |
(:compiler build))) |
(defn build-cljs [build-id module] |
(if-let [build (build-config build-id module)] |
(start-compiler build) |
(err "No such build id"))) |
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; |
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; |
(defn run-figwheel [] |
;; We may not have figwheel in our classpath if we do cljs compilation: |
(let [fw-api 'figwheel-sidecar.repl-api |
_ (require fw-api) |
start-fw (ns-resolve fw-api 'start-figwheel!) |
cljs-repl (ns-resolve fw-api 'cljs-repl)] |
(start-fw |
{:build-ids ["dev"] ;; vector of build ids to start autobuilding |
:all-builds [(assoc (build-config :dev nil) :id "dev")] |
:figwheel-options |
{:websocket-host "localhost" |
;; The port of the fighweel server, the browser connects to this: |
:server-port 22341 |
;; The bind IP of the figwheel server |
:server-ip "" |
:load-warninged-code true |
;;:nrepl-port 22345 |
;;:nrepl-middleware ["cemerick.piggieback/wrap-cljs-repl"] |
}}) |
(cljs-repl))) |
(if build-id |
(build-cljs build-id module-id) |
(run-figwheel)) |
Also see: