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Created July 26, 2020 11:23
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if(prop("Progress") == 0, "❌", if(prop("Progress") == 100, "✅", if(smallerEq(prop("Progress"), 10), "■ 10%", if(smallerEq(prop("Progress"), 20), "■■ 20%", if(smallerEq(prop("Progress"), 30), "■■■ 30%", if(smallerEq(prop("Progress"), 40), "■■■■ 40%", if(smallerEq(prop("Progress"), 50), "■■■■■ 50%", if(smallerEq(prop("Progress"), 60), "■■■■■■ 60%", if(smallerEq(prop("Progress"), 70), "■■■■■■■ 70%", if(smallerEq(prop("Progress"), 80), "■■■■■■■■ 80%", if(smallerEq(prop("Progress"), 90), "■■■■■■■■■ 90%", if(smallerEq(prop("Progress"), 99), "■■■■■■■■■ 99%", ""))))))))))))
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