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Last active August 29, 2019 17:11
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  • Save rauljordan/505045fd0eb6eab26ea2b1e952dfad78 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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First, generate a JSON file of 64 unencrypted private keys in a common directory:

bazel run //tools/unencrypted-keys-gen -- --num-keys 64 --output-json /tmp/vals/val_1.json 

Then, run the Eth1-Mock-RPC server:

git clone [email protected]:prysmaticlabs/eth1-mock-rpc.git && cd eth1-mock-rpc
bazel run //:eth1-mock-rpc -- --genesis-deposits 64 --unencrypted-keys-dir /tmp/vals

Then, run a Prysm node:

bazel run //beacon-chain -- \                                                                                                                                                                       2.6.0
--no-genesis-delay \
--bootstrap-node= \
--deposit-contract 0x8687B025bf5B5378Aa6000a8a7ab0D24d13adB1e \
--web3provider ws://localhost:7778 \
--http-web3provider http://localhost:7777 \
--clear-db \

Next, attach the validators to the node

 bazel run //validator -- --unencrypted-keys /tmp/vals/val_1.json

Let the node run for a while and reach finality. Note the multiaddr format from the first node and use that when running the second node:

bazel run //beacon-chain -- \  
--no-genesis-delay \
--bootstrap-node= \
--deposit-contract 0x8687B025bf5B5378Aa6000a8a7ab0D24d13adB1e \
--web3provider ws://localhost:7778 \
--http-web3provider http://localhost:7777 \
--clear-db \
--next \
--p2p-port 32302 \
--rpc-port 4001 \

The second node will now perform initial sync.

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