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Created January 1, 2023 14:02
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Error Handling Evolution with Arrow 2.0.
package demo
import arrow.core.Either
import arrow.core.None
import arrow.core.Option
import arrow.core.Some
import arrow.core.continuations.Raise
import arrow.core.continuations.effect
import arrow.core.continuations.either
import arrow.core.continuations.toEither
* Model
data class Person(val name: String)
data class Address(val country: Country)
value class Code(val value: String)
data class Country(val code: Code)
* Use case:
* Access the country code of a person's address through a remote service
suspend fun Person.address(): Either<AddressStatus, Address> =
* When accessing the address we may get back instead an AddressStatus
sealed class AddressStatus {
object Relocating : AddressStatus()
object Missing : AddressStatus()
object ServiceIsDown: AddressStatus()
* [RuntimeException].
* Good: `Code` is a simple return type
* Bad: Caller does not know this throws
* Ugly: Can crash your application
suspend fun Person.countryCodeExceptions(): Code =
when (val address = address()) {
is Either.Left -> throw RuntimeException(address.value.toString()) // costly to create stack trace
is Either.Right ->
* [Option]
* Good: Caller needs to handle
* Bad: We loose info of why address is not there,
* Caller needs to deal with boxed types
* Ugly: New allocations for composition
suspend fun Person.countryCodeOption(): Option<Code> =
when (val address = address()) {
is Either.Left -> None
is Either.Right -> Some(
* [Either]
* Good: Caller needs to handle, we recover info why address may not be there
* Bad: Caller needs to deal with boxed types
* Ugly: New allocations for composition
suspend fun Person.countryCodeEither(): Either<AddressStatus, Code> =
when (val address = address()) {
is Either.Left -> address
is Either.Right -> Either.Right(
* [either]
* Good: Caller needs to handle, we recover info why address may not be there,
* better monadic syntax
* Bad: Caller needs to deal with boxed types
* Ugly: Explicit DSL either block
suspend fun Person.countryCodeEitherDSL(): Either<AddressStatus, Code> =
either { address().bind().country.code }
* [Raise]
* Good: Caller needs to handle, direct syntax
* Bad?: We are back to a form of typed exceptions
* Ugly?: Need to learn context receivers.
suspend fun Person.countryCode(): Code =
* If we redefined our `address` function to use `Raise`
suspend fun Person.addressRaised(): Address =
raise(AddressStatus.ServiceIsDown) // Stack trace disabled, may be enabled with config
* Then we don't need to `bind`
context(Raise<AddressStatus>) /* Dependencies */
suspend fun Person /* Receiver */.countryCodeRaised(): Code /* <-- Simple return */ =
addressRaised().country.code /* <-- Direct syntax, no bind */
suspend fun main() {
val j = Person("j")
//val program: Code = j.countryCodeExceptions() // java.lang.RuntimeException: demo.AddressStatus$ServiceIsDown
val programOption: Option<Code> = j.countryCodeOption() // we don't know why it failed
val programEither: Either<AddressStatus, Code> = j.countryCodeEither() // we have to deal with boxes
val programEffect = effect { j.countryCodeRaised() } // at the edge we wrap in effect
println(programOption) // None
println(programEither) // Left
// effects are controlled as a function until the edge.
// At that point they can be folded to a terminal value
println(programEffect.toEither()) // Left
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