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Created April 19, 2012 02:13
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Custom paging control for scrollableViews for Titanium Appcelerator
// I was unhappy about there was close to no control over the "pageControl"
// in scrollableViews, so I hacked my own
// -----
// Configuration
var pageColor = "#c99ed5";
PagingControl = function(scrollableView){
var container = Titanium.UI.createView({
height: 60
// Keep a global reference of the available pages
var numberOfPages = scrollableView.getViews().length;
var pages = []; // without this, the current page won't work on future references of the module
// Go through each of the current pages available in the scrollableView
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfPages; i++) {
var page = Titanium.UI.createView({
borderRadius: 4,
width: 8,
height: 8,
left: 15 * i,
backgroundColor: pageColor,
opacity: 0.5
// Store a reference to this view
// Add it to the container
// Mark the initial selected page
// Callbacks
onScroll = function(event){
// Go through each and reset it's opacity
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfPages; i++) {
// Bump the opacity of the new current page
// Attach the scroll event to this scrollableView, so we know when to update things
scrollableView.addEventListener("scroll", onScroll);
return container;
module.exports = PagingControl;
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not really clear what this is accomplishing... but the code looks good

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Pretty much my own control for the ScrollableView (so I can color the little dots at the bottom, set a transparent background color, etc)

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AH... I like

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wgx731 commented May 19, 2012

Is this for iphone only?

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wgx731 commented May 19, 2012

Make sure the paging control switch back to default page when scrollableView refreshes. Check my code @ Please advise me as well. Thx

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just tested it on iOS... on the iPad is working fine...

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This fixes a problem with how commonJS caches things

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How do you add this to a scroll view?

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@raulriera Brilliant, thanks! :)

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nehalok commented Nov 26, 2015

How do i scroll to particular view on click of button?

does not work in case we use this customised paging control.

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