const getterKey = Symbol('getterKey');
const setterKey = Symbol('setterKey');
const syncMethodKey = Symbol('syncMethodKey');
const syncGenMethodKey = Symbol('syncGenMethodKey');
const asyncMethodKey = Symbol('asyncMethodKey');
const asyncGenMethodKey = Symbol('asyncGenMethodKey');
class PublicProtoClass2 {
// Fixed names
get getter() {}
set setter(value) {}
syncMethod() {}
* syncGeneratorMethod() {}
async asyncMethod() {}
async * asyncGeneratorMethod() {}
// Quoted names
get 'a getter'() {}
set 'a setter'(value) {}
'sync method'() {}
* 'sync generator method'() {}
async 'async method'() {}
async * 'async generator method'() {}
// Computed names
get [getterKey]() {}
set [setterKey](value) {}
[syncMethodKey]() {}
* [syncGenMethodKey]() {}
async [asyncMethodKey]() {}
async * [asyncGenMethodKey]() {}
// Quoted and computed names are accessed via square brackets:
const inst = new PublicProtoClass2();
inst['sync method']();
December 10, 2021 12:19
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